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Are you Fit4SEA? Meet three seafarers who are!
Being fit is important for a long, good and healthy life at sea. When you are fit, it is easier to overcome everyday hazzles and tasks on board – as well as at home. But more than that, physical activity also affects your mental well-being. Engineer, Michael Thinnesen, 2nd mate, Johan K. Jacobsen, A.B. Jesper Hansen, know all about that. All three have won positions in the sports competition, Fit4SEA. Meet the three seafarers, and get inspiration to get started yourself – maybe even together with your colleagues?
“I participate in Fit4SEA because I generally enjoy the challenge in competitions, and also to keep myself fit. I also do it to slow down age-related muscle loss. I work out 5-7 times a week, and I participate in all Fit4SEA challenges. If we need more challenges on the ship, I gladly create a challenge myself. It is not just for the sake of training; it is just as much to get the social life going on board”. JOHAN K. JACOBSEN 2ND MATE ON ESVAGT ALBERT BETZ 36 YEARS 2ND PLACE IN ‘FIT4SEA 2020 ROW’
“I have been part of Fit4SEA since I joined the Danish merchant fleet in 2015, but I have always been active and focused on keeping fit. Partly to keep my asthma at bay. It is especially during the last few years that I have been extra active in the gym. I use Fit4SEA as a motivating factor and it has helped me really well so far. And the T-shirts are a great price when you achieve the 100 km in the various disciplines”. JESPER A. HANSEN A.B. ON ESVAGT FROUDE 45 YEARS WINNER OF ‘FIT4SEA 2020 CROSS’
”I started in Fit4SEA about a year ago because I wanted to lose some weight and it is also a good way to track my training. I work out approx. 1 hour every other day and I lost 43 kilos last year”.
An easy way to get your training kick-started could be with the help of a ”Challenge”. In SEA HEALTH & WELFARE, we have created several challenges as a monthly calendar, with a small daily workout. In that way, you don’t have to think about what to do today or next, and you will not need much space or equipment. Many seafarers already use these workouts as part of their training and to be active with colleagues. Captain Blazej Bakalarczyk and his crew on FIONIA SWAN often do challenges together - either on deck or in their gym. Download challenges on our webpage or in the Fit4SEA Community on Facebook.