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Ashland Paint & Plain Saddle Club
PRESIDENT, Steven “Chunk” Watts; SECRETARY, Jean Yancer; TREASURER, Ashley Christian; WEBSITE, ashlandpaintandplain. com; EMAIL, paintandplaininfo@ yahoo.com
by Chesna Wertz
Hi everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far, and hitting lots of shows! It’s hard to believe that I’m writing this for the August issue of the Corral; where did the summer go? By this time next month, we will be getting ready for Ashland Paint and Plain’s final show of the year, under judge Kathryn Boggetta. This is also the show where we will be awarding our high point awards, as well as the 2021 Horse of the Year. We hope you will come join us!
We held our third show of the year on 4th of July weekend, under judge Dennis Clements. It was another well attended show, and the weather even behaved for the most part! Lots of beautiful horses came through the pen; a big thank you to everyone who came and showed with us!
Fun Had by All
Fun was had by all at the July show, even by the judge!
Building Confidence on the Trail (continued)
My first camping trip of every year is in the back pasture. I’d much rather try a new piece of gear, have an equipment failure, or find that I’ve misplaced a vital piece of gear, close to home rather than an hour, or more, away. Just as we become more confident with every additional minute spent in the saddle, we become more confident in camp through experience camping. When I set up camp in the back pasture I pretend that I’m 20 miles inside the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex, not 800 feet from a hot shower. Set up camp the same way that you would in a ‘real’ situation and you’ll soon learn what works and what doesn’t.
Never Mind the Mistakes
Mistakes are proof that you are trying. Despite what some on social media may declare; everyone makes mistakes. The key is learning from those mistakes so that we don’t make the same ones again.
As always for more practical information on trail rding and camping with horses, as well as the world’s largest guide to horse trails and camps, visit us at www.TrailMeister.com
Riding Stable & Horse Camp
Minutes from the beautiful Shawnee State Forest in southern Ohio
Don’t Hurry
Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Don’t rush to failure. When you’re addressing a new skill set, leading a pack mule, tying a double diamond, or any other part of trail riding and camping, take your time. Be slow and deliberate. When we rush into situations that we’re not ready for, we forget to check the fine points and we all know it’s the details that count. Start at the beginning and gradually work your way out. If you’ve never horse camped before don’t start planning a two week pack-trip right away. Work up to those bucket list adventures in small steps. Practice makes proficient, and proficient leads to perfection. Take your time and really practice and work towards your goal, whatever it is. Before you move up, your current skills should be smooth and relaxed for you and your horse. If you’re confident, your horse is confident, you’ve done the basics, then you’re probably ready. Be deliberate, don’t rush to failure, acknowledge the progress you’ve made, clap for yourself, and keep pushing forward!