Horticultural therapy in school
Recovery account:
Garden number 1
Meeting at the garden (write in a padlet wall) https://padlet.com/horti culturaltheraphy/meeti nginthegarden
Garden number 2
Let's make a vegetable garden/ aromatic plants garden in our school
Garden number 3 A garden map of my country
Create a map of your country with the herbs used in each county/area. Describe its use.
Garden number 4
Check your team in forums.
Let's create an eTwinning magazine!
Team A - Create a recipe with herbs (2 recipes from each partner country) Team B - Create games related to plants and herbs (word search, for e.g.) Team C - Describe Jobs related to plants and agriculture Team F - Poems and word games about nutritional value/healthcare
Garden number 5
Time for our green festival We are going to show our work to the community
Corona garden at home
Due to Coronavirus our project had some changes. Show us your garden!
The Ideal European Garden Follow the instructions and add the words in your language.