Angelica Manca
Hoopla Education is an Education company specialized in natureinspired, Sustainable Education. Our mission is to deliver a more integrated approach to learning to allow children to develop their natural curiosity through the observation and experimentation of the Natural World.
Just Bee
Student Book
Just Bee© 2023 Hoopla Education Pte. Ltd.
8 Wilkie Road, #03-01, Wilkie Edge, 228095, Singapore
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Illustrations and Layout:
Sesame Paste
Louay Daoust
Printed in Italy on Certified FSC© paper
Just Bee is designed to provide Sustainable Education to primary aged children by taking inspiration from the magical world of bees. The honey bee is an insect that has many symbols and has accompanied us from the beginning of times. Today it is a symbol of biodiversity and considered the most important agent in the maintenance of flowering plant diversity. Students learn that, it is possible to maintain an equilibrium within Nature, without harming or destroying it, Just as bees do.
Time Frame
Bee Biodiversity 1
1. Pollinators
Flowering plants and insects maintain an important equilibrium in nature through pollination. Here are some examples of pollinators:
A bee is an insect: it has six legs, two pairs of wings, segmented bodies (thorax and abdomen), jointed legs and an external skeleton. Honey bees are amongst the most important of pollinators.
Complete the dots to find out how the honey bee is made, then glue some yellow glitter to its two hind legs to see where bees collect pollen.
Choose from the examples of pollinators and draw them on the wildflowers in the field above.
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Honey Bee Solitary Bee Ant Beetle Wasp Butterfly
Bee Social 2
1. Life in the Colony
Bees are social creatures and can live in colonies of up to 80,000 individuals. Every bee has its own role to play. Worker bees (the bees we see buzzing from flower to flower) are housekeepers, nurses, attendants to the queen, architects, ventilators, guards and foragers.
The queen bee, whose main role is to lay eggs, is slightly bigger than the other bees and has a golden thorax.
Can you spot the queen bee in this hive?
What do you think the other bees are busy doing?
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2. The Waggle Dance
Every morning, forager bees leave the hive to look for flowers. Their vision of a field of flowers is very different than ours and looks like a pixelated picture.
Once the honey bee finds flowers to forage, it goes back to the hive and performs a waggle dance to the rest of the bees so that they know where to go.
Complete the image of a bee’s vision of a field of flowers with the colors that correspond to the numbers:
Draw a figure 8 waggle dance the bee is performing to let the other bees know where to go.
Color the flowers in number 3 you colored in the previous activity.
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Bee Architects 3
1. The Hive
Honey bees live in beehives. Beehives come in many different shapes, forms and materials depending on when and where they’re used.
In ancient times, beekeepers used to make “skep” beehives using a structure similar to a wicker basket and then covered it in a thin layer of clay and hay to keep the bees cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
Invent your own beehive with the materials you think would be most appreciated by bees.
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2. Honeycombs and Other Shapes
Check out the honeycomb below. It is filled with perfectly sized hexagon shaped cells.
The hexagonal shape best fills a plane with equal size units, leaving no wasted space, and bees know this!
Complete the grid by connecting the dots and making many hexagons that connect with one another, then add pollen, honey or baby bees inside the cells.
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Bees and Human Bee-ings 4
1. The Beekeeper
The relationship between Humans and the honey bee dates back to over 10,000 years.In ancient Egypt the honey bee was associated with royalty and was the hieroglyphic symbol of the King of Lower Egypt.
Spot the differences between the 2 beekeepers
Here are some tools beekeepers use in order to take care of bees. Name the tools you recognize.
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