13 minute read
Videos & DVDs
4 videos
rAPTor forcE By NATIoNAL GEoGrAPHIc An elite group of fliers remain the envy of every human air force. Their target l NEW! ing skills, cunning battle tactics and nimbleness on the wing are unmatched by any machine. They are birds of prey-raptors-and they are a source of inspiration for designers of high performance aircraft. Now, revolutionary tiny cameras designed by engineer and falconer Rom MacIntyre allow you to take off with the biggest, fastest, and deadliest things on wings! Learn the secrets of nature’s aerial killing machines and how they have mastered, more than any other type of bird, the art of soaring. Stunning aerial footage and computer graphics demonstrate how engineers have used raptor’s tricks and tactics to devise fighter jets with unprecedented maneuverability and stealth. Experience for yourself what it is like to fly with nature’s deadly aces!
4060 Raptor Force DVD 56 minutes long $21.95
NEoTro By joSE PIcAL fALco LUIS GAGLIA Nry IN rDI PErUl NEW! Jose Luis Gagliardi, a Peruvian falconer with 28 years of experience in Neotropical raptors, shows us a little about Neotropical falconry in Peru. He takes us along with his Aplomado falcons and his pointing dogs to the Peruvian Andes, up to 4000 meters above sea level to experience one of the most extreme types of hunting. In search of the Tinamou, a type of native partridge that can only be found in the Peruvian Andes. Exciting action footage of a male aplomado taking meadowlarks and eared doves in the Peruvian coast. You will also see hunting with Cassini peregrines on Peruvian doves, partridge, pheasants, ducks and quail and also hunting with a Harris hawk, training of a Bat falcon and handling of a Harpy eagle. Most of the birds shown in this DVD are from the Neotropical birds of prey breeding center EL Huayco.
4063 Neotropical Falconry in Peru. DVD 60 minutes. $29.95
TrAINING EAGLES By joE ATKINSoN THE EASy WAyl NEW! This is a step-by-step DVD that follows the training of a passage female golden eagle from her first feeding on the fist to her first kill in the field. The purpose of this DVD is to give a new eagle falconer a low stress method of training a freshly trapped eagle that will reduce the chances of stress borne illnesses such as aspergillosis. I developed the techniques used in this DVD while training many asper recovering eagles. I needed to find a method of training these birds and getting them hunting and back out into the wild without over-stressing them and possibly causing them to have a relapse. What I found was that by training in this manner, not only did I not have any eagles get sick, but I also ended up with super hunting birds. There are many ways to train birds and this is just one of many, but it works and has proven itself many times over.
4061 Training eagles the easy way. DVD 60 minutes. $49.95
HAWKING AcroSS TEXAS A great new falconry video from the makers of Squirrel Hawking with the l NEW! Red tail Hawk. Adventurous, heartwarming, funny, falconers (Gary Brewer, Manuel Carrasco, Jim Guy and Jimmy Walker) will take you on a breathtaking journey through the hunt of their birds. Birds being hunted are Red tails, Goshawk and Peregrine falcon. Great video for new and old to see just how a day out hawking really turns out.
4062 Hawking Across Texas. $22.95
THE LUrE of fALcoNry An informative, educational video showing the wonderful partnership X APP between falconers and their birds of prey and how state and federal regulations protect raptors. A must-have video for anyone interested in raptors or falconry, as well as for general public, environmental groups and wildlife agencies.
V-4002…20 minutes DVD…$21.95
Master hood-maker Ron Rollins shares his secrets for making Dutch hoods, emphasizing the best leather, dyes and tools to use for excellent hoods. If you want to make your own hoods, this is the video for you.
V-4006…112 minutes DVD…......$24.95 V-4006…112 minutes VHS (PAL)…$31.95
UNDErSTANDING fALcoNry Produced in the UK at the National Birds of Prey Centre. Author Jemima X APP Parry-Jones takes you through all of the stages of training an untrained raptor, using a Harris Hawk and a hybrid Falcon. If you are new to falconry or just interested in learning more about training raptors, you will love this video.
V-4007…60 minutes (DVD)…$22.95
See what it’s like to hunt Cottontail and Blacktailed jack rabbits with Redtailed Hawks, Goshawks and Harris hawks. Features hunting from the fist, soar and slope and pole hawking. This Ben Cook video shows game-chasing flights, beautiful hunting terrain, and is excellent for anyone interested in hunting shortwing hawks.
V-4019…20 minutes DVD…$22.95
By Scott Timmins, Rocker Hawker Video Productions. A superb video that offers some of the best game hawking we’ve ever seen. Falcons on ducks in California. Hunting Harris hawks in the Arizona desert on quail and rabbit. Falcons on sharp tail grouse in Wyoming. Red tail hawks on black tail jacks in the California desert. Don’t miss this DVD!
