4 minute read

5.14 Remote assessments of hops via UAV sensing

Sponsor: Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Institut für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung (Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture, Institute for Plant Production and Plant Breeding) Financing: Förderung aus Mitteln der Gesellschaft für Hopfenforschung (GfH) (Support from the Society for Hop Research)

Project Management: S. Euringer Team: K. Lutz, F. Weiß, Team IPZ 5b Collaboration: geo-konzept GmbH Duration: May 2021 to August 2021


As a result of the progressive digitization in agriculture, data is increasingly being generated using remote sensing by UAVs (unmanned aircraft vehicles; colloquially known as drones). This technique is already in use for the early detection of pests or diseases and for the assessment of new varieties of several arable crops. Recently, there have also been advances in remote sensing as a form of non-destructive measurement of the N supply status of plants, as well as for estimates of biomass growth for optimal plant nutrition. Insights into the remote sensing of other arable crops should be transferred to hops. Specifically, such data might provide indications of Verticillium infestations before the appearance of visible symptoms.


Remote sensing data was recorded with UAV flights. In addition to using different sensors for recording wavelengths in the visible spectrum, drones are also able to use different sensors for wavelengths that are not visible to the human eye. Such multi- and hyperspectral images are of particular interest to science because they can produce indicators of plant stress, for instance. The validation and classification of such digitally generated data, however, requires a large number of subsequent analogue assessments of the same growth areas. Only a combination of both drone and empirical observations can generate reliable data.

Hyperspectral varietal differences as features in breeding new hop varieties

With the help of hyperspectral recordings, the reflection of quanta outside the spectrum of visible light can be measured and gathered as objective, numerical values. These are complementary to the visual data generated by visual assessments of plant health and nutrition.

Figure 5.13: Reflectance curves of selected varieties

Figure 5.13 shows the reflection curves of different hop varieties over a wide spectrum. The measured values of each wavelength are averaged from three representative individual plants for each variety.

Figure 5.14: Reflection in the visible spectrum and evaluation of the leaf color of different hop varieties

Of particular interest was the visible part of the spectrum, because it allowed for the validation of measurements through visual assessments. Figure 5.14 shows that cultivars with lower readings appear darker and greener than cultivars with higher readings. The reflection curves, therefore, not only agree with the visual assessment of the leaf color; they may even be more accurate. While such varieties as Herkules and Ariana may be perceived by the human eye as identical, their reflection curves show their differences.

One challenge, however, is the non-transferability of data from one location to the next because the leaf color depends on the chlorophyll content of the plant, which is affected by the nitrogen supply and other factors at the specific location.

Figure 5.15: Multispectral measurement data from the Stadelhof site

The rank order established by multi- and hyperspectral measurements, therefore, changes depending on different amounts of fertilization applied at respective locations. At Stadelhof, for instance, fertilization is very moderate, which shows how different varieties react to lower nitrogen supplies. The lighter leaf coloring in the newer varieties is evidence of their increased N utilization efficiency. They form more biomass and greater yields with identical fertilization amounts.

Early detection of Verticillium in hops

After a hop is infected with Verticillium nonalfalfae, it can take several months before the first visual symptoms appear. As part of the project, tests were conducted to check if measured values from the visible and non-visible spectrum allow for earlier detections. If so, this would also simplify conventional assessments, which is currently conducted using individual plants for evaluation.

Figure 5.16: Reflection curves of plants with wilt; Score 0 = no visual symptoms, 9 = dead

Figure 5.16 clearly shows the differences in the reflection of healthy plants and of plants with wilt. Drought stress, which is a consequence of pathway-restricting Verticillium infections, is recorded very well in the hyperspectral image and is visible in the reflection curve.

Challenges and opportunities

A particular challenge in collecting high-quality data with this method was the growth height of the hops because the sensors used could often only record values from the upper 3 m of the plants. In addition, the plants’ self-shading because of tight plant spacing also makes data collection more difficult. Changes in lighting conditions or radiation intensity caused by clouds during recording sessions can also negatively affect the readings by these highly sensitive sensors. For this reason, calibrating the sensors is essential for generating reliable data. The automatic evaluation of individual plants posed another difficulty, especially towards the end of the vegetation period, because the side shoots from adjacent plants became intertwined. To establish causal relationships, therefore, required extensive spectral measurements and intensive observations of the plant population. These are essential for subsequent statistical evaluations. The advantages of remote sensing are based primarily on the non-destructive nature of observations of living plant populations using measurement techniques; and on the simplicity of implementing automated spectroscopic measurements. The data obtained describe the physiological development of the crop and provide information about the plants’ nutrient supply, pest infestation, composition, and quality development. Remote sensing opens up new possibilities for monitoring populations. In addition, future projects involving the collection of spectral measurement data can build on these foundations.


The remote monitoring of hops through drones will continue.

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