CLOUD COMPUTING SERVICES – EVALUATING THE DIFFERENT MODELS AVAILABLE In the last few years, cloud computing services have created a huge difference in the way we do business online. The services have encompassed IT infrastructure, platforms and software and hence have impacted the IT world in a very large way. Every issue that an online business deals with – email, website hosting, data storage, shareability, access from multiple devices and many other technological fixes – are all dealt with by this amazing new innovation. Perhaps this is the reason why cloud computing services have become some of the most popular IT based solutions available in the market. There are many advantages of going by the cloud route. IT professionals especially have much to gain through the use of this technology. First of all, the cloud offers a cost-effective platform for expanding on their present infrastructure, software and programs. This means access to the best quality hardware and software without having to deal with the hefty procurement costs. It is a pay-as-you-go system that offers you a subscription to a predetermined level of usage. It really doesn’t get much economical and sensible than this. When looking at cloud computing services from a technical standpoint, you will come across different models available in the market. Each of these have their own advantages and conditions attached to them. Let us take a closer look at them all to understand what they are. Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) This model allows for users to get access to computer hardware through the cloud. This includes equipment, servers, storage units and many other pieces of machines that would otherwise cost you a fortune to buy. But with cloud computing services, you get access to them all and pay on the basis of your usage. The providers own and maintain the equipment while you enjoy every benefit that the technology has to offer. Platform as a Service (PAAS) This is a cloud model designed for software developers to shift certain elements of systems management to the service provider. PaaS helps developers to develop mobile applications using pre-configured components and maintained by the service provider. IT professionals have much to be thankful for after this system was launched in the market. And the outcome has been the amazing leaps and bounds that have helped the world of computing move forward in the last few years. Software as a Service (SAAS) SAAS happens to be the most popular form of cloud computing service available. Applications are hosted and managed by service providers and offered to users as and when they need it on a subscription basis. Businesses find this system to be extremely useful as it helps them avoid the overheads of maintaining a full fledged IT team just to manage the software. With on-premises deployments, and minimal administration of resources, you get to enjoy the very best of technology. This explanation will definitely help you understand the basic concepts behind the cloud a little better. In case you are looking for more information about cloud computing services, visit the website