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NorthBound ForeveryonewhohasbeenbornofGod overcomest heworl d.Andt hi si st hevi ct ory t hathasovercomet heworl d—ourf ai t h. 1John5: 4

Hope Illustrated | 2016

TABLE OF CONTENTS Reaching a New Generation 2nd Year Anniversary Mass Worship & Gospel Revial

Get in the God Zone a spirit-led attempt to share life-changing truths to empower and equip readers in becoming their personal best.

Breaking & Building Courageous Imprints to Enhance a Lifestyle

Am nemporpor sunt delentio optatem a volupis modi blatum adis andebit laborumenda quam nonet magnatur?

Hope Illustrated | 2016

MAGAZINE EDITOR CALENDAR OF EVENTS January 2016 4 9 11 14 15 17 24 28 31

Bereavement Support Group Brother’s Devotion Bereavement Support Group Marriage Enrichment Class YAM Devotion Women of Hope Deovtion Bereavement Support Group Marriage Enrichment Casual Sunday

February 2016 1 Bereavement Support Group 8 Bereavement Support Group 13 Brother’s Devotion 15 Bereavement Support Group 19 YAM Devotion 20 Black History Program 28 Minister’s Appreciation Program

March 2016 11 Brother’s Devotion 14 Bereavement Support Group 18 YAM Devotion 20 Women of Hope Devotion 21 Bereavement Support Group 28 Bereavement Support Group

Alvin L. Daniels, Jr.




CONTRIBUTORS Taylor Moore, Cleavon Matthews, Leandria Ates

Hope Illustrated | 2016

Editor’s Note



signal moment in the history of Israel was indicated by a sudden change of direction. It was the moment when Moses, in Deuteronomy 2:3, told Israel that it was time to go north. For a nation that had traveled in an uncertain circle for nearly forty years, the announcement came none too soon. The sticky sand in their

sandals and the scorching heat on their heads must have given them a hunger for something more satisfying. For nearly two million weary and worn travelers, it had to be a welcomed change – one that pivoted Israel for success, progress and abundance. While north is a cardinal point on a compass that indicates direction or geography, the symbolic value of the direction is tremendous for the Church. Too many of our Churches and ministries have been stagnant for too long. We have been dealing with the same issues too long. Our opportunities to impact whole communities are being squandered. The potential power of partnerships is being wasted. Old divisive lines and walls of separation thwart the impact of our unity. Living faith cannot find comfort circling mundane mountains or treading tradition. We ought to be like Fannie Lou Hamer: “sick and tired of being sick and tired.” A shift is indeed in order – a shift in paradigm, methodology and experience. This edition of Hope Illustrated should inspire readers to set their North. A carousel is fun to ride, but not if your goal is to get somewhere. Circles in life assure samething-ness: the growth-impending condition of seeing the same thing and going to the same places without deviation. Northbound is more than a phrase; it’s progressive thought, attitude and life style. It signals a deliberate and intentional course of movement toward new heights, new levels and a new horizon. We hope that this issue will inspire a pivot point for those who want to truly be more spiritual. We pray that it will challenge those who desire a new excellence in ministry, worship and life. It’s time to be Northbound!

Hope Illustrated | 2016


Hope Illustrated | 2016

or the second consecutive year, the Hope

evil people may do [us] wrong, he will stay with [us] even

Church of Christ congregation celebrated its

during [our] darkest hours.” The key take-away was that

beginnings and lifted the highest praise to the

when we stay faithful to God and “behave wisely” as David

Lord. On October 18th, 2015 the church gath-

did in verse 14, God will bless us. Beginning Monday, Octo-

ered to mark the anniversary of Hope’s incep-

ber 19th, we launched our revival week beginning with Bro.

tion, and thus its commitment to worship and

Adrian Harper from Gainesville, FL. Bro. Harper asked the

work toward accomplishing the ministry mission of Jesus

church “What Do You See?” Taken from Numbers 13:30-33,

Christ in the Miami Gardens community. This year’s theme,

his lesson challenged the church to improve their faith and accept the promises of God in con-

Reaching a New Generation, was inspired by the need to minister to the ‘unchurched’ of the 21st century. Our Lord’s Day worship was blessed by the presence of Bro. Christopher Jackson from Quitman, GA. The message “It Had to Happen” spoke to how impatient we can sometimes

