It’s Not
OVER! ...A closed curtain doesn’t mean that the production is over. Curtain has to be closed for the next scene to come up. God is not done with you yet
All scriptures are from the King James Version of the Bible, except otherwise stated. Published By
IT IS NOT OVER! © Copyright 2015 – Kingsley Obiefule O. ISBN: 978-978-53276-9-4 All right Reserved HOPEALIFE (HALF) PUBLISHING & ENTERPRISES No. 42, Gyado Hospital Road, G.R.A, Gboko, Benue State, Nigeria. TEL: 234-7060969059, 08158133970 Email: Printed in Nigeria. No part of this book should be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording or by any information storage and retrieval system for commercial gain or profit without a written permission from the publisher.
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CONTENT Introduction Chapter One Others have been there! Chapter Two He’s with you! Chapter Three Heaven is not silent! Chapter Four It’s not late for your MIRACLE! Chapter Five Anything can happen with God! Chapter Six What do I do?
INTRODUCTION I know you sometimes feel overwhelmed by what you go through. The battles of life could make you feel God has given you the wrong card in life. You have a lot to deal with that sometimes you get confused as to where to even start. I have been there before. As long as YOU are on earth, challenges will come even when you try to live with CAUTION. God is not your problem; rather He is your problem solver. He is not the one that sends things against you, that is the ministry of the enemy. Satan Is referred to as the god of this world. Do you expect him to run the world in righteousness? He cannot give what he does not have and what he is not. Wickedness is the system of the world because that’s their nature. God does not send trials your way; he does not cooperate with the devil to build your character. God is good all the time and the devil is evil all the time. God will always show up in-between that which the enemy programmed to destroy you to cause His power and purpose to be seen in your life. They planned to kill Joseph, yet God came in-between and manifested His power. Often, there is this voice which whispers that you are a failure and God hates you. Even when you try to convince yourself that He doesn’t, that voice goes ahead to ask you, “then why are you suffering this way if he doesn’t hate you?” I have heard that voice also a lot of times. There were times it told me to end my pain by taking my life, but I never did. I heard something that was more powerful, which convinced me to hang on. Before you think of giving up, I would love you to spend few minutes of your time to read the same thing I heard, which changed my testimony today. Listen to what God has to say to you through the pages of this book.
-Kingsley Obiefule
Genesis 39:16-21 And she laid up his garment by her, until his lord came home. And she spake unto him according to these words, saying, The Hebrew servant, which thou hast brought unto us, came in unto me to mock me: And it came to pass, as I lifted up my voice and cried, that he left his garment with me, and fled out. And it came to pass, when his master heard the words of his wife, which she spake unto him, saying, After this manner did thy servant to me; that his wrath was kindled. And Joseph's master took him, and put him into the prison, a place where the king's prisoners were bound: and he was there in the prison. But the LORD was with Joseph, and shewed him mercy, and gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison.
“A closed curtain doesn’t mean that production is over. The curtain has to be close to set up for the next scene” Friend, GET READY!!!
