Hospice Awareness

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Our hospice volunteers are not ordinary people, nor are they superheros. They ae men and women, of all ages, backgrounds and cultures who have come to Hospice of San Joaquin to contribute in some way as part of a team who care for spiritual, emotional and physical needs of our community’s terminally ill patients. We invite you to meet just a few of these very special volunteers.

When the Hospice House opened, I knew I wanted to get involved in some way. With my past training in manicures, pedicures and massage, I thought this would be a great service to provide the patients. I have met the most delightful people; and their family members are always incredibly grateful for the special care and treatment of their loved one. I look forward to my Friday afternoons at the house; it is an important part of my week. It takes the focus off of me and reminds me of how honored I am to be included in their lives.

job of ordering and stocking the supply shelves for the clinical staff. In 1999, after breaking my ankle, I recruited my husband Bill to volunteer and learn the supply ordering. We have been a team for the past seven years and enjoy the opportunity of helping the staff and patients.

Husband & wife team, restocking patient supplies for the clinical staff.

Hospice House resident Doris Landes and volunteer, Kim Boccia

In 1992, I thought it was time to find another place to volunteer my time and to learn something new. My brother had been well cared for by the Hospice in Yuma, Arizona, so Hospice of San Joaquin was my destination. After starting out filing, computer inputting, and mailings, I received a weekly

Duane Ostgaard and patient Donald Hatch enjoy coffee and a new found friendship.

Bessie Washington cherishes the time she spends with hospice patient Myrtle Walter.

experiencing. And when they pass on, I will have wonderful memories of how I was able to help them leave this world with a smile in their heart. Because I felt the need to use my time in a more positive way after retirement, the Hospice volunteer training was where I needed to begin. Hospice was a lifesaver for our family when both my parents were in need of the services at the same time. As a volunteer, I find it so rewarding as I go in with every expectation of giving but end up receiving

just by being part of their lives. I see people at their most trying time and yet they make the most of life at that moment, like my patient and friend, Myrtle. She has made me aware that life is never over

As a Hospice volunteer, I feel that being helpful to a terminally ill patient is not only helping the person in their remaining months, weeks and days, but the time spent with the patient is very beneficial to me as well. Sometimes it is the simplest things, such as listening to their life stories, engaging them with a bit of laughter, bringing them a milkshake, running a errand or sharing a cup of coffee can make such a difference in their day. The time spent with the patient also gives family members positive thoughts for Bessie Washington cherishes the time she the happiness the patient is spends with hospice patient Myrtle Walter.

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Contents Page 2…… Director’s Corner Page 3…… From Tragedy to Strength - One Woman’s Story Page 4…… Partner’s In Healthcare: An Interview with Dr. Fred Norman Page 5…… Spotlight on Community Education Page 6…… Volunteer Voices, continued Page 7…… Bereavement Support Group for Me? Page 8…… Annual Membership Letter Pages 9-11 Honor Roll of Major Donors &Workplace Giving Donors Page 12 … Upcoming Events


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Message from Barbara Tognoli










Almost 25 years ago Hospice of San Joaquin began its services in San Joaquin County. Our Articles of Incorporation stated the specific purposes of this newly organized agency: “To promote and engage in a comprehensive service program to deal with the medical, psychosocial, spiritual and related problems of terminally ill patients and their families, and, To establish and develop a program of public and professional education and assistance in the field of medical and psychological care and counseling of terminally ill patients and those close to them.” We hve continued to remain true to our purposes, and in this Newsletter we are focusing on our second purpose – education of the public and of professionals in the medical field. Hospice of San Joaquin is continually educating the community to achieve a greater understanding of end-of-life issues. Now, in 2006, it is more important than ever. Each of us must be responsible for our own health care decisions and must be informed as much as possible. Most of us are familiar with the Boy Scout motto: “Be prepared,” which is brief, to the point and relatively easy to meet in the mundane areas of life. When leaving for a vacation, we might pack an extra pair of glasses “just in case” we lose or break our primary pair. When grocery shopping we take the list “just in case” we can’t remember what we needed. We keep flashlights at pivotal parts of our home, “just in case” the electricity goes off. But are we prepared if “just in case” we are taken seriously ill, or are the victim of a sudden medical crisis? Many of us think this is something we will take care of later or deal with at the time of a medical emergency. Later is really too late. We put it out of our mind and repeat Scarlet O’Hara’s mantra, “I’ll think about it tomorrow.” If you learn one thing from this Newsletter, I hope it will be to obtain and complete an Advance Directive for Health Care. And, most importantly, share your choices expressed there by beginning a conversation with your loved ones about the extent of medical care you would wish if you were not able to speak for yourself. Don’t force others to guess about your wishes when they are facing your medical emergency. Making plans with the people we cherish may be much more rewarding and important than anguishing over what might happen. Think about it. If knowing that our loved one’s most important wish was to die peacefully without technical invasions that may cause more pain without a strong chance to restore health, wouldn’t you gladly make this wish come true? Remember, decision-making is an ongoing, dynamic process and even if you complete an Advanced Directive today, you have the right to change those decisions at anytime. Why not start with something now so you can live each day with the fullest, knowing that your expression of your wishes will be appreciated and respected by all those who know and love you, including your physician.

The mission of Hospice of San Joaquin is to provide comprehensive medical, physical, social, spiritual and emotional care for terminally ill patients, their families, and caregivers.

Hospice Awareness is a semi-annual publication of Hospice of San Joaquin, a private, nonprofit organization serving terminally ill patients and their families in San Joaquin County. Inquiries regarding the content of Hospice Awareness may be directed to Barbara Pombo, Director of Development & Public Relations, 3888 Pacific Avenue, Stockton, CA 94204. (209) 957-3888. www.hospicesj.org

HOSPICE OF SAN JOAQUIN BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2006 OFFICERS Barbara Wegner President Community Volunteer Stephen Guasco Vice President Catholic Healthcare West Sandra Mayer Secretary Dameron Hospital Nicholas Aninag Treasurer Vice President – Bank of Stockton MEMBERS

David Bentz

Retired Police Captain, Stockton Police Department

Phyllis Berger, Esq.

Law offices of MacMorris and Carbone

Vicki Burgess, R.N. Coordinator Kaiser Permanente

Karen Knight Frank, R.N.

