574 360 6288
PROJECTS wicker park mixed-use project benton harbor prairie group development insadong culture center benton harbor art district house in new heighborhood construction model drawings
It is impossible for anything in this world to be by itself. God has created all things to support each other and to live in harmony. The original creation was harmonious because everything was created to work together. It is important keeping the balance since God never gave superiority over one another. But after sin entering the Earth, the natural order collapsed and brought disorder to the World. Harmony has been vanishing since intervention of man’s work in God’s creation. The main focus of this project is to seek harmony and balance between the proposed building and things around it. Some of the features need to be sought after and studied to make the place more responsive to the relationship between the building (architecture), human, nature, activity, materials and surroundings.
PRAIRIE GROUP DEVELOPMENT benton harbor, michigan
Our approach has focused on bringing the community of Benton Harbor together in to a place where they find enjoyable time with new services and facilities. the two story market, as the center of the project, will be a place for people to not only appreciate local produce and goods, but also a great opportunity to intellectually increase local people’s knowledge in how to grow and use natural vegetation in a very environmental and beneficial way.
Site Plan
Main Street Elevation
Main Street Section
12th Street Elevation
12th Street Section
Market Elevation
First Floor Plan
Second Floor Plan
Market Perspective
Plaza Perspective
Outdoor Perspective
insadong, seoul, south korea
Site Plan Oblique
Insa-dong is a small district in Seoul where they are famously known for Korean traditional arts, writings, music and foods. It is located at the center of Seoul, which is surrounded by government buildings and Korean traditional temples and towns. It is where one of the most tourist visits to learn about Korean culture and it is a meeting area for the locals as well. It contains a lot of unique stores and restaurants and periodically traditional events are held in Insa-dong.
Front Perspective
Existing Site
Site Elevation
Courtyard Perspective
First Floor Plan
Second Flo
oor Plan
Third Floor Plan
Atrium Perspective
Forth Floor Plan
ART DISTRICT ADDITION benton harbor, michigan
An addition proposal made in Benton Harbor Art Distrct for a outdoor activities. For frequently held performances, a stage was provide which is connected to the building with handicap access.
Site Elevation
Proposed Site Plan Vicinity Map
HOUSE IN NEW NEIGHBORHOOD new neighborhood, michigan
Site Elevation 1/4” = 1’ 0”
First Floor Plan 1/4” = 1’ 0” Front Elevation 1/4” = 1’ 0”
Baclyard Elevation 1/4” = 1’ 0” Site Plan 1/4” = 1’ 0”
Second Floor Plan 1/4” = 1’ 0”
CONSTRUCTION MODEL arch 201 construction 1
Wood Frame Structure Model 1/4” = 1’ 0”
arch 126 drawing and graphic studio arch 330 analytical summer abroad 574 360 6288