Christmas 2015
Montana Silversmiths | 1
The Silver Story Since 1973, Montana Silversmiths focused on creating products of exceptional quality and beauty. Nestled in the tiny hamlet of Columbus, MT, we’ve grown to become the largest supplier of western jewellery, watches, and legendary buckles to the industry. Handcrafted silver, rich in western heritage, is the very core of Montana Silversmiths. Our skilled craftsman are the finest in the western industry, crafting products that are a combination of traditional western designs, unique modern flair, crisply executed engraving styles unmatched in their brilliance, and a keen attention to detail. Each Montana Silversmiths creation is touched by as many as twenty-five caring sets of hands before packaged in our trademark blue velvet box. The extra quality delivered by our careful workmanship is just one of the many reasons our products are known as “compliment makers” and sought after gifts for friends and loved ones.
R ings
RG2717 $149.95 [6, 7, 8, 9]
RG63CZ $129.95 [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
RG133 $149.95 [6, 7, 8]
RG2550 $129.95 [6, 7, 8, 9]
RG1871 $119.95 [6, 7, 8]
Limited Stock RG104 $119.95 [7, 8, 9]
RG1625 $159.95 [6, 7, 8, 9] 2 | Montana Silversmiths
Limited Stock ER1073 $74.95
ER802 $49.95
ER1037 $59.95
ER61115 $69.95
ER2372 $79.95
ER2504 $69.95
ER2282D $79.95
ER2512 $69.95
Limited Stock ER60913 $69.95
ER1316CZ $69.95
ER930CZL $89.95
ER1864 $59.95
ER2047 $79.95
ER61111 $79.95
ER2721 $79.95
ER2539 $89.95
ER1852 $79.95
ER2777 $89.95
ER2317SC $79.95
ER2751 $79.95 Montana Silversmiths | 3
BC2630SC $109.95
BC2319SC $139.95
BC2598TRI-BK $149.95
BC1782 $99.95 4 | Montana Silversmiths
BC2132 $79.95
BC119 $109.95
BC2770 $119.95
BC2607TQ $89.95
BC2504 $79.95
BC60832 $109.95
BC1398TQ $139.95
BC60574 $109.95
BC2562 $89.95
BC2455RTS $149.95
BC2611 $109.95
BC61232 $99.95
BC1364 $84.95
BC2555 $79.95
BC2321 $109.95 Montana Silversmiths | 5
NC2282D $79.95
NC2512 $79.95
NC2421D $119.95
Limited Stock
NC1281PK $129.95 6 | Montana Silversmiths
NC2721 $109.95
NC2749 $109.95
NC2539 $99.95
NC2763 $89.95
NC2107 $179.95
NC2758 $79.95
NC1136 $99.95
NC2777 $109.95
Jewellery Sets
JS2622SC $129.95
JS2504 $119.95
JS1057 $119.95
JS1187 $119.95
JS2782 $149.95
JS2725 $159.95
JS2709 $224.95
JS61133 $169.95 Montana Silversmiths | 7
Limited Stock
Limited Stock
Limited Stock
MT922 $69.95
MT1383 $214.95
MT1381 $94.95
Limited Stock WCH2317D $219.95
MT917 $214.95
MCL27 $109.95 Money Clip
NC45 $99.95 Necklace
NC37 $99.95 Necklace
NC2492-646 $119.95 Necklace
WATCHP20-384S $169.95 Pocket Watch & Chain
WATCHP20-315 $169.95 Pocket Watch & Chain
While stocks last. Montana retailers do not necessarily stock all products in the catalogue. Prices subject to change without notice. Colour of stones may vary.
Just Country Australia Pty Ltd Phone 1800 427 428 Representing Montana ÂŽ Silversmiths
8 | Montana Silversmiths