Programa semana santa de plasencia 2016 ingles

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Plasencia is undoubtedly a unique in Extremadura and in Spain Easter. Firstly by the guilds, some very old, with roots even that become the Foundation of the city. Second steps each of the guilds, from different periods and styles, from the 13th century - 14th to the 20th century, by steps from the 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. Third so singular and traditional travel, that its structure is basically the same during the 800 years of the Foundation of the city: the output as the convent of San Vicente Ferrer, from the 15th century, attached to the convent of the Palace of the Marquis of Mirabel, the Church of San Nicolas, the houses of the Dean, of the counts of Torrejón, Dr. Trujillo , The old hospital of Santa María, Episcopal Palace, cathedrals, convents as the incarnation, that of the whites, Plaza Mayor and its City Council, streets Calle Trujillo, white, wide. The environment of the walls and palaces and medieval and Renaissance buildings. It is incomparable. Fourth, the devotion of the brotherhoods of Plasencia which celebrate with intensity every day of Holy week, and the public participating solemnly, with a mixture of sobriety Castellana, but with touches of arrows. This and much more on 28 February 2012 week Santa Placentina has received at the hands of the Extremadura Government consideration of Regional tourist interest. In addition, we think that possibly in a few years, it will at least become Festival of national interest. THE EASTER PROGRAM HOLY WEEK BROTHERHOODS AND HIS STEPS 1) Brotherhood of the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem They are 18 people in a relay. The step and the brotherhood is the year 2000.Su author is Manuel Luque Cordoba school and is located in San Vicente Ferrer his departure time is the noon from the Cathedral, the Domingo de Ramos. Your logo is a Palm and his costume tunic and white scarf, sash and blue turban (Hebrew headdress). Tour: Plaza of the Cathedral, Santa Clara Street, corner of San Esteban, Plaza Mayor (round), street shoe store, Plaza de San Nicolás, Plaza de Santo Domingo 2) brotherhood our father Jesus of the passion. Penitential brotherhood and courtship of Nazarenes of passion of Jesus and Maria Stma del Rosario in his greatest pain under a canopy, the Brotherhood was founded in the year 2000. Its logo is an Alboreada cross, Christ with 3 nails and Crown of thorns. Goblet of passion, rosario and 2 elliptical funds with the anagram of JHS, all decorated with olive branches and his tunic suit and hood bottle green, coat, yellow angle and white gloves. Leaves Monday Sto Domingo of Resurrección at 11:00 (meeting) departure from Santo Domingo to 21 hours. Their steps are: to) our father Jesus of the passion and 40 in two relays. It is the year 2000 and its author is Antonio Joaquín Dubé of the Sevillian school, belongs to the Church of San Pedro as all steps of the brotherhood. b) María Stma del Rosario in his greatest pain and are 32 women in two relays is of the 2002 his author is Antonio Joaquín Dubé, Seville school (c) new step of Herod Antipas Sanhedrin and Romans (new figure), Antonio Joaquín Dubé (Carver) and Francisco Verdugo (Carver) St. Peter's Church. (3) the brotherhood of the Holy Christ of the column Founded year 1995.De tunic and white cap, Tan coat, yellow angle and white gloves. Your logo is column surrounded with a circle. And depart from Sto Tuesday 21 hours from San Vicente Ferrer. Their steps are: a) most Holy Christ of the column, are 22 in a relay is ano1990 its author is Manuel Romero Ortega of the Cordoba school

