The Tararua 2014 - Horowhenua College

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horowhenua college

Principals report

Principal's Comment Kia ora koutou, In writing this comment I acknowledge Brenda Burns, who retired as principal at the end of term one and Sharon Moerkerk who was Acting Principal for terms two and three. Horowhenua College prides itself in helping to develop fine young adults who our community are proud of. This year has again seen many achievements from our students which have been celebrated by the college and our community.

Our core business is to facilitate and guide learning which enables our students to succeed and gain qualifications. As another cohort of students graduate from college, we congratulate them on what they have accomplished and wish them all the best for an exciting career and a productive future. A heart felt thank you goes to our hard working staff who have nurtured these students and to the Board of Trustees who govern our college. Thank you also to our community who have encouraged and supported our students in so many ways. Several staff will finish with us at the end of the year and I thank them for their hard work, dedication and commitment to the college and our students. This includes Julie Bolton, Michael Rameka, Sandra Friedel and Kathy Shaw. Kathy is a much loved teacher and colleague and will retire after 17 years of wonderful service to our college. As we finish 2014 and head towards 2015 we anticipate another year of exciting opportunities for students to learn and grow. 2015 will also be the 75th year of Horowhenua College’s existence. We look forward to celebrating with past and present staff and students and together reminiscing on the many reasons why Horowhenua College is such a special place. Grant Congdon Principal of Horowhenua College

Board of Trustees As 2014 draws to a close I can take some time to reflect on the many changes that have happened throughout the year. At the end of last year Brenda Burns announced her intention to retire at the end of Term 1 in 2014. During her time as Principal, Brenda changed the face and direction of the college. We saw the introduction of many key initiatives to raise education outcomes such as Services and Trades Academies. Brenda stamped a long standing mark on the college that will be remembered by many. Sharon Moerkerk stepped into the role of Acting Principal from Term two as the Board looked for a replacement for Brenda. I wish to personally thank Sharon and all those who stepped into acting roles for all their hard work and support. Our initial round of interviews with potential candidates was not successful and the Board took the bold decision to re-advertise the position. The Board were keen to ensure not only that a new Principal should be able to build upon the successes of our past Principal, but that this person should have the skills to consolidate the many past initiatives. We were looking for someone to cement a good relationship with whanau, community, board, staff and pupils and to lead the college forward in future years. In round two of the appointment process, the Board, staff and students involved in the recruitment process found the person – Grant Congdon from Ashburton College. We were very fortunate that Grant accepted the position and decided to move to Horowhenua and become part of our community. A powhiri for Grant was held on Monday 13 October at the college and attended not only by staff and students but also local iwi, principals, council representatives, whanau and other community representatives.

I wish to thank all those who attended, those who spoke at the powhiri and those who worked behind the scenes to make it all happen. When asked what has been our single biggest achievement for the year I can say quite easily our new Principal. The Principal is the pivotal role within the college and securing someone like Grant Congdon to lead the college has been a real coup for the Board. I wish to thank the Senior Leadership Team of the college for their help and support through the year and for the extra work put in during our transition between principals. Thanks to the dedicated staff who not only work to educate our pupils but also to coach and mentor them and give them the skills needed once they leave college. Thanks also to all the administration and support staff who work to make the college function effectively. Finally I would like to thank the parent representatives on the Board – Ian McKenzie, Janine Imrie, Kawa Gardner and Nikki Simpson for all your help and support during the year. I would like to offer a special note of thanks to student representatives, outgoing representative Finn Madison and incoming representative Rhianna Morar. Bringing a student perspective to Board discussions is hugely valuable and I thank you for your contribution to making us a more effective Board. Finally to staff representative David Tate and our newest Board member Grant Congdon, gentlemen, it is a real pleasure working with you both. Next year will be a very exciting year. Chris Hartwell Board Chair

Horowhenua College Board of Trustees

Staff 2014 began for Horowhenua College in the way which has become traditional for us, with a whakatau, to welcome new staff to our college. This is the first gathering for the year of all staff and is always full of the spirit of whanaungatanga as we all catch up with each other's news from the Christmas break. One of the best things about being a teacher is that we get to meet new students and renew contact with others at the beginning of every year. The anticipation of this always adds a level of excitement to this time. After some days of Professional Development we were then joined by the year 13 leadership team in welcoming the new Year Nines with a powhiri. Horowhenua had more than our usual change-over of staff this year but these mostly occurred during the year. At the very beginning though, we welcomed Erika Rhodes teaching I.T. and Maurice True as joint director of the Services Academy. At the end of Term One several events were held to farewell Brenda Burns, Horowhenua College Principal for the past 12 years. We held a lunch in the staff room and made up a "Retirement Survival Pack". This was a great afternoon. There were also some formal events including a farewell assembly which gave students a chance to farewell Mrs Burns. Rangatahi Ora performed a haka and some senior students made a video that gave several different groups in the college the chance to say goodbye. Another of the formal farewells had a speaker who had been a student of Mrs Burns when she was a beginning teacher. It was pretty amazing to discover they had kept in contact throughout the intervening years. Miss Sharon Moerkerk became acting Principal in Mrs Burns absence. She has performed this role many times in the past few years and had the confidence of the staff when she did so again.

Notes During the year Grace Redfearn left to teach Chemistry at Feilding High School. As she lives in Palmerston North this meant she will have much less travel. Mrs Redfearn taught science at the college for 10 Years and was always prepared to give anything a go. During activities week she took the trip that involved an annual competition in the go-carts and she was always a formidable opponent. I'm sure she will be just as involved in her new position as she was with us. Staff went on a bus tour to farewell her which was lots of fun. Martine Lewis re-joined the staff in her place. The science department farewelled Morag Newberry who left to take up the Head of Science position at Greymouth High School. She was replaced by Susan Prentice who had been teaching in China. We also said goodbye to Jason Wang who had been teaching maths. He was expecting his new wife to join him in Christchurch where his new teaching position is, having got married over the Christmas break in China. Michael Rameka filled in as Head of the P.E. Faculty while Brenda Wagenaar was away on maternity leave. The P.E. department also welcomed Clare Seymour and Campbell Hart. Leah Richards-Sciascia was overseas travelling for a year and returned to us at the beginning of Term Four. Shaelyn Hirst left on maternity leave near the end of Term 2 and she and her husband had no time to take a breath when baby Arthur was born on the weekend after she finished. Sarah Dyson has filled in while she is away. We have also been lucky to have Julie Bolton teaching several classes in the English department this year and wish her well for next year.

Robyn Hudepohl came into the Services Academy to assist when Shona Hohepa left for a position in the Hawkes Bay during Term Three. We have again been very lucky to have some exceptional relievers who have filled in on a regular basis, Helen Macintosh and Barry Cross. It's always a huge relief to know that your class is in good hands if it becomes necessary to be away from school at all. Mr Rameka will be leaving to teach at St Paul's Collegiate in Hamilton, his old school, at the end of this year having been at the college for 10 years. He had been part of Rangatahi Ora and coached several basketball teams during his time with us. Congratulations to Vicky Wilton who is to be Year 9 Dean in 2015. Mrs Cathy Shaw is also leaving at the end of 2014. She says. "After some soul searching and trepidation I have made the decision to hang up my schoolbag at the end of the year. Forty five rewarding and enjoyable years in the classroom, seventeen of which have been spent at Horowhenua College represents my working life. The students who I have taught or cared for in a pastoral role have created many happy memories as have treasured colleagues and friends. Horowhenua College has provided me with many exciting life events. In particular I recall the opening of the Technology Block which was an amazing occasion. This facility has created a marvellous teaching environment which staff and students are privileged to share. In particular I will miss the companionship of the Technology Faculty and students but I look forward to having more time to pursue my love of gardening and spending days with my dogs!"

2014 will be remembered by staff as the year we began a weekly session of tikanga every Wednesday morning. Included in our lessons have been some interesting local legends and learning and singing some waiata. The most memorable moments as part of this would have to be the hangi that we joined together to prepare, put down, and then consume together. This was an absolutely amazing day and couldn't have happened without all the hard work of Chris Wilton. Another memorable part of this staff tikanga was all of us researching and then delivering our Pepeha. This took place over several weeks and while it was nerve-wracking for many of us it was also entertaining and incredibly interesting. 2015 looks to being an exciting year with a new principal Grant Congdon. He was welcomed to Horowhenua College with a powhiri at the beginning of Term Four. A group from Ashburton College came to T'koha him as part of this ceremony. On behalf of all the staff of Horowhenua College we wish all students and wider community a very Merry Christmas and a safe holiday season - Mauri Ora Meri Kirihimete

Headboy Report Well, well, well, whenever we see ourselves drawing towards the end of an era, we start to look back at where it all began. It is hard to believe that five years have passed since I put on my cute little junior uniform in year 9. I remember feeling like the smallest fish (even though I probably weighed the equivalent of two year 9's) in an even larger pond. I found it quite difficult to make friends (maybe the fact I was twice the size of everyone else) although I managed to make a few in the end. Maybe they were scared to reject my offer to hang out in the canteen with me. I'm not sure. So when I was fortunate enough to be named Head Boy for 2014 I couldn't help but be blown off my feet. I definitely felt ready to do this as I had wanted to be a prefect ever since year 9. Although this year has flown by so quickly, this responsibility has been truly life changing and I hope that I have in one way or another, given back to our school. I was asked to write up a little bit about my time here at Horowhenua College. And honestly, words can't describe how much I have enjoyed my time here. But I'll give it a go. :) Now sport has been a major in my years here at Horowhenua. Through these sports I have gained many new friendships, and made some of my fondest memories and this made my time here even more enjoyable. I played 2nd and 1st XV Rugby for the College, Intercollegiate Golf and Athletics which were all great and we had some outstanding results. Now, there is one funny little sport that no one seems to have heard about. This sport is well known as being the basketball on water, but a lot rougher... a lot rougher. Point being, it is the sport that I have played every year I have been here and I'm really gutted it has come to an end because I made some of my best friends through playing this sport and gained the most amazing experiences and memories.

One significant occasion that I will never forget, was in 2012 where little old Nua proved to all other colleges in New Zealand just how good our schools Canoe Polo can be, where we took out the New Zealand Secondary Schools Senior Open Championship. I am also privileged to have made the NZ Secondary Schools Tournament Team for all three possible years. Canoe Polo has been the sport that has really made my time here so memorable. So of course my first acknowledgement must go to my team mates, coaches and teachers that made this all possible. I thank you all so much. To my mentors Mr. Kerry Pile and Mr. James Lose, thank you for listening to my whining and putting up with all my problems, I truly appreciate all of your help. Next to Mrs. Brenda Burns for setting our prefect team up so well at the start of the year. Also to Mrs. Sharon Moerkerk, you did such an amazing job as standing principal for terms 2 and 3, and we as a prefect team have been privileged to work with such an awesome, hardworking, and outgoing person in our final year. Thank you for all you have done for our college. Next to thank is our dedicated and patient teachers - Without you and your hard work I wouldn't be able to reed or right this so god... Just kidding, thank you all for opening so many doors, for so many of us. (Nice "idiom" eh Mrs. Northern?) And we cannot forget our wonderful support staff, our creative and handy caretaker and our extremely efficient and organized office staff. Thanks for ensuring that Nua runs like a well-oiled machine. And now to the Prefect team for 2014, huge congratulations to you all. We made it! Woo hoo! All our hard work has paid off and you have all done such an amazing job. An even bigger thanks to our deputy, Sam "Sammy" Larmer, and Laura "Loo" O'Sullivan, without you, we wouldn't have had the support through the tough times and would not have had as successful of year that we did.

