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How one grower inspired a community during the pandemic
Words by Heather Woods
Covid-19 presented a unique problem for Thymebank. Deemed an essential service, they had no stoppage during lockdown. In fact, their whole business increased. The public were reconnecting with food, making things from scratch and trying new techniques. And so supermarkets ordered up big. But seeing customers, friends and family navigating one of the toughest periods of their lives, the team made it their mission to help.
Making a difference
An experienced leader, Leanne Roberts updated the team with data from the Ministry for Primary Industries, Horticulture New Zealand, and in the national news. But Leanne says while they were comfortable, “we thought if we’re in the position that we’re still operating, we should help as much as we can.” They chose places to reach out to – St John’s, pharmacies, doctors’ offices – and dropped off boxes of produce. Giving back was important for team morale, and it felt good. Now a permanent feature in their shop, the sponsor button means anyone can donate a produce box, which is currently going to the women’s refuge. And many people are trying to find their own small way to do something meaningful for someone else. As restrictions eased, businesses were supportive of Thymebank’s efforts. Some encouraged their own customers to sponsor a produce box. A butcher donated meat to create a family meal alongside the produce box. The whole community took responsibility for supporting each other.
Leanne Roberts
Online retailing
Thymebank had built up a solid business supplying supermarkets, wholesalers and restaurants, and seeing the direct impact on them was hard to swallow. They’ve noticed that as people continue their new, home-based routines, they are appreciating the time in their own space. Being home more isn’t so much an issue, and people are happy to order online. Their own online sales went through the roof, allowing people to put aside the very real fear of leaving their home. The only issue they’ve really had, with other businesses rapidly implementing an online function, is that local courier services have been overwhelmed.
Looking ahead
The emotional rollercoaster has been tough. But despite two members leaving the team because of Covid-19, their focus on innovation – compostable packaging, clean and healthy growing practices, health and wellness – continues to excite the team and opens up new ways to encourage people to explore their food choices. And they aren’t strangers to hard work. Seasonality is a big challenge, and it only takes one fancy meal on My Kitchen Rules, or a magazine spread on summery herbs or fresh salads, and you guarantee that demand will outweigh supply. Leanne’s team are the last to sing their own praises, but they’re pleased that the community sees their inspirational work and wants to do the same.