The Orchardist | October 2021

Page 81


A new level of confidence in DMI chemistry There’s only one chance each year to produce a profitable crop, so it’s important that growers are equipped with the right tools to get it right. Belanty® Fungicide from BASF is an exciting advance in crop protection that gives excellent control against powdery mildew in grapes, black spot and powdery mildew in apples and black spot in pears.

Belanty sets a new benchmark for DMI (DeMethylation Inhibitor) chemistry and has been formulated specifically to meet today’s consumer and environmental expectations. This means New Zealand growers can have more confidence in producing top quality fruit that meets strict market specifications.

For grapes, two applications of Belanty at 80 mL/100 L water are recommended between early shoot extension and pre-bunch closure (the withholding period), as part of a complete disease control programme for powdery mildew. Belanty must be applied to grapes as a preventative disease spray programme.

Belanty has fast plant uptake, resulting in excellent rainfastness. Its active ingredient is slowly released into the leaf tissue, which gives longer residual activity. Importantly, the withholding periods for grapes, apples and pears are set so that growers can achieve nil detectable residues at harvest, enabling access into all export markets.

The same rate (80 mL/100L water) is used for black spot and powdery mildew control in apples and black spot in pears. Up to four applications (but no more than two consecutive applications) can be made between green-tip and 80% petal fall (the withholding period). All Belanty applications in apples and pears should be tank-mixed with an effective black spot fungicide from another mode-of-action group.

The active ingredient of Belanty, mefentrifluconazole, is the only DMI fungicide of its type with an isopropanol ‘neck’ which gives the molecule the ability to change its shape. This gives it flexibility to bind tightly to the site of action in the pathogens. This ability to change shape allows Belanty to control pathogen strains that have reduced sensitivity to traditional DMI fungicides.

As with any DMI fungicide, it is important to rotate fungicide groups to reduce selection for resistance in the disease pathogens, as recommended by the New Zealand Committee for Pesticide Resistance DMI Strategy. This season there are 10 more reasons for apple and grape growers to add Belanty fungicide to their crop rotation. By purchasing Belanty and three other BASF products between 1 August 2021 and 28 February 2022, you enter the draw to win one of 10 $3,000 travel vouchers! Terms and conditions apply. Visit: to find out more.


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Articles inside

A new level of confidence in

page 81

Helping Rural New Zealand Thrive – introducing Kim Ballinger, AsureQuality CEO

page 80

Mastering thinning chemistry BreviSmart®: The science optimising thinning timing

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NZFoam to the rescue

page 77

Spring has sprung

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Technology helps capture yield potential

page 76

2D systems – Tree training and canopy development

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Precision agriculture for plant nutrition

pages 72-73

Creative balancing of subtropical crops on West Coast orchard

pages 58-61

Doing it tough

pages 56-57

Certification process brings benefits for passionfruit grower

pages 62-66

Residue Free by 2050?

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World-leading role in climate change

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The 2021 Persimmon Export Season

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Clyde Orchards – Sharing life on a summerfruit orchard

pages 38-41

Summer work sparks career choice

pages 36-37

Wellbeing workshops offer tools for growers in uncertain times

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Water care a collective effort

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Connings Food Market adapts and thrives despite challenging times

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Restrictions on Farmers’ Markets “unreasonable and uneconomic”

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Agribusiness offers job security

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On-farm biosecurity series: People

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Plan to focus on full range of biosecurity threats

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President’s Word: Déjà vu

pages 4-5

The Chief Executive: The case for fundamental change

pages 6-7

Planning agrichemical purchases for the coming season

pages 24-25

Natural resources and environment

pages 8-9
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