It was a powerful, spirit-filled week of song, high praise and spiritual enrichment. - a true blessing to all who attended. The Hope Church of Christ is truly “Northbound.”

sideration of reaching a new generation. He harkened on the man with demon-possessed son (whose story is told in Mark 9:24) and underscored how we must lean on God to help our unbelief in relationship to our faith and God’s promises that He will

be as Christians. He used the story

do great things in our lives. EOn Tues-

of David and his demotion under the

day night, Bro. D.Z. Washington from

rule of King Saul to show that the modern day church must

Orlando, FL asked “But What Did God Say about It?” It was a

be humble and patient during trial.

message that spoke to Bro. Washington’s past and his reflec-

Often, as members of this millennial dominated society, we want instant gratification. But as Bro. Jackson highlighted in the text found in 1 Samuel 18, “there is success in a demotion.” He taught that “when [we] stay with God, even though

tions on being told that he wouldn’t amount to much in life. His testimony inspired the church as it used the passage in Jeremiah 1, which emphasizes that, “It does not matter what man says about you. All that matters is what God says.”

. Our spirits were truly stirred on Wednesday when Bro. Xerxes Snell, from Winter Garden, FL spoke on the topic “A New Look at a New Generation.” Bro Snell’s message was focused on inspiring the church to move past traditions and toward the power of Jesus Christ. From the passage 1 Corinthians 9:19 and following he taught that using our liberty in Christ will allow the new generation to connect with authentic Christianity and propel the church into ministry areas yet unseen. The celebration concluded on Thursday with Bro. Elisha Taylor from Jacksonville, FL. His message “In my Veins” talked about reaching a new generation by realizing that the resurrection power of Jesus is inside all saved men and women. He further explained that by exhibiting this power, we lift up Christ and show the world why they too must come to Christ and be saved.

Hope Illustrated | 2016


et’s take a step back and realize what it takes to begin shifting habits of behavior, so that we can start heading in the direction that supports a healthier lifestyle rather than hinders it. People often think they have to go from A to Z overnight, otherwise they are a health and

fitness failure. But this is poor rationale. First, we need to determine our motivation. We must ask ourselves, why are we aiming to make fitness a lifestyle? Looking better is a perfectly fine reason to workout and is, without question, a strong motivator, but lasting motivation goes beneath the exterior. It’s important to get at the heart and core of what it means to be a “Fit”. Who really has the luxury of taking a healthy lifestyle for granted? Once we resolve our motivation, it’s important to get ACTIVE! Most evidence suggests that the choice of the kind of activity is far less important than whether to be active at all, so rather than choosing an activity that is trendy or easy, we choose activities that make us JOYFUL! Next, it’s important to be consistent and to put in the time. About half of adult Americans don’t meet one of the most oft-cited guidelines: 30 minutes of moderate-intense activity (a fast walking pace) most days of the week, so start somewhere. Eventually, the breaking will give sight to the building and allow for us to question “what else am I capable of in other areas of my life?” That empowerment can translate to success outside of the gym, light a flame

Breaking & Building By Leandria “Lele” Ates

and empower us to BUILD our temples from the ground up. We learn so much about ourselves, about discipline, about pushing our limits and about our capabilities when we train with the passion.

FIU Senior Student, Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering FIU Women’s Rugby, FIU Powerlifting

Every year we say it: “This year is the year that I’m going to eat healthier… work out more… manage my weight.” And every year we find it challenging to keep this commitment. The truth of the matter is, it’s difficult to break old habits and build a new lifestyle. So how do we do it? When we focus on the “breaking,” we can solidify the “building.” Breaking the habit of living an unhealthy lifestyle and neglecting the bodies that were made to honor will allow the art of Building - “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?”

Hope Illustrated | 2016

FACT 1. Body Fat - ”The Break” What happens when percent body fat goes above the desirable range? The risk for developing heart disease, high blood pressure, gallstones, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, certain cancers and for an early death increases. Storage Fat, beyond what is NEEDED, can cause much more harm and harvest one’s temple into disease-like failure. Genetics and habits such as diet, lack of exercise, lack of care, lack of sleep, complacency, lack of motivation, PILLS and yes, too much inactivity (TV) all contribute.

