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Natural resources and environment
Natural resources and environment
Northland Regional Plan – Environment Court Hearing
The provisions within the proposed Northland Regional Plan prevent any spraying within 100m of a spray-sensitive area, when the wind direction is towards that area. Our position is that the wording of the current rule is too blunt and would prevent spraying when in practice the effects can be safely managed using good management practices. Throughout 2020 Horticulture New Zealand attended mediations in Northland regarding rules to manage potential effects from agrichemical application. Not all matters were able to be resolved in mediation, and so the matter is proceeding to the Environment Court. The hearing will be in April. The HortNZ team will present planning, spatial and agrichemical expert witness evidence.
Ngaruroro Water Conservation Order – Environment Court Hearing
In 2019 a special tribunal granted a Water Conservation Order for the upper Ngaruroro river. The Water Conservation Order required the upper river be managed in its natural state.
HortNZ did not appeal the decision. But the decision was appealed by a number of parties. White Water Rafting NZ and Forest and Bird’s appeal sought that a Water Conservation Order also apply to the lower river. HortNZ joined the appeal in support of Hawke’s Bay Regional Council. HortNZ’s primary concern is that we do not support a Water Conservation Order being applied to the lower river. Over the past year HortNZ and experts have been involved in mediation and conferencing. Matters have not been resolved between parties. A hearing is being held in February. The HortNZ team has prepared planning, recreational, water quality, hydrological, ecological and economic expert witness evidence.
Otago Regional Plan Change 7 (Water permits) – Environment Court Hearing
Otago Regional Council has proposed a plan change to the Regional Plan: for the replacement of deemed permits with water permits, and for the replacement of any water permits expiring prior to 2025. The plan change has immediate legal effect. This is because it deals with water, and under the RMA, any applications for a water permit also have to give consideration to a plan change. HortNZ lodged an industry submission and is currently preparing planning and hydrological expert witness evidence, which is due in February.
Waikato District Plan Review – Council Hearing
The Waikato District Plan sets out policy and rules that manage land use (including activities such as earthworks and vegetation clearance) and subdivision in the Waikato District. The Proposed Waikato District Plan was notified on 18 July 2018. Currently HortNZ is developing planning evidence to oppose the re-zoning of land currently used for vegetable growing in the Tuakau Area. HortNZ’s position is that Council has not adequately assessed the full effects of the loss of highly productive land, and has not considered whether vegetable growing lost from this area can be replaced elsewhere. Expert witness evidence is due March, with the hearing scheduled in May.
Climate Change Commission
The Climate Change Commission provides independent advice to government on climate issues. HortNZ has participated in a technical reference group for the Climate Change Commission throughout 2020. The Climate Change Commission is undertaking public consultation in February and March, on a draft of their first package of advice to government. The consultation will cover:
• The proposed first three emissions budgets and guidance on the first emissions reduction plan, advising the government on how the emissions budgets could be met. • Whether New Zealand’s first Nationally Determined
Contribution is compatible with contributing to the global efforts to limit warming above 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.
• Advice on what potential reductions in biogenic methane might be needed in the future. • HortNZ will participate in the public consultation meetings.
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