Nurse Administrator San Joaquin General Hospital

Richard Ghio, CPA

Instructor San Joaquin Delta College

Pete Gormsen, CPA

DeGreogori, Gormsen, Ringer Inc.

John Harris, Esq. Harris & Parisho

Jim Linderman

St. Joseph’s Medical Center

Harry Olson

Community Volunteer

Barbara Sexton, R.N.

Community Volunteer

Danae Sharp, R.N. Dameron Hospital

Noreen Tighe, L.C.S.W.

St. Joseph’s Medical Center

William Trezza

Chief Executive Officer Bank of Agriculture & Commerce

Diane Vigil

Director Dameron Hospital Foundation

Mark Wallace

Director of Human Resources Lodi Memorial Hospital

George Wehrs

Wehrs Direct Marketing Services

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By Jennifer Murphy

Sonia Joseph, a thirty-six-year-old wife and mother of three and one of the younger patients served by Hospice of San Joaquin, welcomed me into her home to share her sadness from disease and the courage she has been able to muster to face it. Her strength and determination were evident in every aspect of her sharing her story. In June of 2003, Sonia received news no woman wants to hear. She had been diagnosed with cervical cancer and was to undergo radiation and chemotherapy for the following months. At the time Sonia was working and was now forced to leave her job to stay home and try to fight this nasty disease. After only a few months, it seemed as though Sonia had beaten the cancer and returned to work as normal. It was not until mid 2004 that she began to feel sick again and revisited her doctor only to find that she would need a full hysterectomy this time. Complications and infection that followed during the healing process sent Sonia back to the doctor yet another time. She was then informed that there was nothing more that could be done for her. She had been diagnosed as terminal and was referred to Hospice of San Joaquin for pain management which has helped her keep up with her young family as much as possible. Sonia and her husband, Antonio, credit Sonia’s strength during this hard time to the help of Hospice of San Joaquin. In the shape of her nurse and case manager, Jerrye Wright, Hospice of San Joaquin provided Sonia with the resources to ease her pain and a friend who is always there to listen. The connection that Jerrye has made with Sonia and her family is one that is cherished by all in the household. With tears of joy welling up









hen you walk into the Joseph’s house, it is hard to miss the beautifully hand-painted murals by Sonia. Because of the loss of the ability to walk, she recently suffered; her art is one thing that she is no longer able to pursue. Although she misses being able to paint, it is the ability to get up and hold her young children or to fully care for them that Sonia misses the most.

Sonia Joseph, a patient with Hospice of San Joaquin, and her husband Antonio.

in her eyes, Sonia said, “Jerrye is my angel and I don’t think I could have survived this long without her.” She continued to talk about the wonderful ways Jerrye has made her feel cared for and comfortable. “She does so much for me and has helped me to live each day as a new day,” said Sonia. To Jerrye, Sonia is an amazing mother and enjoys talking with Sonia about the love she has for her children. “She is filled with patience and peace; she is a good teacher,” said Jerrye. Their fondest memory thus far of Hospice of San Joaquin’s help was a connection the agency was able to make for them during this past Christmas. After Sonia was diagnosed as terminally ill she was unable to work, leaving only one income to support the family. For the first time they were not going to be able to provide presents for their three children, A.J., 13, Estefan, 5, and Xyrus, 3. A nomination by Hospice of San Joaquin to the members of the Central Valley Stockton Chapter Harley Owners Group helped to make this Christmas a memorable one for the Joseph family. The roar of motorcycle engines could be heard for blocks when members of the Harley Davidson group showed up to the Joseph’s home with presents in tow.

“They went above and beyond anything we ever expected,” said Sonia’s husband, Antonio. Sonia and her family were a delight to talk with. That they opened up their home and hearts shows just how strong Sonia really is during such a trying time. Thank you Joseph family for sharing your story.■

Services provided by Hospice of San Joaquin include: • •

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An on-call hospice nurse, 24 hours a day Visits, as the patient and family require or request, by the hospice nurse, social worker, chaplain, home health aide and volunteer. Medical supplies and equipment Instruction in care giving and assistance with hygiene Respite care, suppor t and practical help Counseling and spiritual support for surviving family members and loved ones, including children.


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he Doctor was with patients when I arrived. As I sat quietly in Dr. Fred Norman’s Kaiser Permanente office in Stockton, I was immediately drawn into the world of outdoor sports.

The office door was plastered with Sports Illustrated Covers – soccer, baseball but mostly Lance Armstrong and mountain cycling. A cabinet above his desk was crowded with a vintage medical bag, numerous sports caps and one lonely cowboy hat with a red bandana. Artwork on the walls displayed mountains from Colorado to the Alps and Italian architecture. From the certificates hanging amid the sports and travel posters, I also gathered that the Doctor actively pursues continued learning and teaching. Certificates of recognition for Active Teaching in Family Medicine, American Academy of Family Physicians hang there. Dr. Norman, a graduate of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, completed his residency at U.C. Davis Medical Center. He also has a fan-club-illustrated by the home-computer “Best Guy in the World” certificate. When Doctor Norman arrived, we began. Q: Tell me about yourself and your practice. A: I love the mountains; my passions are traveling, history, architecture, Middle East politics which are always fascinating. And skiing. I took the opportunity to go to the Winter Olympics in Torino, Italy. In my medical practice my interests and passions are geriatrics and palliative care, though my specialty is Family Practice. I see patients, mostly elderly in the mornings and then go to the nursing homes and to the Hospice House in the afternoons. I’m one of the original six physicians to come with Kaiser to Stockton in 1985; and now we are 150. I don’t really remember when I first referred patients to Hospice – it has long been a part of my life, my family, my practice. (We compare histories and note that Hospice of San Joaquin received its first patient in 1982.) Q: What is your process for coming to the decision to refer a patient to Hospice of San Joaquin? A: The decision to refer a patient is framed by the condition of the patient—a good chance that he/she will not be living in six months. And particularly by the need for palliative care (comfort care, pain and symptom management) and emotional care. Hospice nurses are so accessible to patients. And I commonly ask the Hospice nurse’s direction regarding the management of pain with my patients. Q: How do you approach a patient and initiate

