Quality You Can Trust Joint Commission Accredited
3888 Pacific Avenue • Stockton, California 95204-1953 • 24-hr. main-line: (209) 957-3888 • fax: (209) 957-3986 http://www.hospicesj.org 3888 Pacific Avenue Stockton, California 95204-1953
Trees of Lights 2010
Light up a light... light up a life L
Permit Nº557 Stockton, CA
ight up a light... light up a life... the tag line for Hospice of San Joaquin’s Tree of Lights captures the spirit and purpose of this 22 year – young community tradition. Each donor ‘lights up a light’ – illuminating and sharing the memory of a loved one; or shining the spot-light of honor on a living person. This passion of loving remembrance fills our skies with a glow across the county and beyond, in six communities. . . Light up a life... in addition to the lives remembered by our donor community, your generosity plays forward to provide medical and compassionate care, counseling and spiritual support each month to hundreds of terminally ill patients and their families, regardless of ability to pay. Tree of Lights is Hospice of San Joaquin’s largest event both in the number of individual, family and business donors who participate – this year 2938 donors!!! And the record number lights dedicated -- 6820 lights!!! The thousands of dollars received in Tree of Lights contributions strengthens the ability of Hospice of San Joaquin’s community Board of Directors to serve the terminally ill (on next page.) Hospice of San Joaquin salutes its partner-donors – names are listed in this issue; and joins with each in remembering and honoring your loved ones whose names are listed alphabetically by the community site as requested by the donor. In addition to 2,938 individual donors, Hospice of San Joaquin salutes our PG&E Employee-Volunteers whose enthusiastic and loyal (22 years with the same core crew!!) dedication make the Tree of Lights possible. Their participation is generously backed by Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s provision of grant funding and the trucks and equipment necessary to safely and efficiently string the lights on four (Stockton, Manteca, Tracy, Lockeford) of the six trees. The site hosts are key to lighting up the skies in their communities: Delta College in Stockton, Doctors Hospital Manteca, Tracy Outlets, Clements/Lockeford Chamber of Commerce. Hospice salutes the City of Lodi, its Public Works crew and partnership with the West Coast Arborists for 18 years of maintaining the Lodi Tree. The City and Chamber of Commerce rounds out the list of generous community and volunteer-support in Rio Vista.
Our Mission
The mission of Hospice of San Joaquin, a notfor-profit organization, is to provide comprehensive medical and compassionate care, counseling and support to terminally ill patients and their families, regardless of ability to pay, and to educate and collaborate with health care providers and the public in promoting quality end-oflife care.
A nonprofit agency serving the community since 1980 Hospice is governed by a community Board of Directors and is recognized as a 501(c) (3) organization. Hospice of San Joaquin is licensed by the State of California as a Hospice Agency and is certified by the Centers for MediCare and MediCal Services to provide the Hospice Medicare/ Medi-Cal Benefit. The Joint Commission has accredited Hospice of San Joaquin. For more information or referral, call (209) 9573888.
Quality You Can Trust Joint Commission Accredited
Above — During the evening of Friday, December 3, 2010 Hospice of San Joaquin in Partnership with the Tracy Community, lit the 6th Annual Tree of Lights. The Tracy Tree of Lights is hosted in partnership with the Tracy Outlets. Right — Community members gather at Tree of Lights and they identified the names of their loved ones for which they offered a Tribute or a Memorial. Tree of Lights offers a window of peace and remembrance for community members throughout San Joaquin County. Right — Stephen Guasco, Executive Director, Hospice of San Joaquin, welcomed family members, firends and Hospice volunteers to the 2010 throughout all Tree of Lights locations in San Joaquin County.
Tree of Lights: ‘a tribute to my loved ones gone’
eanette Michaels has a long. ..long. . .and supportive relationship with Hospice of San Joaquin. Jeanette is a former Hospice of San Joaquin Board member and an avid supporter. Jeanette’s warm and welcoming smile greets guests at most Hospice of San Joaquin events, so much so that she is one of the most familiar of ‘Hospice family’ faces. Jeanette is always one of the first to respond to the Tree of Lights’ invitation. With many dedicated lights, her participation really does help to ‘light up the Tree’! Jeanette Michaels de-
Jeanette Michaels
scribes what the Tree of Lights means to her: “The way I feel, it is a tribute to my loved ones gone. Three family members received care by Hospice of
San Joaquin. And every time I drive by and the Tree is lit, I say a prayer. I can’t help it.” “I think the Tree of Lights is the best thing Hospice ever did. My family members donate, too. I have a cousin who attended the lighting for the first time just a few years ago – now she won’t miss it. It is one of the main community traditions that people look forward to: going to the lighting or, later, to see the Tree and the Memory Board. Everyone looks forward to it. The crew from PG&E deserve acknowledgement for the years of ‘making it happen!’ It is, I think, the best thing ever!”
Tree of Lights donations support hospice care for the terminally ill, bereavement support for anyone in the community who has lost a loved one, and Transitions, a new, community service program helping (non-hospice) individuals and their families cope with the challenges that accompany life-limiting or advancing chronic illness. No hands-on medical care is provided. Palliative education and compassionate emotional support is provided primarily via telephone. Transitions is sponsored by Hospice of San Joaquin, free of charge to participants, it is funded entirely by community gifts.
