2 minute read
Entertaining on a Budget
My husband and I are both extroverts, and he, especially, has the gift of hospitality. When we began a family—which happened to coincide with the economic downturn of the 2000s— our entertainment budget took a hit. Not only were we limited on the amount of money we had to spend on food and party decor, but we were also embarrassed of what little we perceived we had to offer.
We should not have been.
Thankfully, since that time we’ve learned that there are a myriad of ways to entertain others—without breaking the bank. Yes, it might take a little creativity, but it’s completely possible to practice the gift of hospitality on a budget.
I hope the following suggestions will help you think outside of the box when it comes to entertaining your loved ones:
1. Pack a picnic.
If you feel like your home is too small for a crowd, why not consider taking your guests outside—or even meeting them in a fun location? Meet your friends at a local beach, lake, or park and a picnic lunch and wide-open spaces together. You can volunteer to provide lunch for everyone—or each family can bring their own, making this option even more economical.
2. Host a themed potluck night.
Potluck dinners have been around forever, but themed potluck nights can shake things up a bit! Invite your friends over and ask that they bring a dish that coincides with a theme. Mexican night? Divvy up who brings the chips and salsa, taco shells and tortillas, or churros. Italian? Someone can bring the pasta while someone else brings the sauce. And let’s not forget the yummy garlic bread and tiramisu!
3. Make it a marathon movie night!
Have a common movie interest with friends? Pop in the DVDs and ask friends to bring fun appetizers that coincide with the theme. We recently hosted a Superman party for our son’s first birthday. We served “meteorite” meatballs. Movie series like Star Wars, Harry Potter, or the Hunger Games can really lend themselves to some creative options. You can also do this with popular television series, like Gilmore Girls or Stranger Things.
4. Swap cookies or treats.
Cookie exchanges have been a popular Christmas party activity for many years, but why wait for the holidays when you can arrange for a cookie or treat swap any time of the year? Simply ask each friend to bring a certain number of cookies or treats, and each guest can leave with an assortment to take home. Or, nibble on the cookies while you party.
5. Volunteer together.
This is one of my favorite ideas. The point of entertaining your friends is to strengthen relationships while bringing people together. Serving others together can take friendships to a whole new level. Whether it’s assembling coats for a clothing drive, canned goods for the local food pantry, or books for a children’s home, everyone will be able to declutter, spend quality time together, and help a great cause.
Erin Odom is the author of More Than Just Making It and You Can Stay Home With Your Kids and is the founder of The Humbled Homemaker, a blog dedicated to grace-filled living designed to equip and encourage mothers in the trenches. Follow Erin at thehumbledhomemaker.com and sign up for her free e-course at eatingwellonabudget.com.