the discussion regarding the need for hospice services? A: I open the discussion by bringing up their expectations about care; how do they want to manage healthcare should they lose control— most people are concerned about control. I encourage them to talk. It is an issue that I’m very comfortable with given my experience with the elderly. Actually, many times the patient brings up the subject: it’s in the news, recently the Oregon, ‘right to die’ law. Q: What are your expectations when you refer your patient to the care of Hospice of San Joaquin? A: Number one is a nurse whom the patient can call any time of the day or night – that is my expectation; a nurse who comes to visit in a timely manner—to address pain management and especially give emotional support. Q: What changes do you see in the family members of terminally ill patients? A: Relief. The vast majority are satisfied. They are relieved of anxieties. They have someone to call. Q: What is the impact of the services of Hospice of San Joaquin on your practice? A: With feeling Dr. Norman responds: The impact is tremendous: phone calls, office calls, home visits, I do some home visits; these are [largely] transferred to the hospice nurse. When asked about his relationship to Hospice of San Joaquin, Dr. Norman again refers to the nurses. I know the nurses very well, some of them before they went to work with Hospice; I enjoy having them involved in the care of my patients. As I said before, I defer to their expertise in pain management and entrust to them the emotional support of my patients. The Hospice of San Joaquin staff also knows Dr. Norman very well. Spending his afternoons in rounds of local nursing homes, he compares notes with the Hospice of San Joaquin’s nursing staff addressing the care of their mutual patients. The Hospice House is also on his rounds; he visits patients there a number of times a week. Of the Hospice House he says: Of the Hospice House he says: “It is a very peaceful place, a place of serenity. (Well designed, I love good architecture.) Kaiser always has patients at the Hospice San Joaquin House—and I visit them there.” After about 10 minutes of this the Doctor, though gracious, was obviously concerned that he was neglecting his patients and was ready to move on. His office assistant popped in to ask if he could see an additional patient, who was in pain. He directed her to fit this patient into his busy schedule. It was already noon. He had ahead of him an afternoon schedule of visiting patients in the nursing homes and in the Hospice House. ■



arilyn Knight, an RN Case Manager for Hospice of San Joaquin, was honored by the Manteca Soroptimists at their March 2006 meeting as she receives the Women Making a Difference Award. Marilyn Knight has served for over 20 years for Hospice of San Joaquin as a volunteer, then employee. She cared for the first hospice patient in the Manteca area. As a RN Case Manager, she works on a per diem basis for Hospice of San Joaquin, a job she has held for the past four years, and serves as an excellent resource to the other nurses. Marilyn began her nursing career in 1960, working part time while her children were young. In 1965, while working as a Critical Care Nurse, she attained her National Critical Care Certification (CCRN). Over the next 30 years, she served as the Critical Care Director for Doctors’ Hospital in Manteca, where she was instrumental in the designing, staffing, and opening of the new ICU/CCE, ER, and Telemetry units. With all the demands of her position, Marilyn still found time to volunteer her services to the families of terminally ill patients. The example Marilyn sets for her co-workers and women in general is outstanding. Besides her busy schedule, she has managed to be a Girl Scout Leader and Cub Scout Mother. Twenty-five years after taking in a foreign exchange student, she remains the “substitute mom” and keeps in contact with her student. She currently conducts classes with her husband in Marriage Preparation for engaged couples with her church. Marilyn has received many awards for her tireless devotion to the community. Recipient of the J. C. Penny’s Golden Rule Award and Recipient of the Pope Pius X Award for 10 years of religious education for youth, are but two. She has served as the president of the First Parish Council at St. Anthony’s in Manteca, and is a member of the Ministry of Consolation at St. Anthony’s. She is an active member of St. Vincent de Paul in service to the needy. Besides working part time for Hospice of San Joaquin, Marilyn also teaches classes at Doctors’ Hospital of Manteca and at Hospice of San Joaquin. She states that her greatest achievements are her marriage and her children; followed by what she has accomplished at Doctors’ Hospital and in providing symptom management and pain control for her hospice patients. She has been married 45 years, has three children and 5 grandchildren. Marilyn Knight, outstanding woman, nurse, and community advocate. She truly is a Woman Making a Difference! ■

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At Hospice of San Joaquin, we believe in helping our patients live life to its fullest, one day at a time. When cure is no longer an option, we support their desire for a self-directed life closure that is comfortable and pain free. While the hospice philosophy embraces death as a natural part of life, hospice care does not prolong nor hasten death. Too often patients and families go through confusion and distress trying to “do the right thing.” Communicating our end-of-life wishes can help clear this confusion and ease the guilt families so often feel.

*National Survey on Death, Dying & Hospice Care in America, VITAS Innovative Healthcare, 2004. Adapted from Caring Connections, National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization; **Love the Body, Love the Soul: Respecting Choices, SJ, CHW

For a sample copy of Advance Directives call or go to Hospice of San Joaquin’s website at www. hospicesj.org ■

Education Day — 2nd Week of October, Hospice of San Joaquin Tree of Lights: remembering with thanksgiving those served by this community-supported agency Celebrating Patient Care 1982—2007 with thanksgiving for hospice team members who have served patients and their families since January 1982 Your memories, photos and notes are needed to help to put together the history of hospice services in San Joaquin County from the community’s point of view. Please send your memories and photos as a volunteer or former staff member; or personal family memories to Hospice of San Joaquin: 25th Anniversary, 3888 ■ Pacific Avenue, Stockton, 95204










Why is talking so important? Talking about issues, desires, and beliefs before the “crisis” helps to allow time for honest discussion, reflection and planning. Further, talking gives individuals an opportunity to discover important information about themselves and their loved ones. Open communication can be the most important gift we can give in preparing for end-of-life. Why is talking so hard? Discussing choices and modes of care at end-of-life can be very difficult and stressful for both patients and families. These discussions require time and honesty, and many people would rather never have to make these choices. It is interesting to note that when surveyed, most Americans (88%) stated they would feel comfortable discussing issues relating to death and dying.* Equally noteworthy, is how few Americans have actually had such an exchange with either a friend, their family, a doctor or clergy about their personal end-of-life wishes. Why is talking about end-of-life so sad? The way a person grieves is very important in his/her life and can have startling effects upon health. Grief can be more than the loss of self or of a loved one. It can involve loss of limbs, loss or relationships, loss of a sense of worth, and not having the ability to contribute “meaningfully” to this life. It can be confusing, painful, and frightening. Grief can cause us to question our faith and/or long-held beliefs. But, above all, grief is the common denominator between race, religion, and culture. It is what makes us

Professional education & in-service available for physicians and staff.



he concerns we have as individuals regarding life closure: Who will care for our loved ones left behind? Why did I get this terminal illness? Is there really a God? or Will people know my wishes if I can’t speak for myself? are but a few of the questions surrounding end-of-life issues. These conversations can take place with family, friends, doctors, or clergy and can be both difficult and painful. At Hospice of San Joaquin, we recognize the importance of assisting our patients and families to develop strategies that help clarify and express their wishes.

human.** “Patients who are confronting death Hospice of San Joaquin believes individuals often have goals that are different from have the right to choose how they spend patients in whom death is not eminent, the remainder of their lives when they are as dying patients may be forced to terminally ill. By communicating our end-ofchoose between length of life and quality life wishes, we relieve our loved ones of making of life...understanding patient and family difficult decisions at stressful times. Likewise, it perspectives is critical in designing a is important for families and significant others treatment plan that provides quality life to recognize and respect these choices. When experiences for dying patients.” cure is no longer an option, quantity of life is not the same as quality of life. Hospice philosophy 98% of Bereaved Families Would Recommend Hospice to Others, (2006) Quality of Life Matters, (7.4), p. 2. states terminally ill patients deserve the best possible palliative care; and both patients and families deserve the best possible supportive care to relieve physical, emotional, spiritual, and social pain and suffering. Simply stated, hospice care offers a choice from traditional, institutional death. Contact Audrey Wuerl, RN, BSN, Education Coordinator, The ability to refuse treatment was well for more information at 957-3888. established by the courts in Cruzan v. Harmon (1988), where refusing treatment resulted in death; by the Supreme Court of New Jersey in Hospice of San Joaquin’s 1976 regarding Karen Quinlan and removal of her ventilator (she continued living without it 25th Anniversary Celebration and died in 1986), and most recently with the July 2006—July 2007 Terry Schiavo case regarding the removal of her feeding tube. 25th Annual Recognition Dinner July 2006, Appreciation for 25 Years The Terry Schiavo right-to-die case had been front page news for many weeks last year. The of Service, Staff, Board Members, case had gone on for years and ultimately Volunteers, Donors (for more informadivided and destroyed a family. It is not enough tion, call 922-0242) to tell someone what I want“if something Pain & Symptom Management Seminar happens” – the responsibility of such actions Series for Physicians & Medical can overwhelm families. If nothing else, this young woman has made our country aware of Professionals—Date & Place TBA the importance of the Advance Directive. Donor/Members Appreciation &


Audrey Wuerl, RN, BSN Education Coordinator


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and you can leave great treasures behind just living and setting examples for others. Everyone I have met through hospice will always have a special place in my heart. I became aware of Hospice after the death








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follow-up in the bereavement program, I am able to see the healing that takes place after the death of a loved one. Eight years ago I was introduced to the wonderful world of Hospice of San Joaquin as a volunteer. During that time I have participated in picking up and delivering supplies to patient homes, attended health and information fairs, worked special events such as the Asparagus Festival, Truckin’ for Hospice and Hospice’s annual Tree of Lights. Some of the highlights of my volunteer work have been delivering balloon bouquets to patients on their birthday and joining Mr. & Mrs. Claus and their carolers to serenade patients at Christmas time. I enjoy being part of this wonderful organization ■ and sharing in the mission of Hospice.


Monday’s and Thursday’s Beginning May 8th through May 25th 6:00pm—9:00pm At Hospice of San Joaquin 3888 Pacific Avenue


Saturday, April 29, 8:30-12:30 Saturday, May 6, 8:30-12:30 At St. Paul’s Lutheran Church 1635 Chester Drive

Carole Delmanowski, Family Team and Bereavement volunteer, participating in a volunteer team meeting

of my father at home. It was then I realized the difference the presence the hospice staff and volunteers would have in offering guidance, support and encouragement to families. I wanted to be able to offer my support to others. Contrary to what most people think, I don’t find it too difficult when dealing with death so frequently. I feel privileged that people will welcome me into their families during such a private and emotional time. I find great satisfaction when I can offer support and respite to a grieving caregiver. I am inspired when I see patients, caregivers and family members growing in confidence, acceptance in facing Frank Carrillo picking up a balloon bouquet for a death with dignity and grace. And through my patient donated by Lynda Robinson, of Lynda’s House of

To register or for more information, please contact Julie Lofy, Volunteer Coordinator 957-3888

WHERE CAN OUR VOLUNTEERS SERVE? Hospice of San Joaquin ser ves patients in all cities, towns and rural areas of San Joaquin County as well as portions of the counties of Solano (Rio Vista) and Sacramento (Isleton, Galt, Herald). We need volunteers in all of these communities!


HOSPICE OF SAN JOAQUIN VEHICLE DONATION PROGRAM You can support hospice services in your community painlessly. Hospice of San Joaquin offers owners of unwanted cars, trucks, boats, trailers and RV’s an easy way of disposing of those vehicles and while making a gift that helps the agency reach more terminally ill patients and bereaved family members. Vehicle donations made to Hospice of San Joaquin are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. The IRS allows the donor to claim a tax deduction of the value of your vehicle up to $500; or, if the vehicle sells for more than $500, a receipt on the value of the vehicle will be mailed to the donor for tax purposes. Help in removing that unwanted vehicle is just a phone call away. For more information or to receive help in processing your vehicle donation, call Hospice of San Joaquin at (209) 957-3888 or visit our website at www.hospicesj.org for a Vehicle Donation Form.

