Natural resources and environment By Michelle Sands : HortNZ environment manager
Wetland Guidance Horticulture New Zealand has made a submission on the government’s discussion document on Managing Wetlands. HortNZ generally supports the protection of natural wetlands of ecological value, and enhancement of those degraded natural wetlands that have identified ecological value. Our submission made the following key points: Definition of wetland • Generally, HortNZ supports the definition and proposed amendments within the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (NPS-FM), but seeks that riparian margins with a functional purpose are included as constructed wetlands. • HortNZ does not support the interpretation that constructed wetlands are deemed natural wetlands where they have not been maintained over time. HortNZ seeks that this be removed from the Minister for the Environment’s (MfE) interpretation guidance. Restoration, maintenance and biosecurity • HortNZ supports provision of maintenance and biosecurity works as permitted activities, but seeks separate regulation that enables rapid response from the agricultural sector to unknown biosecurity incursions. Additional pathways • HortNZ seeks an additional Discretionary Activity pathway for vegetation clearance, earthworks or land disturbance associated with arable and horticultural land uses outside but within 10 metres of a natural wetland that meet specific criteria.
Greater Wellington Regional Plan The Proposed Natural Resources Plan (PNRP) decision version was notified in 2019. Since then, appellants, interested parties and the Council have been working to resolve appeals, after which the plan will become fully operative. The last outstanding appeals are almost resolved, meaning the plan will fully replace the previous regional plans. Through the appeal process, a new framework is being introduced to manage diffuse discharges when there are land use changes enabled by irrigation (through a consenting process) and a phased-in requirement for Farm Environment Plans or Freshwater Farm Plans in catchments most impacted by diffuse discharges. HortNZ will prepare a summary of the new requirements for growers. Central Hawke’s Bay District Plan The Proposed Central Hawke’s Bay District Plan was notified in May 2021 – HortNZ made a submission and a further submission. The key topics HortNZ has an interest in are ensuring Highly Productive Land is appropriately protected, that horticultural structures (such as artificial crop protection structures) are provided for in the rural environment to enable horticulture, that there are provisions which enable a timely biosecurity response and that rules for greenhouses are appropriate. The next steps will be District Plan hearings of submission, this is expected to get underway in mid-March 2022.
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