Sunday19MayisTheLittleLumpy Sportive!Forthefirsttimethere’sa MidhurstPalliativeCareteam.They‘ll becycling40,64,107or,forthestronghearted,127milesofWestSussexand Hampshire-theareacoveredbythe MidhurstMacmillanservice.
RiderswilldepartfromHaslemereandstopto re-fuelatSouthHarting.We’llbethere,serving home-madecakesfromourBillingshurst fundraisinggroup Thankstotheorganisersfor welcomingusandallowingustoraiseourown sponsorship
Ifyou’dliketoridepleasecontact EmmaHarrison,FundraisingManager:
Forfulldetailsortomakea donationgotoourJustGiving page:
Youdon’thavetojumponyourbiketo raisefundsforMidhurstPalliativeCare fundingtheMidhurstMacmillanService.
Youcanraisefundswithacoffeemorningor rafflewithyourcommunitygroup,youcan BravetheShavelikeSylvdidinmemoryofher latedadormakeandselllikePearldoeswith herfeltanimals.
Getideasat: bitly/mpc-support-us
Did you know? We cover 400 square miles of West Sussex, Hampshire and Surrey SPRING 2024
Bordon Pulbrough Cocking Haslemere Liphook
Milford Chiddingfold
Do something amazing!
Billingshurst MIDHURST Petworth
The vital role of our Clinical Nurse Specialists
The Midhurst Macmillan Service has ten Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS) –advanced practice registered nurses educated at degree / Master’s level. They specialise in caring for patients with complex and specific needs. They’re pivotal members of our multidisciplinary team and play a key role in supporting the care of our patients.
TraceyandKaymetsixyearsagoattheRoyal Marsden Traceywasinher25thyearthereand KaywasonherNursesNewtoCancerplacement.
Traceyhasbeenawardsister,researchnurse andlecturepractitioner,hasaBScinCancer NursingandaMaster’sinAdvancingNursing Practice.She’sparticularlyinterestedin haematologicalcancersandnowlooksafter patientsacrossWestSussex Sheexplained,
Raise funds, win prizes!
Register your interest for a Friends of Midhurst Macmillan 100 Club! Just follow the link: https://bit ly/mpc-100-club No obligation at this time
“I’mveryprotheroleofthenurse Ienjoypalliative carebecauseyoumakearealdifference–it’s focusedontheperson,theindividual.Thatholistic assessmentofapatient’sneeds–youdon’tsee anywherenearthedepthelsewhere”
Kaylovedherfirsthospiceplacementatage18–she’snowcompletingaMaster’sinPalliativeand EndofLifeCareandworkswithoneofour doctorscaringforpatientsinnursinghomes Shesaid,
“Iwillbedoingthisfortherestofmylife Palliative careisaboutlivingnotdying–afterapatienthasa terminalornon-curativediagnosiswecanhelpthem takebackcontrol”
Onarecentall-teamtrainingsessionTraceysaid, "Whatwedoisacompleteprivilege"–abeautiful commentthatIstillreflecton.Workingwiththis teamisaprivilegeandIknowhowfortunatewe aretohavethisserviceinourcommunity
A word from the Trustees
AsweenterthenextphaseoffundraisingfortheMidhurstMacmillanService,we’relooking forvolunteerstoworkinourshoponMidhurst’sNorthStreetandtosupportourfundraising eventsinthecommunity Wearealsolookingforqualified,volunteercomplementary therapiststosupportpatients Contactusat bit ly/mpc-contact
ThankyouforsupportingMidhurstPalliativeCare, fundingtheMidhurstMacmillanService.
b y E m m a H a r r i s o n
September 2023 saw Mike Taylor from Lodsworth realise a lifelong ambition to take on the Clipper Round the World yacht race. It’s a unique adventurevolunteer crews, professional skippers, 11 yachts, 11 months at sea and 40,000 miles covered in 13 stages.
Mikesaid, “My sister passed from cancer at the age of only 56 She lived at home with us for the last six months through to her passing During that time we came to realise there are very special people out there who dedicate their lives to the care of others For that reason my wife, Catherine, and I asked friends, family and my Goldman Sachs colleagues to sponsor my challenge and support the local palliative care charity that helped my sister.”
Headded,ruefully, “Most crew sign up for just one or two legs I’m one of the foolhardy folks doing the full circumnavigation”
Mikereachedthehalf-waypointatHaLongBay inVietnaminFebruaryandhadalreadyraised almost£24,000!Thisincludedagenerousgrant andmatchedgiftsfromGoldmanSachsGiving Thistremendouscontributionisthelargestsingle giftforMidhurstPalliativeCareinthelastyear.
£24,000 raised so far in Mike’s Round the World challenge
Mike’sgiftenablesustoinvestinstaffing, continuingtosatisfythedemandfromthe growingnumberofpatientreferralsforthe MidhurstMacmillanService We’vealsofunded traininginourbereavementandcounselling service,includingspecialisttrainingfor counsellorsdealingwithbereavedchildren This areaisalsoexperiencingincreaseddemandfrom patientsandtheirfamilies
Charity of the year champions
Does your company choose a charity of the year? Please consider Midhurst Palliative Care and get in touch.
MidhurstPalliativeCareensurespeople withlife-limitingillnessesandcancercan continuetobetreatedandcaredforat homebyMidhurstMacmillan'sspecialists.
Weneedtoraiseaminimumof £500,000everyyearjusttomaintain ourcurrentservice.Todothat,we’re dependentonyoursupport.
Visit tomakeanonlinecredit ordebitcarddonationortosetuparegulargift.
Or send this form and cheque payable to: MidhurstPalliativeCare,MidhurstCommunity Hospital,DodsleyLane,Easebourne,Midhurst, WestSussexGU299AW
WHEN: Sat 15 June 2024 11am - 4pm
WHERE: Casters Brook Mill Lane Cocking TICKETS: on the gate
With thanks to Philip and Jean Jackson
KEEPING IN TOUCH To update your preferences or unsubscribe please email or call 01730 811121 Read our privacy policy at bit ly/mpc-privacy-policy Midhurst Palliative Care CIO, Midhurst Community Hospital, Dodsley Lane, Easebourne, Midhurst, West Sussex GU29 9AW 01730 811121 Registered charity No 1195572 @MidhurstPalliativeCare SAVE THE
DATE: Open Garden
donation makes a big difference E m m a H a r r i s o n , F u n d r a i s i n g M a n a g e r Come and visit our shop on North Street, Midhurst