November 2017 Horses Magazine

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Horses Magazine

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Richard Winters

What’s Up With “Cowboy Dressage?” With Richard Winters Horsemanship As I write this article,

learning experience for me and has chal-

my test. Transitioning from the working

lenged my own horsemanship skills. Below

walk to the free walk, on to the working jog

are just a few things that I’ve learned.

then the free jog, asking for the lope and back down again. And of course, all

I’m sitting at a horse show.

of these transitions had to hap-

Last night I rode with over

pen at a very specific mark on the

thirty other riders in the


preliminary round of the Top Hand Competition. I know

Bending And Straightness

that I have qualified as one

Every circle was judged on how

of the top 10 riders. We are

well the horses were bent and how

now waiting to see who will

consistently they traveled in the

make the top 5 cut and ride

circle. Then aligning the horse’s

in the finals tomorrow night.

body on straight-lines was also

I wasn’t judged on how far

closely scrutinized. “Kind of, Sort

my horse slid or how fast he

of” just didn’t cut it. I really had to

could spin. I don’t believe

strive for perfection.

there was even one cow on

Poles And Cones

the premises. This weekend,

In many of the challenge tests,

I’ve tried something brand-

poles and cones were set up for the

new, Cowboy Dressage.

rider to navigate in different gaits.

This new horsemanship

This was helpful in some ways in

discipline is really taking

that it gave us a frame of reference

off. At this show there will

of where to ride. In other ways, it

be over 900 individual goes

was tricky to keep my horse rid-

with three arenas continu-

ing correctly over polls that were

ously active for three days.

spaced at different intervals.

Although this event has its


roots in Classical Dressage it has evolved into something

Although it was important to

very specific unto itself. Its

be familiar with the particular

organizers would also want to clarify that this is not

test that I was riding, every rider

“Western dressage”. Cowboy Dressage has

It’s All About Transitions

developed its own unique set of principles,

There were probably over twenty differ-

guidelines, courts and tests. It’s been a huge

ent transitions that I had to execute during

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was allowed a caller to announce the next maneuver in the test. Having a good caller, that stayed in the rhythm and flow of your ride was vital for success. It

also relieves a lot of pressure of trying to

the rider’s preference. You can also ride with

Novice classes, Amateur and Open classes.

memorize a test that can last up to seven or

a Leverage Bit using two-hands. However,

There were many classes offered for just

eight minutes. Should a rider go off course,

if you start two-handed you must ride the

those who wanted to walk and jog. Then

a cowbell is rung and the judge helps the

entire test with two-hands. If you begin your

many more that also included the lope and

rider find a new starting point. This makes

test one-handed you must ride the whole

more challenging maneuvers.

the event very rider-friendly. There’s only a

test one-handed.

small penalty for this happening twice but getting lost a third time is a dismissal. Bits And Headgear

Levels For Everyone This weekend I competed in the “Top

Cowboy Dressage Handshake This is an agreement that every rider makes: They will always put the horse’s

Hand” Division. This perhaps was the most

welfare above any competition or goal. The

Unlike other disciplines, Cowboy Dres-

challenging and difficult test of the week-

show management insists, and enforces,

sage allows you to ride a horse of any age in

end. However, there are classes for every

that no equipment can be used, or training

a Bosel, Snaffle or Leverage Bit. It is strictly

level of horse and rider. Youth classes,

techniques implement, in the warm-up pen

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that would not be allowed in the show arena. Although

Dressage is an opportunity for any rider, at any level, to

almost every club and association talks about and attempts

bump up their horsemanship game and refine their skills.

to put the welfare of the horse first, I have not seen any

It’s also a place where each horse can step up to a higher

group practice what they preach any better than Cowboy

level of performance without being compromised physi-


cally or mentally.

