Growing out of adversity Like a lot of people, I am finding it hard to believe it is November already. By Nadine Tunley : HortNZ chief executive
Since August, New Zealand has been grappling with lockdowns and alert levels, as the government has moved from an elimination strategy to a management one because of the highly infectious nature of the Delta Covid-19 variant. We can once again be proud of our industry. As ‘essential’ workers, we continued to grow fruit and vegetables during the lockdowns while safeguarding the health of every employee and member of the public. Which is not to say this has been easy. Announcements by the government have often been confusing, and it has taken days to gain necessary clarity. This is disappointing, when all the growers and other industry participants want to do is the right thing, including making it easy for as many people in the workforce to get vaccinated. Vegetable growers in Pukekohe have been the most affected. However, they have been well represented by the Pukekohe Vegetable Growers Association, in particular
by Kylie Faulkner as President. Kylie has worked with Horticulture New Zealand, Vegetables NZ and Onions NZ. In turn, we have all worked with the Ministry for Primary Industries to try and make sure the importance of a reliable supply of fresh produce is reflected in government decision making. That advocacy is ongoing and given the government’s change in Covid strategy, has been stepped up. Like most of New Zealand’s industry and business, we have been frustrated by the government’s slowness to provide clarity and guidance around vaccination and testing in the workplace, but more significantly, how the government intends to manage community outbreaks of Covid-19 in the future. Because businesses will not survive going from lockdown to lockdown, even with government support. What businesses need now is clarity so that they have confidence to make decisions that will affect the
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