Board of Directors Officers:
Edward G. Schroeder, President; President & CEO, O ‘ Connor Woods G a y l e R i l e y, R N , Vice President; Nurse, Healthcare Administrator Chris Mccaffrey, Treasurer; Vice President-Morgan Stanley Chris Olin, Secretary; Community Volunteer
M a r k Wa l l a c e , P a s t President; Director of Human Resources, Lodi Memorial Hospital Diane Park; Fund D e v e l o p m e n t Consultant Gary Giannini; Principal at Schwartz Giannini Jack Gilliland, MD Retired Jacqueline Bagatta, RN; Deputy Director – San Joaquin General Hospital Margo Kozina; Teacher, St. Mary‘ s High School Peter G. Gormsen, C.P.A.; Degreogori, Gormsen, Ringer, Inc. P h y l l i s B e r g e r, E s q . ; Professor, Humphreys College School Of Law Scott Beattie; Partner/ Lawyer At Calone Law Group Steve Larson; Grants Officer Port Of Stockton Stephen Guasco; Executive Director and Member of the Board
Support Personnel
Robert T. Browne, M.D.; Medical Director James Saffier, M.D.; Staff Physician Mobin Ghavami, M.D.; Staff Physician Gail E. Wigley , RN; Director, Clinical Services Jo Paganini, MSW; Director, Social Services Becky Burnett, RN; Hospice House Manager Pam Byrne, Ph.D., RN; Transitions Program Coordinator Audrey Wuerl, RN, BSN; Education Coordinator S t e v e P a r s o n s , C PA ; Director of Finance and Operations Patty A. Rieber; Human Resource Manager Leo Ronquillo; Information Systems Manager Gene Acevedo, MBA; Director, Community Outreach and Public Relations Barbara A. Pombo, MBA; Director, Development Carolyn Gomes; Annual Gifts & Events Coordinator Carrie Lane, M. Div.; B e r e a v e m e n t Coordinator Becky Freeman; Volunteer Coordinator Jim R. Russow, M. Div., D Min.; Chaplain
Hospice of San Joaquin 2010 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name
Donor Name
Message from the Executive Director
When I first moved to Stockton, Hospice of San Joaquin’s Tree of Lights on Pacific Avenue meant the Holiday Season had officially begun. It wasn’t until I attended my first Tree Lighting Ceremony several years ago, that I understood the significance the communities we serve hold for each of the Trees of Lights. It was at this first tree lighting ceremony that I observed a young widow with her little girl. The girl appeared to be about five years of age. The young mother lovingly picked up the girl and said, “Honey, look at that big tree. Pick out a yellow light. That light is for your Daddy. Whenever you look at this tree, look for your light. You will know that your Daddy is watching you.” At this year’s ceremony, again I witnessed a young woman kneel down next to her grandmother and say, “Grandma, look at the tree and pick your light for Grandpa.” This sentiment is echoed throughout the Holiday Season, as the night sky has been lit by the memories of our loved ones. The Holidays are now over and our trees no longer glow. However, the memories of our loved ones will live with us forever. Listed throughout this Newsletter are the many names of family and friends remembered this past Holiday Season. They are the parents, grandparents, children and friends of those that hold them dear. Our Trees of Light will continue to shine each year as a testament that our loved ones walked this earth and will continue to live in our hearts forever. Sincerely
Stephen Guasco, Executive Director Hospice of San Joaquin
Hospice Awareness is a quarterly newsletter published by Hospice of San Joaquin Located at 3888 Pacific Avenue, Stockton, CA 95204 * (209) 957-3888. Gene Acevedo, Director of Community Outreach: Editor Barbara Pombo, Director of Development: Co-Editor Hospice Staff: Article Contributions Roberto Radrigán, G. D., GráficaDesign: Design & Layout All photography by ULMERPHOTO.COM Comments, questions, sponsorship opportunities or if you wish to be removed from our mailing list, please contact our office at (209) 957-3888
Honoree/Memorial Name
Donor Name
Honoree/Memorial Name
Donor Name
Honoree/Memorial Name The Bava & Johnson Families George Baxter
Rev. Ron Martens, Pastor of Clements Community Church offers the invocation at the Clements / Lockeford Tree of Lights. Honoree/Memorial Name Diana Tuso Abbate Selena Abbott George and Daisy Abdallah Michael Abdallah Loretta Abel Karen Aboiralor Dave Abood Carmen Abood Carmen Abood Reuben E. Abrahamson (My Dad) Joy M. Abrahamson (My Mother) Juan Acoba Loretta Magno Acosta Nellie Acosta Barbara Adami Thomas Forest Adams Bruce and Marie Addington & Olga Torpegaard Jim Agee Mary Aguilar Frank Aguilar Antonio and Elsie Aguilera Liz Aguire Ruth Ahrens Peter Ahrens Elizabeth “Liz” Airola Carol Akers Mary K. Albano Ferdinand Alberti Tina Albertsen William Albin Dennis Albin, II. Roy Albrecht Yvonne Alden Vera Alegre Joe Alegre Judy Alexander Elizabeth Alexander Curtis Alexander, Jr. Dirk Alexson Shane Alexson Zelda A. Alford Zelda A. Alford Departed Sisters of Sparta #18 Departed Sisters of Sparta #18 Departed Sisters of Sparta #18 All Who Have Lost Someone All War Veterans Robert R. Allen Clara E. Allen Clara E. Allen Margaret Allen Robert R. Allen Eloise Allen Margaret Allen Patricia A. Marnoch Allen Margaret Allen Robert L. Allen Margaret Allen Eloise Allen Elsie Alley Patricia Allison Cecil Almanza Hannah, Lily, Jason and Mia Alt Trevor and Rachel Alt Jim Altheide Lois A. Alvarez Lois A. Alvarez Carlos J. Alvarez Baby Yareli Alvarez Leroy Alvas Elmer Aman’s birthday Frances Amantea Mr. & Mrs. John Amaral Pauline and Frank Amarillas Joyce Amble Pam Andersen Dayle Anderson Bonnie Anderson Dewey Anderson Lena Anderson Patricia Loy Anderson Charles L. Anderson Al & Harriette Anderson Mary Anderson Marlon V. Anderson Ken Anderson Dewey Anderson Robert “Bob” Anderson Vera Anderson Anderson Family Ruth I. Andrade Bob Angele Egidio S. Angeli Gregorio Aninag Rose Antonini Elio Antoniolli Josephine Antuna Grace Anway Maria Anzaldo George Apple Stephanie Aquino Jose Aragon, Sr. Susie Aragon Robert Araquistain Ed Arata Ray Arata Daisy Arata Louis T. Arbios Cynthia Arceo Thea Archuletta Esther F. Arcos Francisco E. Arcos Francisco E. Arcos Joey Arias Laurie Arko Lorraine Armanino John & Lynne Armanino Clarence Armanino Lorraine Armanino Irene Armitage William Armitage Tomie J. Armstrong Ester Armstrong Joseph F. Armus Eugene Arnaiz Chuck Artozqui Marina R. Arucan Marina R. Arucan My Mom: Adelaide Arwine Clifton Asche Jewell Asche Bill Aschenbrener Bill Aschenbrener Aschenbrenner Family Mac Ashcraft Judge Don Asher Basilio and Emma E. Atad Horace Atchison Laura Atchison Robert Athearn Robert Athearn Charles and Carrie Attaldo Jodi Atwood Jodi Atwood Esther B. Auman William Auman Robert Auman Harold Austin Jean Austin Maria Luz Avalos Kathryn Avery John R. Avey Albert Joaquin Avilla Frank Avilla Myrtle Avilla Teresa Avitia Kristen & Matt Axtell Wedding Jess Ayala, Jr. Jess Ayala, Jr. Bill Ayers, Jr. Jeannie Ayers Ronnie Dee Ayers Leila B. Ayers Sandy Ayers
