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Content Queen
COVER STORY /Julie Solomon
I am a leader for women who may feel powerless in a lot of situations, but they want to reclaim that power for themselves so they can attain the freedom they want so badly in their life and in their work.
By: Jordan Ligons
Influencer marketing guru shares her story about finding her purpose
What’s your buzz word for this year? Maybe change? Maybe persevere? How about hope? (That’s one of our favorites; we’re a little biased.) Two buzz words that we encourage you to add to your 2019 vocabulary are purposeful and intentional. Yes, let that sink in for a second. If you allow them to, these two words can become action words, words that can ultimately revolutionize the trajectory of your day, your month or your entire year.
These two words give Julie Solomon a spark. Her purpose, she says, is rooted in her faith and family. “Purpose is about getting clear in how you show up and serve, not only with your community,
but in the world around you,” the New York Times best-selling publicist, top 100 leaders in influencer marketing and the host of “The Influencer Podcast” said. “And so for me, purpose is being able to provide the highest service to my community and bringing my highest self to my work and my life so that I may empower and inspire my community to do the same.” She believes that you have to practice what you preach, and “intentionally think and feel yourself through your purpose each and every day.”
That’s not an easy feat. Solomon turned her hobby of personal branding into a side hustle, then into her main hustle.
Now, she teaches other women to do the same. She actively seeks women who have a goal and guides them to their dreams. “Being able to help other women step into their uniqueness and get more comfortable with owning their power is something that I am incredibly passionate about,” Solomon says. She teaches women to be leaders, and not anything less. “Sometimes women are made to believe that the smaller and quieter we are, the more we blend in, the more we will be accepted, and that’s just not true. That is not a leader mindset. I am a leader for women who may feel powerless in a lot of situations, but they want to reclaim that power for them-