FACT 2. Muscle - “The Build” Building muscle mass can not only help strengthen connective tissues, which increases bone density, but the more muscle one has, the higher one’s resting metabolic rate becomes, allowing a person to burn more fat. Developing strength can actually help to improve balance, improve blood-sugar control, and improve sleep and mental health. We can’t necessarily control the outcome, but we can control being consistent, persistent, focused every single day when training and never missing a rep. If we can focus on the day-to-day ‘work’ in or out the gym, then results are inevitable.

COURAGEOUS IMPRINTS TO ENHANCE A LIFESTYLE As a close, the basic facts may or may not move you to ACT now, but understand that we only have ONE body so treat it well. Get active, stand up and create an environment that can uplift and inspire. Be willing to go through the struggle to build that habit of a more fit lifestyle and break the bonds of the unhealthy communities. Have confidence to be HEALTHY and the determination to ear the art of a “Fit Body.”

Hope Illustrated | 2016

Get in the God Zone Get in the God Zone is my spirit-led attempt to share life-changing truths to empower and equip readers in becoming their personal best. I believe one can find this “best version” of self in a Godcentered identity. Our identity is often adversely influenced through trauma, suffering, shame, sin, and failure. But this book offers a paradigm of hope for anyone willing to accept the call and to dare to live in the God Zone.


his book is birthed from

It is liberating to discover the wonderful person

the womb of my personal

God created you to be. It is freeing to learn your

struggle to unmask from the

worth is not determined by your occupation,

burdensome public persona

success, failure, possessions, or titles.

of unrealistic expectations and demands placed on me

through a social construction. I became weary of others attempting to define and construct Dr. Cleavon Matthews Sr. Minister of Northwest church of Christ

my identity through both subtle and aggressive manipulation tactics.

Get in the God Zone contains spiritual principles aimed at healing personal hurts, helpingothers to see their worth, learning to forgive one’s past, and most importantly empowering others to live with all the confidence and contentment of the God Zone. The basic premise

I decided to no longer be defined by others and

underlying this book is the belief that there is

their unrealistic expectations of who I ‘ought to

nothing people can do to cause God to love

be.’ Rather, I sought God through deep prayer

them anymore or any less than He already loves

and honest assessment. This rigorous work


brought tears, clarity, joy, and ultimately peace.

Bro.Cl eavonMatthews



h o n o r i n g Al v i nL.Dani e l s ,Jr . Se ni orMi ni s t e r

“ To o Mu c h Fa i t h t o Fa i n t ” Ga l a t i a ns6 : 6 9

HOPECHURCHOFCHRI ST295NW 199thStreet,MiamiGardens,FL33169

S AVETHEDATE: f ebruary28, 201 6

Hope Illustrated | 2016

7 Tips for a Healthy Heart 1


Be active in the Lord’s church. – Mark 10:43-45 tells us that we are to be serv-

ants because Christ our Lord came to serve and we are to strive to be like Him. If we are busy serving, our hearts will be humble and spiritually healthy.

Be active for 30 minutes a day/5 times a week



As Revelation 12:11 tells us, “And they overcame because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.” Manage your blood pressure


LOOSE WEIGHT. Let go of anger and forgive; this is unhealthy spiritual weight. – Ephe-

sians 4:32 reminds us to be kind and to forgive others just as God, through Christ,

Maintain self-control. – Galatians

has forgiven us. Hanging on to anger and

5:22-23 tells us that the fruit of the

resentment is unhealthy and destructive. A

Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness,

healthy spiritual heart is one that forgives.

Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and

Loose weight

Self-control. Just as we must control the unhealthy things that come into our physical bodies and thus affect our cholesterol levels, so must we be selfcontrolled to bear spiritual fruit. Control cholesterol


TEMPTATION. Flee temptation. 1 Corinthians 10:13 tell us that while we will be tempted,

God will also provide us with a way out. It can be tempting to eat certain things that


we know are bad for us, but although we

and that whoever seeks Him will never be hungry

don’t always see the problems that will

again. In 2 Timothy 2:15 we are also commanded

arise from giving into temptation, but if we

to study to show ourselves approved. By seeking

give into temptation, we usually feel the af-

Christ and studying the word, we can maintain a

fects immediately. This is why it’s important

healthy spiritual diet. A healthy diet is one of your best weapons

to look for God’s promised “escapes” from


cannot always see the immediate affects

Partake of the living bread. – In John 6:35,

(as in with our blood sugar) we can usually

Jesus tells us that He is the bread of life,

feel them. Temptation is the same way. We



Know that there is power in the Blood. – Just as our physical hearts are dependent

on our bodies’ blood, so are our spiritual hearts dependent on the power of the blood of Christ.

temptation. They are always there. Reduce blood sugar


PURE HEART. Seek God for renewal. Psalm 51:10 says, “Create in me a pure heart, O God,

and renew a steadfast Spirit within me.” This

As baptized believers, we can trust in the power

tells us that we are limited in our ability to

of Christ’s blood, which He shed for us on Cal-

create the best spiritual heart. We must ask

vary. In His blood is the power of reconciliation

God to create this heart in us. In God’s eyes,

and peace (Colossians 1:20). In fact, His blood is

the healthy heart is the renewed heart.

so powerful that it can conquer Satan and death.

If you are a smoker, STOP!

Hope Illustrated | 2016

The Ministry of Hospitality

A Loving Church has Power 1 Peter 4:9-11 says, “Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength that God provides.”

When one thinks about the church, whether that person is a member or a visitor, aside from the gospel being preached, nothing is as important as how one is made to feel. That is the essence of hospitality -- people want to feel special whether they are members, recurring visitors, or first-time visitors. Join our first rate team!

Hospitality Ministry The Hospitality team at Hope Church of Christ aims to provide the most loving and most welcoming experience possible. Many times greeters will be the first and only impression that people have of the congregation. For that reason hospitality is a vital part of Hope. Thus, we strive to make it a first class affair.

Family, we serve a God of love. The apostle John dealt with not only the divinity of Jesus Christ but in so doing, emphasized God’s tremendous love. John wrote in 1 John 3 and verse one that God’s love was evident and worked perfectly allowing us to have the right “that we would be called children of God.” Our ability to be called God’s children is because God made a way prior the fall of man in Genesis for us to be reconciled back to himself by giving his son, Jesus Christ. That’s an unparalleled act of Love. Two acts of love are important to consider: God’s gift of his son (John 3:16…for God so loved the world that he gave…) and Jesus’ obedience to the cross (John 15:13 greater love has no one than this that one lay down his life for his friends). These two acts should shape how we love as Christians. We are to use Agape love, which means unconditional love, especially among our brothers and sisters in Christ. Christ’s love, and the knowledge of how deep it was for us leads many people to call on his name (submitting to water baptism) some 2,000 years after he left this earth. That’s the power that love can have. As the church (a sanctified body of believers), we have the love of God, evidenced by our relationship with him through Jesus Christ. So, being in Christ, we have the same kind of power. Paul wrote in Ephesians chapter 3, verse 20 that God can do more than we can ask or imagine through the power that works inside of us. This affirms that our power to be transformational with love is real. We have the power to heal hurts with love for people who hurt. Jesus said “come unto me” in Matthew 11:28 all you who labor and who have heavy burdens and that he would provide rest. The modern day access to Jesus Christ is through the church. We have to show the love of Christ, the patience of God in order to exercise God’s power and transform the lives of unsaved men and women in this world with whom we interact daily. We have the power in the church to offer forgiveness, another powerful tool accessed by love. Jesus said offenses must come in Matthew 18:7 so we are to forgive those who “trespass against us.” Not only so, but we can remind the discouraged because of past sins of the words of God, spoken through John when he said “Even if we feel guilty, God is greater than our feelings, and he knows everything.” 1 John 3:20 (NLT). And finally we have the power to present salvation. The greatest show of God’s love is the offering of his son and the greatest acceptance, for us as humans, of God’s love is to put on Christ. For Paul said in Galatians 3:27 “for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” (NIV). Let’s love each other, church, as God has first loved us and use his example as a measure by which to love.