Donor Name Diana DeBruno Helen E. Holt Kathleen Abdallah Kenneth and Michelle Ruffin Richard Abel Angel and Nathan Galloway Mrs. Dianna Lesh & Mrs. Linda Nichols Mrs. Dianne Lesh & Mrs. Linda Nichols Mrs. Dianne Lesh & Mrs. Linda Nichols Jill M Chagnon Jill M Chagnon Marion M. Wold Agustin M. Acosta and Family Cecilia G. Alvarez Mr. James Adami and Family Antoinette Stone Marla Schmoll-Thomas Dolly E. Sonne Rose Marie Shanley Rose Marie Shanley Lydia and Mel Kelley Inez Kiriu Alan and Sandra Nevares Marilyn Warnock Kathleen and Lauren Crespi Wanda and Bill Whitaker Mary Landis Brian James Frankie and Willard Rieger Patricia Albin Patricia Albin John and Helen Bontscho Maxine Wanner Helen and Frank Alegre Helen and Frank Alegre Betty Angeli Syd and Mary Lois Thompson Jim and Sabrina Rohleder Dilys and Clinton Alexson Dilys and Clinton Alexson Bonnie Jones Jo Anne Garcia-Jones Daughters of Penelope Daughters of Penelope Daughters of Penelope Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Newland Darlene and Jim Barnett Anne Allen Darba Schlepp Darba Schlepp James Allen John E. Allen John E. Allen Laurie Szwed Mary L. Marnoch-Granadoz Richard and Sandra Heifner Rosemary Allen Sue Matthews Susan and Christopher Oase Robert Zanoni Annette M. Hansen Linda Salazar Donna and Ron Alt Donna and Ron Alt Diane Altheide-Allen Marina Alvarez Marina Alvarez Marina Alvarez Mireya Sanchez Shirley Alvas Freda Aman Jennifer J. Silva Geraldine M Schook Helen Haro David, Stephanie & Miya Cheng Bob and Linda Kiffin Bill and Nadine Coleman Carol Ashcraft Dorothy Edens Drs. Michael and Barbara Davis Eugene M. Bish Geoff and Lori Ann Galtere Judith Craig Judith M. Gaal Lucita Anderson-Smith Matt Anderson Norma Dawes Scott and Carol Dietrich Shirley Montgomery Joyce Aschenbrener Joe C. Andrade, Sr. John and Yvonne Gail Betty Angeli Nicholas and Lillian Aninag Dottie Doscher Adriana Antoniolli Armando and Priscilla Garcia Harry and Kay Williams Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anzaldo Cheryle Apple From Grandma Leticia Flores-Klak Rod and Brenna McCleary Donna Araquistain Gary and Virginia Poggi Gary and Virginia Poggi Gary and Virginia Poggi Dolores Arbios Adam, Devin & Debi Banez Gloria J. Macey Alberta Aguirre Manuel Arcos & Family Mr. Sergio Arcos Shirley Schene John and Betty Arko Andrea Armanino-Ewell Brett and Lora Lagorio Tony and Carol Torlai Tony and Carol Torlai Patricia Morgan Patricia Morgan Katherine Armstrong Katherine Armstrong Elizabeth Ginn Donald and LaVerne Stevens Yolanda and Ivan Hamlow Dave and Pam Dias Kevin and Arica Arucan Barbara Brocchini Kimberlee Roider Kimberlee Roider Joyce Aschenbrener Lena Vasconcellos Joyce Aschenbrener Carol Ashcraft George Abdallah Sadie Atad Mark Wallace Mark Wallace Leona O. Athearn Leona O. Athearn Joanne Barrett Susan R. Livesey Susan R. Livesey Larry and Susan Johannaber Larry and Susan Johannaber Larry and Susan Johannaber Lynne Austin Lynne Austin Augustin Avalos Kathy Van Dyke Connie Avey Denise Dyer Gary Franke and Rhonda AvillaFranke Gary Franke and Rhonda AvillaFranke Patrick Pagnucci Kathy Van Dyke Grace Ayala Mrs. Alma Maier David L. Ayers, Sr. David L. Ayers, Sr. David L. Ayers, Sr. David L. Ayers, Sr. David L. Ayers, Sr.
Honoree/Memorial Name Wilson Ayers, Jr. Sandy Ayers Wilson P ‘Sonny’ Ayers, Jr. Ron Ayers Sonny Ayers Wilson Ayers, Jr. Jeannie Ayers Ronnie D. Ayers Billy Joe Ayers, Jr. Leila B. Ayers Wilson Ayers, Sr. Wilson Ayers, Sr. Anthony D. Azevedo Norma Azevedo Baby Atilano Minnie Baca Fedele Baccelli Delia Baccelli Mary D. Bacchetti Frances V. Bacchetti Gerda Bacchetti Maria Bacchetti Cristoforo Bacchetti Carol Ann Bacchetti Nicholas Bacci Pamela Bachi Alma Bachman Tony Badano, Sr. Gordon Bader Faye Badgley J.Jesus & Martina Baez Iona Baffoni Geraldine Bagby Charley Bagnasco Phillip Bagood Joseph Bailey Robert A. Bainbridge David Baird David Baird John D. Baker John W. Baker Jimmy Baker Jimmy Baker Jewell Baker Eston Baker Frank Cole Baker Alice Baker Robert H. Baker Joseph H. Baker Jean Baker Anne Baker Justin Baker Darlene Yvonne Baker John D. Baker John W. Baker Gini Balbi Rose Balcao Victoria Balcom Elsie Baldinelli Diane Baldo Frank Baldwin Al Balkwill Albert H. Balkwill Balkwill Family Melinda Ball Adelaide Pat Ballard Frank Balogh Isabele Balogh Walter Bamesberger Treva Banda Francisco Banda Linda Banducci Elleana (Ma!) Banks Victoria Bannert Dennis Banowetz Dorothy Bansmer Barb Alex Barba James H. Barber Frances Barbieri Buzzy Barbieri Dorothy Barbour Fred Barbour Dorothy Barclay Casey S. Barcus Milton Barde Jensen Clark Barker Ruth Barker Eleanor Barkett Anthony Barkett Annie Barkett Ira Barkman John Barkovsky Agatha Barkovsky Sandra Barnes Matthew Barnes Beth Barnett Bud Barnett Rose Barnhart Roy Barnhart Shirley Barosso Irene & Steve Barosso Gretchen Barrett John Barrett Anna and Joseph Barrett David & Elizabeth Bartell Robert and Lisa Bartenhagen Marjorie J. Bartlett Elbert R. Bartlett Gladys Bartosh Gayle Bastear Gayle Bastear Lylace Bateman Joyce Battilana William Baughn Mitzi M. Baumbach Mitzi M. Baumbach “RedHatter “ Rhonda Baumgartner Erna Baump Burton Baump John & Erminia Bava Joe Bava, Sr. Julian O. Bava Joe Bava, Sr.
Donor Name David L. Ayers, Sr. Gary and Susie Ayers Maryann Bennett Pat, Kendra, PJ Cardiasmenos Pat, Kendra, PJ Cardiasmenos Wanda Henderson Wanda Henderson Wanda Henderson Wanda Henderson Wanda Henderson David L. Ayers, Sr. Wanda Henderson Grace Azevedo James and Angela Fisk Barbara Henry The Riberal Family James and Angela Fisk James and Angela Fisk Kim Bacchetti Rebecca Kuga Rebecca Kuga Rosemarie and Nat Bacchetti Rosemarie and Nat Bacchetti Rosemarie and Nat Bacchetti Matolynn, Hunter,Hannah, Harry, Hayden & Andrew Stuart and Robin Combie Donna Oswald Laureate Delta Epsilon Richard and Martha Bader Dick and Janie Williams Sal and Irene Cortes Biff Baffoni Lee and Michelle Bethea Mary McCleary Darlene Garcia Leona Funkhouser Sarah Armstrong and Roger Barnes Cliff and Ann Johnston Jeanne Symons Anita Baker Anita Baker Carolyn Bennett Carolyn Bennett Carolyn Bennett Carolyn Bennett Catherine Lytle Colleen Ziemer Colleen Ziemer Joseph A Costa Joseph A Costa Karin Van Diemen Karin Van Diemen Lodi Funeral Home Ron Baker Ron Baker Toni Rule Joseph and Helen Balcao Elizabeth Hunt Mary McCleary Pete and Jackie Fanucchi Roberta Unger Charles and Bonnie Forbes Sara Balkwill Sara Balkwill Jeff and Julie Loudon Marilyn Corbett Sharon Mendonca Sharon Mendonca Wendell Youngsma Joyce and Jimmie Powers Joyce and Jimmie Powers B.J. Stewart Jennifer Hernandez Graydon and Jackie Bannert Fran Duren Phyllis Berger and Robert Bansmer Connie Giannini-Turner Kathleen Franco Janice Barber Madeline Torres Madeline Torres Karen Weiland Karen Weiland Byron Barclay Lance and Patty Rieber Peggy Barde Joan Barker Joan Barker Glenda Ghio Jeanette Michaels Jeanette Michaels Felix and Paulie Torlai Cal and Betty Rodway Cal and Betty Rodway John and Margaret Basalto Karen Miller Darlene and Jim Barnett Darlene and Jim Barnett William and Dorothy Barnhart William and Dorothy Barnhart Keith and Carol Bickley Renaye Dillon Catherine Heighes Joanne Barrett Joanne Barrett Robert and Bonnie Moore Maria De Russo Gloria Buckingham Gloria Buckingham Carol Ashcraft Michael Dorville Richard Bastear Wanza Blackwell Dan Battilana Martha Denk Mr. and Mrs. Melvin A. Baumbach Timothy and Kim Martinsdias Bob and Patty Slauson Donald and Joan Cooper Donald and Joan Cooper Dan and Mary Bava David and Laura Johnson Lilllian Bava Susan Hinds
Tracy Outlets’ General Manager, Elaine Yager and host of Hospice of San Joaquin’s Tracy Tree of Lights, welcomes the City of Tracy’s community following her support and collaboration with Hospice of San Joaquin.
William and Joan Beach Cleve Beach Bill Beach Joan Beach William H. Beach Arnold and Eunice Beal Carl Beam James Beard - My Husband Ruth Beardshear James Beardsley James Beardsley Patricia Beardsley Jamie Ann Beaudry Lydia Bechthold Diana Beck Juanita Beck Diana Beck Juanita Beck Bert Beck Juanita Beck Diana Beck Jackie Becker Kenneth H. Beckman Kenneth H. Beckman Kenneth Beckwith Ken Beckwith Bedford Family Bruce Bedig Lucille Bednarz Walter Bednarz James Beeber Robert J. Beer Robert J. Beer David H. Beeson Jim Begg (Cousin) Karen L. Behlen Karen L. Behlen Karen L. Behlen Karen L. Behlen Karen L. Behlen Karen L. Behlen Karen L. Behlen Eugene Behnke Robert Behnke Donald Behnke Nether Behrends Dolores Belew Marquis Bell Jason Bell Peter Joseph Bell Henrietta Rose Bell Alma Marie Hoeser Bell Paul and Sula Bellamy Loni Bellastori Raymond L. Beltran Florence Bemis Dennis I. Bender Ivan Bender Calvin A. Bender Erna E. Bender Mia Benedetti Sara Benedetti Nick Benedetti Nina Benedetti Gladys Benedict James Benevides Baby Edward Benge Baby Edward Benge Rena Bennett Lonnie Bennett Bob Bennett Bill Bennett Ben Bennett Jerry L. Bennett Lloyd Bennett Sue Bennett Johnnie Bennight, Jr. & Sr. Rebecca Bensman-Hersom Roberta Benson Roberta Benson George Bentz Dorothy DaValle Benzini Dorothy DaValle Benzini Susan O. Berg Gail B. Berg Jean Bergen Edna P. Berglund Gary J. Berglund Emil and Judy Berkanovic Emil and Judy Berkanovic Barry Berman Yvonne Bernier Floyd Beroldo Dorathea Beroldo Floyd & Dorathea Beroldo Charles Berolzheimer D.J. Bertolotti Louise Bertsch David Bess Sisters Of Beta Sigma PHI Ann Bethards Nicole Marie Bethea Sarah N. Bethea Joseph Conrad Betts Joseph L. Betts Betty Don Betz Betty F. Bewley Bob Bhend Mary E. Bhend Emma Biancalana Robert Bianchi Edward Bianchi Aldo Bianchi Linda O. Bianchi Joseph Bianchini Giovanni Biasetti Caterina Biasetti Shirley J. Bibler Mireille Bibo Lorraine Biddle Robert C. Biddle Larry Bidondo Charles Bidondo Charles Bidondo Loran Bidwell Bob Biederman Marge Bierce Uncle Bill Buddy and Lucille Billingsley John Billones Ole Bingen Florence Bingham Pauline Bisaccio Theresa Biscaia Theresa Biscaia Theresa Biscaia Theresa Biscaia Ruby Louise Bishop Howard Bissell Carol Bitcon Ann Bivins Lois Bjork Larry Bjornstad Berneice Black Bobby Black Lula Irena Blackbern Roy A. Blackwell Sandy Blair June Blake George Blake Joe Blake Ruth Blake