Soft Feel

Here’s the rest of the story: I did indeed make it back to

Although the technical aspects of each test are critical, there is also a more subtle area that is judged just as importantly. Riders are judged on the “soft feel” that they exhibit while executing each maneuver. That means; riding with light contact without over-flexing the horse. If a horse’s head and neck get too low, or a horse’s nose gets behind the vertical, penalty points are assessed. Without the soft feel that exemplifies harmony, balance and partnership, it is difficult to do well in Cowboy Dressage. Personally, I love the tradition, athleticism and discipline of the Reined Cow Horse. However, Cowboy Dres-

compete in the top 5! We rode a mystery test and then had to switch horses with another top 5 contestant and re-ride the test. My horse Whiz secured the Championship win for a veteran Cowboy Dressage competitor, which was beautifully executed. Whiz and I placed fourth, which my wife assures me is more than respectable for my first endeavor with a brand new discipline, having entered the toughest class, at their year-end finals. I had fun this weekend and learned a lot. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to do it again. You can find out more by going to

sage has added a new dimension and challenge to my own horsemanship. This weekend I observed riders of many levels riding many different breeds of horses. The common denominator was that each rider was trying to ride with more finesse, feel and accuracy. This is the first Cowboy Dressage show that I have ever attended and I think I can share a pretty objective opinion. It appears to me that horses and riders are both winners in this deal. Cowboy

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Lynn Palm

Trailer Unloading By Lynn Palm Trouble-free trailer “unloading” is really quite easy… just reverse the steps used to teach your horse to load. Let’s start with your horse already loaded in the trailer, ideally with another experienced horse to give him confidence. If you followed my recommendations, his loading experience was a good one. He is standing in the trailer relaxed and munching on his full hay bag. He is either tied, by his lead line, or his lead is threaded through the hay bag to give him the feeling of being tied. All trailer doors and windows are open. Ideally, the trailer is parked in the corner of a fenced pasture or paddock; so that it is alongside one fence with the other fence line is behind it. If his lead is tied, untie it and thread it through hay bag when you are ready to unload. Go around to the back of the trailer and stand off the side of your horse. Do not stand directly behind him in case he would kick or back out quickly. Talk to him and pet him on his hip to reassure him and let him know you are back there. Slowly unfasten

the butt bar and lower it. Keep talking to him to give him confidence. Move back to his head, unthread the lead from the hay bag, and gather it in your hand. Unfasten the chest bar. Standing off the side of your horse’s shoulder give him the command to BACK, asking the same way as when you taught him the maneuver in his stall. If you need a little reinforcement to get him to back, gently push on the point of his shoulder as you move with him and give him the voice command. Let’s take a break in our unloading progression for an important reminder. Backing out of the trailer should be done as SLOWLY as possible. Take your time with this step. We do not want to teach the horse that it is acceptable to back out quickly. That’s why I like to park my trailer with a fence behind it. It helps reinforce to my horse not to run backwards out of the trailer. As he backs, use the lead to keep him straight. The fence line alongside the trailer will also help guide him straight. If the trailer has a ramp, a youngster typically has an easier time unloading because of its

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gentle incline. However, if the trailer is a step-up type, be prepared for the horse to be surprised the first time he steps back and down to the ground. He may be startled and come back into the trailer. If he does this, make no big deal about it. Ask again until he accepts stepping down. A second person can help introduce the horse to stepping down. Ask a friend to stand in a safe position at the outside; back corner of the trailer on the side where the horse is loaded. She should be able to reach up and touch the top of the horse’s rump. Ask the horse to back. As he gets to the point where his hind legs are close to the step, the helper should speak to him to reassure him as she puts her hand on his rump. Her hand will help him balance and give him more security to put his foot down to the ground. The helper should keep her touch on the horse as he backs out. Don’t worry if the horse moves sideways as long as he is straight. The fence line will help him stay straighter. Continue to praise and stroke him until he completes the unloading procedure. Need More Help Loading? Your Next Step… Here’s another method to help your horse learn how to load, espe-

