How Can Group Therapies Help In Alcohol Addiction, Says Dr. Deepak Raheja
Alcohol addiction is not a new kind of addiction. Some people do not even realize that they have it and yet they cannot live without alcohol. Many people believe that quitting alcohol is all about willpower. However, it is not entirely true. Clinical alcohol addiction treatment is very important for long-term recovery. It is a bio-psycho-socio-spiritual disease that requires optimum medical and psychological treatment and care by professionals. One of the most recommended methods of availing alcohol addiction treatment is professional counselling. In such counselling sessions, the addicted person feels free to explain their urge for the substance and what happens when they plan to quit it. The counsellors interact with the
patients and try to understand their dilemma related to the addiction. They also try to understand the root cause of the addiction. Being a psychiatrist myself, I have come across alcohol addicted individuals who are better equipped to deal with their urge after such personal breakthroughs. The idea is to help the alcoholic identify the distortions in his thinking and replace them with alternative, functional, healthy thoughts, which in turn impacts the attitude and core underlying personality variables - the root cause of alcoholism. We at Hope Care India, we also offer group therapies for alcohol addicts and have also seen many people getting help through sessions. We include, group discussions, family therapies and also community support programs. Under group discussion sessions, our professional therapists and psychiatrists meet with addicts from different walks of life. Such therapies help in making the people believe that they are not alone in this struggle and the 'group' provides them with a safe haven to openly voice their fears, anxieties and dilemmas. By sharing their personal experiences addicts help one another go through the different stages of the treatment. In family therapy sessions, we encourage the family to show a positive approach towards the therapy as it makes the patient emotionally strong. These family therapy sessions also help in making the addicts realize that their act has a huge impact on the lives of their family members. It also lets them think of the possibilities that lie beyond their addiction and how their healthy life can bestow the entire family with peace and happiness. At Hope Care India , we also offer our patients, community support programs. We know that alcohol addicts are prone to relapses. Therefore, with our community support programs, we introduce addicts to different support groups who help them stay sober after the In-patient Treatment. Hope Care professionals thrive by supporting people come over their addiction and enjoy life without any addiction. I and my team have the experience of offering customized therapies to our patients and our forte lies in spreading mental wellness to one and all. For more information: