PEPINO MOSAIC VIRUS FOUND IN TOMATOES By Helen Barnes : General Manager, TomatoesNZ Inc.
A virus that affects tomatoes has recently been found in plants at several Auckland glasshouse facilities and it may be in other operations around the country. The virus is the pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) which can cause disease in tomatoes and some other crops including eggplants and possibly some potatoes. It has minor effects on the foliage of younger plants, but as the plant ages, can cause mottling of the fruit. We don’t know what the longer-term effects will be on production. PepMV does not present any food safety concern or risk to people. The tomatoes are safe to eat. Those premises where PepMV has been found are still in business and operating under strengthened hygiene conditions. There are steps you can take to protect your business and other growers:
Look out for the disease in your crop • Keep a close eye on your crop. • If you think you’ve found signs of PepMV, immediately contact Biosecurity New Zealand through its freephone: 0800 80 99 66. • You will be given advice on what actions to take. • You can find more on what to look for at: • Affected plants can show stunting of the growing point of the plant or damage resembling hormonal herbicide damage. Leaves around the ‘head’ of the plant may show dark spots and significant distortion while lower leaves may have brown, necrotic lesions. • Other leaf symptoms may be yellow spots which later develop into bright yellow patches on the leaf and ‘bubbling’ on the leaf surface. • Symptoms observed on infected fruits have been described as 'marbled' and may be more readily seen in large red varieties. 54 NZGROWER : JULY 2021
Reducing the spread • PepMV is spread by seed, stalks and leaves and very easily on contaminated tools, hands, clothing, direct plant-to-plant contact, and propagation. Bumblebees used as pollinators and insects such as whitefly are also known to spread the disease. • While the virus can be detected in the fruit itself, the risk of transmission of the disease through selling fruit is considered low. • Good biosecurity cleanliness measures are needed at all stages of crop production. • Restrict access to glasshouses to essential staff. • Keep good records of who has been in glasshouses and when. • If possible, assign workers their own PPE, tools, carts etc and restrict these to single glasshouses or glasshouse sections or compartments. • Clean and disinfect tools regularly – particularly between use in different glasshouses or compartments. • Ensure secure disposal of glasshouse waste to landfill. Do not allow plant debris to pile up in or near the glasshouse where it could blow back inside or be carried on feet or tyres. • Attention to post-harvest glasshouse sanitation and disinfecting between crop cycles to minimise plant infection.
Symptoms observed on infected fruits have been described as 'marbled' and may be more readily seen in large red varieties