1 minute read
Table of Contents
Table of Contents Abstract 1
Table of Contents 2
Acknowledgements 4 List of Figures and Charts 5 1) Introduction and Literature Review 6 1.1 Climate and Land Change in Bayan-Ulgii with Focus on Kazakh Falconry 8 1.2 Female Golden Eagles 10 1.3 The Tradition of Eagle Falconry and the Golden Eagle Festival 11 1.4 Threats to Golden Eagles and Eagle Falconry 12 1.4.1 Indirect Human Impacts 12 1.4.2 Direct Human Impacts 14 1.5 Existing Policy 16 2) Methodology 19 2.1 Setting 19 2.2 Participants 19 2.3 Measures and Procedure 21
2.4 Data Analysis 22 2.5 Ethics 23
3) Results 24 3.1 The Golden Eagle Festivals 24 3.1.1 New Eagle Hunters, Tourism 24 3.1.2 Socio-Economic Benefits 25
3.2 Golden Eagle Falconry and Treatment 25 3.2.1 Current Golden Eagle Populations 25 3.2.2 What do falconers hunt? 25
3.2.3 Prey Availability 26 3.2.4 Capturing Eagles 27 3.2.5 Hunting Frequency 27 3.2.6 Release of Golden Eagles 28 3.2.7 Eagle Treatment 29 3.3 Land Change 29 3.4 Human Interaction and Impact 30
3.4.1 Mining and Poaching 30 3.5 Policy 31 4) Discussion 32 4.1 Tourism 32
4.2 Climate and Land Change 35 4.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Research 37 5) Conclusions 38 6) References 40 Journals 40
Books and Reports 41 Websites 41
Appendix A 42