cially if he needs more reinforcement. You will need a friend to help, a longe line, and an in-hand or longe whip. I prefer using a longe whip for this procedure because its longer length gives extra safety should a horse kick in reaction of being touched with it. Snap a longe line on your horse’s halter rather than a lead. Ask the helper to hold the tip-end of the whip in her hand, so the thicker blunt handle extends outward. For this lesson to be effective, the horse must first learn to accept, not fear the whip. To introduce it, position the horse so that he is between you and the fence to give you more control. The helper should stand on the same side you are standing, but toward the horse’s hindquarters. You will be using the longe line to guide your horse, while the helper will use the whip to help position his hindquarters. Ask her to gently stroke the horse’s hip with the whip as she continues to reassure him. Always stroke in the direction that the hair is growing. If the horse moves forward at the touch, ask him to “whoa”. If he moves, move with him and keep the whip in touch with his body. When he accepts this, stroke him with the whip down his hindlegs. Once he accepts the stroking action of the whip repeat these steps, but ask the helper to GENTLY tap it on his hip and on his hind leg. These are areas where we use the whip without hitting the horse to ask him to move his body. The touch or tap on the hip asks him to move his hindquarters; a touch or tap lower to move a leg. He must accept the touch and tap of the whip before moving on to the next step. Bring the horse back to the trailer and let him investigate it. Position him at the bottom of the ramp or at the step-up. Make sure he is STRAIGHT. The helper should stand at the horse’s hip on the same side you are standing. Ask the him to load using the “come to me” command as you guide him into the trailer. If you need help, ask your assistant to use the blunt end of the whip to maintain a touch behind the horse’s hip and above his hocks. When he goes forward release the touch and reward with a “good boy”. If you feel he still needs more reinforcement to move forward, ask her to use a lightly tap on the back of his hind legs, to encourage him to move forward into the trailer. More than likely the horse will resist the tap and move against it. Don’t be alarmed at this. Just keep repeating the gentle tapping and the touch until he moves forward. When he does, praise him. As I explained earlier, your helper can also give your horse confidence during the unloading procedure by putting her hand on his rump to give him more security as he steps down and out of the trailer. No matter which trailer loading method you use, make sure it is as stress free as possible for your horse. These first experiences should be positive ones. Practice loading and unloading several times. When your horse shows he accepts the trailer, it is time to load him and take him for a short trailer ride. The distance doesn’t need to be any further than a city block. The ride should be slow and smooth. If another experienced horse is available to accompany him on his first trailer journey, it will give him confidence.

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Do You Have A Question?

Equine Law Topics New York is 48th State to Enact an Equine Liability Law On October 23, 2017, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law that state’s version of an equine activity liability law. Here is a link. The law took immediate effect. Whom the Law Affects New York’s law applies to “operators” of “Agricultural Tourism” activities. It applies to “equine activities both outdoors and indoors” and includes a definition of “equine therapy” to include “equine activities for children or adults with physical or mental disabilities, post-traumatic stress disorder or other condition for which equine therapy is sought for therapeutic purposes or treatment.” Conditional Liability Limitations This law makes immunities conditional upon compliance with responsibilities as the law describes for “operators” and “visitors.” The liability limitation section states: Owners and operators of agricultural tourism areas shall not be liable for an injury to or death of a visitor if the provisions of this subdivision are complied with. Section 18-303(1)(F); emphasis added. Responsibilities of “Operators” Section 18-303(1) provides that “operators” of “agricultural tourism areas” “shall” have these responsibilities: “To post and maintain way finding signage to delineate the paths, areas and buildings that are open to the public” [Section 18-303(1)(A)] ;

“To adequately train employees who are actively involved in agricultural tourism activities” [Section 18-303(1)(B)]; “To post at every point of sale or distribution of tickets, whether on or off the premises of the agricultural tourism area, a conspicuous ‘warning to visitors’ relative to the inherent risks of participating in activities on working farms and to provide written information having such text and graphics as the commissioner of agriculture and markets shall specify, which shall conspicuously direct the attention of all visitors to the required ‘warning to visitors’” [Section 18-303(1)(C)]; “To post at every point of sale or distribution of tickets at an agricultural tourism area a conspicuous notice to visitors that pursuant to this article such visitors have a responsibility to exercise reasonable care regarding the disclosed risks of the agricultural activity, and reasonably comply with posted way finding signs, reasonably remain in areas designated for the agricultural tourism activity, reasonably follow any and all written and conspicuously posted rules of conduct provided by such operator to visitors or verbal or other communication for persons with disabilities, and not to willfully remove, deface, alter or otherwise damage signage, warning devices or implements, or other safety devices” [Section 18-303(1) (D) ]; “To take reasonable care to prevent reasonably foreseeable risks to visitors, consistent with the responsibility of a landowner to keep his or her premises reasonably safe for intended and reasonably foreseeable uses and users, and to post conspicuous notice to visitors of the right to a refund to the purchaser in the amount paid in the initial sale of any tickets returned to the operator of the agricultural tourism area, intact and unused, upon declaration by such purchaser that he or she believes that he or she is unprepared or that he or she is unwilling to participate in the agricultural tourism activity due to the risks inherent in the activities or the duties imposed upon him or her by this section” [Section 18-303(1)(E)]. Responsibilities of Visitors Section (2) of the law states that visitors to “agricultural tourism areas”