(b) prayer in the Garden: they are 18 in a relief of the 19th century and is from José Gerique School of Valencia. (c) the flagellation: 24 in a relief and is José Gerique 19th century (d) Ntra. Ms. de Dolores (San Nicolas Dolorosa): they are 18 brothers in a medley, the step is the anonymous seventeenth century. Tour: Rincón de San Nicolas, white Street, Cathedral Square, Plaza de San Nicolás, Santa Clara Street, corner of San Esteban, Plaza Mayor (round), street shoes, Plaza de San Nicolás, Plaza de Santo Domingo (4) Brotherhood of our father Jesus Nazarene. Brotherhood of our father Jesus Nazarene (founded in 1930) Brotherhood of silence. His suit is tunic and Cap purple, yellow angle, satin green coat and white gloves. Logo, 3 nails within a Crown of thorns have their steps in the Cathedral and the Dominicans. Sto Wednesday At 21:00 from the Cathedral. to) our father Jesus Nazarene: 50 in a relief and is from the year 1693 (17th century) and is the author José Jiménez Sánchez of Extremadura Logrosán school and is located in the Cathedral of Plasencia. b) Dolorosa of hope; 60 in a relief; Year 1959 (S XX); Luis Marco Perez; school Levantina. c) Ecce Homo 30 in a relief is of the 17TH century it is anonymous, school Castellana and the Dominican Tour: Cathedral, Cathedral Square, calle Blanca, calle Trujillo, calle Ancha, Coria Street, Plaza de San Nicolás, Rua shoemaking, Plaza Mayor (returned by the left front of the Town Hall) Rincón de San Esteban, calle Las Claras, Cathedral square 5) Brotherhood of sacred dinner Brotherhood of the Holy supper of 1930. Thursday Santo out their steps at 19:30 hours from Santo Domingo. White robe, yellow angle, coat, hood and gloves and red buttons. His steps are San Vicente Ferrer and the Church of el Salvador and its logo is a cross of the order of the Templars, surrounded by a circle. Their steps are: (a) sacred dinner are 65 brothers in a relief its passage is from year 1930 and José Gerique. (b) our Mrs. of love); 12 in a relief; is the year 1995; its author is José Sánchez and Church of the Savior. Tour: Plaza de San Nicolás, Rincón de San Nicolas, Coria, street wide, street Trujillo, white Street, Cathedral Square, Santa Clara Street, Rincón de San Esteban, Plaza Mayor, Calle Zapatería, Plaza de San Nicolás, Plaza Santo Domingo (6) Brotherhood of our Lady of sorrows of the cross, Venerable order third (VOT) of the sorrows of the cross (Applicable to the VOT of San Francisco, brotherhood independent in the year 2000). Leave the Holy Thursday at 21:00 from Dominic, your logo is a Santa Cruz in the arms of Jesus Christ and San Francisco, his tunic suit and black hood, coat black satin with white shroud, angle and white gloves and white gloves. a) Dolorosa de la Cruz: are 16 in two relays is from the 18th century; is anonymous; and the passage is located in St. Stephen. (b) the forgiveness Jesus; Brothers from 24 in a relief; is the year 1998; its author is Dobarro; school Seville; and San Vicente Ferrer (Dominic) is located Tour: Rincón de San Nicolas, blanca Street, Cathedral Square, Plaza de San Nicolás, Santa Clara Street, corner of San Esteban, Plaza Mayor (round), street shoes, Plaza de San Nicolás, Plaza de Santo Domingo (7) the Vera Cruz brotherhood.

Founded in the 13th century and established the convent of San Francisco or Santa Catalina de el Arenal. The costume is a robe and purple CAP, layer old gold, yellow angle and white gloves. Its logo is a trilobate cross. His footsteps leave on Holy Thursday at 21:00 from Dominic. a) Jesús Presentación of the people (Balcón de Pilatos; step 32 members to transport it in a relay, it is year 1910 its author is José Gerique; in San Vicente Ferrer.) b) our father Jesus Nazarene and Veronica (new composition in 2006); they are 32 brothers for each relay; antiquity of the figures the Jesús Nazareno is from 1910 and Veronica of 1886 and the authors. Jesús Nazareno is José Gerique and the anonymous Veronica; The Jesus of Valencia and Levante Veronica; and it is in San Vicente Ferrer (Dominic). (c) our father Jesús de la Caída; comprises 16 in a relief and is 1894 and its author is José Viciano Martí and the year is in the Josefinas. d) contemplation of the cross or the Christ of the Twine configured by 40 in a relay and dates back 18th century; It is anonymous and mora in San Esteban. e) Camino del Calvario is a step that is carried with wheels; Between 1999 and 2000 was the step and is of Manuel Romero and Antonio Hernández and San Vicente Ferrer (Dominic) (f) the future cross; It is carried by children; in the year 2000; by brothers Crespo; is Placentina; and it is located in San Vicente Ferrer (Dominic). (8) the brotherhood of the most Holy crucifix and descent from the cross: S 16th was formed in 1925 by grouping two brotherhoods. His costume is a tunic Purple, coat and white cap, yellow angle and white gloves and your logo is a cross with hanging canvas and leaves Good Friday. 21.00 hours with exit from the Church of San Vicente Ferrer (Santo Domingo). a) Cristo de la Agonía: are 24 in a relief; from the 17TH century; It is anonymous and is in the Church of El Pilar (b) descent from the cross; 42 in a relief; Year 1925; Children of Joseph Gerique; San Vicente Ferrer. (c) Ntra. Ms. de las Angustias (piety) and are 24 in a relay, is 1920 and it was made by José Gerique. Tour: Rincón de San Nicolas, Blanca Street, Cathedral Square, Plaza de San Nicolás, Santa Clara Street, corner of San Esteban, Plaza Mayor (round), street shoes, Plaza de San Nicolás, Plaza de Santo Domingo. (8) the brotherhood of the most Holy Christ of the good death 72 made in 1998.Su brothers are habit Carmelita of Brown and rope at the waist with wooden crucifix. Logo, a horizontal cross and get Sto Saturday at 2 o'clock in the morning, its passage in the 16th century, it is anonymous and mora in San Esteban. Tour: Plaza of San Esteban (song of the Miserere), Plaza Mayor, Calle Pedro Isidro, calle Santa Ana, Plaza de el Salvador (anto of Miserere), streets Sancho Polo (convent of the Idelfonsas, singing the Miserere), San Ildefonso Street, calle La Tea, the cheeses (convent of the Capuchins, singing the Miserere), street Berrozana, calle Emparrillas, vaults Marquis of Mirabel, San Nicolas (song of the Miserere), calle Coria calle Ancha, health corner, corner of the Bishop, Cathedral Square, Calle de Santa Clara (convent of the Dominicans, singing the Miserere), and St. Stephen. (9) Brotherhood of the Stmo crucifix and descent from the cross: Founded in the 16th S was established in 1925 by grouping two brotherhoods. His suit with purple robe, coat and white hood, yellow belt, white gloves and corporate medal. Symbol or emblem of the Guild is a cross with Sudario, within a crowned French-type shield, and Holy 21.00 hours Friday with departure from the Church of San Vicente Ferrer (Santo Domingo). a) Cristo de la Agonía: 24 in a relief; from the 17TH century; limited size and is a cult in the parish of Pilar.