Donor Name David and Laura Johnson Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Bill and Rhonda Beach Jeff and Suzy Beach Peggy Barde Susan Watson Susan Watson Larry and Georgia Mills Sharon Miller Billie Beard Kelli Page H. Dean and Beatrice McNeilly H. Dean and Beatrice McNeilly Mary L. Marnoch-Granadoz Jason Beaudry Dolores Formento Diana Beck Diana Beck Gayle L. Walker Gayle L. Walker Licia Beck Ray, Angela, Richard & Ramon Olgin Ray, Angela, Richard & Ramon Olgin Linda Babbino Kyle and Donna Beckman Mary Ellen Beckman Beverly Hightower Rosemary D. Beckwith Lynn and Sharlyn Bedford Susan Caulfield Peter and Lynne Lynch Peter and Lynne Lynch Barry and Irene Gill John and Dana Munoz William and Patricia Schaffer Geraldine M. Beeson Robert J. Gray Rebecca Brownfield Richard Behlen Richard Behlen Richard Behlen Richard Behlen Richard Behlen Richard Behlen Alan and Elodee Behnke Alan and Elodee Behnke Alan and Elodee Behnke Janice and Larry Cooper Donalee McGary Angel and Nathan Galloway Betty L. Cardoza Janet Bell Lyndle Bell Lyndle Bell Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Twitty Maxine Wanner Maria G. Beltran Laurel Bemis John and Margitta Christolos John and Margitta Christolos Sylvia Bender Sylvia Bender Les and Phyllis Ferguson Les and Phyllis Ferguson Les and Phyllis Ferguson Les and Phyllis Ferguson Mark Low Sherryl Benevides Jean and Richard Mullins Jean and Richard Mullins Carolyn Bennett Carolyn Bennett Carolyn Bennett Felix and Paulie Torlai Helen Bennett Judy Bennett Richard K Le Grande Sally Marquez Donna Smith David and Rosemary Bensman Andres Rallojay Carole J. Huber Bruce and Deborah Bentz Sara Kleinert Susan McCann Christine and Larry Kennard Eloise Libhart Kimberlee Roider Charlotte Berglund Charlotte Berglund Sylvia J.B. Clark Sylvia J.B. Clark Antoinette Berman Jacques Bernier Chet and Renee O’Brien Chet and Renee O’Brien Florene and Dick Mesa Grace Fedor Karen and Gerald West Debbie Bailey Barbara E. Bess CA Zeta Beta Master, Beta Sigma Phi Larry & Andrea Violett Lee and Michelle Bethea Lee and Michelle Bethea Elizabeth Betts Elizabeth Betts Michelle D. Morgan Janice and Larry Cooper Leona O. Athearn John F. Marble John F. Marble Barbara Bidondo Gary and Virginia Poggi Gary and Virginia Poggi Gary and Virginia Poggi Lavina Reimche Mark and Maria Bianchini Clara and Luciano Biasetti Clara and Luciano Biasetti Anne Braden Marie and Stephen Guasco Karen Buchanan Kristi Biddle Barbara Bidondo Barbara Bidondo Dolores Bidondo Opal Burt Louise Keser-Biederman Connie Giannini-Turner Thomas and Linda CastanonLong Bev and Bob McColl Marit Mortensen Bird Nick and Penny Meyers Carol Olivero Mr. and Mrs. Mirko Kozina Alexis Vosti Antonio Biscaia Mario & Diane Biscaia Paul & Lydia Vosti Eugene M. Bish Erma A. Bissell Bobbie Wallinger Mr. & Mrs. Dennis & Carol Burns Shirley Caster John and Helen Bontscho Jay and Barbara Roek Noreen Smith Georgia Conner Dave and Pam Dias Cal and Betty Rodway Dr. Russell P. Carter Dr. Russell P. Carter Richard A. Garcia Richard A. Garcia
Hospice of San Joaquin 2010 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name William H. Blalock Anna A. Blasewitz Robert N. Blewett Virginia W. Blewett Dr. Richard Blewett Dr. Robert Bley Walter Blicharz Felecie R. Blinn Bruce Bloom Ron Bloom Gary Bloom Dr. Andrew Blossom De Blunt Stephen L. Blunt Benjamin S. Blunt John Bo John Boccoli Hazel Boccoli Daniel N. Bockstahler Christa R. Bodin John and Rita Boggiano John and Rita Boggiano Louis and Evelyn Boggiano Louis and Evelyn Boggiano Tilyo Boggiano Bill Bohannon Noris Bohannon Bill Bohannon William C. (Bill) Bohannon Marissa F. Bohannon Daisy Bohnak Carl Boitano Ruth Boitano Carl Boitano Boitano Family Georgia Bokides Jim Bolles Federico S. Bolosan Verna Bolosan Irene Bombola Irene Bombola Loretta Bona Helen Bond Walter T. Bond Martha Bonetti Melvin D. Bongi Rosa Bonilla Alfred Bonner Dorothy Bonner Marian E. Bonnet William Booker Boompa Beverly O. Booth Margaret Booth Willie C. Booth James Boquist Florence Boquist Jennifer Bordenave Susan Borelli Dan Borelli Meg Borelli Albert Borelli Ray Borgett Duane H. Borovec Concepcion Borrego Quinto Boschetti Bruce Bossart Donna Bossert Donna Bossert Velma Bostic Velma Bostic Velma Bostic Velma Bostic Velma Bostic Velma Bostic Bertha Bostwick Bertha Bostwick Ann Bosworth J. Everett Bosworth Charles Bott Charles Boudreaux Jason Boulware Elizabeth Bova John Bowe Thomas Bowe Michael Bowers Carol Bowers Marian Bowman Ruby A. Boyd Pete Boyd Robbie Boyett Rosemary and Ed Boyle Edward Boyle, Jr. Edward Boyle, Jr. Frank Boyle Frank Boyle Mac Boyle Lynette Boynton Lolly Bozzano Lino Bozzano Lolly Bozzano Giacomo Bozzini Donald F. Brabec Donald F. Brabec Gordon Brackett Gordon Brackett, Sr Anne Braden Helen Bradford Jeffery Bradford Elizabeth H. Bradley Don Bradstreet Betty Bramlett Len Brandvold Joan Brandvold Kenneth R. Brant Joseph Branum Guido R. Brassesco Doris E. Brassesco Guido R. Brassesco Doris E. Brassesco Virg & Edna Brawn Mary C. Brazil Manuel A. Brazil Betty S. Brazil Kathy Brazil Jean Breakfield Ellen Bregante George & Amelia Brehm Sgt. Dale G. M. Brehm, U.S. Army Boris Breiger Steven Breitenbucher Steven Breitenbucher Kari Brenneise Jeanette Esther Brenner Emil John Brenner Jeanette Brenner Odas D. Breshears