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have certain responsibilities, which are: “To exercise reasonable care regarding the disclosed risks of the agricultural activity” [Section 18-303(2)]; “To reasonably comply with posted way finding signs and reasonably remain in areas designated for the agricultural tourism activity” [Section 18303(2)(A)]; “To reasonably follow any and all written information or conspicuously posted rules of conduct provided by such operator to visitors, or verbal or other form of communication of rules of conduct where needed for effective communication for people with disabilities” [Section 18-303(2)(B)]; and “Not to willfully remove, deface, alter or otherwise damage signage, warning devices or implements or other safety devices” [Section 18-303(2)(C)]. More Information New York’s law is very different from the 47 other state equine activity liability laws. It combines equine activities with numerous other activities (such as “U-pick” farms, farm tours, winery tours, and others) and, as enacted, offers little direction regarding compliance, and no required language for signs. For more information on how the law may impact you, discuss the law with a knowledgeable lawyer or contact the New York State Horse Council, which supported the legislation.

Julie Fershtman is considered to be one of the nation’s leading attorneys in the field of equine law. A frequent author and speaker on legal issues, she has written over 400 published articles, three books, and has lectured at seminars, conventions, and conferences in 29 states on issues involving law, liability, risk management, and insurance. For more information, please also visit and www., and

This blog post does not constitute legal advice. When questions arise based on specific situations, direct them to a knowledgeable attorney.

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Clinton Anderson

When to End a Session I often get asked how long a training session should last. That’s a difficult question to answer because a training session shouldn’t be about a set length of time as much as it should be about how your horse is reacting and listening to you. Instead of asking, “How long should a training session last?” the question should be, “How do I know when to end a training session?” Read my tips below.

about doing what I want, I’ll still release the pressure. Remember that a thought will soon turn into an action.

Your horse has made an improvement from yesterday. When you first teach a horse something, it’s a concept lesson. In the concept lesson, your goal is to get the general idea of the lesson across to the horse. When you first ask a horse to do something, he won’t automatically know what to do. In fact, he’s probably going to do everything but what you want him to do. For example, when you ask the horse to back up on the ground, he’ll probably stick his head up in the air and ignore you. He might turn left, he might turn right, but the very last thing he’ll try is taking a step back. When he takes a step back, if you release the pressure, he’ll look for that answer again. However, if he takes a step back and you don’t release the pressure, he’ll go through that whole cycle of options (rearing, ignoring you, turning left, turning right, etc.) again. Then he’ll come back to taking a step backwards. If you miss releasing the pressure the second time, it’ll get even worse. Every time a horse does what you want, or even acts like he’s going to do it, you’ve got to release the pressure so that he knows what the answer is. I’m so obsessed about it that when first teaching a horse something if he even gives the impression that he’s thinking

When the horse finally does figure out that you want him to back up, more than likely, he’s going to back up with his head up in the air and his feet are going to be stiff and bracey. He’s not going to back up smoothly. That’s completely normal. You can’t expect him to understand the concept of the lesson and to back up with energy in his feet with his head and neck level all at the same time. First he has to understand the concept, and then you can build from there. You have to establish a starting point. Once the horse understands what he’s supposed to do, then you can work on perfecting the lesson. But if you try to perfect the lesson before the horse understands the concept, you’ll run into trouble. After the first lesson, you’ll work on perfecting the exercise. Each time you work with the horse, you’ll look for a little more improvement. From that point on, you won’t end a training session before the horse has shown some improvement from the day before. On the second day of practicing backing up, you’d expect him to back up four steps with energy in his feet. When you accomplished that, you’d quit and