HeadBOY REPORT And to my bolo, the wannabe Maori girl I have worked so closely with this year, Chanelle "Shazza" "Neil" Hill. From reminding me when meetings were on to helping me out whenever things were tough, we got there in the end and we had a blast doing it. I still don't forgive you for bowling me over at the Leadership camp but let's not go there. Thank you so much for being the girl that you are, it has been a complete honour working with you. Mum and Dad. Thank you for being so supportive throughout this whole year. Even when I'd get angry at you for no reason, (although I'm not sure if the naughty chair is still a suitable consequence for your 6 foot 2 son anymore?) Anyway thanks for all you have done for me. Love you both (She paid me.) On numerous occasions throughout this year I have suddenly realised that this is in fact the last time I would be participating in a range of things. Whether it be the last time I'm going to dress up as a Shepherd at a House event, the last time that I play sport for the mighty Nua or the last time I experience the laughter and learning of everyday College life. What has become such a familiar setting will definitely be missed. So to next year's students, especially the prefects, I wish you an amazing year. Make the most of every opportunity and remember that your year will fly by faster than ever so have fun with your friends, and focus on the important things that will get you towards achieving your goals. I wish all the best to your new principal Mr. Congdon who will bring a fresh new approach into leading the College. (WARNING: This section will undoubtedly have you in tears...) Finally, to the class of 2014. It has come to my realisation that not only is this our final year of secondary school, but it is the start of a whole new chapter in all of our lives. And what is even harder to believe is that for many of us our Horowhenua College Uniform will now be stored in the closet for years. Although it will be put away, this does not signify the end of emotional ties and the loss of the college’s attributes, but the friendships, the memories and the lessons learnt since entering this amazing College, are things we will cherish forever. And Horowhenua College has given us an abundance

of opportunities that will help us in our future endeavours and it is without a doubt accurate in saying that we have been set up well. So I will finish with a very suitable quote that I've adapted. "You can remove the boy from the college, but you can never take the college out of the boy." Don't ask me who said that because I have no idea but it seemed fitting for this occasion. Thank you all so much for the best five years of my life, you have all been so supportive and given back so much to this college. Good luck for all of your career paths, I'm confident that we will meet up in the not too distant future. Ka kite ano, Alex Whiley Head Boy - 2014

Headgirl Report I honestly believe that it's the people that make the place. It has been such an honour to have been a student of Horowhenua College for the past five years and I thank everyone who has been part of my college experience- you're all stunners! It's hard to believe that five years ago a little girl called Chanelle started College-shy, "nerd", hair tied up, wonky rectangle glasses, braces and a purple watch. Back in the junior days I took up Canoe Polo purely because it looked brutal but also because I felt I needed some toughening up! Not only did I get tougher but I also met one of my best friends, Nicole Young, who asked me before our first polo training whether she should wear goggles under her polo helmet, Wow. Netball, Rock climbing club and Stage Challenge were also things that took my interest. Along the way Nicole and I met Hannah McMillan and Jess Freire and it's safe to say since 9cA we've been besties ever since. My transformation from year 9 to year 13, to me, has been quite significant and my experiences at College throughout those years have helped shape my perceptions and overall the person I want to be. I feel truly blessed to have been a member of the Prefect team and Horowhenua College's Head Girl for 2014. Being Head Girl has been a positive yet indescribable experience, there's nothing quite like it and even to this day I am still greatly humble with being given this role. A highlight would be reading the Roll of Honour at the local Anzac Civic service, I take honour and utmost privilege with that prestigious opportunity.

To the Year 13's: Year 13 has been the best school year. I love our vibe. I love our banter. I love our Wolfpack! From Year 13 camp to the Ball to junior mufti day we have made the good times roll! Although we may have played "S Club 7" too many times, it just shows how ruthless we are. To the class of 2014- I wish you all the very best of luck for your futures and never forget yo roots y'all! I'd like to say thank you to Mrs Moerkerk, she's such an amazing asset to our school. I've come to spend a lot of time with her this year and she has been a friendly face and a helping hand; overall she's a genuine, lovely lady. Also thank you to Kate Searle who has been my chocolate loving buddy, for sending me countless emails and keeping me in the loop. To Ms Mattheus, Ms Grey, Mr Tate, Matua Gregg and Gary O'Brien for keeping me sane! They have been an amazing support system and always up for a laugh. To Mr Congdon, I have complete and utter faith in you and your principle role. Your passion and hard work ethic is inspiring and I cannot wait to hear more good things about Nua! To Bolo, Alex, we've created this amazing work partnership this year, we've stuck together through the good and tough times and somehow manage to bring the weirdness out of each other. Although our time as Head students is coming to a close, you will always have a friend in me. To Sam, our Deputy Head Boy, I thank you for your crazy personality and positivity. I'll never forget those crazy dance moves from the school balls. You've really stepped up this year and you should be proud. To Laura,

Headgirl Report thank you for being the undying support and laughter. Every time I delegated something you were always there and did it to the best of your ability, you have been an amazing Deputy Head Girl and a true friend. To the Prefect team, I love how we have grown not only as individuals but grown as a team. It's amazing how much you can learn about your peers by being in a role like this, and I've enjoyed getting to know you on a more personal level. Cheers for putting up with all my stutters and "ums" in Prefect meetings! You have done your roles justice at Horowhenua College and you can leave Nua knowing that you served Horowhenua College well and walk out with your head held high. Most of all I'd like to thank my Mum and Dad for being so loving and forever supporting me-especially for the past few years. To my older Hill Billy, Gemma, she's such an influential figure in my life and the best older sister I could ask for. I leave Horowhenua College knowing a few things: complete confidence in the students, teachers, senior management and future prefects, a good indication of where I want to go in life, knowing that my chemistry class laugh at me rather than my jokes, inheriting 8 new nicknames (some include Mumma Shazza, Chanelly Shark face, Bolo and Leelo), that I have an obsession for Kit Kats, how the "Dannys" got their name, that the Levin Fire Brigade are prompt, I have taught the Nana crump well, Brendon doesn't like Fejoa skins, Mr Smith will give you a free chocolate egg on your birthday and most importantly having a loving community full of friends and a lifetime of memories.

Be Proud, Be Courageous, Be Yourself. Headgirl 2014 Chanelle Hill

2014 prefect team

2014 teaching staff

swimming sports

athletics day

peer support

year 9 powhiri

Year 9 Welcome Dance


2014 Horowhenua Ball

Duke of Edinburgh We would like to thank SWAZI for the amazing sponsorship. They have made it possible for us to get gear that is suitable to go into the outdoors with. Their generosity and support Is very greatly appreciated. A big thank you from all the staff and students involved in this amazing challenge.

The students participating in the challenge this year have been busy and we would like to congratulate all those student who have completed their Bronze and Silver levels and have moved on to the next stage. We have had tramps ranging from the Ruahine to Tongaririo and students have learned a range of new skills.

LIBRARY 2014 We've had another positive and busy year in the library, usually hosting two and often three classes at a time, seniors studying independently and students busy at break times with a range of activities. Technology runs very smoothly alongside our book collection providing a one-stop-shop for information and research. The library catalogue reflects this by giving students many useful website links as well as books in their searches. Our students are great readers of fiction. The library's reader's advisory role has grown considerably and most students are comfortable asking for advice in book selection.

Bingo reading Challenge @ the Library Seventy-five students and nine teachers signed up to the 2014 Reading Challenge. This years challenge was "Book Bingo". Students had to read 24 books of different types and genres indicated by the Bingo board. Congratulations to Maggie Rogers (first), Haley Hollows (second) and Caroline Ashdown (third) who completed their boards first and won book tokens and house points.

Staff changes Goodbye Margaret.... Our library assistant, Margaret Thompson moved to Upper Hutt at the end of May. We had a special morning tea in the library to farewell her. She has worked in the library for nine years and will be missed! ....Hello Clare. Clare Sorensen is our new library assistant. She has been a teacher aide at the college for 12 years so already knows the school and the students and has fitted in perfectly. She is in the library periods 3 and 4 and continues with teacher aide work for the rest of the day.

Read it, love it, pass it on.

This year we joined a scheme by Penguin NZ Publishers called "Read it, love it pass it on" Each term Penguin send (free of charge) a bag containing a selection of popular teen titles. These are distributed to students who simply read, love and pass on the books. Students are encouraged to comment on FB to give the publishers some feedback. The books are not library books and students don't have to return them to the library. It's been a great opportunity and the students have enjoyed it.

Pizza Wheels

Hell's Pizza have sponsored reading in schools this year. The first 100 of our students who read 8 or more books were rewarded with free pizza vouchers and library bags.

Student librarians

Thanks to all our students librarians for doing a great job again this year. It wouldn't be the same without you! Year 13: Anarosa Afasene, Audrey Livirya, Justice Windle Year 12: Tessa Bartholomew, Eliza Boyle, Haley Hollows, Rhianna Morar, Hannah Myers Year 11: Dhanisha Harshad, Ella Robinson, Todd Martin, Megan McKenzie, Anna Newman, Courtney Newman, Maggie Rodgers Year 10: Georgia Crandall, Jhea Dela Cruz Elaine Pearson - Librarian

Activities Week 2013 At the end of 2013 our year 9 and year 10 students took the week off from normal classes to go on adventures that broadens their minds and builds new friendships. They all had a blast and will forver cherish the memories they created.

Activities week 2013 In December 2013 a group of 14 students, accompanied by Mr Jacobs, Miss Abriata, Miss Seymour and Mr Cadle travelled down to the sunny Tasman region for some tramping and sea kayaking. The journey began with Mr Lose driving us down to Wellington to catch the plane. There was some minor confusion at the airport in regards to baggage tags, but we were soon on our way to Nelson. From there, the tour guides picked us up and bussed us to Marahau and the Abel Tasman national park entrance. On arrival at Marahau we settled in to Old McDonald's farm camp site with fish & chips before setting off the next day. Half the group kayaking for the first two days, the other half walking. After two days we swapped. I'm sure there is plenty of disagreement over which group had the better deal with this. During the trip the students saw all manner of plant, bird and sea life, experienced camping in different

weathers (including heavy rain) to test their tenting skills, and enjoyed their time at each site playing games, swimming and socialising with other school groups. The guides from The Sea Kayak company were very friendly and knowledgeable, guiding us in close to the islands to see the seals and penguins. The trip was a learning experience for many, showing the importance of good kit in a relatively forgiving environment. Abel Tasman is a good entry-level tramp for hikers as the tracks are well formed and the slopes are never too steep. Sea kayaking was easy to pick up and, so long as both people were pulling their weight in paddling, not too strenuous. When we were away from the other groups at the campsites it was very peaceful.

Science Faculty 2014 has seen a number of staff changes. Mrs Newberry moved to Greymouth High School to become Head of Science during term one and Mrs Redfearn moved closer to home by taking on a Chemistry position at Feilding High School. The Agriculture & Horticulture students are continuing to benefit from the tunnel house and resources Mrs Newberry set up. Mrs Redfearn will be missed on Activities week for her driving at Daytona. Level 3 Chemistry is in good hands with Miss Martine Lewis joining the staff. We welcomed Mrs Susie Prentice from China who is teaching Agriculture & Horticulture and senior Biology. Her students have enjoyed trips to local horticulture businesses. Mrs Prentice is keen to develop the Agriculture & Horticulture course further as the Horowhenua continues to offer good job opportunities in these fields. The Science Faculty has always been keen to offer students opportunities outside the classroom and this year has been no exception. Level 2 Chemistry and Physics students went to Victoria University to experience hands on practical activities. The Year 13 Biology students took soil samples and they were sent to Auckland University as part of a national programme to investigate the range of bacteria present. This led to a day working with Scientists at Massey extracting DNA and performing other biotechnology techniques. The annual Year 13 Zoo trip was extended to an overnight stay and students who had performed consistently well in Science from other year groups were rewarded with this trip. 2015 at Otago University. Congratulations Monique! Rotary are again offering to subsidise a high achieving Year 12 student to Auckland University to experience a range of science disciplines and help them with their career choice. We are waiting to hear if our candidate has been success Monique Lang has been offered a

fully funded scholarship for Maori students to attend a week of Science activities in January Nicole Young is participating in the Otago University Advanced Sciences Academy and Mr Cadle joined her in the deep south for some amazing teacher professional development in his January and July holidays. Congratulations to the students who achieved Distinction and Credit in the recent ICAS competitions. Year 9 Credit Mercina Nielsen Merit Kata Ruschhaupt Nikki Su Year 10 Distinction Jordan Robinson Jotham Harris Credit Hannah Wedlock Madison Walsh ( Year 9 student, well done!) Alexa Bryant Poppy Bussell Merit Caitlyn Friedel Year 12 Merit Alysha Gibbard The outstanding achievement for the year was Phillip Prinsloo who entered the Manawatu Science and Technology Fair with his Rueben's curve and came away with a number of prizes and awards. Well done Phillip. Nathan Berry, another alumnus of the college and Electrical Engineer with Electra came and spoke to 10mY about Electricity and did some practical activities with them. He was very passionate about his career and the students really enjoyed him teaching them. This year Mr Cadle had a lunch time programme Science club where budding scientists came to do fun

science activities. We hope extend this concept to cover all year.