1 OTHERS HAVE BEEN THERE! “No one understands my situation” Probably you are saying these same words right now, but permit me to say, whatever you are going through now is not new to men (1Corinthians10;13). There is no challenge that is new to the face of the earth. There is always one person somewhere, who has gone through same thing and came out with a testimony. Let’s take a cue from the bible. If you are familiar with the bible, you probably know who Joseph was. Potipars wife troubled Joseph daily to sleep with her but he refused. His refusal landed him in prison. You might be wondering what you have done to warrant the difficulties of life just like Joseph. Get this; it is not your personal goodness that shades you away from the challenges of life. Joseph had great dreams, plans and aspirations but all of a sudden, things began to “work against him”. My friend, others have been there too. You are not the only one. The job you invested suddenly crashed, my friend others have been there. Just brace yourself. You might be among those asking, why does bad things happen to good people? You surely will not get all the answers here until you meet God. But the comforting thing is that after every night, there is always a morning coming. After every rain, the sun will shine and after sorrow, joy must follow. The bible is filled with a long list of people who fought through life’s’ battles and came out with great testimony. Fight your way through. Abraham experienced barrenness and famine. Isaac experienced famine but he didn’t die in it. Jacob struggled through life, labouring for years. Due to the problem awaiting him, Moses ran away into another land,
without a glimpse of what tomorrow holds. He ended up as a world leader. The only crime David committed was helping Saul slay goliath. This singular act made his life a living hell; to stay alive he had to run from place to place. It didn’t stop there, it got to a point where he lost all that he had, his wives, properties, his people were taken captive (1Samuel 30), but that wasn’t how he ended. He recovered all. You will recover all too. Job lost everything he owned mysteriously. Have you forgotten that even Jesus himself was betrayed by the ones he loved? They gave him up insisting that he be crucified. The apostles were beaten, some stoned to death, others imprisoned while many fled for their lives. My friend what you are going through right now is not new but be comforted by the fact that your testimony will surely come. Once you understand that there is a light at the end of your dark tunnel that alone will strengthen you to hang on. I want might much. God’s
you to say to yourself right now “there is a tomorrow for me”. You be thinking of taking your own life because the pressure is too Job once thought of dying. But the good news is that he never did. mercy will see you through and when mercy speaks every
accusation and charges will be dropped. Pregnant women don’t sit, thinking of how they conceived; they all look towards the future, eagerly waiting the day of delivery. This should be your attitude.
2 HE’S WITH YOU! When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire , thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. - Isaiah 43:2 KJV
What a comforting truth. Imagine Jesus telling you this face to face. He is saying, I will go through your crises together with you. I was hoping he would say because I’m with you, you will not walk through the fire or through the waters. My presence will keep those things away from you. Rather, God said when you pass through the fire. This means he is aware that you will definitely pass through the fire to get to that place he has destined for you. He knew dark days are inevitable. God had seen this day before you came into it. He sent His word ahead of time to comfort. Brace up yourself because you are on the winning side. When the servant of Elisha taught that all hope was lost, his master just made a simple prayer “Lord open his eyes to see”, and immediately he saw that they were surrounded by angels with chariots of fire waiting to strike at a command (2Kings 6;17). I pray God will open your eyes this moment to see that you are not alone. When you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you don’t have to fear because he is with you (Psalm 23; 4). When his disciples wanted to get themselves worked up because of the fear of the future, Jesus told them that he is with them till the end of ages (Matt 28; 20).
God didn’t abandon you like the devil is trying to make you believe. God is aware of everything. You might have lost someone very dear to you, let Jesus comfort you my friend. He is very present in your place and time of need. You might not feel like it, but He is there with you. It is a walk of faith not feeling. Believe He is there and you will experience that dynamic presence of His. Beloved, God does not leave us when the going gets tough. This is a comforting truth that you have to let sink within you so that the devil will not deceive you into believing otherwise. He showed up for the three Hebrew brothers (Daniel 3; 23), He was there for Daniel in the lion’s den (Daniel 6; 20), He was there with Peter in the prison; He was there when Paul’s boat sank. Beloved, He is there with you too. GOD IS NOT FAR FROM YOU FRIEND.
3 HEAVEN IS NOT SILENT Are you at that point where you pray and it seems the only person you can here in return is yourself and not God? Are you at that place where you feel there is no need praying because no answer has been given for the ones prayed? Beloved, I have been there before and I know how it feels. I know how it feels like calling on someone you trust and yet he seems not to be saying anything in difficult times. Through that time of my life, I learnt one great lesson which holds eternal value. I have learnt not to expect God to answer my prayers in my own ways but His own ways, because I don’t own myself and as such can’t decide how to be rescued. The truth is that sometimes we think we know what’s best for us but in the actual sense we don’t. Heaven is not silent. Not seeing things happening in the physical doesn’t mean that nothing is happening. God cannot abandon you. In the greatest moment of silent He is there with you. You’re feeling abandoned? Christ felt the same way. At a point, He couldn’t keep it to himself again so He cried out, my father my father why have you left me. Even when He cried out, there was no immediate response but the father was there all the time. In that moment of no response, I believe that the angels assigned to
roll away the stone from His grave were getting set to be dispatched. So also my friend, I believe the angels with your breakthrough, are getting set to be dispatched at this moment. Hang on. God will not meet you according to your predetermined way but His own way. And the most comforting truth is that, heaven is not silent to your cry. Permit me to say that, when you think He is quiet, He is actually getting set to move on your behalf in a dimension you have never experienced before. This is so that at the end of the day, you will know that it is never by power or might. When Peter and James were imprisoned (Acts 12), a lot of people might have thought that God was asleep. When Herod killed James, oh! That was the height of God’s quietness. May be Peter at night, might be saying, lord, is this how i will end up, But in all that, God wasn’t silent. When the right time came, Protocols, natural laws and barriers were suspended for his sake. Heaven was never quiet. Laws and protocols are about to be suspended for your sake too. If you believe this, then, never stop praying. Remember, the church never gave up in praying until they saw the miracle manifested. Friend, you will walk through those closed doors in your life. You will walk through that sickness disregarding the medical reports. Friend, your set time of release is here. Don’t relent in prayer. It pays to prayerfully wait. Beloved, heaven is not still to your cries!
