1. Go to your Timeline by clicking on your name in the top left corner of Facebook. 2. When you get to your own Facebook page, paste this in the “What’s on your mind?” box.
Throughout the month of February, I will be participating in an awareness and fundraising campaign for #RareDiseaseDay, in support of the @Foundation for Mitochondrial Medicine. My goal is to have 28 friends donate $28 each by February 28. I hope you’ll help me meet my goal! Please share this with your friends, and donate $28 here: give28on28 #hopeflies
3. Once you paste the text into your Facebook, FMM’s Facebook page should pop up (see example below). Make sure you click on it!
4. Now it’s time to upload the banner photo, which is an attachment in the email. Save the image to your desktop (computer) or camera folder (phone). 5. Click the “Photo/Video” button above your text, then locate the image you saved in Step 4 and click Upload. 6. Click Post to publish the message on your Facebook wall.
1. After signing into your Twitter account, type your Tweet into the box at the top of your Home timeline, or click the Tweet button in the top navigation bar. 2. Copy and paste the message below into the box.
I am supporting @FoundMM for #RareDiseaseDay. My goal is to have 28 friends donate $28 each by 2/28. 3. To upload the banner photo in the email, save the image to your desktop (computer) or camera folder (phone). 4. Click the Camera icon below your message, then locate the image you saved in Step 3 and click Upload. 5. Click the Tweet button to post the Tweet to your profile.