2 minute read

Withernsea High School Reunion - From 20 in the 70s to 70 in the 20s

By Rodger Read

THE 22/2/22 was picked as a unique day for a reunion of former Withernsea High School pupils, all of whom turn 70 years of age during this academic year.


The Wingfield Farm pub in Hessle was picked as the venue, the ease of access being a key reason in order to help people travelling from a distance on the day.

25 of our friends turned up, travelling from all corners of the country. Many of us hadn't seen each other for 50 years or more, and it was great how everyone “clicked” pretty much straight away. Linda (nee Butcher), who had been instrumental in organising the event, put on an ice-breaker quiz, which highlighted just how much we'd all managed to forget over the past 50 years.

At 22 mins past 2 (I.e.!) a toast was proposed to all our memories, our aspirations and our experiences, and to those who could not be there, or sadly were no longer with us.

The remainder of the afternoon, evening and, for the stalwarts amongst us, night, was taken up with eating, drinking and nattering, but not necessarily in that order!

A number of the gang had arranged to stay in Hull for a few days, and took a wander round Spurn the following day, interspersed with regular visits to the visitor centre for hot tea, coffee and chocolate as it was a bright but fairly cool day. Some of the last remaining diehards rounding off the day with a mooch round the Old Town.

We'd hoped for a visit to Withernsea's new Pier, but maybe next time. We may go for a 75th reunion, and we've already got a volunteer to organise the 90th!

Huge thanks to everyone who had a hand in organising the event, and to everyone who was able to be there.

REUNITED: The former Withernsea High School students at their reunion in February (Note David Macnamara was also present but escaped the photograph having been marked L at registration!)

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