4 IT’S NOT LATE “Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again”. John 11:23 KJV I have gone through a lot of tough challenges in my life and amidst all that I encountered, the best of them was the eternal lessons God taught me in the process. It’s really not about that which we desire in those trying moments, but that which God intends that we learn about Him. It’s not always about what you go through but what you learn while you go through them. I have come to understand that God doesn’t work with our human watch and calendar. He is not conditioned by the little watch on our wrist. A lot of people might have told you that it’s getting late to achieve certain breakthroughs and with that you begin to do anything
possible to make it happen. Friend, it doesn’t work that way. Don’t rush yourself out of the will of God in the bid to get over a temporary situation. The bible tells us that to everything under the face of the earth, there is time and season. There is no lateness in God’s vocabulary. Lateness to you might just mean perfect timing to God. Lazarus the friend of Jesus was sick and the news got to Jesus. Lazarus being his friend, I thought He would have rushed down to heal him, but Jesus stayed for four more days before he went to visit. When Jesus decided to go, Lazarus had died and was already buried. Oh! May be if you were the one, you would have thought in the same way I did. I actually thought God was late in that case. I thought I was the only one thinking in that direction, until I heard Mary the sister of Lazarus say master you are late, if only you had been here before now, this wouldn’t have happened. Jesus was not late at all. He was just on time. Jesus demanded that He be taken to his friend’s grave. Reaching there, He told them to take away the stone placed at the entrance. I can hear Jesus telling you the same thing right now. That stone of unbelief that you have used to cover yourself, Christ is asking you to take it away. If you think your issue can’t be solved, try Jesus. Dare to believe by taking away that stone. A stone might have been also placed before you by friends, colleagues, family members or even the society. They have concluded that you are history, dead and forgotten, but Jesus says no. Nobody has the power to end your story except he that started writing the story from the beginning of creation. Take that stone away. Jesus is saying to you right now, that marriage can still be made alive. You can still get out of that sick bed. Look, that prison bars can be brought down. You can still come out of debt. It is never late for you to get your miracle baby or job. You will smile again, because God is never late. If Abraham and Sarah could experience the power of God at their old age and bear a son, your case is different. That healing you are trusting God for is there. IF Elizabeth at her age could still experience the miraculous dimension of God, you too can and will. Don’t let your age push you out of God’s plan. If Joseph could still rise from the prison, you will rise again. People thought that the life of Job was finished. His dearest wife even asked him to curse God and die (Job 2; 9), but he refused. Job went further in a later chapter to affirm that even if the challenges of life are trying to bring him down, he will wait until his change comes. Your change is coming. May be, the people dearest to you have told you the same thing, forget about it and move on, it will never change. I am here to challenge those words over your life by the authority in the name
of Jesus, and I decree your change will come. In no distant time, the world will marvel because just like Lazarus, they will see you walking out of the grave. They will see you walking out of that trouble with great joy and happiness. They will see your marriage aglow again. I tell you beloved they will see that business coming back to life. This, I decree in the name of Jesus. All you need do is believe that it’s never late for you to receive your miracle. Remember, God’s time isn’t your twelve month calendar or your twenty four hours wrist watch. God’s time is PERFECT TIME.
