Residual Income From Home - 5 Keys For Success

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==== ==== The Most Complete And Advanced Solution That Addresses All of Your Traffic and Commission Problems is the " MASS INCOME MULTIPLIER " ==== ====

The Five Key Elements When creating a residual income from home there are 5 key elements that you must consider before aligning yourself with a business. Keeping in mind the big picture here is creating a residual income from home. Meaning, that we work our butts off for 3,4,5 years and continue to get paid for 30,40,50 years. Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. - Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933) However, as we had mentioned before in order for you to continue to receive your residual income, the company that you are now married to, has to stick around. If they go out of business, you're sunk. Kiss your residual income good bye. The number one thing to look at when choosing a Company is their financial stability. And as you probably know, 85% of all businesses fail with in their first year! And out of the ones who survive, 97% don't live to see their 10th birthday. Are you planning on living longer than 10 years? Then you better make sure that your company will be around to pay you! Make sure you are picking a rock solid company. A Great Product The second key element is that the company has a proven product. Residual income businesses are crawling out of the wood work now a day making all sorts of wild and fabulous claims about their products. How do you know if their claims are true? One of the biggest downfalls in choosing a company with an exciting new product is choosing a

product that is a fad. It's hot today and as soon as something shinier and more exotic says hello, all of the little lemmings run and follow it ready to jump on board. Residual income suicide. You need a product that has staying power. A product that is unique. That has with stood the test of time. That gets results. The reality is if a product doesn't work then it won't last long. Find a product that has a proven history of success. Fuzzy Math The third element you should consider is the companies' compensation plan. If you have ever looked at a network marketing compensation plan before you'll know that you practically have to be a mathematician to figure it out. Fortunately, there is a simpler form of evaluation. First find out the company's net payout. What is that you say, you can't find it? It's probably because the company doesn't want you to know it. I'll clue you in; the average net payout is approximately 38%. With a compensation plan like this, you will need around 4,000 people in your organization in order to earn a six figure residual income. What you are looking for is a company that has at least a 50% or higher net payout. With a company like this you will need around 500-2,000 people in your organization to earn that same six figure income. Why such a large range you ask? Well, it all depends on how the money is distributed. Which brings me to the next point. The money needs to be distributed in such a way that it provides a strong front end so that new business builders can start earning money fast. This will insure member retention. You will also want a strong back end to maximum earning potential. And of course you also need a strong middle to encourage growth. Fancy that, what you need in a compensation plan is exactly like everything else in Life, Balance. This is where I come in The fourth key that you want to look for, which is crucial to your personal success, is training and support. This is where I come in. If you have ever been part of a network marketing company before, you probably experienced what most of us have. You were sucked in by all of the fabulous glamour and hype of the residual income from home lifestyle and then once you were on board.... you were left out in the rain, in the

dark, with no umbrella and no map. Scandalous. What you want to find is someone with whom you can connect with. Someone that resonates with your way of being. Someone who will educate you and show you the ropes. Someone who has a system of marketing that has been shown to work time and time again. Someone who will listen to and get to know you in order to help you find a marketing strategy that suits your individual personality. There are many people out there on the internet offering their advice and opinions about how to create residual income. But have you noticed how you never get to talk to any of them. It is real hard to tell someone's character through a computer. wouldn't it be refreshing to actually talk to a human being. Especially when making such a big decision such as this. I would love to talk to you about your business you choose my business or not. What Time Is It? The fifth major factor to consider is the Timing. The company that you align with must be situated in the right place at the right time. First, the timing of the products. If the company is still trying to sell long distant phone plans, run for the hills! The timing is long gone for that. If they claim to have a teleportation device, and perhaps they do, the market just isn't ready for it. You need to find a company with a product that is primed for the upcoming market explosion. Second, you need to find a company that has not yet exceeded there maximum growth potential. There are many great companies out there with excellent products but they have already peaked. Their growth in the market place is limited. Everyone already knows about there products and if they like their products then they are probably already using them. You need to find a company who still has their biggest growth curve ahead of them. These are the Five key elements of a successful Residual Income from Home opportunity. Be very cautious if you do not have these in place. Remember what is at stake here? You are about to not only place your financial dreams and future on the line with the business of your choice, but also the dreams and finances of EVERYONE that you bring into business with you! Take your time and make a wise decision. Many Blessings, Adam Christopher Braun

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==== ==== The Most Complete And Advanced Solution That Addresses All of Your Traffic and Commission Problems is the " MASS INCOME MULTIPLIER " ==== ====

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