Maths Faculty Mathematics and Accounting Faculty What a busy and full year our Faculty have had delivering the curriculum while also allowing students successful involvement in other Mathematics events outside of the school. The introduction of BYOD to the Year 9 programme meant a more exciting and engaging delivery of the curriculum for that year level. In July we sadly fare-welled Mr Wang who went to work at Saint Thomas College. He tells us he is doing well and enjoying living back in Christchurch. We welcomed Mr John Ridge (from Paraparaumu College) who thankfully took on two of Mr Wang's senior classes. We have also welcomed some part-time teachers into the Faculty including Mrs Martine Lewis and Mr Colin Taylor. Thanks to these teachers for helping to fill the gaps and thanks to all of the teachers within the Faculty for making this year run as smoothly as it has. Faculty Events Like last year, this year we sent two teams, one Year 9 and one Year 10, to the Mathex regional event in Palmerston North. The competition was tough but the students enjoyed the experience and Mr Marwick helped to keep spirits high for the teams. We are proud of the way the students behaved and competed and they should be proud of themselves! We also re-introduced Nua students to the I-CAS New South Wales Mathematics exams, offering any Year 9 or Year 10 student who wanted to the opportunity to sit the exam. The students did

exceptionally well with many students gaining Merit and Credit level certificates. Thanks to Ms Abriata for her work and commitment to making this all happen. Curriculum Matters Congratulations to all those students who have worked hard during the year to attain all the credits available to them at each level in Mathematics and Accounting. I am impressed with the mature approach students took to their changes in timetable and new teachers in the middle of the year that the change in semester caused. The lunchtime and interval tutorials, the Pasifika Powerup and the Ohana Study group sessions have allowed many students the opportunity to catch up on and enhance their learning outside of the classroom and I congratulate those students who took these opportunities offered. The year has been a successful one and we are looking forward to celebrating your success when your final results are released. Finally, a warm and heartfelt thanks to all members of the Mathematics and Accounting Faculty for their contribution to the success of the Faculty in 2014.

Sandra Friedel, Head of Mathematics (Senior)

Technology Faculty The Technology block has been a hive of activity this year and student have been engaged in a range of activities from preparing an amazing dishes to welcome our new Principal to making one of the largest wooden storage box this school has probably seen. Some of the key highlights this year for us as a Technology faculty has been: -Welcoming Ms. Rhodes who joined our team and is teaching Digital Technology -Students entering and doing well in a worldwide competition to create a app for a device -The Year 10 Textiles students visiting Kapinua to print designs for their t-shirts. -Mrs Adams and some of the Textiles students going to WOW (Word of Wearable Art) -The new a laser cutter which is challenging our students in new and exciting ways. -Mrs Shaw and her senior Creative Catering students preparing a buffet lunch to welcome our new principal. -It has been a productive year for all who have

been involved in Technology and a big well done to some amazing things being produced in all areas. On a sad note, we say farewell to Mrs Shaw who is retiring! After leading the department for many years as a teacher in charge and Head of Faculty she will be sorely missed. We would like to thank and wish her all the best for the future. Cathy has decided to retire from the "chalk face" after 45 years of teaching, 17 of those years at Horowhenua College. Cathy has been staff rep on the BOT and a tutor to many students. Cathy introduced "Restaurant Nights" where students planned and prepared lavish three course meals for staff and family. Cathy's professionalism and outstanding teaching practises will be missed. She has always put the students first, spending many an hour trying to work out how to further improve the delivery of curriculum so the students achieve success. Cathy will be able to put her lunch box away one last time and have more time to spend in her garden and time with her dogs. These are her two greatest passions aside from her family and friends. Enjoy your retirement, Cathy. You thoroughly deserve to enjoy many hours in your garden. You will be missed! Jenny Petterson

Social Sciences Faculty 2014 has been another very busy year of teaching and learning in the Social Science Faculty. Students have been well served by the following staff: Miss Bolton, Ms Grey, Ms Kerehoma, Miss Mattheus, Mr Pile, Mr M Smith, Mr Tate, Mrs Wilton and Mr Wilton. Teaching & Learning Highlights: BYOD in Year 9 Social Studies This has enabled students to be more engaged with their learning of "General Election" While the country voted so did our Year 9 students in "Kids Vote" Year 10 students being given the opportunity to sit a Level 1 Geography Achievement Standard Level 1 Studies of Society students took social action in The Amnesty International Freedom Challenge with the focus on stopping torture Level 2 & 3 Geography students undertook field work at National Park Level 2 Social Studies students focused their social action this year on KidsCan A new Level 2 course was introduced. "Early Childhood Education" Level 2 & 3 Tourism students travelled to Wellington to investigate career opportunities Level 3 Social Studies students attended a Vigil at Parliament in support of a group focusing on the Breach of Protection Orders To all the students sitting external achievement standards: We

wish you well and hope that you have made the most of the revision opportunities offered to you in the weeks leading up to the exams. To the Year 13 students who are leaving at the end of the year: we wish you well for the future and trust that the skills and understandings that you have gained from the Social Science subject studied in your 5 years with us will help you in your future endeavours. To those of you (both staff and students) who will be returning in 2015: have a safe and relaxing holiday, take care and see you all again really soon. Kathy Grey HOF SS

The next course was the five day Bushcraft course. This is where the recruits are tested on leadership and basic map reading knowledge. The Academy’s longest tramp was 18 km’s fully kitted. Comments from Recruits from this course where things such as; amongst all of the students and that's Phoenix Dando-King “Thegoodbye breakfast was what makes it so hard to: say okay, the weren’t that good. One when oureggs exchange students have toAcademy Success Stories: leave. Liam McCourt has recently completed his Royal One of the most important jobs we have, New Zealand Army Basic course. is to make sure that the students who are Shenea Whakarau joined the Royal New Zealand new to New Zealand feel welcomed and Air Force last year and completed induction included. That's why T10 is always open course with ease. to anyone to come meet new people, Delane Mihaere has in, been accepted into the make new Zealand friends and help new Royal New Army as aour Field Engineer.. Tyla students welcome our school. Porteous feel has applied fortothe Royal NewItZealand can be very lonely going to a new place Air Force. and learning a new language all the Other students that left duringso thetoyear have all students at Horowhenua College this year gone into full time work or higher education. who have made to anall effort to include our Congratulations Students who have new students have made newCollege completed theand Yearwho in the Horowhenua friends, say thank you. I hope to see ServicesIAcademy many HSA!!! of you over the next year and you Cheers Tyla be Porteous will always welcome over in T10. (Services Academy Prefect, Advanced Senior Leader)

Service esol faculty Academy

This year we have welcomed and farewelled students from Brazil, Finland, Norway, Japan, Germany, China, Vietnam, Tonga, Papua New Guinea and Tuvalu. As always, after the first few weeks of settling in, the students become one big The Horowhenua College Services Academy was set and keep an eye out for each that other up tofamily provide Skills, Values and Education enables around the school andto town. of our Services Academy Students take aSome positive role in been for two or threeitself New students Zealand’shave society. Thehere Academy commits to provide life skills, learning, training years and somemotivational are exchange students and vocational options will allow youth in the who only stay for athat couple of terms and Horowhenua andto surrounding to confidently then return their homeareas countries. and successfully establish their place within, and It has been another busy year with many contribution to, the local community and New of the students working towards NCEA Zealand’s Society. credits, so for much of the time, they We offer… have been very focused on getting work A structured Military Environment. completed and Based handed in for assessment. Opportunities to attend several courses with the New However, in between times, T10 has often Zealand Defence Force.students and their new been full of ESOL Opportunities to develop Services and friends who have come in at Skills interval Knowledge. and lunchtimes. It's always wonderful to NCEAsee Credits in Literacy, Numeracy, Science, Outdoor the warm friendships which develop Education and Physical Education. Also if the students wish to take mainstream classes they can do that as well. Gaining Credits in these subjects also. Staff Shona Hohepa, our most recent director, left us in September to move forward in a career that was closer to her family. We wish her all the best with her future endeavors and thank her for all the amazing opportunities that she gave us and all of her support throughout the two years she was with us. Our New Director is Staff Maurice True and Staff Robin Hudepohl our assistant director. This year has been a great year for the services academy. Our New Recruits were able to attend all three New Zealand Defence Force courses offered by YDU (Youth Development Unit). These Courses are: The Induction Course, Bushcraft Course, and Adventure Challenge Course. Keita Whangapirita: “It was difficult at the time of the course, but looking back I am so proud that I achieved the course.” Ashleigh Taylor: “It was very hard and way too long.”

Physical Education Faculty It has been yet another busy and very productive year in the Physical Education Faculty. We had a number of comings and goings throughout the year. We farewelled Clare Seymour at the end of term 2 and Campbell Hart at the end of term 3. Clare and Campbell did a fantastic Job in their time at Horowhenua College, they brought fresh exciting and new ideas to the faulty which benefited the students greatly. Campbell also had a very successful year coaching the first XV Rugby Team to their most successful season. We thank both of these teachers and wish them all the best in their new adventures. Technology has been a focus for our junior school our Y9 students have embraced using this in a practical setting. Videoing their own performance, using video delay to give quality feedback for improvement. The PE ultranet page is a great link between home and school allowing students to work at their own pace. There still are however practical lessons in PE with the traditional focus on developing fundamental movement and motor skills. Health also plays an important part of the junior programme tackling some tought issues and ensuring students are well educated to make good decisions. Areas of focus such as body Image, Bullying, puberty, and healthy eating allow our students to develop good self esteem and confidence as they move through adolescence.

SENIOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION As Physical Education continues to provide many academic challenges our students seem to rise and exceed expectations in their learning. Our PE students are developing comprehensive knowledge of how the body works, how to analyse a skill and apply biophysical principles to both training and skill development. As a result was a seeing better performance in our sporting teams. This year we have 2 students doing scholarship PE, we wish Renee and Sam also the best with this exam. We know they have worked hard to prepare for this. SPORTS SCIENCE Our sports science classes have been working hard throughout the year developing a range of skills in a practical setting. Organising and running events such as the amazing race, and gym competitions, have seen our students show good leadership qualities. Applying risk management strategies when going on trips such as Paint ball has given the students a better understanding of trip planning and also provided some excellent hands on learning opportunities . This practical option in Physical Education is proving a popular alternative to the academic Physical Education.

We have had many highlights throughout the year which all come from the vast amount of students that pass through our faculty each year. It is always a highlight for us as teachers seeing students perform in a different setting and getting to know them in our environment. We thank all our students for a great year, and we look forward to working with well motivated and hard working students in 2015, However it is a great sadness that Mike Rameka will be leaving us at the end of the year. Mr Rameka has been at Horowhenua College for the past 10 years and has been a real asset to the PE Department. His involvement in sport has seen the development of both Basketball and cricket. We thank him for all his hard work and all the time and effort he has put into developing successful student. We wish Kylie, Mike and Ava all the best with their move to the Waikato to be close to family and for Mike to take up a new position at St Pauls Collegiate. Brenda Wagenaar HOF Physical Education/Health

T' n' koutou e ng whaea me ng m'tua. He tangi m' r'tou kua mene atu. He mamae he aroha he pouri, t' r'tou haere t' hoki mai. K'ti, he mihi ki a koutou katoa e kaha nei ki te honore i' Ia. He aha te honore ki te Kaihanga? T'r' ka taea te k', ko te puwaitanga o te tangatanga. Someone said that the Glory of God is to have people fully alive, te t' rangatira p'r' i te kahikatea. Among the highlights of this year have been our public performances. One of these was the Manu K'rero speech competition which was held at Palmerston North. Our tuakana speaker was Roha Taiapa who did a brillian impromptu and clearly won many admirers. One of the judges commented that he should have his own TV show! The other speaker was Jotham Harris who was a very close second in his speech. It is important to point out that to be only a few marks away from first for the region was in fact to be almost the best in the country as the student who beat Jotham went on to win the Nationals. What an achievement.


Another T Rangatira (stand tall) has been our Kapahaka this year. We have been spoilt to have Matua Tipi Wehipeihana who has worked with Karanama Peita tirelessly to lift our rangatahi to heights that have not been seen at our kura for a long time. When our tauira stand to perform ka t' te ihi te wehi te wanawana. (People get goosebumps!!) It is hard to put into words the magic that Matua Tipi can instill. He gives so much and expects our rangatahi to do the same, and they do! T'nei te mihi ki a koutou e tautoko nei i te wh'nau wh'nui o Horowhenua Kareti. Members of our Kapahaka tell us that they feel proud to be Maori, that it's fun, exciting and cool. They enjoy the adrenaline rush that comes with pouring out energy and feeling the mauri ora! We have again been lucky to have the quiet and effective support of Whaea Kura and Whaea Sha who have helped out in so many areas of our group. Tn hoki krua. This has been such a positive year and it means that 2015 is shaping up to be great!!

