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County Lines
kids in front of bears and bison at Yellowstone for a Facebook photo op. Carolyn Sullivan went to Culpepper, Va., to star in her yearly version of an Indiana Jones movie, The Cattle Drive Vacation. Drac hates cattle; Romeo is a natural. Lastly, she survived the onslaught of deathdefying motorists and bikers cluelessly jockeying around her semi length rig to keep everyone safe. For the rest of us, continue day rides and camping trips. Keep updated on local weather conditions, especially tornado warnings. Stay alert for all the others you may encounter who are oblivious to horse etiquette or the rules of the road. It’s a job we learned to do well.
~Joann Ulichney
Warren County was wellrepresented at the Greene County state ride. I think only about one person may have camped in the group camp as we had reserved, but several camped in the main camp, and even more showed up for the dinner. I don’t know if any of our members participated in the karaoke, as I ducked out early for a concert (it was a crazy month!), but hopefully someone did. We definitely ate well, but then horse people are very good at that.
The Over the Hill Gang has been able to hold most of our work days, amazingly enough. As I write this we’ve worked around camp mostly but are headed back up north on the next few work days. Both paths to the lake have been cleared, since that’s a nice thing to do in the summer, and the broken tie rail was replaced. As always, we welcome anyone else who can help, whether it’s every time or just once in a while. If you want to be put on the list, email Roger at blazeandspirit@gmail.com.
Our monthly meetings will resume in September, the second Thursday at 7 p.m. (6:30 for social time, or to start the meal if it’s a potluck). Your newsletter and calendar will tell you whether there is a potluck and/or speaker each month. The speakers we’ve had so far have been very interesting.
That’s it for this month; without our monthly meeting there hasn’t been a lot of news. Remember to check the calendar or the Facebook page for the upcoming Brown Bag rides also. I keep hoping to make it to one but it hasn’t happened yet. Stay cool!
~Mickie Newnam
Camping season is here! The club has been very busy with campouts and Tuesday night and afternoon rides during the month of June. Lucinda Arnold camped at Dillon and shared it with nonhorse campers who were very friendly. She reported that even though the bike trails there run near the horse trails, the bikers were very respectful of the horses and there were no incidents.
Sheila Haury hosted a camp out at Malabar. Four members arrived Friday afternoon and Elsie Zuercher pulled in at 10:30 p.m.! The trails were in good shape and the food and comradery were excellent. They even invited people who were not club members to eat with them on Saturday night. Hospitality is a hallmark of our club so please contact us and join as a secondary member if you would like to camp with us this summer!
Vicki Zook, a secondary member of our club went down to Elkins Creek for a few days before the rest of us arrived at camp. She helped Rick and Jill, the camp owners, with their big charity ride for St. Jude’s hospital. They raised $17,000 for St. Jude’s Hospital Research Center. The rest of the club arrived on June 12 and stayed until June 17. There were 11 of us camping for the week. The weather was beautiful, dry and in the mid 70’s. We only had rain one night. The suppers provided by each group of members were delicious. It is so nice to only have to think about cooking one night. It leaves you free to ride a little longer most days. We were joined by two members from Medina County OHC and Russ and Shirley Sales who are former members. It was good to see Shirley back in the saddle despite her recent medical issues. Her new horse is a beauty but is over 17 hands tall!
The Regional Ride was a big success despite the occasional rain shower. There were seven OHC chapters represented. We had 34 rigs for the weekend. There were 60 people in attendance for a delicious BBQ catered by On the Rise Barb B Que out of Fredericktown. Buehler’s donated cakes and cupcakes for dessert. Club member Tammy Burkhart is an employee of Buehler’s and they had committed to donating for our 50th anniversary last year, but the storms put that celebration on hold! The poker run on Saturday was a big success but the scavenger hunt for Sunday had to be cancelled because it had rained during the night and the trails were a little slippery. The day was well spent though, as many rode the North Blue trail which is a little rockier than the Red where the scavenger hunt was scheduled. Then pizza and games in the pavilion finished out the evening in great style. The trails and campground were in excellent condition thanks to the many volunteers who helped clear trees and brush and clean up the campsites.
Taran Tate is having a great show season in 4-H this year. He qualified for the state fair. He was able to get in enough winning rides to qualify even though he has been playing a lot of successful baseball as well this summer. His mom and dad, Heather and Toby, celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary by joining us all at the Regional Ride campout. Toby gets extra kudos for attending and camping since he doesn’t even ride horses, just motorcycles. Taran was at 4-H camp for the week, so Heather and Toby were able to camp and enjoy the weekend by themselves. Well, if you don’t count the other 50 or so of us who were also there!
~Sue Baker
Hi from Wood County! Many of us had a fun time at Van Buren for the Fourth of July even though it was very hot. John and Amy won best decorated site and the evening rains held off for the Friday and Saturday movies. The trails were in great shape despite the nightly rains.
Our Hobo Stew Ride this year will be the (non) Hobo Stew and held on Friday and Saturday of Labor Day Weekend Sept. 1 and