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Natural resources and environment



Natural resources and environment

Michelle Sands : HortNZ strategy and policy manager

Otago Regional Council policy statement

The Otago Regional Council released its recommendations on the Section 42A Hearing Report of the Resource Management Act (RMA) on 4 May 2022. The reports were prepared on a topic-by-topic basis and provide recommendations on submissions to the hearing panel. Submitters now have until 29 July to prepare their own evidence in support of their submissions and in response to the recommendations. Horticulture New Zealand is currently reviewing the s42A recommendations and will be preparing industry and planning evidence, as well as legal statements.

Horizons Regional Council NPSFM 2020 freshwater process

Horizons Regional Council has been consulting on longterm visions and values for freshwater over April and May. The consultation is part of the first step in developing a framework for freshwater management that achieves the requirements of the National Policy for Freshwater Management (NPSFM) 2024. HortNZ has provided feedback, emphasising the value of food production and growing, the need to provide for domestic food supply (as well as the other benefits) and has indicated support for growers making their own submissions.

Consultation on Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for Aotearoa

The Climate Change Adaptation Plan looks to adapt and minimise the impacts of climate change. It sets out current efforts to build climate resilience and a proposed multiyear work programme. The Ministry for the Environment leads this work.

HortNZ has prepared a submission on behalf of all growers, highlighting the importance of horticulture in New Zealand’s transition to a low emissions economy

HortNZ has prepared a submission on behalf of all growers, highlighting the importance of horticulture in New Zealand’s transition to a low emissions economy by providing options for meeting New Zealand’s emission reduction targets should other initiatives not proceed at the necessary pace. Also outlined in HortNZ’s submission are options for the way New Zealand adapts to changing climate, bringing new opportunities for horticulture to expand into other areas as regional climates shift.

Consultation on Freight and Supply Chain Issues Paper

The Ministry of Transport is consulting on the draft Freight and Supply Chain Strategy. The strategy looks to identify what is required to ensure a well-functioning, sustainable and reliable system over the next 30-plus-years. The strategy will help to inform investment decisions by central and local government and focuses on four key areas: 1 Low emissions

2 Resilience

3 Productivity and Innovation 4 Equity and Safety HortNZ is supportive of the Freight and Supply Chain Strategy and made some key recommendations: • Incentive and guidance for small growing operations transitioning to low/zero emissions. • More emphasis on climate change adaptation throughout the transport network – particularly coastal roads. • Development of a national freight and supply chain business continuity plan. • Port sector reform. • Filling critical shortage of truck driver vacancies by a more accessible and flexible pathway to heavy vehicle driver licences.

HortNZ will continue to engage with the Ministry of Transport

HortNZ will continue to engage with the Ministry of Transport on the strategy that considers the horticulture supply chain and transport system.

Freshwater Farm Plan Regulations in development

The Ministry for the Environment (MfE) is drafting new Freshwater Farm Plans regulations to give effect to Part 9A of the Resource Management Amendment Act 2020. Part 9A sets out, at a high level, what Freshwater Farm Plans need to cover, which land uses are captured (including horticulture) and that they must be audited and certified. The regulations will include more detail on the criteria for Freshwater Farm Plans, for example the content requirements, who can audit and certify the plans and where and when they will be required across the country. Regulations are expected to come into effect at the end of 2022. • MfE is engaging with primary sector, Māori and environmental non-governmental organisations (NGOs) on elements of the proposed regulation design. HortNZ is participating in engagement workshops and our key focus is highlighting the importance of industry assurance programmes like GAP (Good Agricultural

Practice) to be recognised in the regulation to audit and certify Freshwater Farm Plans for horticulture growers.

Te rautaki ueā me te rautaki whakawhiwhinga o Aotearoa | New Zealand freight & supply chain issues paper Preparing our freight and supply chain system for the future

Consultation Document Submissions close 3 June 2022

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