Freshmax Exports Asia sales manager, Greg Sutherland, and Mr Apple export sales executive, Naomi Mannering, have been appointed to NZAPI’s Associate Director programme for 2022
New Zealand apple industry appoints two new associate directors New Zealand Apples and Pears Inc. (NZAPI) has announced the two appointments to its 2022 Associate Director programme. Sarah Cameron Freshmax Exports Asia sales manager Greg Sutherland and Mr Apple export sales executive Naomi Mannering will join the NZAPI board in 2022 as associate directors. The Associate Director programme was introduced in 2019 as a way for NZAPI to grow its future governance and representation pool to provide the board’s selection committee with a pipeline of aspiring directors who have both the knowledge and training for what is involved in governing such an organisation, and in general, acquaint up-and-coming pipfruit industry managers with the governance of the industry body.
The programme offers successful candidates a chance to work alongside the NZAPI board and to be mentored by directors “The programme offers successful candidates a chance to work alongside the NZAPI board and to be mentored by directors, along with receiving the relevant New Zealand