4 minute read
By Adia R. Louden
HOPEFORWOMENMAG.COM What is Gratitude? The holidays are here, a time during which many of us focus on the most important aspects of our lives. We gather around the kitchen table, hold hands, share gifts and sometimes we even share one thing we’re grateful for. But what is real gratitude? Why is it important? And what are the secrets to staying grateful past the holiday season? According to Positive Psychology, gratitude is an emotion very similar to appreciation. Research has found neurological symptoms that could benefit from a consistent practice of expressing thankfulness in our lives, not just during times of warmth, pumpkin spice, Thanksgiving turkey and joy, but even in times of trial, challenge and change. While many people may show gratitude with
a simple “Thank you”, this practice is not just an action. It is a positive emotion that serves a biological purpose.
Everyone can benefit from having an attitude of gratitude. Gratitude has the power to help us appreciate life, improve our health, build strong relationships and handle adversity. In fact, research shows having an attitude of gratitude is consistently associated with greater happiness.
Gratitude and Your Happiness Happiness can often be a trap that makes you believe you always have to have something happening. But gratitude is different. Gratitude requires you to lead with your head and activate your heart’s happiness. In the moments of darkness and difficulty, your heart is your superpower, and activating it means pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and intentionally choosing to find and focus on what you are grateful for. Then, and only then, can you reap the benefits of gratitude’s healing power and impact on your joy.
This new attitude spills over into all aspects of your life, and the following benefits may be experienced as a result:
u improved immunity u decreased stress levels u improved ability to handle stress and crisis u improved energy levels u improved sense of well-being and happiness u strengthening of relationships and social bonds u transformation of anger into forgiveness u transformation of fear into faith and courage u enhanced self-esteem u better quality of sleep
Gratitude isn’t just for rough patches. A daily practice for as little as five minutes is guaranteed to fill your cup so you experience more peace and vitality. The more you practice, the more your cup overflows. The more your cup overflows, the more you have to pour into creating a life that you love.
Why is Gratitude Important? Now that we know what gratitude is, the next important question is “Why?” Why is gratitude important? Well, the holiday season is temporary. Santa will mount his sleigh back at the north pole, kids will open new treasures and a new year starts all over again with the temptation to set lofty resolutions you’ll never reach. Therefore, as we face another day, another week and another year, support and agape love must reside.
The Secrets to Becoming Full of Gratefulness Whether your peach cobbler is already in the oven or not, it’s important to understand that gratitude isn’t just a once-a-year feat. I understand that some days... living just ain’t easy. And as a result, feeling grateful isn’t easy either. Thankfully, as with most things in life, gratitude becomes easier with practice until it becomes a habit. Here are some secrets to creating your attitude of gratitude way past the holiday season:
u Give yourself grace. While cultivating your new gratitude practice, understand that you are not superhuman. Thus, gratitude isn’t your genie in a bottle. It won’t just appear overnight. And maybe it won’t appear at the end of the week... or the next... or the next. But you keep trying. You always keep trying. u Keep a gratitude journal. Spend at least five minutes each day writing about things you’re thankful for, things that went well for you and/or why you think those things happened. When the five minutes start to go well, shoot for ten. Then, shoot for fifteen.
Keep going until you’re just a bustling, grateful machine. u Be present. We live in a world full of phones and social media everywhere. Consequently, we also live in a world where the aforementioned cause us to doubt and compare ourselves.
Unplugging can offer a sense of authentic gratitude and a chance to reflect on your “why” for posting. u Send letters. Because no one actually writes anymore, write random letters of gratitude to loved ones, detailing all the reasons you are thankful for them. u List the important and positive events in your life. Reflect on what life would have been like without them - the good, the bad and the ugly.
That’s it. You have the secrets to your new attitude. Your new mindset. Your new weapon. You now have everything you need to fight your battle and embrace your scars. After all, our wounds just remind us that we survived. So, what are you grateful for? Z