HOPE 2020

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for all in

2O2O RESPONSE FORM on page 14

Contents Vision – 2020 hope for all

Words and action together

prayer priority

Talking Jesus

Calendar moments Response form

2 HOPE 2020

4 6 8 10 12 14

Rhythm of Mission: easter

Summer, Harvest, Christmas Hope Revolution advance 2020

Hope Mission Champions Calendar for 2020

17 18 20 22 24 26

Reaping H WHaT We’Ve


ope began when three evangelists Mike pilavachi, Roy Crowne and andy Hawthorne brought together churches across the spectrum of denominations to put faith into words and action in 2008. Hope has grown from those small beginnings when 1,500 areas got involved. prayer, faith in words, and faith in action characterise all Hope does – and we realise we are stronger together than apart, so we encourage churches of different denominations and ethnicities to work together with others in their village, town or city. With Roy Crowne as executive director, Yemi adedeji as associate director, and a leadership team drawn from a range of denominations and ministries, we provide support, ideas and resources to equip Christians to bring hope and transformation to their communities. The focus for 2020 is on reaping what we’ve sown. as Jesus said,

‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field’ Matthew 9:37-38. as you read this brochure and catch the Hope vision, use the calendar on the inside back cover to start planning how you will join us on this journey to a hope-filled year in 2020.

Roy Crowne, Hope’s executive director

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foR all in

2O2O ay the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13


This is our prayer for you and your church. imagine your church at the heart of your community as a beacon of hope for the least, the lost and the lonely. imagine your neighbourhood transformed as people come to know Jesus for themselves. How will your church bring hope to your community in 2020?

4 HOPE 2020

Many individuals and ministries are sensing that 2020 is a significant year in which we will see the church in the UK grow. in 2020 churches and ministries are working together for an intentional, strategic and Spiritfilled year of mission across the UK called advance 2020. Hope is one of the major partners alongside many others. We want to see the gift of the evangelist released so the people we love and pray for, who don’t yet know Jesus, can have an opportunity to hear about him in relevant ways and respond. Will your church plan a specific ‘reaping moment’ for 2020: special guest services, large-scale, town-wide mission events as well as more intimate events in pubs, clubs and community centres?

Let’s pray and commit to taking the gospel to the nation on an unprecedented scale.

Hope in 2020 will serve the church as together we bring a message of hope in Jesus Christ to a nation facing change and uncertainty.

Dr Rachel Jordan-Wolf

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WoRDS anD aCTion

together ope models what mission can look like, working with Christians of all ages, ethnicities and worship styles – together achieving much more than can be achieved apart. This lines up with Jesus’ prayer that his followers would be ‘brought to complete unity’ so that the world will know about god and his love for humanity (John 17:23). our unity has a powerful impact. let’s mobilise the whole church to work together showing god’s extravagant love.


6 HOPE 2020

Since Hope began in 2008 many churches have begun to work together in new ways and have learned to make Jesus known together with actions as well as words. When local authorities in villages, towns and cities want help, the church speaks and acts with one voice, even though we have different ways of worship, governance and theology.

as we look to 2020 and beyond, let’s be united in bringing hope to our communities as local churches, loving, serving and sharing Jesus. Steve Clifford

Having a focus on making Jesus known with words and actions means churches can come together for the purpose of mission. What could this look like in your village, town or city? Who are the key people to contact in different churches to make this happen?

paul the apostle said that for the sake of the gospel, ‘I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.’ When, where and how are the most effective ways to bring local people together to hear about Jesus in your area?

in our divided and troubled society, we are hopeful that the Church will be a beacon of hope, pointing to Jesus as we celebrate our diversity and demonstrate our unity. Revd Canon Yemi adedeji

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Prayer pRioRiTY

aul’s challenge and prayer request from prison was: ‘Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains’ Colossians 4:2-4.


Hope is rooted and grounded in the prayer ‘that God may open a door for our message’. Hope’s prayer partners pray daily using our prayer calendar, which you can download or receive by email. We are so grateful for all the individuals and churches who are committed to praying with Hope for our nation. We work in partnership with the World prayer Centre, Thy Kingdom Come, the festival of life, the 24/7 movement, 8 HOPE 2020

the national Day of prayer and Worship, the neighbourhood prayer network and others, asking for god’s strength and power as we reach out to our nation together.