Gateway 2014 started the year with 28 students but with the semester system many students withdrew from Gateway without completing the TEC requirements. This has meant our Gateway numbers have not reached the predicted numbers submitted to TEC which has a significant impact on funding. Action plans are already in place to ensure this does not repeat next year. Gateway begins every year with a busy term one trying to complete the "ready for work" units so Gateway students can begin their work placements with knowledge and confidence in Health & Safety, Legal Rights and First Aid. This is also a "probation period" to develop their work ethic by arriving to class on time, being work ready and most importantly

having an awesome attitude to get given tasks done. Once students work ethic has proven to be worthy of a work placement then the Gateway staff will go and broker a placement within our community and close neighbouring communities. Like all years the Gateway placements

this year have been vast and various with most of our senior students embracing the opportunity to gain work experience in their chosen vocations before they leave school and have to pay for further education and training, we call it "try before you buy". From bakers to bankers, policing to hairdressing, engineers to builders, just to name a few, and this year gave us our very first Dance Choreographer. The Gateway presentations gave us an insight to all work placements and what is required to pursue a career in their chosen vocations. Gateway cannot happen without the support from our local business community therefore appreciation and acknowledgement must be given to all of our Gateway employers for firstly taking a chance with our students and then to provide them with good quality work experience. Thank you all very much and look forward to thanking you formally at our Gateway Graduation. Whaea Pani

International Department It is always a great start to the year to have a BBQ together with all the overseas students and their host families which we had at Keeling's lake on 8 February. This year in total we have had the following overseas students with us: China 5; Japan 5; Norway 1; PNG 3; Vietnam 1; Germany 7; Finland 1 and Brazil 1. In addition to these 24 students we hosted 34 students from Meijo University High School during Term 3. During the April school holidays the international department took a group of students to Vietnam (see separate article). After these students returned home, I continued on to do marketing in Asia. This included visiting agents and some schools. I was able to establish a Sister School in Guangzhou, China. They invited us to bring a group of students to visit them first in 2015 before they visit us the following year. We expect to receive students from this school in the future. We have 9 local students who have committed to the China trip in April next year. This will be an amazing experience for them. Other doors opened for us which included Meijo University High School offering their students the opportunity to study with us for one year in the future. We welcomed our first Meijo student at the beginning of Term 4 this year.

school by providing support to the new students when they come, arrange 2-3 events during the term (outside of school) and to enjoy interacting with them during the school day and at events in school like our international lunches etc. This committee will also have the opportunity to develop leadership skills as they become familiar with running a meeting, setting up sub-committees and taking on responsibility. The idea is for the students to make a long term commitment to be on the committee so that they can train up others when new students join the team in Year 9. Before the end of the year the committee will have arranged an event on one of the student's properties that has horses and then later a Christmas Party. We have enjoyed visits during the year from overseas agents coming from Austria and Papua New Guinea. I would like to thank our host families who have such a special role in creating a very special experience for our international students. We are very grateful to those families who make a big effort to take their student to other parts of the island.

I would also like to thank our homestay co-ordinator, Nancy Jones for all her efforts this year. Finding 34 host families in addition to our long term During Term 2 the international students asked if students was a we could take them to visit Hobbiton. This was an challenge but was opportunity to check this out as a place to include in achieved. We are our central North Island trip in the future. Hobbiton was very much also very grateful enjoyed and will to the support we have in the definitely be community from included next many families year. who help us in During Term 3 I providing their home for our short term visitors. invited our local We wish all our returning overseas students all the very students from all year levels to best for their future and wish our long term students every success with their NCEA examinations. Our overseas put their names forward to go on to an international students add a great flavour to our school and give our committee. The role of the international committee is to help the international students integrate into the local students a wonderful opportunity to get to know another culture. Robyn Keeling Director of International Education

Vietnam Trip 2014



This year we have welcomed and farewelled students from Brazil, Finland, Norway, Japan, Germany, China, Vietnam, Tonga, Papua New Guinea and Tuvalu. As always, after the first few weeks of settling in, the students become one big family and keep an eyeIn out for the eachEnglish other around the school and town. Some of our students have been 2014 department to have been an unmitigated disaster; herecomprised for two orseveral three years and some students whogenerated only stay for dedicated staff.are exchange more work was for anocouple real of terms and then return to their home countries. Led by Mr Smith and Mrs McCormick, result. As for the double periods, some It has been another busy year with many of the students working towards NCEA credits, the team consisted of Mrs Northern, of us liked them and others didn't. so for of the have been very focused getting work completed Mrsmuch Corbett, Mrtime, Tong,they Matua Greg, We areon fare-welling Julie Bolton in and handed in for assessment. However, T10 has fullfor of ESOL Mr Fearon and Mrs Leufkens. We in between times, December andoften wish been her luck next students and their new friends who have come in at interval and lunchtimes. It’s always welcomed Miss Bolton during the year year. 2015 will see the return of Miss wonderful to see thethe warm friendships amongst of the students and and relinquished skills of Matua which develop Moerkerk to theall department and the that’s what it sodisestablished. hard to say goodbye our exchange students to leave. Chris as makes 10MA was Also when continuation of the rest ofhave us. English Onewe of gained the most jobs have, is to make sure that students are as theimportant services of Ms we Mattheus pre-trades willthe still functionwho as ENFO newtototeach New10MR, Zealand feel welcomed why always open to of and had Ms Perry and takeincluded. willThat’s ENFO2 at T10 Yr12islevel, and the rest anyone to task come meet new people, make newthe friends and helpwill ourfunction new students on the ofin, educating 9CL. department well too. feelThe welcome to our school. It can be very lonely going to a new place and learning a year had the usual amount of SMS/MCC newtesting, language so images, to all thefilm students at Horowhenua College this year who have made an static reviews, effort to include new students and who have made new friends, I say thank you. I book reports,our impromptu speeches hope tofor seethe many overthere the next and yearof9you classes was year and you willthe always be welcome T10. attraction of the over BYODinrevolution. This has changed the way junior English A fairwell from one We of our international students, is being taught. used e-asTTle and

are rapidly becoming less than ecstatic Hello about its machinations we have to say. My Senior name isEnglish Jenny had Krumkuhler I havewith been an international student at Horowhenua its usualand collision College 9 months. I have hadby such an awesome time here. I met heaps of nice and NCEAfor which was aggravated many really helpful people and I the experienced new and really different things which I didn’t seniors failing to grasp significance know about before I left gained my home country. of deadlines. Having success I guess it’s really hard explain at Scholarship leveltolast year, to weother look people what it is like to be an international student because it isof just different forward to more thesosame at thefrom what everyone expects. You choose the country you’re going topleasing becauseto people end of this one. It is note tell you what nice landscapes it has and how awesome it looks, they actually know what it means to live there. the number of but students gaining don’t subject Being an international student is way more than looking around the country. It means endorsements during the year. getting know the lifestyle, people, the food, the culture and so much more. As a to department we foundthe Semesters Yes, I travelled around heaps and yeah, the landscape is beautiful and really impressive, but in fact it is not that which I am going to miss in New Zealand. It is more the people I have got to know, who I can call my friends now, my host family who showed me their way of living and supported me a lot and school. I actually really enjoyed school here. It is so different to Germany and in my eyes, it is much better. Thanks to very one who supported me this year, who spent time with me and helped me or even just talked

Japanese We have had another successful year in Japanese. As always, the senior students really enjoyed the opportunity to interact with and learn calligraphy from the Meijo students when they visited us in August. We have been very fortunate to have a volunteer teacher assistant in our classroom this year and the students

have loved getting to know Sayaka. She has been very helpful with all the students and I think everyone will miss her next year! We have had a great bunch of focused, enthusiastic Year 10s and the intake of Year 9s has provided us with a number of great characters. A big thanks to all for an enjoyable year :)

Spanish Spanish

continued in 2014 with Senora Jones the Teacher in Charge. This year there were three Year 9 classes, a large Year 10 class and a Year 11 class doing NCEA Level 1. The greatest highlight of course was the progress students made in being able to communicate in Spanish. As well as this, classes greatly enjoyed their Spanish cooking lessons in the Food

Technology room. In Term 3 the Year 11 class went on a trip to Wellington and visited the Embassies of Spain and Brazil, and met the Ambassadors of both countries. Brazil is not a Spanish speaking country (their main language is Portuguese) but they are surrounded by Spanish speaking countries and have close links to them. Spanish is going strong at Horowhenua College and we hope there will be Year 12 and 13 classes in the future. Remember, no one ever regrets learning Spanish (or any language) to advanced levels but many regret dropping it. ÂĄAprende espaĂąol! Learn Spanish!

The Drama Department Highlights for me in 2014 include: Working with the fabulous Drama students at Horowhenua College: ‫ ٭‬Year 12s – you have bravely accepted every new creative challenge and proved just how talented you really are. We are all so proud of you! ‫ ٭‬Year 11s – you are fearless, fun, super-talented, outrageous, hilarious, capable, energetic and confident performers. You make coming to school every day worthwhile!  ‫ ٭‬Year 10s – my awesomely talented Year 9s grew up to become amazing performers in Year 10. You are a very gifted and talented group, and also heaps of fun! ‫ ٭‬Year 9s – personality plus! Your talent and enthusiasm are great and I can’t wait to see what you do with it next year! Year 13s, as always you deserve your own special mention: Your contribution to the school has been huge. You have grown into highly capable performers and it has been a privilege to work with you. Thank you for sharing your talents; we wish you all the best!! Coach Perry

Shakespeare Festival


1st place at the Regionals A trip to Nationals Two national awards And a place at NSSP Our performance of ‘Macbeth’ at Nationals was amazing. Starring Ryan Burnell, Vikatolia Finau, Sina Moala and Sierra Tafeamaalii, and directed by Roha Taiapa, it won 2 prestigious national awards: The Hon. Christopher Finlayson Award for Outstanding Movement/Dance The Trinity College of London Award for Best Recovery Then a week later Vikatolia Finau was asked to join the National Shakespeare Schools Production (NSSP). Only 48 students out of 5500 nationwide were selected for this honour. Another first for our amazingly talented drama students here at Horowhenua College. Before any of this, we took 3 fabulous groups to the Regionals at Kapiti – with a team of 25 students from Years 9-13, performing a 5 and 15 minute Romeo and Juliet, and of course ‘Macbeth’. It was a pleasure to see so many new students involved in this festival. You were all amazing on the day and I am so proud of you. Excellent work team!

stage challenge 2014

The Arts Faculty Seniors.

The Arts Faculty has had many changes and exciting developments this year, with Ms Hirst having her beautiful baby boy, Arthur, and maintaining a vision of loveliness throughout her pregnancy. While Ms Hirst is on maternity leave, we have had Ms Dyson take her place. She has been fantastic. We don't know for sure yet whether Ms Hirst will be back after Christmas. The standard of student work this year has been outstanding through all year levels. It makes our jobs so rewarding when students put in the effort and show real improvement in their skills and creative thinking. The atmosphere in the art department is warm, inclusive, inspiring and productive. We admit that we do resort to bribary at times with chocolates, apples and oranges and the occasional lollies available as well as scratch and sniff stickers which are strangely rather popular with senior students. We have run two after school days a week to catch up on art, and we supply food at the official one. Our lunch breaks are always full of keen and happy artists at work. School holidays are a time when we have opened the Art room and had a two day workshop. Art is a time consuming subject, especially for those students aiming for excellence and scholorship, so we like to offer more supervised time for our students to spend here in the Art room. We have had an exhibition of Senior art works at TeTakere too, and we hope you visited the center and enjoyed our showcase of the beautiful art work we do in the department; photography, design, prints and paintings. All of our students have worked really tirelessly on their work this year, and I have been impressed with the enthusiasm of the Junior art students as much as the