V-4058…40-minute DVD…$39.95
In this wonderful video Jemima Parry-Jones tells you all about these fascinating birds—from hand rearing and training to flying. After watching this video you will see how easy it is to train and fly these beautiful birds. All you need for training or handling owls.
V-4009…55 minutes DVD…$22.95
6 videos
By Kevin Byrd & Heath Garner, Big Byrd Productions. Follow along on a weekend trip with two falconers out to trap Red-tailed hawks and American kestrels. Learn how to make your own B. C. trap and nooses and the best baits to use for trapping your first hawk. A great video for all new apprentice falconers.
V-4026…45 minutes DVD (NTSC)…$29.95
A truly excellent video on hunting with the American Goshawk, favored for their speed and superior hunting ability. Tim Neese and Joe Katterhenry put this video together from 10 years of hunting trips in the Midwest states. Packed with over 45 minutes of excellent tail-chasing footage of hunting for jacks & rabbits.
V-4025A…45 minutes DVD…$29.95
By Manuel Carrasco, 2003. Come along on a hunting trip for squirrels with Manuel and his intermewed passage Red-tail hawk. Fast action and great filming with superb action shots in the treetops of Texas hardwood forests. Hunting squirrels is becoming one of the favorite past times of many falconers throughout the US.
WorLD of rAPTorS
Morley Nelson takes you on a guided tour with some of North Americas most powerful and beautiful hawks, eagles and falcons. Learn what goes into identifying birds of prey in the wild. A superb video, with slow motion photography of aerial acrobatics, narrated by Joanne Woodward. Echo Film Productions.
V-4044…55 minutes DVD…$23.95
roAD To yUBA cITy. cALIforNIA cLUB MEET 1999.
A superb video filmed in Yuba City California in 1999. Come along and watch the hunting and close-up footage as hundreds of falconers hunt rabbits and ducks at the annual falcon sky trials. The action-packed filming features Harris hawk, Red tails and Ferruginous hawks hunting jackrabbits, cotton tails and some unbelievable flights on ducks with Goshawks.
V-4031…25 minutes DVD…$22.00
roAD To BAKErSfIELD, cALIforNIA cLUB MEET 2000/2001
The Bakersfield falconry meet is one you will not forget soon, with a turn out of more than 200 falconers and friends. Sit back in your seat and get ready to watch some of the best action-packed filming of hunting on ducks, cottontails and jackrabbits. Lots of special and Sky trails footage is included.
V-4032…50 minutes DVD…$39.00
From the National Bird of Prey Centre in Gloucestershire, UK. An excellent video touching on all aspects of breeding raptors naturally. Jemima Parry-Jones covers nest and aviary design requirements, incubation and handling the young to and from the nest. Many species have been bred at this facility and thousands of visitors come each year to see these raptors. If you are interested in breeding raptors or just want to learn more about them, this is the video for you.
V-4008…55 minutes DVD…$22.95
By Steve Chingren. Superb long-wing flights with some of the most impressive filming yet seen. Includes great photography of the high desert and other wildlife.
V-4050...39-minute DVD...$25.99
By Steve Chingren. Follow along in Wyoming, Idaho and Utah while large falcons pursue North Americas largest grouse, the Sage Grouse. Great footage of Peregrines, White Gyrs and Gyr/Peregrine hybrids. Learn about the history of the bird in the high plains.
V-4054...35 minutes DVD...$24.95
By Steve Chingren. See some of the best footage available of hawking the Scottish moors for Red Grouse. You won’t want to miss the rare footage of Ronald Stevens and Jack Mavrogordto.
V-4051...30 minutes DVD...$24.95 So yoU WANT To BE A fALcoNEr
By Steve Chingren. A great new introduction video for the pre-apprentice falconer or anyone interested in learning more about falconry. Excellent footage of falcons, Goshawks and Harris hawks hunting.
V-4052...20 minutes DVD...$22.95
One of the best DVDs out today with great footage of Goshawk hunting on crows, magpies and ravens. It took three hunting seasons to put this DVD together and the result is some of the best Goshawk flights we’ve seen.
V-4053... 20 minutes DVD... $23.95
By Joe Atkinson and produced by Cor Jo Wildlife Productions. More and more eagles are being used for falconry each year. This video follows Joe and Jackhammer, his male Golden eagle, on daily hunting trips for Jack rabbits. Joe loves and respects these large raptors and shows you how he handles and cares for them. A beautifully done video.
V-4057 …30 minutes DVD $23.95
8 videos
The birds show are from the Hagley Falconry center where they do extensive rehabilitation of raptors. All wild game by these falconry birds is used to feed the hawks and falcons at the center. An excellent video for anyone interested in learning about falconry and seeing how Red tails and Harris hawks are hunted in the wild.
