Equestrian Equi pment
winter 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 2 w w w . B R . n l
fa s h i o n collection
bR winter c o l l e ct i o n
w w w. b r . n l
bR winter c o l l e ct i o n
w w w. b r . n l
Master collection
bR winter c o l l e ct i o n
w w w. b r . n l
bR winter c o l l e ct i o n
w w w. b r . n l w w w. b r . n l
M e n ’ s collection
10 c o l l e c t i o n
w w w. b r . n l
Jos Lansink collection
12 c o l l e c t i o n
w w w. b r . n l
BR 4 - U collection
14 c o l l e c t i o n
w w w. b r . n l
BR 4-ever h orses collection
16 c o l l e c t i o n
w w w. b r . n l
18 c o l l e c t i o n
w w w. b r . n l
fa s h i o n collection
Bomber jacket Kingston
Bodywarmer QuĂŠbec
Structure (68)
Structure (68)
art. 651013 size: XS - XXL
art. 655037 size: XS - XXL
Breeches Belleville
Breeches Caledon
Dark Navy (14)
Dark Navy (14)
art. 629037 szie: 36 - 46
Cap bag
Riding helmet BR Zenith
Blue (03) Brown (04) Black (09)
art. 541007 size: 52 - 61
Garment bag
Structure (67)
Structure (67)
art. 549021
art. 719032
art. 719031
Boot bag
Bridle bag
Storage bag
Structure (67)
art. 584021 winter
20 c o l l e c t i o n
Structure (67)
Structure (67)
art. 189019
Cathay Spice (62)
art. 672065 size: S - XL
Dark Navy (14)
art. 629036 size: 36 - 46
Structure (67)
Pulli Ottawa
art. 829001
Saddle cover
Lead rope
Cathay Spice (62)
art. 432043 size: P/S, C/S, F/S
Saddle carrying bag
Dark Navy (14)
Cathay Spice (62)
art. 442045 with snap hook art. 442046 with panic hook
Travelling boots
Structure (67)
GP art. 152021 DR art. 152022
Dark Navy (14)
Dark Navy (14)
art. 151024
art. 322032 size: C/S, F/S
art. 303026
Set tendon & fetlock boots
Saddle cloth
Saddle cloth
Dark Navy (14)
Dark Navy (14)
art. 292044 size: P/S, F/S
GP art. 163079 size: C/S, F/S DR art. 164079 size: C/S, F/S
Saddle cloth
Exercise sheet
Dark Navy (14)
GP art. 163080 size: C/S, F/S DR art. 164080 size: C/S, F/S
Cathay Spice (62)
GP Art. 163081 size: F/S DR Art. 164081 size: F/S
Fleece exercise sheet
Dark Navy (14)
393033 size: 135 - 155
Dark Navy (14)
393032 size: 135 - 155
w w w. b r . n l
Fleece rug with neck
1 Outdoor combo
2 Rain rug
Dark Navy (14)
Dark Navy (14))
art. 396046 size: 165 - 215
1 art. 381005 size: 165 - 215 2 art. 373035 size: 165 - 215
Outdoor high neck
Stable rug
Dark Navy (14
Dark Navy (14)
art. 381007 size: 165 - 215
art. 381001 size: 165 - 215
Fleece rug
Outdoor rugs 1
2 Dark Navy (14)
Structure (67)
art. 396047 size: 165 - 215
1 art. 381006 size: 165 - 215 2 art. 381004 size: 165 - 215
Fleece rug
Winter rugs
Dark Navy (14)
Dark Navy (14)
Structure (67)
art. 396045 size: 165 - 215 Outdoor rug art. 381003 size: 165 - 215 Rain rug art. 373033 size: 165 - 215 Seasonal outdoor rug art. 381002 size: 165 - 215 bR
22 c o l l e c t i o n
ma as s tt e er r m co o ll ll e ec ct t ii o on n c
Coat Aurora
Bodywarmer Montreal
Bomber jacket Gatineau
Mermaid (63)
Mermaid (63)
Mermaid (63)
art. 651098 size: XS - XXL
art. 651099 size: XS - XXL
art. 654046 size: XS - XXL
Hoodie Sherbrooke
Polo shirt Winnipeg
Pulli Ottawa
Licorice (51)
Dazzling Blue (64)
Licorice (51)
684039 size: XS - XXL
art. 675033 size: XS - XXL
art. 672065 size: S - XL
Breeches Sarnia
Breeches Calgary
1 Riding gloves
Licorice (51)
Licorice (51)
Mermaid (63)
