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3.5 IPZ 5e – Ecological issues in hop cultivation
Working Group Project
5d Supervision of IT and Internet for the Hop Research Center in Hüll Duration Collaborators
Permanent task AIW ITP
3.5 IPZ 5e – Ecological issues in hop cultivation
Current IPZ 5e research projects of (ecological issues in hop cultivation) funded by third parties
Working Groups Project Mgt. Project Ops
IPZ 5e Dr. F. Weihrauch M. Obermaier Project Project Duration
Reduction in the use of coppercontaining crop protection agents in ecological and integrated hop cultivation 20142021
IPZ 5e Dr. F. Weihrauch M. Obermaier Further development of culturespecific strategies for ecological crop protection with the help of divisional networks - Hop Div. 20172022
IPZ 5e Dr. F. Weihrauch M. Obermaier Development of a catalog of measures to promote biodiversity in hop cultivation: What is possible? 20182023
IPZ 5e Dr. F. Weihrauch M. Obermaier Establishment of predatory mites in hop cultivation practice via cover crops 20182021 Cost Allocation Collaborators
Erzeugergemeinschaft Hopfen HVG e.G. (HVG Hop Producer Group)
Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE), BÖLN-Projekt 2815OE095 (Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food; BLE) Erzeugergemeinschaft Hopfen HVG e.G. (HVG Hop Producer Group)
Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE), BÖLN-Projekt 2815NA131 (Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food); Gesellschaft für Hopfenforschung (GfH) e.V. (Society for Hop Research) Betrieb Ludwig Gmeiner (Farm Ludwig Gmeiner), Uttenhofen; Agrolytix GmbH, Erlangen; Forschungsinstitut für Biologischen Landbau (FiBL), Frick, Schweiz (Research Institute for Organic Agriculture, Frick, Switzerland); Boku Wien, IFA-Tulln Institut für Umweltbiotechnologie, Österreich (Boku Vienna, IFATulln Institute for Environmental Bio-technology, Austria)
Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft (BÖLW e.V.) (Organic Food Production Alliance; BÖLW e.V.)
IGN Nierderlauterbach AELF PAF, FZ Agraökologie (Dr. S. Gresset); TU München, Department of terrestrial ecology (Prof. Dr. Weiser); LBV, KG PAF (Ch. Huber) Companies practicing ecological and integrated hop cultivation