Hope Graphics - Graphic Design by Hope Farrell

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Hope Graphics

Graphic Design by Hope Farrell

p: 0418 625 005

e: hopefarrell@bigpond.com

w: http://hopegraphics.tumblr.com/



Reaching Out - Logo Design

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Cooking Made Easy - Cookbook Identity Oz Graphix - Magazine Cover Foster the People - Band Promotion Show Your Colours - Competition Design PAGE Awards - Identity & Branding Sustenance - Packaging & Branding Connections - Exhibition Logos Hope Graphics - Self Branding Thanks


Reaching Out Logo Design

brief: to develop a logo for the 19th Triennial Congress of the IEA which encourages people to attend and share information about ergonomics internationally. programs used: adobe illustrator.


Cooking Made Easy Cookbook Identity

brief: to design a cookbook for those who learn and understand better through demonstration and imagery, than words alone. programs used: adobe illustrator, hand drawn sketches.


Oz Graphix

Magazine Cover

brief: to design an innovative cover for the 2010, 8th edition of ‘Oz Graphix’. This design received a notable entry in the tertiary category. programs used: adobe illustrator.


Foster the People Band Promotion

brief: to design an effective promotional t-shirt design and an iTunes LP that was targeted towards the audience of a chosen band. programs used: adobe illustrator, dreamweaver, photoshop.


Show Your Colours Competition Design

brief: to create a brief for a design competition, and create an accompaning identity. programs used: adobe illustrator, adobe indesign, adobe photoshop.


PAGE Awards

Identity & Branding

brief: to create an identity and brand for the 2011 PAGE Awards, including a logo, tagline and menu. programs used: adobe illustrator, adobe indesign, adobe photoshop.



Packaging & Branding

brief: to create a healthy lunch pack packaging and branding for a children’s health food company. programs used: adobe illustrator, adobe indesign.


Connections Exhibition Logos

brief: to design a cohesive identity for the arts & design faculty and sub faculty exhibitions. programs used: adobe illustrator, adobe indesign.


Hope Graphics Self Branding

brief: to create a self brand that was effective in representing my design style and services. programs used: adobe illustrator, adobe indesign.



In my three years of studying Graphic Design, I have been determined and hardworking in order to reach every goal, however I couldn’t have reached these goals without all the support from teachers, friends and family. I would just like to thank all my teachers who have guided me through each and every design process. I am also so thankful to have all my kind friends who have shared their advice and encouragement. Most importantly I would like to thank my parents whose support and love have made me into the designer and person that I am today.


Hope Graphics

Graphic Design by Hope Farrell

p: 0418 625 005

e: hopefarrell@bigpond.com

w: http://hopegraphics.tumblr.com/

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