The Mentemia app is an interactive toolkit for improving wellbeing
Wellbeing workshops offer tools for growers in uncertain times When the country went into another lockdown this August, Sir John Kirwan’s anxiety levels shot up. He realised he could not do much about controlling lockdown, so instead, he focused on what he could control in his life. By Anne Hardie It is just one of the strategies he employs to manage anxiety – and anxiety in uncertain times such as under Covid-19 and lockdowns is quite normal. The mental well-being advocate was set to lead a series of three well-being workshops in partnership with NZ Apples & Pears, Mentemia and the Ministry for Primary Industries. With the Nelson workshop unable to go ahead, the decision was made to hold a webinar – and with great success. John, who has been through his own mental health journey, heard out the sentiments of lockdown anxiety and outlined his reaction and strategies for coping.
“There’s this feeling of having no control and how do you take control back? Sometimes you get into that spiral, so what can I control and what can I look forward to?” he said. Setting goals like learning the guitar, getting fitter, connecting with family, listening to podcasts and only listening to the news once a day – all made a dramatic, positive difference he said. By setting goals, you deal with one day at a time and focus on the things you can control. This shifts your outlook away from worrying about how long lockdown might go on and those things that are beyond your control.