Hope Illustrated | 2016

Being institutionalized by sin robs the sinner of his psychological capacity to receive his freedom from sin. So if the Son shall set you free, you will be free inded . John 8:36

Hope Illustrated | 2016 The dawn of 2016 at the Hope Church of Christ was an exciting night for all who attended the evening of worship and praise. All told, some 300 members and visitors came to the Hope Church building in celebration of how good God had been during the 2015 year and looking forward to the blessings in store for 2016. A light fare of Chicken Souse was served to those arriving early who passed through the lobby taking social media photos with an Instagram cut out form. It was lots of fun! At 9:30 PM, the program began and our hearts were led in song by Brothers Ruben Holloiman and RaShwan Welch as we song “Hard Fighting Solider’ and “How Great is Our God!’. We were then blessed by three ministers of the gospel of Christ with our current student DeMarkus Grayson warming us up with edification to “Remember Where we Came From’ and Bro LT Chatman followed up by directing us on how to ‘Reach the Unchurched” in a touching testimonial lesson. Finally, Bro. Henry Smith began to preach as midnight approached. His enthusiasm and energy was palpable and then he did something unexpected. He passed the microphone to our senior minister, Bro. Alvin L. Daniels, Jr. Bro. Smith urged Bro. Daniels to preach, again, a sermon entitled “ Clean Up, Before You Crossover.” The result of the Spirit of God moving through the Word was five souls who were added to the body of Christ. What a blessing! Poems and encouragement from Sis. Gina Vernon, Judith Basden and the tremendous REACH playdirected by Sisters Chanell Vernon and Teara Davis capped off a truly unforgettable evening. What a fantastic way to start the new year at Hope.


Ringing in the New Year with Hope A Night of Prayer & Praise

Hope Illustrated | 2016

The Church Network Channel is design to edify, entertain, and uplift the inner man. (Church of Christ)


he Church TV Network is a YouTube channel designed to edify and entertain people who desperately need access to positive media.This channel consists of a variety of spiritual and inspirational videos. These videos are strategically placed in a descriptive playlist to make it easier for our viewers to navigate. Our goal is to create quality spiritual videos that are accessible for anyone who desires to grow in God and His


TV is rapidly evolving, and these new changes give viewers the option to choose programming that is consistent with moral values, spiritual growth, and edification. YouTube is one of the many influential tools available through TV. You now can buy a smart TV with the YouTube app. You also have the option to make your TV a smart TV for under $100.00 with Apple TV, Roku, or Google Chromecast. Through the latest

Hope Illustrated | 2016

Written by Taylor Moore


individuals, families, churches, Christians, and potential Christians can now choose to watch spiritual content on their own TVs whenever they desire.

The Church TV Network hopes to utilize YouTube as a powerful tool to spread the Gospel and promote Christian living. In order to complete this task, we need your help and support. We need to effectively collaborate in order to reach the world and obtain positive exposure. YouTube is the #1 video sharing media site that has many subscribers worldwide. Therefore, let’s take advantage of this great opportunity to promote Christ.

How to Subscribe 1.Create a free Youtube account; 2.Subscribe to The Church TV Network; 3.Upload quality content (music, videos, mp3s, CDs) that promotes Christian living; 4.Allow your content to be shared with millions who watch YouTube daily; 5.Spread the word about The Church TV Network revolution.

The amount of exposure will increase once we all like, comment, and share, not only on YouTube, but also on other social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.). Imagine how powerful this could become! We hope that you will join in our efforts to strengthen the body and bring more souls to Christ.

Interesting Facts •The Church TV Network established a YouTube channel in October 2013 with a small group of subscribers. •As of January 2016, The Church TV Network has grown to over 1500 subscribers. •YouTube is available in 76 different languages worldwide. Ironically, this mimics the diverse group of Christians present in Acts 2. Those who were gathered in Jerusalem were all able to understand the message about Jesus in their own language.

The Church TV Network anticipates major growth in 2016! We are praying to reach 5000 plus subscribers this year. However, we cannot reach this goal without your help. Begin by using The Church TV Network in your home, and watch it transform your life. Then, spread the news about this channel to everyone. Just think about it...cell phones, mobile devices, computers, and TVs now have the ability to spread the Gospel and Jesus Christ with rapid speed. Let’s all join together in the effort to utilize YouTube as a powerful tool for the Lord.

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