The standard just keeps getting higher and higher. After all, we do get amazing results, and we are hoping for some Scholarships results in Design, Painting and photography this year. They deserve to achieve highly because to be a successful artist means that you become totally passionate about your work and try to expand your knowledge and practice about making artworks. Highlights include: Ms Hirst and the baby- Arthur Ms Dyson joining us :) The Cultural Awards on the 4th November Te Takere Exhibition Art Evening to celebrate the folios completion in Art Rooms After school workshops with yummy food provided Upgraded Macs in the Design room Trip to wellington to Visit contemporary art works Stage Challenge in Palmy But to all our Arty students, well done for another fantastic year, new talent continues to grow and be nurtured here, Art is the centre of the Universe after all. Thank You to the Arts staff who work tirelessly on your behalf, with time, enthusiasm, creativity and a sense of fun! Have a wonderful holiday, and Ill look forward to seeing you all back again for another year of hard work, artiness and creativity! Reasons to be an art student: 1. THE INTERNET HAS CREATED AN EXPLOSION OF OPPORTUNITY FOR DIGITAL DESIGNERS AND MULTIMEDIA ARTISTS and Illustrators... Almost all businesses have an online presence, with online advertising increasing by the day. The demand for web designers, app designers, software designers, graphic designers, digital illustrators, multimedia artists, video

producers, online publishers, animation artists, game designers and many other digital careers is undergoing unprecedented growth. While Art continues to be a desirable option for students wishing to pursue "traditional" creative careers, such as Architecture, Interior Design or Painting / Fine Art related professions, the internet has seen an explosion of exciting, new roles emerge. 2. THOSE WITH A WIDE SKILL SET HAVE AN ADVANTAGE, IN ANY CAREER Some people have a mathematical brain. Others have strengths in written language. Others excel in creative areas such as Art and Design or Photography . If you are lucky enough to excel in two or three of these areas, you are part of a much smaller subset of the population. Those who are multi-skilled are astronomically more useful, well-rounded, hireable and capable of excelling in a much wider range of professions. Unless you are aiming for a degree that requires particular specialism (university websites clearly outline recommended and required subjects), it can be beneficial to select a wide range of subjects. Note: Art enhances fine motor skills, handeye coordination, problem solving skills, lateral thinking, complex analysis and critical thinking skills. No matter what career you choose, those who can arrange, present and display material in a way that is aesthetically pleasing have an advantage. 3. STUDYING ART IMPROVES PERFORMANCE IN OTHER SUBJECTS James Catterall, leading professor and Chair of the Faculty at the UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, has studied 12,000 students over twelve years. His research demonstrates that involvement in the arts (both Visual Art and Performing Art) especially for students from a low-income background is associated with higher levels of attainment in both high school and university. Catterall also notes that studying the arts can have other positive benefits such as greater involvement in community service. (More information can be

found in his book Doing Well and Doing Good by Doing Art. 8. ART MAKES YOU HAPPY High school Art programmes begin with observation of the real world: recording, analysis and creation of a visual response to the surroundings. Art makes students look at things anew, even mundane ordinary aspects of the world. The fluffy, "feel good" reasons that are usually given for selecting Art as a subject are given because they are right. Art does fill the soul. There is something magical about smearing pencil and paint across a piece of paper and sculpting form with your hands. Communicating with colour and shape and form awakens the imagination; it opens a door to "now". If you love making art, you'll miss it when it's gone. And if you do choose to study Art, chances are, it will be your favourite class of the day. So there you have it...Take Art. Mrs J Gilroy HOF Arts

Portfolios Level 1 Art

Level 2 Art

Level 3 Art

Level 2 Photography

Level 3 Photography

Level 2 design

Level 3 design

House Reports NGAIO HOUSE LEADER REPORT!!! Once upon a time, there were four house leaders. They created a team, a team of winners, a triumphant team that would control the school! but... we didn't. We also showed sympathy, towards the other houses. For example Rata, we allowed them to win because of the pity we felt for them. In all competitions we tried just enough to stay 2nd and let Rata feel confident and allow their egos to not be destroyed by our superiority! But we managed to destroy the other teams, although their attempts were miniscule we showed our generosity to allow them to watch our almighty glorious foot to demolish them!! Next year we wish good luck to the "NGAIOLATION NATION!!" to "HULK SMASH!!""THE OTHER HOUSES!!" and if necessary, show pity and generosity to them. This has been your AMAZING HOUSE CAPTAINS, BILLY SCAHILL, NICOLE YOUNG, LISA WILLIAMS AND OUR HONORARY HOUSE CAPTAIN SAMARAH HARRIS-WOOLSTON!!!!!!!!!!! RATA HOUSE LEADER REPORT!! So this year was by far our most full on and enjoyable so far! From swimming and jumping around in the pool to running laps and throwing spears, we went out to win with style. As a house that usually lacks participation, this year we built up out RATA pride and smashed out every event! We have put up a huge amount of effort not only in sporting events but also drama/ cultural side, able to get a team together for each competition. It was a great experience to lead our little Ratations to VICTORY!!!! Big thanks to our year level house leaders who put in a lot of work to get everyone involved. Finally, a big thanks to the other houses for putting up a good fight, but really what can compare to our pure awesomeness!! After a very successful year of great fun and awesome achievements as individuals and a family this is Renee Bacon and Robert Galea signing off for the year! :) HINAU HOUSE REPORT Who we are ? The mighty, mighty HINAU.. In the beginning there was a group, a team, an organisation who shone when there was a task at hand. We didn't give up when its rough, never bowing down, always having fun with laughter with each other. This year had been an awesome year for us and they have many more to come. You should all be proud of yourselves for the effort that you've put in throughout the year. We had heaps of fun with athletics, swimming sports and winning the NUA idol at year 13 camp, and also doing an awesome job in other house competitions. We am not sure of other results we made through all events this year but this year has been an ENJOYABLE year for Hinau to show what we are made of and we have shown is more than enough. WELL DONE GUYS!!! Luana Moala, Alex Whiley (Hinau House Captains) KOWHAI HOUSE REPORT After the stunning victory of Kowhai in the house competition last year, we felt it was time for a well deserved break. Though conserving our energy we still fought hard to maintain a solid not-lastplace, and excellent all round house spirit. Through clever tactics and cunning we have ensured that our house is in the ideal position for complete domination next year and you all best be ready for the spectacular Kowhai comeback. Gretta Hansen and Patrick Berry

Pasifika Report Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Kia orana, Bula vinaka, Fakatalofa atu and warm Pacific greetings to you all. The past year has been fantastic for the Pacific community at Horowhenua College. At the end of 2014, Luana Moala was selected to be one of the Prefect team for 2014 and proudly represented us this year as our Cultural prefect. As well as Luana we were also very fortunate to have Roha Taiapa selected to be the Arts prefect. They both did a fabulous job and we loved their enthusiasm. It was a busy year because, as well as the students being very involved in Pasifika Fusion, Ms Moerkerk and Ms Futter were very involved in the Talanoa Pasifika Success Project, an initiative for teachers. Also we were fortunate to be able to host the Pasifika PowerUP workshops from early September through to mid November. These three programmes have boosted the achievements and pride of our Pasifika students and we are an awesome group. The goal we set for Pasifika Fusion at the beginning of the year, was to improve on our performance from last year and to be in the final placings. The group of 31 students met regularly and practised in the gym and hall for two terms rehearsing and polishing their performance and we gratefully acknowledge the support and persistence of all those parents and family during those times. Overall the number of entries we made into all of the categories increased and out of eleven events, Horowhenua College gained first placing in four categories: Talent, Drama, Cinematography and Senior Poetry/Speech. This was incredible and testament to the depth of talent in our school. Our cultural performance group gained a third placing for their amazing twenty minute set and finally, we came third overall out of thirteen schools, for the competition. Again, we were very grateful to have Mrs Mose Tuialii to sew all of our costumes beautiful. Later in the year the school was lucky to be offered the opportunity to host and be involved in Pasifika PowerUP, a Ministry of Education and Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs joint initiative. This programme focused on giving students and parents strategies to "power up" their learning. A series of ten workshops held on Monday evenings, began with a

shared meal and then the different levels of students went to

classrooms for small group and one to one tuition with teachers from Horowhenua and Waiopehu Colleges. Many of our teachers donated their own time in the evenings and commented on how much they enjoyed having the opportunity to work in a small group situation. Overall, it was a hugely successful programme, with a great turnout of students and their parents and I am sure everyone benefitted from participating in it. During the year we also ran the Ohana Study Centre in T10 on Thursday afternoons after school. This gave students an opportunity to have a quiet place to study and get help with their homework and assignments. A number of teachers turned up again in their own time to help and guide the students and some excellent progress was made. We have great plans for next year and I am quite excited about what we will achieve as a group. We have three Pacific Island students on our Prefect team for 2015 and this is very exciting. Many of the initiatives we have undertaken this year would not have been possible without the generous support of the amazing staff we have here at Nua and my gratitude goes to them. Finally, if any parents would like to be involved in some of the activities we do here at school, we would welcome you with open arms. Malo aupito, Faafetai lava, Meitaki, Vinaka, Fakafetai Thank you

CRICKET 2014 This season was an up and down season for cricket. Most of the senior cricketers went to play for Levin Old Boys in the afternoon grades with a few of the more promising juniors stepping up to play for the LOB Presidents side also in the afternoon grade. This meant we still had a junior side that played in the Manawatu B grade secondary competition. This team played well together and won many more than they lost. When it came to picking a 1st XI team to travel through to Wanganui for a quadrangular tournament, the team was mainly made up of juniors with a few seniors added. Although the team had their moments, they were outplayed in this tournament finishing with two losses. Special mention must go to Bailey Te tomo, Kobe Monk, Liam Pinfold and Fraser Bartholomew who all made rep teams and in the future will make great cricketers.

FOOTBALL 2014 2014 saw Horowhenua College enter three teams in the Manawatu secondary schools competitions. Our top boys side played in the Manawatu secondary schools under 19 devision 1 grade and finished a very creditable third. This was a great effort for what was a relatively young team, with only 4 players from the 2013 side advancing through to the 2014 side. Standout performances during the season were from Zac Meads, who filled the sweepers role admirably, and John Hysslop at centerback who was named our player of the year. 2015 looks promising as most of this team will return for the 2015 season. Our second boys team played in the Manawatu under 19 division 2 competition and they finished mid table, in what was a very competitive league. They were coached very well by Rob Easton and his intention is to continue with this team next year. A number of these players progressed during the season notably. Ben Watson was named M.I.P, while Jimmy Jamieson was named M.V.P for the team. Others to perform well during the year were Lani Lambert, Sam Morris, Jimmy Jamieson and Connor Finlayson who were all rewarded for their efforts by being named in our first 11 that took part in the national secondary school tournaments. Our third side played in the Manawatu secondary schools under 15 div.1 grade and the results were not as successful as hoped for. The boys can be congratulated for playing some outstanding football at times, and clearly they were in a division that certainly tested their skill level but they never gave attitude, and earnt praise from many of the opposition teams. We were very fortunate to have Peter Vine as our coach and it is also his intention to continue with this team next year, and this bodes well for the future of football at Horowhenua College. Some outstanding performances through the year were from Bailey and Dylan Vine and Tabokai Tausi, Most Improved Player went to Nathan Stout. Garry O'Brien

Golf 2014 Unfortunately, this year we only had 2 golfers of note who played for the college. Alex Whiley and the outstanding Brydie Hodge. Along with teacher chaperone, Mrs Sorenson, these two golfers went off to play in the Manawatu/Wanganui secondary school champs at the Marton Golf Club. Although 4 are needed in a team, Alex and Brydie were allowed to enter as individuals. Alex did not have one of his better rounds however Brydie won the girls grade easily picking up best individual score. Brydie continues to be one of New Zealands brightest hopes and has had an outstanding year culminating in her winning The NZ U/19 age group champs in Taupo. She has had a number of top 10 finishers in big tournaments this year and is number 1 and captain of the Senior and Junior Manawatu/Wanganui womens inter district teams. She also currently holds the course record of her local club of Levin Golf Links and has a 0.0 handicap.

hockey 2014 The 2014 season for Horowhenua College hockey was a good one for all 4 teams. Both the senior and junior mixed hockey teams under the guidance of Sam Davies and Mr Green did very well to reach the semi-finals in their grade but unfortunately went no further. They played each other 3 times during the season with the seniors winning 2 and the juniors winning 1. Well done to both teams. The 1st XI girls team had an up and down season. They came 5th out of 8 in the Manawatu Division 1 grade winning as many as they lost, however they once again excelled during tournament week to reach the final. In the final they came across Sacred Heart College from New Plymouth. When the final whistle went they were drawn so had to go to a penalty shoot out. This they unfortunately lost but were content with 2nd two years in a row. The 1st XI boys went even better. They won the Manawatu secondary schools Div 1 grade beating Fielding H.S in the final. Twice during the season, they beat Waiopehu College another strong hockey school from this area and they beat Heretaunga College from Upper Hutt who play Premier secondary school hockey in Wellington. During tournament week they reached the semi finals only to then lose with injuries to key players not helping. However a fantastic season to all teams, one which I'm sure we can improve on next year with all credit going to the players, coaches, managers and supporters. R Bartholomew T.I.C Hockey

NETBALL 2014 Our netball team celebrated some great results this yr. Our Senior A team finished top of their pool in their grade. Our senior B team topped their pool as did the Junior A team. We had a number of student make age grade rep teams and special mention must go to Tatum Kerehoma who not only represented Horowhenua Kapiti under 17’s but also made the North Island Secondary School tournament team. It has been another successful year with 7 teams entered into our local competition, I would like to thank all our departing yr 13 students for all their time and dedication given to netball during their time here and wish them well for their future. I look forward to another successful 2015 with all those students returning. Whaea Vicki.