2 Knee-stockings
Mermaid (63)
art. 629034 size: 36 - 46 art. 629035 size: 36 - 46
1 art. 709063 size: S - XL 2 art. 714070 size: 35-38, 39-42
1 Dog pillow
1 Halter
2 Dog leash & collar
1 Dog fleece rug
2 Dog outdoor rug
2 Lead rope
Licorice (51) Mermaid (63)
Licorice (51)
Mermaid (63)
1 art. 472003 size: 60x80, 70x100, 90x120 1 art. 396489 size: XS - XXL 2 art. 471005 size: S - L 2 art. 396488 size: XS - XXL
Licorice (51)
Licorice (51)
Licorice (51)
1 art. 432042 size: P/S, C/S, F/S 2 art. 442053 with snap hook art. 442054 with panic hook
w w w. b r . n l
Outdoor combo
Outdoor high neck
Licorice (51)
Licorice (51)
art. 381097 size: 165 - 215
art. 381098 size: 165 - 215
Stable rug
1 Seasonal outdoor rainment 2 Outdoor rug
Licorice (51)
Dark Navy (14
art. 381099 size: 165 - 215
1 art. 381095 size: 165 - 215 2 art. 381096 size: 165 - 215
Rain rug
Fleece rug with turn up neck
95 Mermaid (63)
95 Licorice (51)
art. 373031 size: 165 - 215
art. 396042 size:165 - 215
Fleece exercise sheet
Saddle cloth
Mermaid (63)
art. 393025 bR
24 c o l l e c t i o n
size: 135 - 155
Licorice (51)
GP art. 163075 size: C/S, F/S DR art. 164075 size: C/S, F/S
Mermaid (63)
Set tendon & fetlock boots
Mermaid (63)
Licorice (51)
Licorice (51)
art. 303025
Travelling boots
Licorice (51)
art. 292043 size: P/S, F/S
art. 322031 size: C/S, F/S
Bomber jacket Brampton
Sweat vest Surrey
m e n ’ s collection
Jacket Toronto
Dark Navy (14)
Dark Navy (14)
Castlerock (20)
art. 651096 size: XS - XXL
art. 651097 size: XS - XXL
art. 684038 size: XS - XXL
Polo shirt Hamilton
Breeches Markham
Breeches Cambridge
Dark Navy (14
Frosty Spruce (21)
Dark Navy (14)
Dark Navy (14)
art. 675032 size: XS - XXL
art. 625018 size: 44 - 56
art. 625017 size: 44 - 56
Riding gloves
Riding helmet BR Viper
Dark Navy (14)
art. 709062 size: S - XL
Dark Navy (14)
art. 714069 size: 39-42, 43-46
Brown (04), Black (09), Grey (10), Black/black (91)
art. 541001 size: 52/54,55/58,59/62
w w w. b r . n l
Jos Lansink collection
Outdoor rainment combo
Outdoor rainment combo
Ebony (82)
Ebony (82)
art. 381010 size: 165 - 215
art. 381011 size: 165 - 215
Fleece rug
1 Seasonal outdoor rug 2 Outdoor rainment
Ebony (82)
Ebony (82)
art. 396035 size: 165 - 215
1 art. 381008 size: 165 - 215 2 art. 381009 size: 165 - 215
Stable rug
Fleece exercise sheet
Ebony (82)
art. 381012 size: 165 - 215
art. 393023 size: 135 - 155
Exercise sheet
Fleece rug with neck
Ebony (82)
art. 393024 size:135 - 155 bR
Ebony (82)
26 c o l l e c t i o n
Ebony (82)
art. 396044 size: 165 - 215
Rain rug with turn up neck
Saddle cloth
Saddle cloth
Ebony (82)
Ebony (82)
Ebony (82)
art. 373032 size: 165 - 215 DR art. 164076 size: C/S, F/S
GP art. 163076 size: C/S, F/S JP art. 163077 size: P/S, C/S, F/S
Set tendon & fetlock boots
Ebony (82)
1 Halter
2 Lead rope
Ebony (82)
Ebony (82)
Ebony (82)
Art. 292042 Size: P/S, F/S
1 art. 432038 size: P/S, C/S, F/S 2 art. 442051 with snap hook art. 442052 with panic hook
art. 303023
Over reach boots
Travelling boots
Competition bag
Ebony (82)
Ebony (82)
Ebony (82)
art. 312040 size: P/S, F/S
art. 322029 size: C/S, F/S
art. 719027
Cap bag
Boot bag
Saddle cover
Ebony (82)
Ebony (82)
art. 549017
art. 584017
Ebony (82)
art. 152017
w w w. b r . n l
BR 4 - U collection
Ebony (82)