(b) descent from the cross; 48 in a relay. Year 1903; Children of Joseph Gerique; It is located in the temple member of San Vicente Ferrer. (c) Ntra. Ms. de las Angustias (piety) are 40 in a relay, is from 1903 and was carried out by José Gerique. You can see in the temple member of San Vicente Ferrer. Tour: Rincón de San Nicolas, Blanca Street, Cathedral Square, Plaza de San Nicolás, Santa Clara Street, corner of San Esteban, Plaza Mayor (round), street shoes, Plaza de San Nicolás, Plaza de Santo Domingo 10) Brotherhood of the Holy Via Crucis Presided by a wooden cross and the banner of the brotherhood and has cross in 1943 with a statute of 1978 and was founded being Bishop Feliciano Rocha Pizarro. His act is the Sto Saturday at 6:30 in the morning and your logo is a wooden cross with no costume, they mass in the Cathedral. Tour: Santa Iglesia Catedral, Blanca Street, Nicolás, street shoes, Plaza Mayor, San Esteban, street of whites and S.I. Cathedral (11) Brotherhood of our Lady of solitude and the Holy Sepulchre Dating back to the 15th century and restored in the 20th century. Get Sto Saturday at 19:30 from San Vicente Ferrer has a white robe, coat, hood, angle and black gloves. Your logo is two daggers on a cross and leaving the Sto Saturday at 19:30 from San Vicente Ferrer and his steps are all in the Church of San Vicente Ferrer. (a) Ntra. Ms. de la Soledad; they are 18 in two relays; is year 1764; its author Luis Salvador Carmona; the Spanish School. b) Sto grave. (It is made in Cork, unique in the world); 36 in a relief; from the 16th century and is anonymous. (c) San Juan; make up step 16 in two relays; dating back to the 16th century; Anonymous. (d) María Magdalena; comprises 16 members in two relays, from the 17TH century, it is anonymous but it belongs to the Castilian school (e) San Pedro 16 in two relays, carry it to made in year 1990 by Manuel Romero Ortega of the Cordoba school There will also be a via Crucis in the Plaza Mayor, as the procession reaches the place. Tour: Plaza de San Nicolás, Rincón de San Nicolas, Blanca Street, Cathedral Square, Calle de Santa Clara, Rincón de San Esteban, Plaza Mayor, streets of the Sun, crosses, roses and schools, Plaza de Santa Ana, King Street, Plaza Mayor, Calle Zapatería, Plaza de San Nicolás, Plaza Santo Domingo. (12) Brotherhood of the passion. Procesión del Domingo de Resurrección. You will leave at 11 a.m., and the brotherhood that makes it, as we have said before is the brotherhood of Jesus for the passion, with the meeting in the largest square of the Virgin Mary and Jesus risen. All this information and more in detail on the page of the week Santa Placentina (which we have extracted the information and photos, and of course thank you for this reason) .and as well as in the blog And now we leave you with some pictures of our fraternities and processions.

Maps and plans of situation of Spain, Extremadura, Plasencia.


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