Norma Breshears Charlotte Brewer Jim & Alma Brewer Geneva D. Brewer Colson Brewer Mr. & Mrs. James Brewer Avis W. Brewster The Brewster Family Robert Bridewell Don Briest Margaret Briggs Harry Briggs Jim Briggs Lee Brink Lee Brink Rick Brink Jerry B. Briscoe Jerry B. Briscoe Aldo Brocchini Teresa Brocco Tina Broderick Scott Brodie John G. Brodman Gerd W. Brodman John E. Broin Grete Bromme Grete Bromme Grete Bromme My grandmother, Roberta Brooke My grandmother, Roberta Brooke George Brooks Jack A. Brooks Jack A. Brooks Vanadeane C. Brooks Jack A. Brooks Jack A. Brooks Jack A. Brooks Jack A. Brooks Sherid Brooks Sammy G. Brooks Jesse A. Brooks Jack A. Brooks Brooks Family Bette Brose Jerline Bette Brose Lloyd Brosnikoff Oliver Brotby Ira Brott Amelia Brown Amelia Brown Carolyn Brown Twyla & Bill Brown Ed and Chuckie Brown Dick Brown Jim Brown Agnes T. Brown S.W. Brown Ken Brown Bruce R. Brown
Donor Name Modine B. Blalock Elaine Gumaer Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Lawrence Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Lawrence Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Lawrence Janet Lewis Claire Tyson Peter and Nicole Rosado Helen and Frank Alegre Helen and Frank Alegre Helen and Frank Alegre Margie Palermo Betty Smith & Rochelle Blunt Betty Smith & Rochelle Blunt Betty Smith & Rochelle Blunt Patricia Richards Ray and Betty Boccoli Ray and Betty Boccoli Dana Bockstahler Susan M. Farr Lena Vasconcellos Lena Vasconcellos Lena Vasconcellos Lena Vasconcellos Lillian Boggiano Christina Giannini Connie Giannini-Turner Connie Giannini-Turner Noris Bohannon W. Faye Giovenetti Annette and Mario Silveira Susan Keehr Susan Keehr William L. Marre Al and Bonnie Blevins Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Jim Leach Jeanette Hinajosa-Bolosan Jeanette Hinajosa-Bolosan Nadine Horst Susan Hinds Barton Bona Sherry Camalleri Sherry Camalleri Susie and Carlton Karen Bongi Rose Mildred Orimo Janet Bonner Moyna Hladky Daniel and Nancy Bonnet Shirley Booher Mrs. Annette Nghiem Margie, Peter and Kathie Selser Verma A. Booth Verma A. Booth John and Sue Errecart John and Sue Errecart Maria De Russo Barbara E. Bess Barbara E. Bess Irene Borelli Jill Choate Bob and Donna Borgett Terri and Dave Cabral Veronica Segovia Joyce Boschetti Mr. & Mrs. Frank Silveira Gaynl Allec Jovon Cadieux Elaine Fisse Elaine Fisse Elaine Fisse Elaine Fisse Elaine Fisse Timothy and Kim Martinsdias Bonnie Musser Bonnie Musser Patty and Eddie Lucchesi Peggy Traverso Rita Jackson Debbie Boudreaux Constance Boulware Susan Crosby Joan Bowe Joan Bowe Bonnie J. Weisz Jan Arlene Foucher Pearl M. Martin Betty Hapsic Betty Hapsic Larry Rodgers Donna K. Nail Donna K. Nail Donna K. Nail Frank Boyle, Jr. Kathleen Long Kathy Van Dyke Joanne Vaughan-Cobb Cherokee Freight Lines Cherokee Freight Lines Richard and Carla Hiatt Kellen and Jackie Murphy Mrs. Debby Kavarian Sarah Klein Ruth Brackett Ruth Brackett Kristy Zane Mark Low Mark Low Alice Tolliver Madeline and Al Bradstreet Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Julie Derrick Julie Derrick Helen R Brant Thomas M. Vidulich Donna Faith Jaret Blinn Peter and Nicole Rosado Peter and Nicole Rosado Jim & Kay Schopf Carol Louise Silva Carol Louise Silva Carol Louise Silva Coldwell Banker Crossroads Real Estate Leonard Breakfield Art Bregante Ron and Carol Miller Ron and Carol Miller Temme Breiger Karpf Clements Volunteer Firefighters Assoc. Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Breitenbucher Chet and Sharon Brenneise Gary and Lynette Pierson Gary and Lynette Pierson Joy Gittere Annette and Mario Silveira Jay Breshears Dale B. Engelhart Glen and Betty McDonald Katherine and Floyd Norling, Jr. Katherine and Floyd Norling, Jr. Mr. Larry Brewer Nancy Whitaker Marta Whiteside Chuck and Deanie Bridewell Butch & Meredith McCormack Don and Judy Briggs Don and Judy Briggs Ruth and George Briggs Michael Brink Robert and Eunice Preeo Robert and Eunice Preeo Mary Natteford Syd and Mary Lois Thompson Barbara Brocchini Richard and Fran Rudisill Keith and Carol Bickley Kara Brodie Alice M. Brodman Alice M. Brodman Wanda Pardini Carolyn Sakai Eugene Bromme’ Kathleen Equinoa Mike and Randa Comstock Mr. & Mrs. Chris Comstock Andrene and Dominick Mazzanti Floyd and Lace Nordwick Floyd and Lace Nordwick Grace Bull Grace Bull Grace Bull Grace Bull Jim and Marcia Jordan Karen Cambra Pat and Tom Wilson Rosemarie Kennedy Vanadeane C. Brooks Phyllis Brooks Joan Shephard Joseph and Russtine Shephard Gloria Brosnikoff Betsy Brotby Craig and Judi Sanders Donna Peters Donna Peters Dr. & Mrs. Bryant B. Williams Edna Wrbicky Edna Wrbicky Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Jackie Brown Jeri T. Ross Jeri T. Ross Lanny Simpson Leonard and Carla Cicerello