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move on to something else. What you don’t want to do is get your horse softer and responding better and then keep drilling on him. If you do, you’ll just discourage him. That’s hard for human beings not to do though. We’re greedy creatures. When the horse is doing well, we want more. If he takes three energetic steps backwards, we want to see six, and then we end up frustrating the horse because he doesn’t feel like he gets to win. So always be conscious of rewarding the horse when he’s doing well. Remember, a little try today turns into a big try tomorrow. Your horse has a good attitude. Only stop working your horse when he has a good attitude and is respecting you as the leader, or at the very least, has a better attitude than when you started your training session. When horses first come to the ranch for training, especially if they’ve been disrespectful for a while, they get worked more than a horse that is respectful and has a good attitude. So it really comes down to this – the worse the horse’s attitude, the more he’s worked. The better his attitude and the more he tries, the less he’s worked. You’re telling the horse, “If you come out with a good attitude and try everything I ask of you, you won’t have to work as long. However, if you come out with a sorry attitude, you’ll work much harder.” If you’re consistent with that philosophy your horse will catch on quickly that if he has a good attitude and tries, he won’t have to work as long. Don’t take what I just said out of context or

to the extreme though. When you’re working your horse you don’t want to run him out of air to the point of exhaustion, no matter how he’s behaving. If a horse runs out of air, he’ll only be concentrating on one thing – finding air, and he won’t be able to think about what you’re asking him to do. So it would be pointless to keep drilling on the exercise and making his feet move. You have to let him stop and give him a chance to get his air back. That doesn’t mean, however, that you can’t train on him at the same time. When you’re letting him air up, desensitize him. He’s already wanting to stand still, so use it to your advantage. The most important thing to remember is to not quit the horse before he’s using the thinking side of his brain and has a good attitude. If you quit him when he’s snarly or using the reactive side of his brain, you’ll only reinforce that behavior in him. Your horse is working well. Always end a training session on a good note. If you finish when the horse is frustrated

or misbehaving, that’s what he’s going to remember the next day, and then getting him over his problem will take twice as long. If you find that you’re in a time crunch and your horse isn’t performing well at a particular exercise,

stop what you’re doing, and practice an exercise you know the horse can do well. That way you’re finishing on a good note, doing something the horse knows how to do, is relaxed and is listening to you.

Sometimes of course, you’re going to have to quit your horse on a note you’re not pleased with. That will happen from time to time. To avoid that problem, before a training session ask yourself, “How much time do I have to train the horse today?” Then plan the session accordingly. If you have a limited amount of time, don’t pick a subject you know your horse struggles with and you can’t get accomplished in that timeframe. Always set yourself up for success, not failure. Author note: Clinton Anderson is a clinician, horse trainer and competitor. He’s dedicated his life to helping others realize their horsemanship dreams and keeping them inspired to achieve their goals. The Downunder Horsemanship Method gives horse owners the knowledge needed to become skilled horsemen and train their horses to be consistent and willing partners. Discover for yourself how Clinton and the Method can help you achieve your horsemanship dreams at

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The Way of the Horse

What’s Up, Doc? By Eleanor Blazer Just like Bugs Bunny, many horses love carrots. Luckily carrots are very nutritious and make a great treat. The one thing carrots are famous for is improving sight. This theory got started during World War II. Britain’s Royal Air Force pilots supposedly ate large amounts of carrots. It was said this diet allowed them to see German bombers. But, the truth was the British had a new radar system. The rumor about the carrots was spread to protect the secrecy of the new detection system and explain why the Brit-

ish pilots were suddenly so successful at detecting the German bombers. Despite this early rumor about carrots improving the eyesight of British pilots, they do contain large amounts of betacarotene, so the story was somewhat based on fact. Beta-carotene is a precursor to vitamin A, which means the body converts it to vitamin A during digestion. Vitamin A is needed for healthy eyes, mucus membranes, normal bone growth, healthy skin and hair. Horses get most of their needed vitamin A from fresh pasture and top quality alfalfa hay. Grass hay does

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not contain enough vitamin A to maintain normal levels throughout the winter. Commercial grains are fortified with vitamin A (manufacturers add it to the ration). Carrots will not improve eyesight of a horse that is not deficient in vitamin A. The National Research Council’s (2007) recommendations state a horse, at maintenance activity level, requires 30 IU (International Units) of vitamin A per each kilogram (2.2 pounds) of body weight per day. This means a 1,000 pound horse requires around 13,635 I.U.’s of vitamin A each day. One pound of carrots contains