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Very often a caller will say that they don’t “need” a support group because they are strong and can do it alone. They are encouraged to come anyway just to give hope and inspiration to those who have realized they can’t do it alone. It is these participants who often find the groups most helpful. Support group participants realize two important things as early as the first meeting. The first thing they learn is that they are not alone. When someone who is loved dies, the grief-stricken loved one may feel that he/she has been selected to have a dark cloud over his/her head; and that ‘No one has ever felt this sad and no one has ever felt this much pain. No one understands what I am going through.’ Participation in a group helps the grieving to realize that they are not alone, that they have not been singled out and they are with a group of people who also feel sadness and pain. The second thing that group participants learn is that they are not going crazy. The fear of are losing one’s mind is very common. ‘I must be going nuts. I can’t remember why I walked in a room, can’t remember phone numbers I always knew before and can’t concentrate on anything for more than

Hospice of San Joaquin’s adult bereavement support groups run for six week sessions. Each week a different part of the journey from sadness to healing is discussed. Participants share memories and pictures of their loved ones if they wish. They discuss what the future will look like without those very special people in their lives…and they discuss how to honor, cherish and remember them while still moving forward. There are rituals of remembrance together and somewhere in the process participants begin to talk about ■ life still being worth living.


St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Louise & Cottage Streets, Manteca Thursday’s, June 22—July 27


Emanuel Lutheran Church 1540 W. Lodi Ave., Lodi Monday’s, June 19—July 24

For more information on upcoming bereavement support groups, contact Lee Johnson,Bereavement Coordinator at 957-3888. For a sample copy of Advance Directives call or go to Hospice of San Joaquin’s website at www.hospicesj.org

Annual Hospice Memorial Service

“Hope For the Flowers” Monday, May 22, 2006 6:00 P.M. Morris Chapel, UOP campus The public is invited to join Hospice of San Joaquin at our annual memorial service. If you would like the name of your loved one read at the service please contact Lee Johnson, Bereavement Coordinator at 957-3888


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Hospice of San Joaquin Office, 3888 Pacific Ave, Stockton Wednesday’s, May 10- June 14, 5:30pm







Adult Bereavement Support Groups


30 seconds.’ Joy is found when participants realize that they are NOT losing their any people, when minds; rather, all of these symptoms are a approached with the normal part of the grief process and many question “Have you others feel the same way. considered a bereavement The fear of “crying and making a fool of support group?”, respond with “No oneself” is also quickly eliminated. Tissue way!” or a variation on the same. boxes are safely placed under the chairs. When asked “why?”, they often answer Those who cry are never alone; someone that they do not want “strangers” to else is always crying. Those who don’t cry are never alone; someone else is always not “know their business” or don’t want crying. No prize is awarded to the person to cry or make a fool of themselves. who sheds the most tears or to the one who The truth is that there are no strangers appears to be the most stoic. While group in bereavement support groups, only participants all have so much in common, people with broken hearts after the they are also individuals who each handle death of a loved one. Participants this journey in their lives differently. There may walk into a group that appear to is room for everyone: the angry, the guilty, be strangers but never leave the circle those who need to talk and those who prefeeling that they have left strangers fer to listen. All are welcome, and all have the ability to heal if they trust the process.


By Lee Johnson , Bereavement Coordinator


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Thank you for your generosity. Your Annual Membership contribution will assist Hospice of San Joaquin in providing patient care for hundreds of terminally ill patients in greater San Joaquin County.


hank you. On behalf of the over families. We would like you to become

900 terminally ill patients and their families served by Hospice of San Joaquin in the last year; and the over 600 grief-burdened families and friends throughout the community who have sought help here, I want to thank you for your support. It is your generosity and that of many in the community which makes it possible for Hospice of San Joaquin to serve people dealing with terminal illness and grief in this last year and each year since 1982.

familiar with these services, too. You may find that these programs could help you or someone else close to you right now.

You may have already called. Hundreds of people, your neighbors, co-workers and friends, call Hospice of San Joaquin each year for services to better educate themselves about their responsibilities and choices regarding end-of-life healthcare or for bereavement services designed for children and adults. You are invited to contact us online, www.hospicesj.org, or As Hospice of San Joaquin comes to you to call 957-3888. once again for your Annual Membership We can’t stop where we are. Every day support, I would like you to consider the brings new challenges in end-of-life care following scenario. If a neighbor or co- here at Hospice of San Joaquin – challengworker would say to you, “I called Hospice es presented by the real and ever changing of San Joaquin”, would you be wondering, needs of people in the community. When “Why!?”? Perhaps you assume that you you chose to continue to support Hospice already know why; simply put, someone of San Joaquin, our programs will continue must be dying. to help people deal with illness, cope with Would you be surprised to hear instead: bereavement pain and overcome the fear of “I called to get more information on end of life planning. This healthcare agenAdvanced Healthcare Directives – ever cy is a nonprofit dedicated solely to these since the Terri Schiavo’s story was in the services now and for the last 24 years. Your news, my kids have been after us to put our renewed membership is a strong encourwishes in writing – I didn’t know where to agement to us, a reminder that you share start. Did you know that Hospice of San in our commitment – together is the only Joaquin has a sample form and even free way we can continue to serve, to make a difference. ■ workshops?” OR “My new year’s resolution is to get out of the house and do something productive! Hospice of San Joaquin has a great Volunteer Program with lots of activities to choose from; I registered for their next training program.” OR “You know, we lost Mom over a year ago; but I realized during the holidays that my daughter especially hasn’t dealt with the loss; frankly, neither have I. We signed up for Hospice of San Joaquin’s Bereavement Group.” Yes, Hospice of San Joaquin offers more services than our highly recognized nursing and supportive care of patients and

On-line giving is available! Please visit our web site at www.hospicesj.org for an on-line donation form.