Then Pharaoh sent and called Joseph, and they brought him hastily out of the dungeon: and he shaved himself, and changed his raiment, and came in unto Pharaoh. Gen 41:14 KJV
I wonder what was going through the mind of Joseph the day he was set free. I guess he must have woken up, and gone through his normal routine in the prison as an assistant, hoping the day would go just like every other day. All days are not always the same. Some days leave you with an experience or an encounter of a life time. To everything under the face of the earth, there is time and season. Even to your situation. That which you are going through has an expiry date. It won’t last forever because only God is everlasting. God doesn’t need a live broadcast to show the world that He is coming into your life to calm your problems. He just appears unannounced. God can move anytime without informing you. You might think your case has been forgotten, but am here to tell you that your case file is about to be visited and when it happens, you will shout for joy. So wake up each day joyful with great hope and expectation in Jesus. Beloved, God’s visitation breaks protocol. If Joseph’s case were to be tried in a law court, it would have taken years for him to be vindicated, but God by passed all the required protocol and moved him from prison straight to the palace. He moved him from being a convict to becoming a commander. This will be your testimony. Just like the case of Paul and Silas, God had no business going through the judges, or the Pharisees, or even opening the prison door. God went straight to scatter the foundation of the building just to set His people free because it was their time. Friend, when it is your time, God will shake, break and scatter anything that would be standing as a hindrance. I decree, that every prison holding you now, by the power in the name of Jesus, I shake such foundations and decree that their chains over your life be broken by fire in the name of Jesus. He is the God of anything can happen i.e. anyone with God should expect anything anytime. He is filled with pleasant surprises. When it’s your time, God will cause men to remember you. You might have done good for people and they forgot you, beloved don’t worry. When it’s your set time, your location will be unimportant; the only thing that will matter is the fact that it is your time. Take a look at the life of David (1Samuel 16:11-12). His brothers were all present and good looking, but because it was David’s time of
remembrance. God ignored the fact that he was coming from the bush and was dirty. When it is your time, nothing matters anymore. God will change your appearance and that time is now. Those who saw you as a failure will begin to see the beauty and glory of God over you. The fact that Joseph was a common prisoner was no longer important. The major point now is that it’s his time. Friend, when it is your time, God can raise a problem that only you can solve. Your past will not be a factor to be considered, your nationality also won’t be important then, because it’s your set time. Don’t rush yourself out of God’s plan in the bid to give yourself comfort and rest from the trials you go through. There are many ways that seems right to a man, but they all lead to destruction. In the gospel of John 5, we read the story of a man who has been sick for many years. He had always believed that his healing can only come when the angel comes to trouble the water. Not being able to get in first when the water is troubled, he remained there. One day Jesus appeared on the scene and asked him if he wants to be healed, but the man replied that he doesn’t have anyone to help him get in anytime the water is stirred by an angel. Friend, Jesus knew all those story but instead asked, do you want to be whole again. When God steps in, He doesn’t want your excuse, all he wants is a YES LORD I WANT TO BE WHOLE AGAIN. Stop depending on man to do it for you, fix your eyes on Jesus and it will be done. If you wait for a man, you will wait all your life, but if you put your trust in God, be certain that you will take up your bed and rise from that situation.