The god of hope to whom we pray is already predisposed to treat our prayers favourably. let us approach the throne of grace with a firm promise from Him who cannot tell a lie, that we will get help. our prayers will be heard and answered. pastor agu irukwu

We also initiate seasons of prayer, particularly at the start of a new year. Use Hope’s prayer resources to inspire prayer for your street as we share the hope Jesus gives.

Specifically, we encourage individuals to pray for five people who don’t yet know Jesus. The Talking Jesus research, which we commissioned together with the Church of england and the evangelical alliance, found that at least one in five of the people we talk to about Jesus wants to know more. To pray with us for our nation, sign up at hopetogether.org.uk/pray or complete and return the response form on page 14. hopetogether.org.uk 9

he Talking Jesus research shows that conversations with Christians are one of the most important influences in bringing people to faith. The sixsession Talking Jesus course aims to inspire you to share your faith and gives practical suggestions to help you to be natural and relevant as you talk about Jesus with the people you meet.


There are six encouraging, video-based sessions with short films, inspirational testimonies, real-life examples from people who are talking Jesus, and a short, easy-tofollow course book. find out more at talkingjesus.org 10 HOPE 2020

Talking Jesus – The Course is available on DVD or USB and is ideal for small groups.



Here’s the feedback from one church leader who has used the Talking Jesus course. last night we finished our first Talking Jesus course.We have had 12-13 people on our course, from two young 20s to a number of 70+ year olds.The response to the six-week course has been more than i could have hoped for. The films have stimulated enthusiastic conversations on the night, but best of all many on the course have spoken of how they have tried talking about Jesus. one man in his 50s, a regular at Sunday church but still young as a believer, spoke of having had three conversations with people he has met while walking his dog. another older man spoke of how he has taken the opportunity to speak of his faith and hope in Jesus when asked about his treatment for cancer. all those at the course have spoken of how they are praying for the five names they wrote down on week one, and many have now had opportunities to speak to some of them about Jesus. Gordon Kennedy, Minister, Craiglockhart parish Church, edinburgh

on THe


sing the Hope logo as widely as possible is part of our mission to make Jesus known. Talk to us if you'd like our help to get a message of Hope advertised on your local buses.


and we would love you to use the Hope logo for some specific celebrations of hope within your community, so your events join up with Hope events across the country. The logo is available free to download from hopetogether.org.uk/logos

hopetogether.org.uk 11

Calendar H MoMenTS

ope has helped churches to take their place at the heart of communities for Royal birthdays, Remembrance centenaries, and other national events. We will continue to serve you in this way, working with partners throughout the UK to help churches make the most of every opportunity to make Jesus known.

it's so important for us as the Church across these lands to rediscover the priority and place of prayer in our evangelism, witness and mission. Jane Holloway

12 HOPE 2020

for example, on 2 September 2020 it is 75 years since the end of World War ii. as the country honours the veterans of war and looks for peace in 2020, churches have a key role to play pointing to the prince of peace. Make sure you are signed up to receive Hope’s news updates so you are aware of opportunities and resources to help your church make Jesus known. Visit hopetogether.org.uk/signup or sign up on page 14.

The Talking Jesus resources have been immensely useful as we seek to support evangelisation and to encourage a new missionary impetus in the life of the Church. Bishop Mark o’Toole

There is a great sense of expectation and confidence that god is on the move in new ways in our nation. Hope’s imaginative and practical support for local churches gives fresh inspiration to the local Church as together we ask god to transform lives and communities. paul Harcourt

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Be part of it !


e’d love to keep in touch so we can pray for you and serve you as you make Jesus known

name address

in your village, town or city. please complete this response form and return it to us at the Hope office

please tick the boxes below if you would like to receive:

Monthly Hope news Updates by email

Hope’s Monthly prayer Calendar

postcode Tel / Mobile email Your church

alternately sign up online at: 14 HOPE 2020

More information about being a Hope Mission Champion in your area please complete this response form, put it in your own envelope and return it to the Hope office:

HOPE, 8A Market Place, Rugby, Warwickshire CV21 3DU.