Aquamarine (29
Ebony (82)
art. 651110 size: 158 - 176
art. 655035 size: 158 - 176
art. 684040 size: 158 - 176
Aquamarine (29)
Black (09)
Black (09)
Black (09)
art. 672066 size: 158 - 176
art. 627041 size: 158 - 176, 36 - 46
art. 627042 size: 158 - 176, 36 - 46
1 Riding gloves
1 Halter
Black (09)
Black (09)
Ebony (82)
2 Knee-stockings
Ebony (82)
art. 715079 art. 712037
1 art. 709064 size:164, 176 2 art. 714071 size: 31-34, 35-38, 39-42
Set tendon & fetlock boots
Ebony (82)
Black (09)
Ebony (82)
28 c o l l e c t i o n
Ebony (82)
2 Leadrope
Ebony (82)
1 art. 432070 size: C/S, F/S 2 art. 442070 with snap hook
Bags Cap bag
1 art. 292070 size: P/S, F/S 2 art. 292071 size: P/S, F/S art. 303070 bR
Ebony (82)
art. 549020
Boot bag
Ebony (82)
art. 584020
Grooming bag
Ebony (82)
art. 719040
Saddle cloth
Saddle cloth
Ebony (82)
GP art. 163070 size: C/S, F/S DR art. 164070 size: C/S, F/S
Exercise sheet
Black (09)
Black (09)
GP art. 163078 size: C/S, F/S DR art. 164078 size: C/S, F/S
Fleece rug
art. 393031 size: 135 - 155
Fleece rug with neck
Ebony (82)
Ebony (82)
art. 396040 size: 147 - 215
art. 396041 size: 147 - 215
Stable rug
Stable rug
Black (09)
art. 381013 size: 147 - 215
Ebony (82)
art. 381090 size: 147 - 215
Outdoor rug
Rain rug
Licorice (51)
Black (09)
art. 373070 size: 147 - 215
Black (09)
art. 381091 size: 147 - 215
w w w. b r . n l
BR 4-ever h orses collection Jacket
Chocolate Brown (59)
Afterglow (66)
Chocolate Brown (59)
art. 651111 size: 116 - 164
art. 655036 size: 1116 - 164
art. 684041 size: 116 - 164
Chili (61)
art. 627043 size: 116 - 164
Chocolate Brown (59)
art. 714072 size: 31-34, 35-38
Grooming bag
Chocolate Brown (59)
Chocolate Brown (59)
art. 682027 size: 116 - 164
Cap bag
Chocolate Brown (59)
art. 709066
Boot bag
size: 116 - 164
Chocolate Brown (59)
Chocolate Brown (59)
art. 712038
art. . 627044
art. 715080
Travelling boots 1
Check (65)
Check (65)
art. 719029 art. 549022 bR
30 c o l l e c t i o n
Check (65)
art. 584014
Check (65)
Chocolate Brown (59)
1 art. 322053 size: C/S 2 art. 322054 size: P/S, C/S
Set tendon & fetlock boots
1 Halter
2 Lead rope
Chocolate Brown (59)
Chilli (61)
1 art. 292052 size: Shet, P/S 2 art. 296051 size: P/S art. 303049 Set art. 292051 size: P/S
Saddle cloth
Saddle cloth
Chocolate Brown (59)
Chilli (61)
GP art. 163073 size: Shet, C/S DR art. 164073 size: C/S
Fleece exercise rug
Chocolate Brown (59)
Chocolate Brown (59)
Chocolate Brown (59)
1 art. 432041 size: Shet, P/S, C/S 2 art. 442043 with snap hook art. 442044 with panic hook
Exercise rug
Check (65)
Check (65)
GP art. 163069 size: Shet, C/S DR art. 164069 size: C/S
Fleece rug
art. 393015 size: 105 -135
Outdoor combo
Chocolate Brown (59)
Chocolate Brown (59)
art. 393014 size: 105 -135 art. 396039 size: 94 - 175
art. 381094 size: 94 - 175
Rain rug
Stable rug
Outdoor rainment
Check (65)
art. 373029 size: 94 - 175
Check (65)
art. 381093 size: 94 - 175
Chilli (61)
381092 size: 94 - 175
w w w. b r . n l
Models, prices and colours subject to alterations as well as missprints. Bieman de Haas B.V. P.O. Box 8 6658 ZG Beneden-Leeuwen The Netherlands E-mail: sales@bieman.com Website: www.br.nl Photography: Horse Moments, www.horsemoments.nl
w w w . B R . n l bR
32 c o l l e c t i o n
Eq u e st r ia n Eq u ip m e n t