6 WHAT DO I DO? Never stop praying. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 ERV He never doubted that God would do what he promised. He never stopped believing. In fact he grew stronger in his faith and just praised God. Rom 4:20 ERV And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Gal 6:9 Though we have seen all that God promised in the scriptures and also what He is capable of doing, but result won’t come if I don’t show you what God expects of you. It’s very easy to expect great things from God, but the hard thing is being sensitive to know what God requires of you while you wait for your miracle. Job got his testimony at the end of all he went through (Job 42;12). Yes David was able to recover all that was taken from him by the Amalekites (1Sam 30;18-19). Joseph came out of the prison to be a very influential person in Egypt. Paul and Silas came out of chains to continue the work they have been doing. Elizabeth finally conceived and you are next in line. But you must have known that all these people never got their breakthrough because they were just sitting at a place, waiting for God. They all did something significant. You make things to happen. What do you do? Firstly, never stop praying. The church in the book of Acts never stopped praying until Peter got his freedom. Never get tired of praying. You don’t stop praying when you are tired, rather you stop when there is a victory note in your spirit. I recommend you PUSH (Pray until Something Happens). You don’t pray continually because God is deaf. No, your prayer make it consistent for God to do for you what He would have done. Until result is delivered, don’t leave the place of prayer. Paul and Silas didn’t pray and stopped at one time, they prayed their way through
to the victory. Do same. And as you engage in the ministry of prayer, in no distant time, you will record your victory in the name of Jesus. Never stop believing God. Don’t just wait hoping that it’s going to be fine someday. That is not faith. Faith is acting on the word you believe. Faith must be anchored on the promises of God. Just hanging on isn’t faith. Faith is rooted in the word. He will do it just as He has said. Your faith is your license to that miracle. If you lose your licence, you won’t claim your testimony. Faith has always been the platform on which results to prayers are delivered. Your faith is the password and without the password, access will be denied. It is faith that will make you stay put, refusing to run from one place to another. It is faith that will tell you, God is the same in everywhere so just like Isaac, stay in the land he has commanded you to stay in and do what has been commanded. Thirdly, don’t leave the place of the word. The expiry date of your trials is one day, not necessarily a calendar day, but the day you gain the code to access your answers. That code is the word of God. Go for the revealed word of God, with these, you are sure of effective prayers. Keep studying the word. Every life question has its answer in that book. Whatever you are going through at this moment, there is a word for it. Locate it. When you locate the word, you just spotted your miracle. It’s the word that makes things work. And finally, you have to understand that your service to God matters. Worshiping God with your act of service is not something you do only when things are going well with you. It is an all day-all weather decision. A lot of people think they are getting back at God by refusing to work because their prayers have not been answered. A lot of people only remember service in church because they need something from God. Work for God with all your heart and you will be rewarded heavily. Never get tired of doing good for in due season you will reap (Gal 6;9). Don’t let you desperation for a particular breakthrough take you away from God’s service. Remember, it was while Zechariah was rendering service that his John was given to him and Elizabeth (Luke 1; 521). Your service matters. Serve God, whether or not there is money in your pocket. Serve Him whether or not there is a job. Be kingdom minded irrespective of what you are going through. By that you hasten your answer. What you are telling God with your service is, “Lord irrespective of what I am going through right now, your desires are bigger and more important than mine. When Hannah got to realize this, her prayer changed from “Lord give me a son” to “Lord, give me a son that will further your work among the children of Israel” and this one single prayer got God’s
attention. She has been coming to Shiloh but her focus was the hindrance. The moment her focus changed, her answer came. Let the passion for kingdom expansion eat you up more than the trials that you are facing. Because when you seek the kingdom, all other things are added, this includes your answers. Serve him under the rain, serve him under the sun and He will bless you immeasurably. I see you coming out strong.
I PRAY WITH YOU Friend, I would love to pray with you right now. The anointing of God is here to make things happen for you. Firstly, if you have not given your life to Jesus, no matter what deliverance you are seeking, it will not come. Life without Jesus is meaningless. Life only begins to make a meaning when you meet Jesus. If you don’t have God in your life that miracle might take forever to happen. The miracle and breakthrough you are seeking is encompassed in Jesus. If you get Christ, you get all. Nothing happens except Jesus is there. If you haven’t made him your Lord and saviour, this is the time for you. Pray with me; “Lord Jesus, I come before you knowing that I am a sinner and cannot save myself. You alone can save me. I acknowledge you as lord and saviour of my life. I ask you to wash me with your blood and make me whole again. Thank you for answering me. Thank you for I know I am saved, I am born again. Amen”. If you are having challenges in your life, I believe that there is a grace made available here through this book in your hands. Join me as we pray; Lord, thank you for making me understand that what I am going through doesn’t mean that you hate me. Lord I ask for grace to stand strong in the
midst of this trials so that your glory will be seen in my life at the very end in the name of Jesus. Show me the way of escape like you said n your word. Thank you lord for making me an over comer I am in a winner in Christ Jesus. By the blood of Jesus, I overcome every power trying to frustrate your Grace upon my life. I decree and declare my victory in Jesus. Thank you Lord. Amen. God bless and keep you strong my friend. You will sing for joy. I love you.
Kingsley Obiefule
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