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3.2 IPZ 5b - Crop protection in hop production
Working Group Project
5a Development of strategies and measures to avoid nitrate movements in the soil and run-off in hop cultivation Project Duration Collaborators
Permanent task IAB, water consultant, AELF PAF u. SR, ECOZEPT
5a HopNO3 - practical optimization of the nitrogen cycle in hop cultivation 2016-2020 (2022) Ecozept, LfU Leader-AG
5a Optimization of settings of multi-tier kilns to adjust for different drying behaviors of different hop varieties 2018-2020 Hop growers
5a Optimization of drying processes in belt dryers 2018-2020 Hop growers
5a Investigation of absorption rates of different hop varieties 2020-2021
5a Investigation of the nitrogen increases of hops as a function of fertilization with fertigation (master thesis) 2020-2021 TUM Florian Weiß
3.2 IPZ 5b - Crop protection in hop production
Current research projects of IPZ 5b (crop protection in hop cultivation) funded by third parties
Working Groups Project Management Project Operations IPZ 5b S. Euringer, K. Lutz
IPZ 5b S. Euringer, K. Lutz
IPZ 5b S. Euringer Project Project Duration Cost Allocation Collaborators
GfH project for Verticillium research 20172023
Verticillium in selected hop gardens: Niederlauterbach (from 2015) Engelbrechtsmünster (from 2016) Gebrontshausen (from 2021) GfH technician AMP G. Thalmeier K. Kaindl 20152024
20192020 Gesellschaft für Hopfenforschung e.V. (GfH) (Society for Hop Research)
Erzeugergemeinschaft Hopfen HVG (HVG Hop Producer Group) IPZ 5c, Dr. E. Seigner, P. Hager, R. Enders, J. Kneidl, A. Lutz Dr. Radišek, Slovenian Institute of Hop Research and Brewing
IPZ 5c
Gesellschaft für Hopfenforschung e.V. (GfH) (Society for Hop Research)