100m Senior Girls, 100m Girls’ Cup – Renee Bacon Senior Boys Champion, Clifford Cup 400m Senior Girls, Bacon Cup – Anak Andrew Renee Bacon Earlier in the year, teams from Horowhenua College trained multiple times Trophy a week 800m Senior Girls, Palmer – so that they Girls’ Champion, V & L Williams Bacon couldSenior put highly competitive teams Cup on –the water atRenee the Regional and National competitions Renee Bacon 1500m Senior Girls this year. Horowhenua College is a renowned for always putting a great–team on the water Renee Bacon Four teams competed at each of these events. Intermediate Boys’ Champion, Kiriona Cup – SeniorRoger BoysAtkinson A - Senior Girls A - Junior Boys A - Junior Girls A 400m Intermediate Girls – The Senior Boys started their year off with a set of freshTessa players and all were keen to train Bartholomew for a chance towards a medal atCup Nationals. teamIntermediate trained up Girls to 6 –times a week Intermediate Girls’gaining Champion, Dinnison – Tessa The800m Bartholomew and learnt new skills and tactics for playing at a higher Tessa level.Bartholomew

We went into regionals knowing that there was very strong opposition to come up against Junior Champion, Travers Cupeasy. – After playing very 3000m Open Girls –all the other and that noBoys’ game was going to be well against Israel Rota-Bond Renee Bacon teams, we managed to get second place to PNBHS to make us eligible to play at the Nationals on the 28th JuniorChampionships Girls’ Champion, McMahon Cup–– 30th of March.BADMINTON After cleaning we Girls’ wereChampion, ready to France compete Catlin Huriaup as many team based errors as possible, Senior Cupfor – Bree Hooper-Whitihaving our eyes set a medal at the Nationals championships. We entered the tournament Senior Boys’ on just trying to play our best and to have fun due to there being fierce competition with a Senior Boys’ Champion, Benning Cup – lot more experienced players. Field Events, Aanensen Cup – Johnny Chen We started off our tournament with easy wins against St Johns College and Mt Albert Anak Andrew/Alex Whiley grammar. Our next game was against Hastings Boys High school and that game was to BASKETBALL see who ranked our pool. we managed toSenior hold ‘A’ them 100m Seniortop Boys,ofSloan Cup – Unfortunately, even though Most Outstanding Player Boys, Colin Hill in the end. We were not out forJames half Tofa the game keeping the score level, we lost by 3 goals down because we all managed to play really well against the eventual winners of the 800m Senior Boys, Pottinger Cup – Memorial – tournament. Brodie Huthnance Kobe Knowles The next day we versed PNBHS, another extremely skilled and talented team whom we lost by1500m a verySenior largeBoys, margin to Cup at regionals. This was ourCaptain crossover and would Thorpe – Boysgame ‘A’ Team, Pam Judgedecide Memorial – Brett whether we went to gold finals or bronze finals. Mathew Wilson Thomas/Cullen Millard JUNIOR BOYS Intermediate Boys, McTavish Cup competition – Most Valuable Player – K & Tto Smith – With a400m successful Canoe Polo Nationals last year we were hoping keepCup this Sam Davies Cullen Millard trend going. Our heads were held up high, and our expectations even higher. We managed to qualify for 2014 Canoe Polo Nationals, Most afterImproved losing toBoy, Feilding High School 800m Intermediate Boys, Shaw Cup – Mills Cup – in theSam Regional after day hoping to be successful Davies competition finals 6-2. we practiced day Brett Thomas throughout Nationals and beat Feilding High School. 3000m Open Boys,come, Hardy and Cup –our whole team was terrified, Captain Girls Roiri Cupall – the The finals had finally but ‘A’ weTeam, knew after BloodSam andDavies sweat we put into training we would be ableLisa to Williams/Caitlin beat Feilding.Huria We played to an exceptional level and by halftime we were winning 5-1. In the second half we still kept our Senior Girls’ Most Improved Senior Girl – Fleury Cup cool as we buried more shots into the back of their net, we ended up winning the CANOE Field Events – Lisa Williams POLORenee NATIONALS Bacon with a 7-3 victory over Fielding!

Most Improved Junior Girl – Tyla Baker/Mya Mataki Most Promising Year 9 Player, Judge Family Trophy – Caitlin Huria BOWLS Singles Champion, Levin Bowling Club Trophy – Te Nawe Whiti CANOE POLO Captain Boys’ A’ Team, Spencer Cup – Alex Whiley Captain Girls’ ‘A’ Team, Lawn Cup – Renee Bacon Most Improved Senior Girl, Hurley Cup – Aimee Dustin

Alex O’Malley Y10 Cricketer, Boys, Montford Cup – Bailey Te Tomo Y9 Cricketer, Boys, McGavin Cup – Caleb O’Connell Best All-Rounder Boys - Hayfield Trophy – Bailey Te Tomo Service to Cricket – Boys, Galpin Cup – Brett Thomas Overall Excellence in Cricket – Boys – Stefan Foster Memorial Trophy – Bailey Te Tomo CROSS COUNTRY

Most Improved Senior Boy, Martin Cup – Darieon Hirst

Senior Boys’ Champion, Archer Cup – Josh Garcia

Best Contribution at Nationals – Senior Boy Bolton/McKay Trophy – Zac Andrew

Senior Girls’ Champion, Carter Cup – Renee Bacon

Greatest Contribution by Snr Player, Allen Douglas Cup – Toni Baker

Intermediate Girls’ Champion, Moore Cup – Shanaye Fox

Most Improved Junior Girl, Norman Cup – Victoria Berry

Intermediate Boys’ Champion, Aanensen Trophy – Sam Davies

Most Improved Junior Boy, Davie Cup – Hayden Mullen

Junior Boys’ Champion, Watson Trophy – Tim Searle

Most Outstanding Achievement, Cox Cup – Renee Bacon

Junior Girls’ Champion, Blair Trophy – Alexa Bryant

CRICKET Boys’ 1st XI Captain, Jenkins Cup – Jamie Pinfold Best Batting Average – Boys, G McEwen Cup – Bailey Te Tomo Best Bowling Average, Boys, McEwen Cup –

CYCLING Best Performance, HCCC Trophy – Sophie Bloxham EQUESTRIAN Most points gained for the school – HC Equestrian Trophy – Kirsten Campbell

Year 9 Tutor classes 2014

9 caph

9 wivh

9 wajk

9 mccr

9 hacn

9 nemn

9 tadk

9 rher

Year 9 Dean Report The new class of 2014 started the year off with a whirlwind orientation that was backed up with a term full of activities and support lended to them by their Senior Peer Support Leaders. These leaders were a group of enthusiastic Year 12 and Year 13 students who provided guidance and support in the form of the Peer Support Programme, together with "big brother" and "big sister" support during tutor times, around the school and even during some clasroom lessons. The Year Nine group was blessed with beautiful weather and a well organised Beach themed pool-party, supurbly organised by Samarah Harris in the early days of term one. Everybody had a blast, and the chance to cool off in the pool and party on into the evening.

2014 was the strong sense of community and participation by the vast majority of our year group. When we gathered together a fantastic team of guides for our open night in term three, a large number of further willing and wonderful volunteers turned up cheerfully to help out and represent our school to the rest of the community. Further to this, many Year Nines showed us their talents during talent quest and the many other cultural events and happenings that occured throughout the school. I was particularly proud to see the level of performance of the Kapa Haka group. Wow! Our Year Nine speech finalists delievered impacting and well-executed speeches to an engaged audience that marvelled of the calibre of the speakers. Well done to our first place receiver, Sina Crichton, whataya make of that?!

The peer support programme culminated in the perennial Horowhenua College newspaper Bride and Groom design competition and fashion show in the hall. Newspaper, tape, and feather dusters flew everywhere and utter chaos ensued as a briliant and hillarious line up of wanna-be grooms, runaway bridezillas and commentators produced a runway show worthy of any New York fashion week. "Designers, make it happen!"

I just want to take this opportunity to congratulate the year 9's on your school spirit, and how you consistently shared our school values of responsibility, relationships and success across everything you did this year. Your hard work in the classroom, and your committment and dedication to seize every opportunity available to you at Horowhenua College is a great start to your college years. It has been a privellege to have been your dean this year and to work together with you.

A big thanks to Mr O'Brien and Mr Pile for coaching our senior leaders and making this programme so successful.

So rest up, chill out and relax this summer, next year is going to be even better!

Our Year 9 cohort this year were pioneers of our school's "Bring Your Own Device" policy and quickly learned to access timetable and results information on the Kamar app, along with resources and apps for classroom lessons. Our more adventurous and creative students combined various multi-media to make presentations with high production quality. Elizabeth Morse's antibullying video and Ezalea Hazel's orientation to Horowenua College presentation were excellent manifestations of the possibilities abound when creativity, technology and powerful messages come together. Well done girls! Most apparant about our year nine group of

Year 10 Tutor classes 2014

10 abln

10 fech

10 frsk

10 hisr

10 lfjh

10 mack

10 mohr

Year 10 Dean Report As this is written there are a scant few weeks before the Yr 10 s head off for Activity Week trips as a well- earned treat at the end of the school year. Once those have happened, students can bid farewell to Junior year groups, the blue uniform and Junior subjects. Preparations are in hand for students to start their NCEA courses and all but a handful have chosen their options. To pass NCEA level 1, next year, 80 credits are needed and that number has to include 10 credits for Numeracy & 10 for Literacy. A clear message on NCEA requirements will be given at the start of 2015 as part of ongoing support. It is encouraging to see the progress many students have made with practice assessments and several have already gained credits which are banked until next year. Through the past two years, several students have joined us to add to the wide range of abilities, interests and skills in academic, cultural, athletic and artistic areas of Y10 students. This wide range of characteristics always amazes me and makes for an interesting and motivating time as Dean. Nowhere was this more obvious than the skills and interest shown on the Camp in April this year, where our objective was to focus on Leadership skills, identify students with Leadership ability and test our Ninja skills on Tatum parks activity challenges. A further thank you to Kerry Pile, Shona Hohepa and

Gary O'Brien for organising this Camp and to those Y10 Tutors who braved an overnight stay with the students. A further highlight to the year was the two Work Week groups experiences at their placements, with all students getting the worthwhile chance to check out their plans and ideas for their working futures. This gave many students food for thought and was also an NCEA unit with credits available. The feedback from the community was positive concerning Horowhenua students, who were well supported by Careers staff Anthea and Pani. To repeat my opening comments, Y10 is almost at an end, with the majority well prepared for the future Year groups. It will be important and worthwhile to continue to develop positive attitudes and work habits, the better to get the most benefit from courses next year and after. I have enjoyed working with and for the Y10s and it has been satisfying to make a contribution along the way. I wish all the Y10s a safe and happy holiday and the best of luck for the New year.