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Continued on page 10 >>>


Marilyn Graffigna Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Greene Warren and Barbara Gregory Raymond Griggs Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Guasco Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hachman Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Hakeem Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hall Hammer Trucking, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Stan W. Harkness Vernon and Roberta Harris Kathleen A. Hart Argel Hays HCE Foundation, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Michael Heffernan Rick Northcutt and Louise Held Gerald and Sharon Herrera Steve and Judy Herum Beverly Hightower Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Hildebrand Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hill Mrs. Kathleen C. Hines Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hnath Mr. and Mrs. Patrick S. Hobin Eric and Gloria Hodel Holt of California Hospice Butterfly Auxiliary Huff Construction Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hunefeld Loyal and Jean Hutchison Iacopi Lenz & Company Robert and Gladys Ikeda Frank & Alice Indelicato Indian Association of San Joaquin Interstate Truck Center J&P Farms Dr. Javad Jamshidi, M.D. Dean and Kathleen Janssen Janssen/Lagorio Family Foundation Norman and Jean Jarrett Gary and Katherine Jefferson Grace Jillson Larry and Susan Johannaber Ms. Tina Johnson Robert E. Jorgensen, Trustee Curtis Juran Kaiser Permanente Central Valley Dr. and Mrs. Mas Kamigaki Matt and Rosemary Katicich Katicich Ranch Irene Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Chuck J. Kelley Mr. and Mrs. George Kenyon Robie Kibbe Judge and Mrs. Frank Kim Jack C. Klemm Hillard Knoll Mr. and Mrs. Philip Korbholz Mrs. Nila R. Kraus Robert and Catherine Lagorio Lane, Duncan & Lambertson Dr. and Mrs. William Latham Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab. Mary Jo Lawson Keith T Ledbetter Susan Leonard Ms. Catherine S. Lewis Theresa Weber Leyba Donald Little Chester and Patricia Locke Lodi Association of Realtors, Inc Lodi Funeral Home Byron Loek Thomas and Linda Castanon-Long William and Irene Long Patrick J. Loschke Albert and Margaret Low


Robert and Randa Comstock Bill and Colleen Cook Lex and Marilyn Corrales Cortopassi Family Foundation Corvettes of Lodi Florence Costamagna Cottage Bakery James and Mimi Cox Mr. C. Joseph Crane Danny and Sharon Crawford Creative Research Management Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Croce CVSC California Valley D D Construction, Inc. Dameron Hospital Dana Investment Johnny and Anita Dasso Teri and Perry Davis Mrs. Eva R. Day Mrs. Nancy Del Prete J. Leve Dell Aringa Delta Pathology Assoc. Medical Group, Inc. Delta Property Administration Trust II Delta Theta Tau National Sorority Sue and Lee Dempsey Lawrence and Alma DeRicco Mr. Henry Dirksen, Jr. Joseph and Starr Donati Carroll and Marcia Doty Drivon Law Firm Duarte Accountancy Corporation Mike and Geri Ebensteiner William and Susan Edwards Elmer’s Heating & Air Conditioning F & H Construction F&M Bank Susan Kurey Farrens Mrs. Grace Fedor Nicolas and Beverly Felten FG&T Construction, Inc. Fifth Street Pharmacy Ms. Myrna Filley Ron and Carolyn Filpi Financial Decisions Bonnie Firchow David and Polly Fisher Ardyth Flores Arlind and Jean Fontes Don Ford Buzz and Nyla Fornaciari Connie G. Fox Ms. Darlene Fraker Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Frank Lora Frazier Mr. and Mrs. Bob Freeman David and Dolly French Dr. and Mrs. Jack Funamura Stephen and Susanne Furtado Stephen and Soon Gaal John and Barbara Galgiani Galt Family Optometric Center Diane Garcia-Ahrens Mr. Ernie George Walter and Judith Ghio Richard and Janet Ghio Dr. David L. Gifford Mrs. Mary P. Gillen Michael and Kimberly Gillespie Eugene and Dianne Gini Joan A. Goble Gold Digger Construction Dr. Romulo F. Gonzales Robert A. Gordon Dr. and Mrs. William Gorham Ms. Carol Goucher Mrs. Helen Gough Martha Goulet


A Teichert & Son, Inc. A.G. Spanos Companies Advisors, Inc Dr. Lorna F. Agoo Air Products & Chemicals Mr. Robert Aldrich Frank C. Alegre All State Packers Inc. Florence Allen Mr. John E. Allen American Steel Car Club American-USA Homes, LLC Ivar E. Anderson Jeff and Cindy Angeli Nicholas and Lillian Aninag Apria Healthcare Dr. Victoria E Armstrong Arnaiz Development Co. Inc. Earl Arrants Mr. Laurence Ashlock Esther Auman B&B Investments & Holdings, LLC Robert C. Ballard Bank of Agriculture & Commerce Bank of Stockton Mr. and Mrs. Roger Barker Rod Beaton Mr. Troy Beebe Anne L. Beeson Ben Salas Funeral Home Ms. Carolyn B. Bennett George and Sharon Bensch Mr. and Mrs. David E. Bentz Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Berberian Robert Bansmer & Phyllis Berger Kelly Bergman Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bernadicou Dr. and Mrs. J. David Bernard Mr. Frank Bertuccelli Big Valley Ford Big W Sales Dr. Robert G. Bley Boboli International, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mario N. Boggiano Edward and Dianne Bolger Mary Boskovich Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Browne Mathew and Barbara Bruno Mr. Albert Buffington Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Burlington Ralph and Marjory Burlington Dr. and Mrs. Darrel R. Burns, Jr. Jim and Dorene Busser Mr. and Mrs. John P. Butorac C & R Fence Contractors, Inc. Virginia Cabral Mr. Fred Cain Cal-Sierra Pipe, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Calcagno Calvary Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. A. Carroll Caminata David and Judy Canclini Marianne Carlson Violet F. Carlson Carpenters Local 25 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Casciaro Julie Centeno Champagne Real Estate Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Chan John and Janelle Chase Ron and Charlotte Cheek Cherokee Memorial Funeral Home Fritz and Liza Chin Chinchiolo Stemilt California Clark Family Foundation Colleen Cloud Collins Electrical Company Inc.