Give to


ope is a UK registered charity that relies on the generosity of individual supporters and



churches. Without you Hope would not be happening, so thank you! There are various ways you can give:

You can send a cheque payable to HOPE 08 Ltd to: Hope, 8a Market place, Rugby, CV21 3DU You can give to Hope via our Give.net HOPE page give.net/HopeTogether powered by Stewardship, a Christian charity passionate about generosity with a serious track record in helping people give (stewardship.org.uk).

standing order

if you would like to set up a standing order, please print, complete and return the Standing order form, which can be downloaded from hopetogether.org.uk/give

gift aid

if you are a UK taxpayer please download a gift aid form from hopetogether.org.uk/give or request one from the Hope office so that we can claim tax paid on your gift.

hopetogether.org.uk 15

Hope has been faithfully serving local churches since 2008, helping us to sow seeds of hope into our communities. in 2020 let’s ask god to release an unprecedented harvest as thousands turn to Jesus to find the hope they are looking for. laurence Singlehurst

i am passionate about growing healthy churches, in relationship, for mission. Hope serves the Church to do just that and helps us all to stop talking about mission and simply get on with it. Revd lynn green

16 HOPE 2020

mission H RHYTHM


ope focuses on key mission moments with a rhythm of mission through the Church Calendar: easter, Summer fun Days, Harvest and Christmas. When churches turn their focus out into their communities at these key times in the year, mission becomes part of their culture and members grow in confidence as they work together to share the hope Jesus gives in their village, town or city. CHRiSTMaS


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The Rhythm of Mission

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easter is a natural opportunity to talk to people about Jesus. Bless the people in your community with random acts of kindness – 40acts (40acts.org.uk) offers great ideas for the six weeks before easter. Distribute the HOPE at Easter magazine home to home to start conversations about Jesus and what easter means.

invite friends, neighbours and colleagues to easter guest services and events at your church, then give those who come a copy of Hope’s Who Do You Say I Am? This 64-page gift book takes readers on a journey of discovery using words and pictures to help you explain who Jesus is, why he died and what the resurrection can mean for people today. follow up your easter services with a course to help people explore faith for themselves.

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Summer fun Days bring communities together. Take the church out of the building. Serve the local community through clean-up projects, holiday clubs, fetes and festivals. Build relationships by working together with other community groups and keep in touch with this growing network in your village, town or city.

18 HOPE 2020

Hope has a track record of serving the local Church with innovative resources, pointing to best practice as churches work together in villages, towns and cities, making Jesus known through words and action. gavin Calver


We want to put Harvest back at the centre of church and community life at this key calendar moment, encouraging a culture of hospitality and generosity. Jesus spent time eating with people. let’s bring people together to eat and build stronger relationships.


Christmas is one of the best opportunities to invite people to guest events. it’s a wonderful time to share the joy of Jesus’ birth by carol singing on the streets, going home to home, holding events in schools, sports stadiums, pubs and community centres as well as in churches. The Christmas HOPE magazine is a great give-away and we provide souvenir carols booklets which include the gospel story.

a rhythm of mission is so helpful for the local Church. it needn’t involve lots of extra work, but by turning our focus to those not yet part of our churches at key seasons in the Church calendar, we can, with god’s help, reap a harvest. Jude levermore

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ission academy live is a videobased training course which includes 10 innovative sessions, each one empowering young people as missional disciples. The course focuses on peer-to-peer evangelism in a small group context, encouraging young people to be intentional, authentic, united and obedient to the call of Christ to ‘go, and make disciples’.


20 HOPE 2020

Mission academy live groups have been running in more than 400 churches including 146 anglican churches, since it was launched by Hope Revolution in partnership with the Church of england and Christian youth ministries. Ricky Rew, a youth leader at Rayleigh Baptist Church said, ‘We regularly have feedback from the young people about how they've shared their faith with their friends. one young person decided to run Youth alpha at their school - it was attended by 3-10 young people. a young person came to faith in Jesus as a result. it's been a great resource - pitched at just the right level for our group. The speakers have been particularly good - brief, relevant and biblical.’

let’s be unashamed of Jesus and confident in the gospel as together we bring the love, justice, truth, freedom and hope of Jesus to the heart of society. ade omooba MBe

paul Symon from Barnstaple said, ‘one guy was praying for opportunities to share his faith and the next week he was walking to college with a friend who asked him straight about why he believed. He got the chance to share the gospel and his testimony.’

find out more about Mission academy live at hopetogether.org. uk/Malive hopetogether.org.uk 21

lan now to be part of Advance 2020 bringing hope to your community. advance 2020 aims to rekindle the gift of the evangelist in our churches and groups of churches.


