E R F haciserif.com.tr
About Us ................................................................................................................
From Tradition to Future Known for its traditional and incomparable confectionery products, the roots of Haci Serif dates back to 1938 when founder Mehmet Tevk Helvaci opened his rst atelier in Babadag, a highland town and district of Denizli Province in the Aegean region of Turkey. The litte atelier all started manufacturing samolina halva and candy which were superior to others in taste and consistency. His desserts soon achieved fame for their incomparable, unique taste and exquisite texture while he was working together with his son Serif Helvaci. The manufacturing secret of the premium quality confectionary products is passed on from generation to generation among the Helvaci Family. Today, the family business in its fourth generation has grown from a small workshop back in 1938 with one person, to over 40 retail outlets with a total staff strength of 200. With its 5.000 square metre state-of-the-art factory in Denizli, Turkey, Haci Serif produces over 400 different varieties based on chocolate, Turkish delights, fruit desserts, croquants and candies while strictly being loyal to Haci Serif’s unique secret recipes. Since 80 Years Dedicated to Premium Quality and Innovative Ideas The creation of such ne desserts comes from an extensive knowledge and dedication for uncompromised quality. By combining our passion for innovation, ne raw materials, high quality ingredients and time-honored recipes & methods‘’like using custom made copper boilers and special spoons produced from Plane Tree’’, we are able to create handcrafted gourmet desserts, that delight young and old. We use some of our ingredients from our own orchards where the best quality fruits are grown and work with farmers who specially produce for us to bring you the best confectionary products.
Handcrafted Premium Quality Chocolates
Silver Tin Box Madlen Chocolate 325 g | 48 adet / pcs Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00100
Gold Tin Box Special Chocolate 430 g | 25 adet / pcs Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00101
Ecoplus Brown Special 220 g | 16 adet / pcs Madlen 225 g| 27 adet / pcs Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00102
Business Plus 360 g | 26 adet / pcs 580 g | 42 adet / pcs Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00103
Diamond Box COLLECTION ................................................................
Special Chocolate With Pistachio 900 g | 72 adet / pcs 1100 g | 81 adet / pcs Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00104
White Chocolate Box Collection 350 g | 26 adet / pcs 530 g | 42 adet / pcs 600 g | 50 adet / pcs Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00105
Ürünler Farklılık Gösterebilir.
Baton Chocolate 500 g | 54 adet / pcs 750 g | 81 adet / pcs 900 g | 97 adet / pcs Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00106
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Wrapped Madlen Chocolate 240 g | 32 adet / pcs 360 g | 48 adet / pcs 420 g | 56 adet / pcs Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00107
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Business COLLECTION ................................................................
350 g | 25 adet 525 g | 50 adet 700 g | 75 adet Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00110
Letter Chocolate 200 g | 22 adet / pcs Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00111
33’lü Harf Çikolata Letter Chocolate 400 g | 33 adet / pcs Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00112 Çikolata ile yazılmasını istediğiniz mesajınızı yazınız.
Etnik COLLECTION ................................................................
Wrapped Madlen Chocolate 340 g | 48 adet / pcs Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00113
Wooden Box With Leather Detail 320 g | 20 adet / pcs 26 adet / pcs Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00114
Milk Chocolate Pistachio
Milk /Dark Madlen Chocolate Pictachio Turkish Delight
Modern Box COLLECTION ................................................................
Çikolatin Chocolate 500 g | 105-110 adet / pcs Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00115
Recital Diva Chocolate 500 g | 75-80 adet / pcs Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00116
Baton Chocolate 500 g | 50-55 adet / pcs Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00117
Pistachio Chocolate With Croquant 500 g | 25-30 adet / pcs Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00118
Special Design For Your Chocolate ................................................................
Tahini Truffle
Tahini Truffle 336 g | 22 adet / pcs 500 g | 33 adet / pcs Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00108
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Turkish Delight haciserif.com.tr
Choco Turkish Delight 220 g | 22 adet / pcs 310 g | 33 adet / pcs Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00108
Mixed Nougat 350 g | 22 adet / pcs 33 adet / pcs Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00109
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Turkish Delight ................................................................
Mixed Double Roasted Turkish Delight 200 g 400 g 600 g 750 g Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00126
Çifte Double Roasted Turkish Delight 125 g 250 g 500 g Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00127
Turkish Delight ................................................................
Bird Delight 590 g Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00128
Karışık Çifte Kavrulmuş Lokum Double Roasted Turkish Delight 475 g Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00129
Turkish Delight ................................................................
410 g | 16 adet / pcs 670 g | 25 adet / pcs Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00130
Ürünler Farklılık Gösterebilir.
Mixed Luxury Special 1300 g Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00179
Mixed Luxury Special 2 1000 g
Special Ezme 1200 g Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00179
Special Fruit Dessert 900 g
Cezerye ................................................................
Atom Cezerye 600 g | 16 adet / pcs Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00124
Cezerye 500 g 750 g Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSB 00125
Peanut Turkish Delight 500 g
Rose Turkish Delight 500 g
Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00174
Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00175
Peanut Turkish Delight Covered Coconut500 g
Gummastic500 g Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00177
Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00176
3 x Varieties Double Roasted 330 g Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00179
Lemon Turkish Delight 500 g Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00178
Fruit Flavored Turkish Delight 250 g Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00182
Dragees ................................................................
Coffe Dragee Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00131
Bitter Chocolate Covered Grape
Dragee Princes Almond
Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00132
Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00133
Milk Chocolate Covered Hazelnut
Mini Coffee Dragee
Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00134
Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00135
Blackberry Flavored Quince Dragee Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00136
Blue Almond Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00137
Egg Sweet Dragee Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00140
Silver Almond Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00138
Recital Bonbon Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00141
Gold Almond Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00139
Pastel Almond Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00141
Dragees & Crouqants ................................................................
Pistachio Dragee Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00142
Pebble Stone Dragee
Fruity Pebble Stone Dragee
Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00143
Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00144
Hazelnut Croquant 70 g Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00145
Peanut Croquant 70 g - 300 g Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00148
Sesame Seed Croquant 70 g - 300 g Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00146
Pistachio Croquant 70 g Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00147
Hard Candies
Hard Candy ................................................................
Fruitty Bonbon Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00151
Lemon Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00154
Coconut Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00157
Vanilla Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00160
Fruitty Hard Candy Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00152
Cinnamon Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00155
Fish Hand Candy Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00158
Praline Bonbon Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00161
Pebble Stone Dragee Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00153
Clae Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00156
Mint Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00159
Peanut Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00162
Kaba Şeker Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00163
Vanilla - Cacao Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00164
Sesame Seed Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00165
Syrup Desserts - Candied Fruits
Syrup Desserts - Candied Fruits COLLECTION ................................................................
Acem Yuvası Special Cheesnut Sweet
Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HST 00186
Baklawa with Pistachio Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HST 00187
Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HST 00185
Eggplant Dessert Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HST 00188
Pumpkin Dessert With Grape Molasses Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HST 00191
Walnut Dessert Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HST 00194
Fig Dessert Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HST 00189
Bitter Orange Dessert
Cherry Sweet Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HST 00190
Citron Dessert
Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HST 00192 Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HST 00193
Date Palm Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HST 00195
Pumpkin Dessert Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HST 00196
Hacı Serif COLLECTION ................................................................
Semolina Halva with Ice Cream 130 g
240 g
1 kg
500 g
Rose Candy 30 g Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00169
Rooster Candy 15g | 30 g Ürün Kodu / Product Code : HSD 00169