The Only Horse Magazine You’ll Ever Need
Media Pack
February 2016
Target Reader NagMagMagazine. com, is a quality website aimed at anyone who is interested in the business of equestrianship. Both male and female readers will relate to NagMag with no descrimination of age – from a child of 10 looking to buy their first pony up to 80 something and excited about driving or just attending events. It is of benefit to both private and trade purchasers and sellers. Above all, the content will reflect the readers’ core values and sustain a longevity of relevance by its intelligent editorial content. NagMag offers advertisers a unique media to target the most affluent and desirable households and people in the South East region.
Contact Details SOLUTIONS
Postal address: NagMag Magazine ENM Solutions Limited 37b Cuckfield Road, Hurstpierpoint, Hassocks, West Sussex BN6 9RW Editorial and Advertising Sales: Linda Warburton Email: Direct Line: 01273 962069
he medium ❝ Twhich consumers want to find advertising in
Studio: Shirley Tynan Email: Direct Line: 01273 842568
❞ Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest
prices – Introductory Rates
NagMag – Continuing to offer the latest news and information for the equestrian enthusiast NagMag is fast becoming a truly unique multi-platform media proposition. Across the website;; public events and Newsletters, NagMag reaches equestrian enthusiasts everywhere with regular news, the latest information, fascinating features and exciting images. Now in its ninth year, NagMag is one of the most respected equestrian magazine websites in the south of England. advertising opportunities
online display adverts
We have a number of advertising packages on offer. These can be discussed by contacting our sales team – see details at the foot of this page. For maximum online presence you can package together an advert in NagMag magazine along with a link in the Equestrian Services section of our website.
We offer three positions of display adverts, on each section of our website. These positions and sizes are detailed on the opposite. Once again, our sales team will be more than happy to discuss your specific needs.
online video adverts Today, a combination of both video and the internet creates a huge impact on how people communicate. Online video promotions target your customer and delivers the message cost effectively. Your clip can feature anything from a simple sales announcement to a video showcase of a product or premises.
Please note: We do not accept open documents of Photoshop, ImageReady, Flash etc.
ARTWORK DEADLINES As agreed with your contact. Email Send your advert artwork directly to:
RGB 300dpi Please note: Without the getURLparameter in place we will not track clicks on the swf. We also require a backup gif or a static jpg with anyswfad-format. ENM Solutions cannot be held responsible for errors, ommissions or missed ads as a result of technological incompatibilities
£75 (no VAT)
Button ad – size 1
172 x 172 pixels
RGB 300dpi
£15 (no VAT)
Button strip Ad
300 x 172 pixels
RGB 300dpi
£25 (no VAT)
Your ad may be shown together with up to four other ads. These may be rotated to avoid the same ads being shown all the time. Placement of ads is subject to space availability and will be placed on a “first come first served basis”.
3. ENM Solutions Ltd Limited may increase advertising rates at any time and all contracts are accepted subject to this condition. The Advertiser may cancel any contract without short rate penalty on notice within 15 days after higher rates are made effective by ENM Solutions Ltd Limited unless specified otherwise. 4. The liability of ENM Solutions Ltd Limited for damage arising out of errors in advertisements is limited to the amount paid for space actually occupied by the portion of the advertisements in which the error occurred, whether such error is due to the negligence of ENM Solutions Ltd Limited’s employees or otherwise. The liability of ENM Solutions Ltd Limited for damage arising out of non-insertion of any advertisement is limited to the amount received by ENM Solutions Ltd Limited for such advertisement. The Advertiser agrees to indemnify ENM Solutions Ltd Limited for any losses or costs incurred by ENM Solutions Ltd Limited as a result of publishing an advertisement which is libelous or misleading or otherwise subjects ENM Solutions Ltd Limited to liability. Should an error be made by ENM Solutions Ltd Limited which in its judgment materially affects the value of an advertisement, a corrected advertisement will be inserted upon demand without further charge. “Make good” insertions will not be granted on minor errors which in ENM Solutions Ltd Limited’s judgment do not lessen the value of the whole advertisement. Notice of error required the day of first insertion. ENM Solutions Ltd Limited accepts no responsibility for loss of profit or consequential damages arising from any errors made in any advertisement whether such error is due to the negligence of ENM Solutions Ltd Limited’s employees or otherwise. 5. ENM Solutions Ltd Limited will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal, misleading or offensive to its readers. 6. Upon receipt of your order, we will send you an invoice. Once your artwork and payment is received, your advertising will be put online within 3-5 days, subject to space availability. Accounts are considered past due if payment is not made within 30 days of the invoice date. Before credit is extended, the Advertiser must satisfy ENM Solutions Ltd Limited of ability to meet obligation. 2% monthly (26.82% annually) charged on balance over 60 days.
Button strip Ad 300x172pixels RGB 300dpi
RGB 300dpi
2. Rates quoted are for online advertising only. ENM Solutions Ltd Limited reserves the right to classify all advertisements. No agency commissions are paid on digital advertising unless specified otherwise.
• SWF – Please contact 01273 842568 for full details on how to supply Flash adverts.
960 x 210 pixels
Ad Specifications
These can be animated or static.
Bite-size Ad
Home Page: Top Banner
Prices start from £250 (includes the use of a video camera, editing and 12 month’s hosting.
ENM Solutions Limited only accepts: • JPEGs – RGB colour only. Resolution 300dpi • GIFs – RGB colour only. Resolution 300dpi
RGB 300dpi
Advert Space size spec price (per calendar month)
1. ENM Solutions Ltd Limited reserves the right to revise, reject, discontinue or omit any advertisement, or to cancel any advertising contract, for reasons satisfactory to ENM Solutions Ltd Limited without notice or without penalty to either party. All advertising subject to ENM Solutions Ltd Limited’s approval. Right reserved to revise or reject advertisements in accordance with Standards of Acceptability to ENM Solutions Ltd Limited, to lighten or change type, borders or illustrations.
Accepted Formats
Banner 960 x 210 pixels
7. All materials produced by ENM Solutions Ltd Limited will remain the property of ENM Solutions Ltd Limited. ENM Solutions Ltd Limited will not be responsible for the return of materials supplied by the Advertiser unless return delivery instructions are received when the advertisement is placed.