1 minute read
Thank you…
…to everyone who has helped me with my research this semester. Of course, that includes my family for getting me here and supporting me while I’ve been here.
…my friends in D.C and St. Paul for doing the same.
…Ulzii, Baatar, Shijir, Oyuka, Maralaa, and everyone else at SIT for maintaining and pushing the program forwards. I’m honestly not sure how you all get anything done here.
…Nicole Schaefer-McDaniel for advising and reviewing my research.
…Rachel for being a wonderful hiking/research/travel partner. Nate for taking me into his home and hote. Also his memes. Maddy and her humor. John, gosh darn. Mike and his hat. Collin and his movies. and Andrew and his karaoke.
…Nurbolat and his parents for translating and welcoming us into his home. Bahu for driving and translating on such short notice. And to the eagle falconers who opened their homes to us and gave us their valuable insights, tea, and boortsog.
…my host families in UB and in Bayankhongor for tolerating me as I read and watched movies.
…Meredith Kennedy for sparking my interest in Eagle Falconry and Will Jeffries for first exposing me to it.
…The Nature Conservancy for allowing me to work with them during NGO Week.