Working together for the greater good If all of Horticulture New Zealand’s members were a part of one massive business entity, our diversity would be a considerable strength. Nadine Tunley : HortNZ chief executive
But as we are not one business entity, it is often a considerable weakness. HortNZ’s role is to bring our industry together for the greater good. When we say this, it is because the unity of our collective voices has a greater impact and influence. This is particularly important when we are lobbying the Government for policy settings that will ‘create an enduring environment where growers thrive’. That is HortNZ’s purpose. Early in the export fruit season, HortNZ brought together the relevant summerfruit, apple and kiwifruit product groups, along with New Zealand Winegrowers, Zespri and T&G Global to discuss and agree on a coordinated communications approach for the season. The group has focused on the kind of story it wanted to broadcast about the coming season. With that clear, the group has worked together to tell as positive a story as possible about the challenges and how the industry is responding, while making it clear that the situation is tough and unsustainable.
Early in the new year, it was apparent that we were facing some of the worst labour shortages known to our industry. It was also clear that the shortage would be compounded by Omicron – and that is exactly what has happened. There was also the necessity for this communications ‘team’ to distil and disseminate to growers, as quickly as possible, the significant volume of information coming out of the Government about Omicron. We did this to try and reduce the pressure and additional workload on growers to wade through such a lot of sometimes contradictory information. Constant discussion Throughout the year, we speak constantly with the Government about what our industry needs in terms of policy settings. This is so that growers can thrive, and New Zealand and the world can enjoy fresh, healthy and nutritious fruit and vegetables, particularly at a time when the world’s health and wellbeing is under immense pressure.
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