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Message from the Chair
Message From the BCLNA chair
MISSION To provide an effective organization for meeting the needs of nursery growers, landscape trades and garden centres, while progressively engaging relevant issues to the benefit of the industry.
BCLNA HAS ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT NETWORKING AND SUPPORTING MEMBERS and the Horticulture industry as a whole. In these unusual times, getting together is challenging yet so important; while we currently cannot meet in person due to COVID-restrictions, digital alternatives have become mainstream. While we all face challenges, this is also a chance to recognize opportunities. Interest in our green industry has increased considerably. We can show professionalism, pride and confidence. Learning from each other, staying connected, sharing information and challenges are an important part of belonging to the BCLNA. Together we are stronger and we can make a difference.
Take advantage of what is provided and get involved!
BCLNA staff and board are working tirelessly to provide you with updates and adjust to the ever-changing situation. Government relations are invaluable and advocacy remains a priority. As a valued industry association, BCLNA is well positioned to continue the dialogue and projects that help members and industry. BCLNA continues to provide many benefits, resources, services and tools. Take advantage of what BCLNA has to offer and what we continue working on:
Your weekly Email communications provide updates and link you to your association and peers. Connect via social media and get the latest, pass on updates and be part of a discussion. The BCLNA Buyers Guide - available in print and online: plant listings in a searchable online plant database.
BCLNA Members can sign into PlantSourcer to find the products.
The landscapebc.com website allows consumers to reach out to member landscapers for estimates.
Many events had to change and will return in a new format. In-person group gatherings are transitioning into events that can continue to provide education and professional knowledge, updates on latest trends and meet & greet opportunities with clients, colleagues and friends.
Discounts on vehicles, credit card charges and much more are great benefits. Get your digital copy of the
Canadian Landscape Standard and tell your peers! Online Membership Applications: bclna.com/membership The BCLNA Board and staff are here to help. Contact Hedy Dyck, BCLNA’s Chief Operating Officer (hdyck@bclna.com) or myself, Heike Stippler (info@heikedesigns.com) with questions, concerns or suggestions. Wishing you a safe and productive year in 2021.
Heike Stippler, Board Chair B.C. Landscape & Nursery Association