4055......60 minutes DVD......$23.95
Great new DVD with lots of great Harris hawk hunting for Jack rabbits. See lots of fast action flights and tail chases. For anyone interested in learning more about Harris hawks and how they hunt.
4056.....34 minutes DVD.....$22.95
BATTLES oN THE HIGH GroUND Action, humor, and stunning flights. From the opening sequence through l NEW! the next 60 minutes, this beautifully made film has all of this in abundance. Fantastic flights in the rugged and wild landscape of the Scottish highlands with golden eagles, goshawks, Harris’s, and redtails flown at blue hare and rabbits. Four years in the making, this film is a ‘must have’ addition to every falconer’s DVD collection. -Brian Smith, Westweald Falconry
4069 Battles on the high ground, DVD 60 minutes. $22.95
We now offer the Birds of Prey Management series DVD’s. An excellence source of comprehensive information about birds of prey and falconry. All DVD’s come with a small booklet with additional information that is not found in the DVD’s. THE BIrDS of PrEy MANAGEMENT SErIES/BASIc TrAINING Follow along and watch Nick Fox and helpful trainers as the train Falcons X APP step by step in a training process from young bird to free flights and basic training. This video relates to all species and many techniques can be learned from watching this video. A great video fro new apprentices and anyone wanting to learn more about basic training of falcons and other raptors. This video comes with a bonus booklet about basic training.
V-4059…Basic Training, By Faraway Films. 52-minute DVD…$34.95
An informative video that covers wild raptors diets, captive raptors, washed meat, vitamin supplements and diets of baby raptors and much more. Written by a panel of of falconers, nutritionists, biologists and veterinarians. Falconers, zoos, and anyone involved with raptor health, breeding, or rehabilitation will benefit from this wealth of information.
V-4045…55 minutes (DVD)…$34.95
HEALTH cArE / THE BIrD of PrEy MANAGEMENT SErIES Health care looks in detail at hygiene, the immune system, viruses and l NEW! vaccination. It covers disease prevention during early training, parasites, protozoans and prophylactic treatment. We also learn where diseases come from and how to avoid them. Join the vets in surgery and learn first hand how to keep your birds healthy. This is an excellent video for falconers, breeders, rehabilitators, vets and zoo managers.
4065 Health Care, Faraway Films, 2001. DVD, 52 minutes. $34.95
fITNESS TrAINING / THE BIrD of PrEy MANAGEMENT SErIES Fitness training covers the many aspects of preparing falcons, hawks, and eagles l NEW! for the hunting field, for the display and for rehabilitation. You will understand what fitness means in biological terms before moving onto the various methods (and their variations) used to obtain peak physical fitness such as lures, kites, high jumps and general exercises such as calling off. Once again this video combines science and technique with actual examples of falcons and hawks hunting so as to demonstrate the visible benefits of a really fit bird of prey.
4064 Fitness training, Faraway Films, 2000, DVD – 90 minutes. $34.95
cAPTIvE BrEEDING PArT I, PrEPArATIoNS for B THE BIrD of PrEy MANAGEMENT SErIES rEEDINGl NEW! We now look at the breeding facility and its design, perches and chambers, suitable breeding birds, preparations for the breeding season. We discuss wild and domestic birds, genetic compatibility, pedigrees and inbreeding, mental suitability and imprints, breeding chambers for natural pairs and imprints, incubator and brooder rooms, food supplies and the annual breeding program.
4066 Captive Breeding Part I, Faraway Films, 2002. DVD. 60 minutes. $34.95
cAPTIvE BrEEDING PArT II, IMPrINTS THE BIrD of PrEy MANAGEMENT SEr AND IES INSEMINATIoNl NEW! Imprints and insemination discusses the stages from imprinting young birds during the first few months to managing voluntary semen donors and voluntary recipients. It covers the imprinting phase at hatch, rearing future semen donors, working with adult male and female imprints, assessing semen quality, storing and transporting semen and semen preparation. You will also see the use of hats and dummies for semen collection, explain the female laying cycle, the most successful times to inseminate and how to inseminate. We show forced inseminations and voluntary inseminations in close –up, variations in fertility and stripping natural males.
4067 Captive breeding part II, Faraway Films 2003, DVD, 60 minutes. $34.95
cAPTIvE BrEEDING PArT III, INcUBATIoN THE BIrD of PrEy MANAGEMENT SErIES AND HATcHINGl NEW! Incubation and hatching covers egg laying, natural and artificial incubation, using bantams to incubate, egg structure and development, monitoring eggs during incubation, weight loss, temperature and humidity, extended clutches and transportation of eggs, egg problems and hatching difficulties, health and hygiene. It shows in detail all phases of incubation and hatching and how to recognize abnormalities. It follows the egg throughout embryonic development, close up footage of normal and assisted hatching, processing the chick at hatch and what to do during the first few hours after hatch.