30,000 I.U.’s of vitamin A. Vitamin A can be toxic if over-supplemented. The NRC has determined the approximate upper safe limit of vitamin A at 16,000 IU/kg DM. Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin and is not flushed out of the system. The natural beta-carotene found in alfalfa hay, pasture and carrots has not been found to be toxic. The use of commercial supplements that contain vitamin A must be monitored to insure over-supplementation does not occur. Carrots are high in sugar. It is recommended horses with Cushing’s syndrome (Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction), insulin resistance or equine polysaccharide storage myopathy (EPSM) avoid being fed large amounts of carrots…or any other treat containing high levels of soluble carbohydrates (sugar). Be careful when feeding carrots so choke is not caused. Slicing the carrots into long thin slivers will prevent a large chunk from becoming lodged in the esophagus of the horse.

fed large amounts of carrots…people who over-indulge in carrots can also acquire an orange tint. Once the carrot consumption is decreased the color will revert to the natural shade. As always, when introducing a new feed to a horse, make the addition gradually and over a period of time. The microbes within the digestive system must be allowed to adjust to the new feed. A half of a carrot sliced thin twice a day is a good start. Then gradually work up to several carrots over a period of two weeks. So, if you have a 1,000-pound rabbit in your barn that likes carrots, don’t worry… they are good for him – and you. * Proper nutrition and management practices can prevent many problems associated with caring for horses. You can learn how to provide your horse with a better life-style by taking the online course “How to Feed for Maximum Performance” taught by Eleanor Blazer. Go to for more information.

There have been a few isolated cases of horses acquiring a slight change of coat color when being

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ALL DIRECTV OFFERS REQUIRE 24-MO. TV AGREEMENT. EARLY TERMINATION FEE OF $20/MO. FOR EACH MONTH REMAINING ON AGMT, $35 ACTIVATION, EQUIPMENT NON-RETURN & ADD’L FEES APPLY. New approved residential customers only (equipment lease req’d). Credit card req’d (except MA & PA). $60 1-YR CHOICE ALL-INCLUDED PACKAGE PRICE: Ends 1/20/18. Available only in the U.S. (excludes Puerto Rico and U.S.V.I.). Price includes CHOICE All-Included TV Pkg, monthly fees for a Genie HD DVR + (3) add’l receivers, and standard prof’l installation in up to four rooms. Custom installation extra. After 12 mos. or loss of eligibility, then-prevailing rate for TV package applies (currently $115/mo. for CHOICE All-Included) unless canceled or changed by customer prior to end of the promotional period. Exclusions: Price does not include taxes, $35 activation fee, Regional Sports fee of up to $7.29/mo. (which is extra & applies in select markets to CHOICE and/or MÁS ULTRA and higher pkgs), applicable use tax expense surcharge on retail value of installation, equipment upgrades/add-ons, and certain other add’l fees & chrgs. DIRECTV SVC TERMS: Subject to Equipment Lease & Customer Agreements. Must maintain a min. base TV pkg of $29.99/mo. Programming, pricing, terms and conditions subject to change at any time. Visit or call for details. 2017 NFL SUNDAY TICKET OFFER: Package consists of all live out-of-market NFL games (based on customer’s service address) broadcast on FOX and CBS. However, games broadcast by your local FOX or CBS affiliate, and select international games, will not be available in NFL SUNDAY TICKET. Games available via remote viewing based on device location. Other conditions apply. 2017 NFL SUNDAY TICKET regular full-season retail price is $281.94. 2017 NFL SUNDAY TICKET MAX regular full-season retail price is $377.94. Customers activating CHOICE or MÁS ULTRA Pkg or above will be eligible to receive the 2017 season of NFL SUNDAY TICKET at no add’l cost and will receive a free upgrade to NFL SUNDAY TICKET MAX for the 2017 season. Your NFL SUNDAY TICKET subscription will renew automatically each season at the then-prevailing rate (currently $281.94/season) unless you call to change or cancel by the date specified in your renewal notice. Up until the season starts, you can cancel anytime and receive any applicable refund. To renew NFL SUNDAY TICKET MAX, customer must call to upgrade after the 2017 season. Subscription cannot be canceled (in part or in whole) after the start of the season and subscription free cannot be refunded. To access DIRECTV HD programming, HD equipment req’d. Add fees may apply. Games available via remote viewing based on device location. Only one game may be accessed remotely at any given time. NFL, the NFL Shield design and the NFL SUNDAY TICKET name and logo are registered trademarks of the NFL and its affiliates. ©2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All Rights Reserved. AT&T, Globe logo, DIRECTV, and all other DIRECTV marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.

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