Senior Tutor classes 2014









Senior Tutor classes 2014









senior Tutor classes 2014







Year 11 Dean Report Educationally,Year 1111 is probably one of of thethe Educationally,Year is probably one most important of of allall years in in a young person's most important years a young perlife. It islife. the Ityear that begins assess son’s is the year that to begins toprior assess learning from earlier and gives students prior learning fromyears earlier years and gives their first taste NCEA. also rewards those students theiroffirst tasteItof NCEA. It also who have a good work ethic, bring all equiprewards those who have a good work ethic, ment to all college, attendtoregularly have bring equipment college, and attend reglearned to skills learn.necessary And yet in ularly the andskills havenecessary learned the such a technologically evolving to learn. … And yet in such a environment, technologically where devices are now part of our classroom evolving environment, where devices are lives, being a confident and avid reader is now part of our classroom lives, being astill theconfident single most for andrecognised avid readeringredient is still the single success. For continued success senior years, most recognised ingredient forinsuccess. For students need to ensure they read daily to continued success in senior years, students improve and read writing skills. So far this need togrammar ensure they daily to improve cohort is proving themselves worthy of that grammar and writing skills. So far this cohort test. is proving themselves worthy of that test. NCEA Level 1, 1, with soso many internally offered NCEA Level with many internally ofcredits, most,for can be gained hard fered for credits, most, can be with gained with work and regular attendance. However, to hard work and regular attendance. Howgain access to universities and other and training ever, to gain access to universities other organisations, students need to beneed prepared training organisations, students to be to prepared prove their external to ability prove in their abilityexaminations. in external Universities are now requiringare students to be examinations. Universities now requirprepared for study that is assessed by exams ing students to be prepared for study that and students by must be proven to be capable is assessed exams and students must bein them. To this end universities areTo only proven to be capable in them. thisinterend ested in external exam credits, not the interuniversities are only interested in external nally assessed means that Year 12 is exam creditsones! – not This the internally assessed ultimately important for students intending ones! This means that Year 12 is ultimate- to dolyfurther studyforbecause Year 12 results important students intending to are do the ones that study are used whenYear applying for access further because 12 results are to Universities and hostels in Year 13. It is essential the ones that are used when applying for that our expectations remain high with this13. access to Universities and hostels in Year awareness and also that endorsements will It is essential that our expectations remain open to chances foralso further highstudents with thisup awareness and thatmoneentary scholarships greater opportunities. dorsements willand open students up to chances for further monetary scholarships and This groupopportunities. of students have always achieved at greater above the national average and I believe they'll prove again when results are Thisthemselves group of students have final always achieved known in January next year. I have them at above the national average andseen I believe grow in maturity and ability from the interthey’ll prove themselves again when final views prior beginning year 9,next till now. results aretoknown in January year. Many I have already, (October 2014), achieved NCEA have seen them grow in maturity and ability Level 1,the andinterviews some alsoprior endorsed at Excellence from to beginning year

or Merit. I have been extremely proud on your, (parents and students), behalf to hear the praise from different people and institutions both within, and outside, our college. Teachers have said these students are both capable and prepared to work hard to gain credits at the high level they aspire to. They have been involved in a huge number of extracurricular activities including: Rangatahi Ora, Kapa Haka, Duke of Edinburgh, Stage Challenge, Hockey, Soccer, Netball. to name only a few. Sydney J. Harris said, "The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows". I believe this is a reminder to encourage our youth to have high expectations, not to look at their future as if it is finite and already decided by the skills they so far have mastered. They should look beyond those skills and use everything at their disposal to look into their future with the confidence that they can achieve whatever they desire. I look forward to the year ahead and to helping this incredible group of young people make decisions that will prepare them for exciting futures. Deb Northern Year 11 Dean

Year 12 Dean Report 2014 has been another successful year for the Year 12 students as Horowhenua College. Students recognised early that year 12 is an important year in relation to future studies. Many students have made decisions about their careers and identified the path they will take. 2014 has seen the introduction on vertical senior tutor groups. This meant the year 12 students were role models for the year 11 students in their tutor group and also had the year 13 student to look up to and gain an idea of the pressures Year 13 can put on students. The year 12 group has embraced this structure and I believe benefited from mixing with their senior peers. It was pleasing to see a large number of students take the opportunity to go to the Victoria University open day. These students behaved extremely well and showed maturity as they moved through a number of lectures. The students seemed to enjoy university and adult life they were surrounded by. Many students choose to complete a U SKILLS course in various trades through UCOL this year. This enabled students to gain hands on experience in trades they have an interest in while gaining credits at the same time. For many of these students, the credits they have gained has enabled them to gain level 2 NCEA. It is pleasing to see students take a positive approach to there learning. A number of year 12 students have participated in extra curricula activities and represented our school with pride. Wether it be sport, cultural activities or academic extension these all provide students with opportunities and I congratulate you on taking on these challenges. 2015 well bring many more challenges and I look forward to seeing many of you take these on. I attended the Year 12 leadership-training day and was blown away with the outstanding maturity, leadership and teamwork I sore throughout the day. I have no doubt the prefects of 2015 will do am amazing job.

Have a safe and happy holiday and I look forward to working with you all in 2015 as Year 13 students and the leader of Horowhenua College. Melissa Signal Year 12 Dean 2014

Year 13 Dean Report As 2014 draws to an end, it is worthwhile to look back and reflect on the value of education. It is an opportunity for everyone to glance over their shoulders and carefully consider what they have learnt over the last five years. In term one, many year 13 students participated in the Peer Support Programme run by Mr O'Brien and Mr Pile (coordinator of the Senior Leadership Programme). The budding leaders no doubt had a chance to experience deja vu moments when they helped a new lot of year 9 students integrate into life at Horowhenua College. Hopefully, the Peer Support leaders realised they had reached a stage in life where they had to shed youthful folly to become whatever their ideas were of an ideal authority figure. This clearly alludes to the daunting task of apotheosis. It is not easy being a role model. Nevertheless, many year 13 students have put in the "hard yards" this year to lead by example and conduct themselves with noticeable restraint and maturity. It is often easy to point out those who make the effort to strive for great achievements at Horowhenua College. They often excel in the arts, sports, academics, community involvement, or extra-curricula activities. They are in the prefect team and receive guidance from senior management and from Mr Pile. They are the heroes lauded as shining examples, who are awarded prizes in assemblies and are expected to become noteworthy leaders of the future. I am very proud of these students. It is exciting to talk to them, to consider their achievements, to hear about their plans, and to think they have yet to fully realise their potential. In comparison, there is a substantial number in this cohort who have not been awarded a prize, who do not show up in a positive light in the data sent to NZQA or the Ministry of Education, and few teachers rarely sing their praises or consider calling them "potential leaders of the future". Yet these students have made great progress over the last five years because they let go of bad habits to heroically deal with their dysfunctional backgrounds. Thankfully, being a dean means staying with a particular year group as they progress through the year levels. This makes it easier to carry on the "restorative conversations" about

barriers to learning. As the years pass, we eventually reach a point where all parties can hold honest conversations about achieving the best possible outcomes and, with a little support, students make genuine efforts to actually follow through on what they talked about doing. It is a huge achievement to establish both resolve and integrity as core parts of ones personality. Students who do this are exemplary, including the unsung heroes. It would be nice to think all students from this cohort will continue their healthy dialogues with others as they negotiate their paths in life outside of school. Overall, the pastoral duties of being the year 13 dean have been far less taxing than at previous year levels simply because the students have grown up significantly. They have matured to become sensible young adults and many have reached the stage where, in legal terms, they are entirely responsible for their actions. The year 13 dean no longer tells the majority what to do all the time because, quite frankly, they do not have to listen. It is a time to step back and allow maturing students to find their own voice, to let them learn from inevitable mistakes and move on. As this year draws to a close, I look forward to hearing the voices of this cohort amongst the cacophony as they make their way in the world. If we have any further conversations together, I look forward to learning more from you about your journey. I wish you all the best for the future. Bon voyage.

Learning Support

Oh, the Places You'll Go! Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You're off and away! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes You can steer yourself any direction you choose. Dr Seuss Set yourself SMART goals Surround yourself with positive role models Get support when you need Follow your dreams Go the NUA way! All the best from the team at the Learning Extension Department Jackie Leufkens, Clare Sorensen, Heather Baker-Fraser, Angelique Daniels, Melanie Davies, Rachel Watson and Valerie Whiteman

JUNIOR PRIZEGIVING 2013 Blenkhorn Award for hard work and overall contribution to the life of the College Sia Muliaga and Josh Anderson Year 9 Top Academic Student Alexa Bryant Runners Up Top Academic Student Poppy Bussell and Jotham Harris Year 10 Top Academic Student Monique Lang Runner Up Top Academic Student Anna Newman Year 9 Achievement Awards 9cJ 1st Jotham Harris 2nd Jhea Dela Cruz 9cK 1st Hannah Gray 2nd Paul Sao 9cL 1st Carl Dela Cuesta 2nd Curtis Houlihan 9cN 1st Alexa Bryant 2nd Marianne Hyslop 9cQ 1st Molly Fuauli 2nd Hannah Silich 9cT 1st Ruth Siania 2nd Tom Fisher 9cY 1st Poppy Bussell 2nd Hannah Wedlock Subject Prizes Excellence in Japanese Jireh Taiaroa, Lily Dowd Kaylan Hobson-Putaka Excellence in Spanish Tammie Afasene, Jhea Dela Cruz Holly McDonald Excellence in Te Reo Maori Maia Humphrey, Raiha Kiriona Excellence in Tikanga Maori Raiha Kiriona, Joshua Rauhihi Mariah Webber, Shihan Cornell-Jacobs Lynley Tele’a, Allisha Bills Corey McMinn-Kenrick

Ruth Siania Kaylan Hobson-Putaka Caitlyn Friedel   Art 1st Jhustice Graham Excellence in Art Caitlyn Friedel Hannah Wedlock Excellence in Drama Paul Sao Poppy Bussell Excellence in Music Poppy Bussell Ruth Siania Bailey Mitchell Excellence in Fabric Technology Hannah Wedlock Poppy Bussell Marianne Hyslop James Atkinson Ebeney Russell Excellence in Design Technology Jhea Dela Cruz Jamie Lynn Shania Maynard Excellence in Materials Technology Andre Jensen Amy Horn Timothy Searle Jimi Aungiers Essayez Award 9cJ Shanaye Fox 9cJ Trent Smith 9cK Joshua Corke 9cK Ariahu Tatana 9cL Daylin Awhitu-Prescott 9cL Jared Cade-Macartney 9cN Holly Howse 9cN Joshua Craig-Simmons 9cQ Shania Maynard 9cQ Rain McAdam 9cT Brando Fereti-Boot 9cT Regan Prodger 9cY Tammie Afasene 9cY Mariah Webber Graduation: Top 5 Students Year 9 1st Marianne Hyslop 2nd Mikaylah Lucinsky 3rd Alexa Bryant 4th Caitlyn Friedel 5th Holly McDonald

JUNIOR PRIZEGIVING 2013 Year 10 Achievement Awards 10mA 1st Monique Lang 2nd Michaela Stout 10mB 1st Anna Newman 2nd Samuel Taylor 10mF 1st Angel McLeod 2nd Deondray Tafeamaalii 10mH 1st Kristal Davidson 2nd Sophie Kopke-Mason 10mS 1st Keiran Batten 2nd Ashlin Renner 10mU 1st Zac Andrew 2nd Roselyn Vehikite 10mZ 1st Skye Waerea 2nd Bailey Laurie Subject Prizes Excellence in Art Hayley Donaldson, Karen Ryan Becky Stratton Excellence in Music Keiran Batten, Sam Henry Excellence in Spanish Keiran Batten Excellence in Japanese Anna Newman Excellence in Graphics Becky Stratton, Karen Ryan Callum Murdoch Excellence in Drama Alex Mcdonald-Gray, Kurt Thoms Excellence in Te Reo Maori Alex Mcdonald-Gray, TK Te Peeti Sia Muliaga Excellence in ESOL Sina Tavita Excellence in Fabric Technology Kristal Davidson, Elise Anderson Anna Newman

Excellence in Food Technology Elise Anderson,Christina Butland Sia Muliaga Excellence in Information Literacy Kiaana Paki, Suega Fereti-Boot Hemi Rizvi Excellence in Materials Technology Lynda Sinclair, Megan McKenzie Jake Johnson-Wilton Excellence in Outdoor Education Sam Henry Zac Andrew Samuel Morris Loren Allison Ayvran Mackie Teagan Walsh Services Academy Excellence Award Tamakaha, Taylor Jepsen


Essayez Award 10mA Sia Muliaga 10mA Olive Penetekoso-Faumuina 10mB Tewaiarangi Cook 10mB Rinki Negi 10mF Christina Butland 10mF Suega Fereti-Boot 10mH Pauline Finau 10mH Lynda Sinclair 10mS Aimee Dustin 10mS Bree Hooper-Whiti 10mU Helen Sosene 10mU Emma Beale 10mZ Mere Kerehi 10mZ Kurt Thoms Graduation: Top 5 Students Year 10 1st Aimee Dustin 2nd Sarah Benseman 3rd Ashlin Renner 4th Megan McKenzie 5th= Maia Kiriona, Samuel Morris, Monique Lang

senior prize giving 2013 Senior Academic Prizegiving 2013 Year 11 Academic Awards 2013

Daelyn Morgan 2nd Pre-Trades Numeracy

Eliana Bell 2nd Level 1 Auto Engineering

Sophie Ashdown 2nd Pre-Trades Science

Jahdae Tamakaha 2nd Level 1 Carpentry

Sarah Jamieson 1st Pre-Trades English

Cindy Jung 2nd Level 1 Creative Catering

Tyler Muir 1st Pre-Trades Numeracy

Harry Cookson 2nd Level 1 Digital Technology

Caroline Ashdown 1st Pre-Trades Science

Ryan Burnell 2nd Level 1 Drama

Justice Windle 1st Level 1 Agriculture/ Horticulture

Jodeci Ropoama 2nd Level 1 English Foundation Mikaere Kaywood 2nd= Level 1 Engineering Boaz Williamson 2nd= Level 1 Engineering Kirsten Campbell 2nd= Level 1 English B Tristan Clayton 2nd= Level 1 Life Sciences Shivana Lucinsky 2nd Level 1 Mathematics B Keely Vine 2nd= Level 1 Music Theo Sione 2nd Level 1 Outdoor Education Brian Simpson 2nd Level 1 Science B