Honoree/Memorial Name Joe William Brown Walter E. Brown Joseph Brown Floyd Brown Marsha Brown Joe William Brown Jeannie Brown John Brown Rolla Brown William Brownfield Alma Brownfield George Brumm George Brumm George Brumm Betty Jane Brumm Ellenor Brumm Henry Bruner Charles Bruns III Janet Bryan Winifred Bryant James G. Buchanan James Buchanan Carolyn Buck Carolyn Buck Leroy Buck Frank Budesa, Sr. Paul Buessing James Buettner Elaine Buettner Al Buffington Joseph Bulawit Richard F. Bullard Richard F. Bullard Richard F. Bullard “My Sister” Keeta Bullough Kaarin Bumps Frank Bumps Sandra Bunda Don M. Burcham Paula Burgess Paula Burgess Bill Burgess Paula Burgess John Burgess Curtis Burke William F. Burke Marcy Burkhardt Jewel Burleson Frances Burlington Millie Burman David Burnham Bill Burnley Ed Burns Edward Burns Robert Neal Burnside William R. Burnside Eileen Burnside Phyllis Burnside Robert Burnside Robert Burnside Robert Neal Burnside William R. Burnside Phyllis Burnside Irl Burnside Jen Buron Ann Burr Clem Burr Herschel Burson Ray Burton Ray Burton Ray Burton Vella Burzloff Barbara Buscaglia Jackie Bush Colleen Bush David Bussey Lee Bussey Jess Bustamante J. J. Bustamante Sadie Bustos Ken Butler Jack R. Butler Jack R. Butler Jack R. Butler Jack R. Butler Betty Buyck Emil Cabral Toni Cabral George Yuri Cachero Mary Anne Cademartori Hy Cadenhead Tom Cady Frank & Anna Caetano Frank & Anna Caetano U.S. Army Spc. Mark Caguioa Ilene M. Cain Waneta Sue Cain Jack Cain Kenneth Cain Catherine Cain Eugene S. Calcagno John A. Calcagno Marguerite Calcagno Laura Calcaterra Frank Calderon Eleanor Callaway Georgia Callegari Eleanor Calloway Ike G. Calub Ike G. Calub Ike G. Calub Frank Calvelli David Camalleri Ernest Camara John Cambra John Cambra William J. Caminata Anthony Caminata Mary Caminata Sylvia Camp Katie Campbell Katie Campbell Katie Campbell Earlie Mae Campbell Robert D. Campbell Elizabeth M. Campbell William W. Campbell Gordon Campbell Katie Campbell Andy Campodonico Millie Canavan Dave & Lydia Canclini and Harry & Anita Arbios Dave Canclini Lydia Canclini Milo Candini Carmela Canepa Ted Canepa Claudia Canepa Steve Canepa Steve Canepa John Canepa John Canepa Mary Perry Canete Rosalyn Cano Jim Cansler Adan Cantu Paul Caporusso Lionel J. Carden Tony Cardoza Hank Cardoza Patrick N. Carey Gina Cariati
Donor Name Ms. Georgianna Garrison Norma M. Brown Patty Brown Phoebe Flynn Roger Sweet Rusty Tafoya Rusty Tafoya Tatiana Castleton Yvonne Brown Rebecca Brownfield Rebecca Brownfield Ellie Brumm Ellie Brumm Marjorie Proulx Ms. Hazel H. Lewis Rachel Crawford Gerald and Beverly Ascencio Barbara Bruns Eldon and Barbara Yates Jean and John Bryant Celeste Buchanan Miggie Wheat Claudia Buck Page Kelli Gesler-Buck Velma Scarborough Frank and Kim Budesa Cliff and Ann Johnston Steve Buettner Steve Buettner Jim and Linda Nylen Myda Bulawit Mary Bullard Mary Bullard Mary Bullard Sharon Pombo Susan Bumps Susan Bumps Milton and Ann Ziemann Greg and Shelley Burcham Lyle Burgess Lyle Burgess Nick and Penny Meyers Pat and Tom Wilson Prof & Mrs. Ted Takaya Cheryl Burke Ruth Burke Mr. Reinhold Burkhardt Julie Gelbke Ralph and Marjory Burlington Brenda and Bob Jones Matolynn, Hunter, Hannah, Harry, Hayden & Andrew Baird & Brenda Beeson and Beverly & Larry Crain Lillian Rich Mr. & Mrs. Dennis & Carol Burns Dave and Pam Dias Dave and Pam Dias Dave and Pam Dias Dave and Pam Dias Jan and Jay Redding Jean Hagan Margaret Abinanti Margaret Abinanti Margaret Abinanti Margaret Abinanti Farley and Charles Staniec Chuck and Deanie Bridewell Chuck and Deanie Bridewell David LaFargue Jose and Martha Santiago Jose and Martha Santiago Jose and Martha Santiago Elizabeth A. Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Jess Kerekes, Jr. Cloyse and Dolores Holland Vickie Hale Wetherell Stella Bussey Stella Bussey Cathy Drake & Sarah Bustamante Cathy Drake & Sarah Bustamente Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation David and Denise Rubiaco Denise Dyer Rosemarie and Ralph Moore Rosemarie and Ralph Moore Rosemarie and Ralph Moore Barbara Smith Jean Cabral Phyllis Sypnieski Gail & Brad Jones Jenna Cademartori Bobbe Xenos Lori Cady Laura C. Barrett Laura C. Barrett Maria Climaco-Caguioa Catherine Heighes Fred Cain John and Alberta Cain Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shands Virginia Wagers Dorothy Boccadoro Robert Calcagno Robert Calcagno Janet Lewis Alice Umbalin Julie Gelbke Gina Callegari Craig and Jewel Prosser Christine & King Calub Strange Rachel Calub Shermaine Calub Stephen and Marilyn Farnsworth Sherry Camalleri Karen King Karen Cambra Phyllis Brooks Dan and Kathy Caminata Robert and Letty Heininger Robert and Letty Heininger Robert Zanoni Chris and Dennis Olin Debbie Dittman Debbie Dittman Eugene Campbell Janet Campbell Janet Campbell Joy and Mike Panzer Mary Campbell the Waters (5 H20+) Ivan & Yolanda Hamlow & Ernie Giannecchini Terry Canavan David and Judy Canclini Neil and Janice Wagner Neil and Janice Wagner Viola Candini Mary Klevan Mary Klevan Mary Klevan Suzanne Canepa Suzanne Canepa Suzanne Canepa Suzanne Canepa Leatrice Sanchez George Ramirez Steve and Terasa Dannecker Anna M. Lopez Marie Caporusso Joyce Carden Betty L. Cardoza Betty L. Cardoza Margaret Dwyer William and Priscilla McGregor
Honoree/Memorial Name
Donor Name
Kori Kelley, Sixth Grader of Lockeford Elementary School, selected artist of the Lockeford /Clements Tree of Lights Art Cover Program.