Lumbermens—A Lanoga Company Judith Lundquist Orwell Mace William and Grace Machado Victor and Patricia Macko Manteca Rotary Club Manteca Sunrise Kiwanis Mr. and Mrs. Todd Manss Mr. William L. Marre Peter and Helga Marshall Richard Massa James A. Hoagland & Glenna L. Mathews Assembleymember Barbara Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Rick Mattingly Howard and Coralie Maxwell Alven and Sandra Mayer Audrey Mazzera Mr. Gene Mc Granahan Mary McCleary Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCormack, Jr. Ms. Karen L. McKee McKeegan Properties Mr. Charles E. Mechling Merrill Lynch Miguel’s Mexican Restaurant John and Maria Milford Mrs. Juanita Miller Mina Tree Signs Incorporated Jeanne B. Morando Reuben and Lori Moreno Alfred Muller Ed and Dixie Mulrooney Mr. Jeremiah T. Murphy, Jr. Laurel N. Murphy Rudy and Toni Mussi Suzanne Nehme Mr. and Mrs. Don Neri Virginia Newberry Ron and Janis Nichols Stacey M. Nichols Melinda M. Niemi Alyce Nishima Nancy O’Brien O’Connor Woods Housing Corp Delilah O’Donnell Oak Ridge Winery Old Republic Title Holding Company Dennis and Chris Olin Galen Olson Onrust Club Mr. Frederick R. Opulencia Wyman and Andrea Osborn Karen Paige Pan American Underwriters, Inc. Paul Castillou Plumbing Bill and Nanci Perocchi Pharmacy Care Concepts Cindy Piccardo Charles and Carole Plumb Barbara A. Pombo John and Nancy Pozar Premier Real Estate Group Victoria Provencio Dr. Prabhjit S. Purewal, M.D. Cathy Quinn Surrender and Girja Raina Mel and Patty Ratto John and Helen Reece Jeane Reichert Mr. and Mrs. Jack Renger Ms. Barbara E. Richards Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rishwain Renee and Reed Robbins Mr. W. James Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Robinson Marshall and Josephine Rodriguez Lt. Clason L. Rohrer Mrs. Yolanda Roscelli Ross & Marilyn Bewley Foundation


Hospice of San Joaquin, your community nonprofit since 1982, is appreciative of each and every gift. Limited space dictates the printing of a partial list of our 2005 Donors.


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>>> Continued from page 9 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ruggles Beverly Russell Russell C. Heller Fund RX Express Dr. and Mrs. Peter Salamon Joseph Salazar Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Salvetti San Joaquin Delta College Steve and Lorraine Sanguinetti Geraldine Schaffer John and Marge Scheuber Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mike Schneider Dr. and Mrs. Edward Schneider Ronald and Susan Schofield Mrs. Cathleen M. Schrader Mr. and Mrs. Don Schrader Mr. Eugene G. Schreyer Schwemley Foundation Hope Seiffhart Barbara H Sexton, R.N. Dan and Carolyn Shafer Ms. Danae Sharp Henry and Joan Shea Shea Homes, Inc. Mrs. Beverly Sheehy Ed and Diane Simpson Father Harmon Skillin Harley and Brigette Smith George and Margaret Smith

Steven and Ruby Sonntag Soroptimist International of Manteca Millard and May Spooner St. Joseph’s Medical Center Dr. and Mrs. David A. Stadtner Charles Staniec & Farley Ordovensky State Farm Companies Foundation Tony and Christine Steinmetz Stemlit Growers, Inc. Annette Cerles Stephens Joan Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stevenson B.J. Stewart Mrs. Thelma Stewart Stockton Bicycle Club, Inc. Stockton East Water District Stockton Hematology Oncology Med. Stockton Lodge No. 218 Stockton Rotary Endowment Stockton Service Station Equipment Stockton Singles, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stokes Bill and Shirley Storm Kenneth H. Strom Dr. and Mrs. Robert Talley Mr. Glynn Tarrant Teichert Foundation Tenet Healthcare Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tessaro The Odyssey Companies The Record

Mrs. Sandra L. Thomas Charliz Thompson Richard and Gayle Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Tippett Peter and Judith Tirapelle Ron and Barbara Tognoli Dawn S. Tognoli Stella Tognoli Mr. George Tometti Bill and Joan Topp Rodney Towe Bill and Mary Toy Stephen Trucco and Judy Burke Truckin for Hospice Steve and Kandi Tuso Ms. Roberta L. Uecker Valley Pacific Petroleum Services, Inc. Vanguard Charitable Endowment Lena Vasconcellos Ms. Louise Vavrik Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Vigil Village Cleaners Dr. and Mrs. Roger Vincent Vinewood Community Church Vino Farms Inc. Halmer Vix Dexter and Sharon Vollbrecht Charles and Gail Wagner Wal-Mart Foundation Wallace-Martin Funeral Home Bobbie Wallinger


Come be a part of it all ...

Butterfly Auxiliary members are volunteers who actively produce major events, a poinsettia sale and who provide hands-on support for the Hospice House and Hospice of San Joaquin projects. General Meeting Schedule 2006: First Thursday of the month, February thru November. Meetings held at Hospice of San Joaquin Office, 3888 Pacific Avenue, Stockton, 6:00 pm. Meetings are open to anyone interested in membership. Contact Membership Chair, Sharon Ross at 477-7677 Events & Fund Raising Activities 2006 Calendar Champagne & Spring Tea – March 25, 2006 : Sold out! Sip & Stroll – August 19, 2006 Brookside Classics, 6-9 pm. Tickets $50.00 each. Sponsorship levels available at $100.00, $250.00, $500.00, $750.00 and $1000.00 Contact Information: Sharon Stokes 369-5439 Poinsettia Sales – November 2006 Memory Bracelets – ongoing $10.00 each, 3 styles available Contact Information: Janet Olmstead 472-1430 Other support activities: Camp Caterpillar (early October) Tree of Lights (late November, first week in December) Hospice House Holiday Decorations (seasonal )

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L Washburn Dr. and Mrs. Paul Waters Mrs. Mary A. Weatherill Harvey Webb Mr. Christopher H. Weed Dr. and Mrs. Calvin Wegner Wehrs Direct Marketing Services Western Marine Insurance Eugene and Arlene Weston Douglas Wilhoit, CEO Marian E. Wilkins Dr. Jack J. Williams Williams Tank Lines Joan Williamson Womble Auto Parts, Car-Computers.com Dr. Richard F. Wong Mary Woolsey Ms. Sue Wright Zeiter Eye Medical Group Diane H. Zendejas-Medina Roland and Brenda Zilka Alan and Elizabeth Zimtbaum M. & R. Zolezzi

This list reflects annual giving in the range of $250 to $75,000. Please accept our apology for any omissions or incorrect spelling; and notify us at 922-0242

YOUR COMMUNITY SUPPORT For Terminally Ill Patients, Families & Caregivers Gifts to Hospice of San Joaquin 2005 Calendar Year Number of Donors: 7,103 Number of Gifts: 10, 830 Average Gift: $95 Gift Rage: $5 - $75,000 Total Contributions: $999,271

THANK YOU! Each & every gift is appreciated. We regret that we do not have the space to acknowledge in print each and every donor.