Vada Bowling 1st Level 1 Art Lisharna MacKay 1st Level 1 Carpentry Eliza Boyle 1st= Level 1 Creative Catering Sophie Garbett 1st= Level 1 Creative Catering Vikatolia Finau 1st Level 1 Drama Riley Scott 1st Level 1 Engineering Jessie Zhuang 1st Level 1 English for Speakers of Other Languages

Alysha Gibbard Sasha Henderson-Tukuniu 1st Level 1 Graphics 2nd= Level 1 Studies of Society Henley Su Jade Lawrence 2nd Pre-Trades English

1st Level 1 Japanese

Tausi Tausi 1st Level 1 Music Nathaniel Payton 1st Level 1 Outdoor Education Cameron Luo 1st= Level 1 Science B Alec Smith-McDermott 1st Level 1 Sport Science Brooke Holmes 1st Level 1 Te Reo Maori Haley Hollows 2nd= Level 1 Accounting, 2nd Level 1 Fabric Technology Rhianna Morar 2nd= Level 1 Studies of Society, 2nd Level 1 Business Studies Richard Hickson 2nd Level 1 Numeracy, 2nd= Level 1 Life Sciences Amy Yip 2nd= Level 1 Accounting, 2nd= Level 1 Mathematics A

Kristy Tarrant 2nd= Level 1 English B, 2nd= Level 1 Music Mikaere Halls 2nd Level 1 Sport Science, 1st Level 1 Numeracy Janieka Dela Cruz 1st Level 1 English Foundation, 1st= Level 1 Science B Bailey Darwin 1st Level 1 English B, 1st Level 1 Mathematics B Bradley Jensen 1st Level 1 Auto Engineering, 1st Level 1 Life Sciences Tessa Bartholomew 1st Level 1 Business Studies, 1st Level 1 Digital Technology, 1st Level 1 Studies of Society Sam Davies 2nd Level 1 English A, 1st Level1 Accounting, 1st Level 1 Physical Education, Best All-round Year 11 Boy (Poutama Award) Frances Bacon 2nd Level 1 Physical Education, 2nd Level 1 Science A, 2nd= Level 1 Art, 1st Level 1 Mathematics A, Best All-round Year Girl (Poutama Award) Laura Wedlock 1st Student in Year 11 2nd= Level 1 Art, 2nd= Level 1 Mathematics A, 1st Level 1 English A, 1st Level 1 Fabric Technology, 1st Level 1 Science A Year 12 Academic Awards 2013 Patprapa Tanuchaikarn 2nd= Level 2 Accounting Andrew Lyons 2nd Level 2 Auto Engineering

Patprapa Tanuchaikarn 2nd= Level 2 Accounting Andrew Lyons 2nd Level 2 Auto Engineering OCorner Paiyala 2nd Level 2 Business Studies Ethan Walsh 2nd Level 2 Carpentry Zak Meads 2nd Level 2 English Foundation Shayla Kerehoma 2nd Level 2 English B Chanelle Hill 2nd= Level 2 History Melanie Yang 2nd Level 2 Mathematics Hannah McMillan 2nd Level 2 Music Isaac Morrison 2nd Level 2 Outdoor Education Zac Moxham 2nd Level 2 Sport Science Nicole Butcher 2nd= Level 2 Tourism Josh Anderson 2nd Trades Academy Science Hannah Myers 1st Level 2 Agriculture/Horticulture Brayden MacKay 1st Level 2 Carpentry Roha Taiapa 1st Level 2 Drama Phoenix Dando-King 1st Level 2 English Foundation

O’Corner Paiyala Leon Sommerfield 2nd Level 2 Business Studies 1st Level 2 English B Ethan Walsh Karin Luo 2nd Level 2Carpentry 1st Level 2 English for Speakers of Other Languages Zak Meads 2nd Level 2 English Foundation Zach Clement-McEwen 1st Level 2 Gateway Shayla Kerehoma 2nd Level 2 English B Luana Moala 1st Level 2 Mathematics Applied Chanelle Hill 2nd= Level 2 History Antonia Miers 1st= Level 2 Music Melanie Yang 2nd Level 2 Mathematics Alex Whiley 1st Level 2 Outdoor Education Hannah McMillan 2nd Level 2 Music Renee Bacon 1st Level 2 Physical Education Isaac Morrison 2nd Level 2 Outdoor Education Jasmyn Karauna 1st Level 2 Te Reo Maori Zac Moxham 2nd Level 2 Sport Science Patrick Wendt 1st Trades Academy Science Nicole Butcher 2nd= Level 2 Tourism Emily Simmons 2nd Level 2 Digital Technology, 2nd Level 2 GeogJosh Anderson raphy 2nd Trades Academy Science Mikayla-Jayne Mayhew Hannah Myers 2nd Trades Academy English, 2nd Trades Acade1st Level 2 Agriculture/Horticulture my Mathematics I Brayden MacKay hipera Gardner-Cook 1st Level 2 Carpentry 2nd Level 2 Creative Catering, 1st Level 2 Life Skills Roha Taiapa 1st Level 2 Drama Mu Teo 2nd Level Mathematics Applied, 1st Level 2 Sport Science Moana Lambert Phoenix Dando-King 2nd Level 2 Photography, 1st= Level 2 Art 1st Level 2 English Foundation Jamie Day 1st Trades Academy English, 1st Trades Academy Leon Sommerfield Mathematics 1st Level 2 English B Karin Luo 1st Level 2 English for Speakers of Other Languages

Samarah Harris 1st Level 2 Geography, 1st Level 2 Tourism Tegan Harvey 1st= Level 2 Music, 1st Level 2 Science Nicole Young 2nd= Level 2 Accounting, 2nd Level 2 English A, 2nd Level 2 Biology Lisa Williams 2nd Level 2 Physical Education, 2nd Level 2 Science, 2nd= Level 2 Tourism Phillip Prinsloo 2nd Level 2 Chemistry, 2nd Level 2 Physics, 1st Level 2 Auto Engineering Finn Madison 2nd= Level 2 History, 2nd Level 2 Social Studies, 1st Level 2 Business Studies Evie Deroles 2nd Level 2 Graphics, 1st Level 2 Design, 1st= Level 2 Art Laura O’Sullivan 1st Level 2 Creative Catering, 1st Level 2 Photography, 1st Level 2 Social Studies Jessica Freire 2nd in Year 12 2nd Level 2 Design, 1st Level 2 Digital Technology, 1st Level 2 Graphics, 1st Level 2 History Audrey Livirya 1st in Year 12 1st Level 2 Accounting, 1st Level 2 Chemistry, 1st Level 2 English A,1st Level 2 Mathematics, 1st Level 2 Physics, 1st Level 2 Biology Year 13 Academic Awards 2013 Clayton Wadsworth 2nd= Services Academy Physical Training Jackie Mulhane Most Improved Services Academy Student

Zach Watson 1st= Services Academy Physical Training

Sarah Ryan 2nd Level 3 Graphics

Corey Horn 1st= Services Academy Physical Training

Gemma Hill 2nd Level 3 Mathematics

Dylan Bolstad 2nd= Services Academy Physical Training, 2nd Services Academy Science

Cameron Fraenkel 2nd Level 3 Outdoor Education

Jayden Huria 2nd Most Inspiring Services Academy Student, 2nd Services Academy Mathematics Siliva Siania 2nd Services Academy Digital Technology, 1st= Most Improved Services Academy Student Brighet Evening 2nd Services Academy English, 1st= Most Improved Services Academy Student S henea Whakarau 1st Services Academy Digital Technology, 1st Services Academy Mathematics Delane Mihaere 1st Most Inspiring Services Academy Student, 2nd Services Academy Leadership, 2nd Top Services Academy Student Tyla Porteous 1st Services Academy English, 1st Services Academy Science, 1st Services Academy Leadership, 1st Top Services Academy Student Natasha Couper 2nd= Level 3 Art Oakleigh Reed 2nd= Level 3 Art Kelsey Renner 2nd= Level 3 Biology Taine Rasmussen 2nd Level 3 English Foundation

Brooke Watson 2nd Level 3 Photography Letitia Lovejoy 2nd Level 3 Physical Education Sammy Young 2nd= Level 3 Social Studies Maddie Hansen 2nd= Level 3 Statistics Andrew Williams 1st Level 3 Accounting Keran Ma 1st Level 3 English for Speakers of Other Languages Jayme Meissner Level 3 Gateway (Gateway Workplace Trophy) Melissa Riwaka Level 3 Gateway (Gateway Trophy (most credits) Jake Meads 1st Level 3 Mathematics Tyrell Paki 1st Level 3 Music Simone Nelson 1st Level 3 Outdoor Education Keegan MacLachlan 1st Level 3 Photography Mereana Los'e 1st Level 3 Te Reo Maori Alastair Luo 2nd= Level 3 Biology, 2nd= Level 3 Calculus

Kirsty Robinson 2nd Level 3 Business Studies, 2nd= Level 3 Social Studies

Connie Hyslop Best Original Writing Year 13

Sandy Deng 2nd Level 3 English, 2nd= Level 3 History

Audrey Livirya Best Original Writing Year 12

Jyla Kearns 2nd Level 3 Tourism, 1st Level 3 Drama

Michael Corbett Best Original Writing Year 11

Courtney Evans 1st Level 3 English Foundation, 1st Level 3 Tourism

Connie Hyslop Best Tararua Article

Bobby Kerehoma 1st Level 3 Art, 1st Level 3 Design Kate Forward 1st Level 3 Digital Technology, 1st Level 3 Physical Education Logan Bonner 1st Level 3 Gateway, 1st Level 3 Sport Science Connie Hyslop 2nd Level 3 Geography, 1st Level 3 History Rebecca Brown 2nd Level 3 Accounting, 2nd= Level 3 History, 1st Level 3 Social Studies Dana Murdoch 2nd= Level 3 Calculus, 2nd= Level 3 Statistics, 1st Level 3 Business Studies Supreme Academic Awards Stasys Kulvis Proxime Accessit 2nd Level 3 Physics, 2nd Level 3 Chemistry, 1st Level 3 Biology, 1st Level 3 Calculus, 1st Level 3 Graphics Shem Harris Dux 1st Level 3 Chemistry, 1st Level 3 English, 1st Level 3 Geography, 1st Level 3 Physics, 1st Level 3 Statistics

Sandy Deng Best Tararua Article Kirsty Robinson Best Tararua Article Shem Harris Best Academic Achievement from a Maori Student Renee Bacon Best All Round Sports Girl Sam Davies Best All Round Sports Boy Brydie Hodge Highest Sports Achievement Emily Mose Tuialii Year 11 Service and Participation Roha Taiapa Year 12 Service to the School Kate Forward Senior Girl with Initiative & Excellent Organisational Skills Ryan Dustin Senior Boy with Initiative & Excellent Organisational Skills Finn Madison Student Rep on BOT

Special Awards 2013

Max Mason Head Boy’s Prize

Latrae Tafeamaalii Top Instrumental Performer

Kate Forward Head Girl’s Prize

Hannah McMillan Top Vocal Performer

Class of 20144

Yr13 wolfpack

ROCK CLIMBING2014 Horowhenua Rock Climbing Club is a school club that meets every Wednesday during terms two-three. The club is made up of a variety of students from year 9-13 with a mix of gender. Students work on increasing their climbing strength and skills while progressing from top rope climbing to leading. 2014 has been our most successful yet. We have twenty dedicated students that turn up every week to push themselves to the limit. While most students are now lead climbing some of the favourite activities ascending the rope using the Jumar and time trials on the rope ladder. During the year a number of students have taken it to the next level by competing the local and National Competitions. Late last year we were very successful at the regional Top Rope competition in Palmerston North where Jimi Aungiers gained 1st, Phillip Prinsloo 2nd, and Caitlyn Freidel 2nd in the Under 18 male and female categories. Students and teacher also competed at the National Boulder Series in Wellington where Phillip Prinsloo and Morgan Tucker gained a 2nd and 3rd in the Under 18 boy’s category, a great result. We hope for more success at this year’s regional later this term. Mark Smith


p e l p p pinea

Sclub 7

wolfpack 5ever

. e r e h s a w k c the wolfpa -2014 0 1 0 2



Editor (Teacher) Ms Erika Rhodes


designed by

Jessica Freire Cover by

Evie Deroles Technical Support

Matthew Shippam

Nau Mai Haere Mai

Mr Congdon



Rangatahi Ora

Prefects 2014

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