22 HOPE 2020

as we release this gift, let’s plan for specific ‘reaping moments’. That could be a week of events in a church or sports stadium or a series of Sunday guest services with testimonies instead of sermons. You can plan events for your church as well as joint events across your town, city or village. The key element is an intentional opportunity for guests to respond to the gospel. let’s get the events in the diary and the follow-up opportunities prepared so those who respond can be intentionally discipled to become those who also bring others to Christ.

Hope’s creative and strategic resources couldn’t have been produced at a better time. The ideas are extremely useful as we face the challenges of a sustained programme of evangelism, church-planting, discipleship and social action. pastor Modupe afolabi

Young evangelists are being recruited by Hope Revolution and the Church of england, following the success of Mission academy live. The young evangelists, aged 11 to 18, are being nominated by youth workers to receive an intensive year of mentoring and training with small group work and residentials in preparation for advance 2020. amplify is a young evangelists' academy linked to advance 2020. as we prepare for advance 2020, mobilising the next generation of leaders and evangelists, let’s provide them with appropriate settings to reap what they sow.

The time is right to put the lamp on a stand once again and take the gospel unashamedly to our nation. advance 2020 represents one of the greatest opportunities for explosive gospel growth in our lifetime. andy Hawthorne oBe

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Mission CHaMpionS

24 HOPE 2020

ho is it in your church who often prays for the community – who suggests ways to reach out to make Jesus known – who recommends resources to help local people find out more about the Christian faith? it might be you, your Setting god’s people free representative, your Churches Together link or perhaps there are others in your church who champion mission at every opportunity.


Hope connects these local church Mission Champions enabling a network of evangelisation enthusiasts throughout the country to spur one another on in the task to make Jesus known. We keep in touch with Mission Champions by email and occasionally by phone to find out how we can be of service. Make sure your church has a Mission Champion to prepare for Hope in 2020. We want to work with your Mission Champion to help mobilise your church to put faith into words and action.

Visit hopetogether.org.uk/missionchampions to see the Mission Champion job description and to sign up online for the Mission Champion updates or sign up on page 14.

Hope brings churches together across ethnic divides demonstrating the peace and hope Jesus gives when he transforms communities. nims obunge MBe Dl

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2O2O Jan

Jan Feb

Mar 12 april

Easter Sunday

Brand your easter events Hope


pray for Christian unity. Use the Talking Jesus course as preparation for the year


26 HOPE 2020



at Easter











Distribute the HOPE at Easter magazine home to home


Join 40acts during lent. involve young people in Mission academy live

give Who Do You say I Am? as a gift to easter service guests



Jan Jun

31 May


pray and make Jesus known with words and actions



a weekend of invitation – when churches say ‘be our guest’


May – august

Summer Fun Days What will you giVe, SaY and inViTe people to, so they have an opportunity to find out more about following Jesus?

Brand your Summer events Hope

always give people a next step – add Christianity.org.uk to your posters, invitations and fliers so people can find out more

give away Hope magazines with invitations to guest events

Jan Oct

Sep 2 September


75 years since the end of World War ii. point people to the prince of peace

September / october

Share a meal

put Harvest back into the church calendar

Nov 8 november

Remembrance Sunday

Help people engage with god in the Two Minute Silence

Dec Carols

Celebrate with your community


Deliver the Christmas HOPE magazine home to home

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at Easter












Hope is a great gospel word. So many people in our world lack hope. We are developing resources and ideas to support you as you share the hope Jesus gives with your community. plan a hope-filled mission week in 2020 and give people the opportunity to respond to Jesus’ invitation to new life. Roy Crowne

Training and give-aways



29 HOPE 2020

ope has many resources and give-aways which are available online from hopepublishing.org.uk.


for a follower of Jesus Christ, hope is much more than a vague longing about how the future might be. Hope is the certainty that comes out of an encounter with Jesus Christ and the daily infilling by the Holy Spirit.

i am thrilled that Hope Together is supporting local churches in spreading this good news across our country giving people opportunities to discover that hope for themselves in 2020. The archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu

8a Market place, Rugby, Warwickshire CV21 3DU 01788 542782 hopetogether.org.uk

Registered Charity 1116005

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