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David R. Pyle John R. Quigley Karen Ratto Gayle Rendon Patricia A. Rieber Esther Robinson Mary C. Ruvalcaba Veralyn B. Ryan Edward Santos Deborah Serfozo Christopher J. Serpa Cherie Sivell Taryn Smith Rosa Solis John B. Takahashi Sarah J. Torres Martin Toy William Trezza Michael E. Tyler Norma C. Ulibarri Carol A. Van Hulten Tina Vincelet Gregory E. Vitz Mary Westin


Steven Haley Rose Harris Andrew Hendricks Alan Hitt Yoshik Hosey Brenda Huiras Melissia Jackson Barbara Johnston Curtis Juran Lynnette Lucaccini Kimberly L. Martinsdias Lehua Macias Cathy McAlister Colleen McInturff Patricia Meyers Gloria Moffet Charlotte Moreci Dennis Neroda Sarah Niemeyer Sarah Mary C. Olarte Karen Pace Teri Palmer Georgia Pierce


United Way of San Joaquin’s annual campaign in the workplace draws the largest portion of employee donors who make their annual contributions at their place of employment. We thank both employees and the employers for embracing responsibility for the welfare of all in our community, especially those most in need. Here is only a partial list of local employees who are making donations through United Way: some prefer to remain anonymous, or simply decline to be listed.

Steve Agesen Inez Aldridge Ronald Bambico Jerry LaBarber Victoria Bertroch Roger L. Bitz L. C. Bone Barbara Borelli Veronica Castanon Monica R. Chapin Martha Chapman Jaime Clayton Pam Coburn Terasa Dannecker Midori Dearborn Steve Donahue Belinda Elston Patricia Enebrad Kerry Hilgart Michael Evans Candace S. Gonzales Heather Grove Rick Goucher Stacy Hale



esidents of this County, working locally or commuting to adjacent counties, are extraordinarily generous in remembering the care for the terminally ill and their loved ones. These hard working men and women are making contribution each pay-period through payroll deduction! On behalf of the hundreds of patients and families served each year, we salute you as partners in end-of-life health care to your neighbors and friends who are in the last cycle of life.

Pacific Gas and Electric Company and PG&E Employees have a nearly 20 year partnership with Hospice of San Joaquin.


his partnership is manifested in several ways: the devotion of a select group of hardy and dedicated individuals who set up and take down the Tree of Lights in Stockton, Manteca and Tracy. The stringing of lights and garland in Stockton alone takes over 12 hours and this is preceded by a day of testing and preparing the strings of lights. This group also takes responsibility for building and maintaining the marquees or name boards for the lists of those remembered with lights. These volunteers monitor the Tree throughout the season, ensuring that it is properly lit each night. The second piece of the partnership is the generosity of the local PG&E employees who support the work of caring for the terminally ill through payroll deduction donations. These contributions have steadily grown over the years. (Listed here is only a partial list of PG&E employee volunteers and donors: some prefer to remain

anonymous.) A third piece of the relationship with Hospice of San Joaquin is the corporate grants received from Pacific Gas and Electric, to both honor their employees commitment and as demonstration of corporate responsibility to enhance the good of the community. David L. Ayers Emily Elizabeth Barnett Greg Cobarrubias Steve Dannecker Linda Fernandez Jan A. Foucher Jennifer Fuentes-Nguyen Kim G. Fuhrman Charlene Manfre Mark K. Rasmussen Angelina L. Terry Evan Slaydon Regina Stevens PG&E crew member puts top lights on holiday tree by

THE BUTTERFLY AUXILIARY THANKS THE FOLLOWING 2006 CHAMPAGE & SPRING TEA SPONSORS: March 25, 2006 — New Date! Co– Chairs: Sharon Stokes, Pat Gabbard & Barbara Galgiani SPONSORS Bert Brown Bank of Agriculture & Commerce Peck’s Jewelers Kathy & Robert Chinchiolo Capax—Giddings, Corby, Hynes Rita Becker Bud’s Seafood & Grill Sonya Charles Corn Products International

Delta College. Tree of Lights is held each year for the community to remember loved ones with lights on the tree.

In addition to the United Way Campaign of San Joaquin and the local PG&E Community Campaign, local residents who work elsewhere also generously remember Hospice of San Joaquin at their workplace. The following companies annually forward contributions from their employees to Hospice of San Joaquin: Allstate Giving Campaign Central Valley/Sierra/ CFC Clorox Company Foundation Employee Community Health Charities Lawrence Livermore Nat’l Lab Sears Washington Mutual Bank Wells Fargo Community Campaign United Way California Capital Region-Sac United Way of San Joaquin County United Way of Stanislaus County United Way of the Bay Area


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For more in


Adult Bereavement Support Groups

To register, call Julie Lofy, 9573888

To register, call Lee Johnson, 957-3888

Stockton: Hospice of San Joaquin Office, 3888 Pacific Ave, Stockton Wednesday’s; May 10—June 14, 5:30pm

Manteca St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Louise & Cottage Streets, Manteca Thursday’s; June 22—July 27

STOCKTON: Sponsored by the

California Trucking Association/San Joaquin Unit June 24, 2006 Registration forms now available.

Hospice of San Joaquin Annual Dinner July 20, 2006

Lodi Emanuel Lutheran Church 1540 W. Lodi Ave., Lodi Mondays; June 19—July 24

Memorial Service May 22, 2006 Held at Morris Chapel on the UOP Campus

Monday’s and Thursday’s beginning May 8th through May 25th, 6:00pm—9:00pm At Hospice of San Joaquin 3888 Pacific Avenue

TRACY: Saturday, April 29, 8:30-12:30 Saturday, May 6, 8:30-12:30 At St. Paul’s Lutheran Church 1635 Chester Drive

Sip ‘N Stroll August 19, 2006

Brookside Classics, 6-9 pm. Tickets $50.00 each. Capture the moonlight ambiance & enjoy a summer’s evening stroll while wine & brew tasting and sampling a large assortment of fine foods. Move & groove to live music.

Hospice of San Joaquin is a United Way participating agency

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