Honoree/Memorial Name Leon & Camila Cardio and Isabella Jackson Jesse A. Carlile Pat “Gramps” Carloni Dominica “Nonie” Carloni Ernie and Rachel Anna Carlow Mike Carlson Michael R. Carlson Mike Carlson Vivian Carlston Winston Carmean Dorothy Carmona Lupe Carmona Michael F. Carney Lucille M. Carney Gloria Carpenter Frank Carr Casey Carr Nina Carr Mary Carr T.W. Carr Tony Carr Frank Carr Jose R. Carranza Steven Matthew Carreno Frances R. Carrillo Frances R. Carrillo Clara F. Carroll Ross Carruesco Manuel Carruesco Aldine Carsner Leslie E. Carson Fred Carstens Viola Carter Jack Carter Jack Carter Jack Carter Jack Carter Viola Garner Carter Viola Garner Carter Eugenia G. Carter Mike Carter Allen Carter Michele Carter Tony Caruso Tony Caruso Tony Caruso Mary Carvalho Marilyn Carver Mary Carver Marcie Carver Ida J. Cary Frank Casciaro Frank Casciaro Frank Casciaro John M. Casenave Louise Cashen Angela Casillas Angela Casillas Alva H. Casillas Helen Casillas Gwen Cassell Anna Cassidy Rudy Castagna Justin A. Castaneda Dolores Castanon Rito Castanon Laura Castanon Laura Castanon & Rito Castanon Chet and Dolores Castanon Chet and Dolores Castanon Chet and Dolores Castanon Chet and Dolores Castanon Chet Castanon Josephine & Samuel Casteline James E. Castle Tom J. Castles John Douglas Castleton (Casey) J. D. (Casey) Castleton Casey Castleton John Douglas Castleton (Casey) Sean Castner Ines Castro Augusta Castro Alfred J. Castro SFC Benjamin Tobias Caswell Elaine Caulfield Elaine Caulfield Peter Caulfield Raymond and Rosemarie Cavagnaro Al Cayere Meredyth Cecchetti Nicholas Cecchetti Judy Cecchettini Frank Cecchini Angelina A. Cecchini Ann Cefalu Peter Cefalu Tamra Celis Tamra Celis
East Union High School Choir directed by Mrs. Anne Talcott performed numerous songs during the Manteca Tree of Lights.
Donor Name Gloria Nomura Rita Osborn Danelle and Jeff Ferrari Danelle and Jeff Ferrari Thomas and Linda Castanon-Long Manuel and Donna Revillar Donald R. Gilbeau Jeanette R. Corder Mary Anne Carlson Frank and Claudia Prather Janet DelCarlo Ann Carmona Michael and Evette Latino Sherry Carney Sherry Carney Linda Salazar Dennis and Dayle Daniels Gerry and Ann Carr Gerry and Ann Carr Randy and Rosemary Hawley Randy and Rosemary Hawley Randy and Rosemary Hawley Susan Donahue Armida N. Carranza Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Ott Frank Carrillo Mr. & Mrs. Craig Marks Dennis and Shari Neroda Francine Thompson Francine Thompson Ron and Jeanne Lubin Lester W. Carson Beverly Hightower Annette Saldivar Carol Carter Carol Carter Carol Carter Carol Carter Frances Voyer Gail Lopez Juanita C. Rodriguez Kevin and Arica Arucan Mrs. Joanne Foster Ron and Charlotte Cheek Catherine Caruso Catherine Caruso Jack and Tina Leach Tess Aberle Edwin E. Carver Edwin E. Carver Edwin E. Carver Lynne Cary Frances Voyer Patricia Gabbard Shirley Schene William and Sheri Casenave Jim and Joan Deak Gary and Virginia Poggi Lucila Amezcua Lucila Amezcua Sharon Torres Don and Charmaine Lazzareschi Joseph A Costa Mrs. Debbie Evans Theresa Castaneda Cecilia G. Alvarez Rosemary Happoldt Rosemary Happoldt Thomas and Linda Castanon-Long Thomas and Linda Castanon-Long Thomas and Linda Castanon-Long Thomas and Linda Castanon-Long Vince and Jodi Castanon Vince and Jodi Castanon Betty Ann Dal Porto Karen Castle Gene & Melba Castles & children & grandchildren David, Tani, Chris & Michelle Preston JoAnne Garrett Marilyn J. Brown Tatiana Castleton Apryl Holdener Linda Castro Rose Vossmer Brenda Castro Mary and Gene Engles Joseph A Costa Susan Caulfield Susan Caulfield Edward and Beverly Kermgard Bob and Linda Kiffin Julie O’Brien Julio Cecchetti Cliff and Ann Johnston Catherine Cecchini Nello Cecchini Joan Cefalu Joan Cefalu Gilbert and Delia Celis Gilbert and Delia Celis
Honoree/Memorial Name Tamra J. Celis Gene Celli Wanda Centers Joe Cepeda Reid C. Cerney Joe Cerri Bruno Leo Cerri Candeleria Cervantez George Cervantes George Cervantes Janice Cervantes Meta Cessna Walda L. Chaban Theresa Chacon Theresa Chacon Ignacio Chacon Ignacio Chacon Ignacio Chacon Ignacio Chacon John Chaffin John F. Chaffin, Jr. Harold Chaffins Maggie Chamberlain Donald P. Chan Christina K. Chan Charlie Chan Donald P. Chan Christina K. Chan Donald Chan (Dad) Christina Chan (Mom) Ruth Chance Ruth Chance Cathy Chapman Diana Chapman Louis A. Chappuis Louis A. Chappuis Alexander and Lydia Chappuis Delbert Charamuga James A. Chard Diane G. Chard Robert N. Chargin La Verne Charles Bill Charlesworth Charlie “The Truck Driver” Nettie Chase Earl Chase Opaline Chase Opaline Chase Opaline Chase Opaline Chase Robert Chattin Robert Chattin Catherine M. Chavez Catherine M. Chavez Lupe M. Chavez Rudy Chavis Joseph Cheek Jean Cheetham Cheryl Cheney Tim Cherry Tim Cherry Timothy Cherry Tom Chester John & Sandy Chiappe Jason Chin Mary E. Chinchiolo Jim Chinchiolo Stella Chipman and Esabell Duff Mom & Pop Choffin Edmond Chow Edmond Chow Edmond Chow Edmond Chow Edmond Chow Marilyn Christen Jerry and Maxine Christensen Max and Jerry Christesen Norma Christian Loretta Christie Leys Christie Larry Chun Joe B. Church Linda J. Church Cleo Church Jerry Churchill Verne and Peggy Churchill Edythe Chute Arthur Chute Mike Ciccone Linda Cilley Magdalena Cisneros Mario and Alice Ciucci Leota Claire Bob Clark Darlene Clark Frances Clark Lewis Clark Virginia Clark Mary Clark Ron Clark Barbara M. Clark Helen Clark Gary James Clark Pat Clark Pamela M. Clark Frances Clark John and Allie Clark Barbara Clarke Ron Clause Jack E. Clayton Bradford E. Clayton Jack E. Clayton Brad Clayton Jack E. Clayton Derral Clemons Katherine Hill Tony Clemons Ann Louise Cloud Phil Coddington Erma Coe David Coe Tina Ramirez Cohen Howard G. Cohen Danny E. Coker Ben Cole Betty Cole Lloyd Cole Betty Rice Cole Kathleen Coleman Daniel E. Coleman Daniel E. Coleman Victoria Coll John Collier Jay Collier Patti Collins Lily Collins James Walker Collins Bert Collins Cesare Columbro Rose Columbro Connie Colvin Shirley Colyer Annie Comaskey Lois Combs Ray and Marie Combs Andy Compton Tom Compton Margaret Condit Judy Conklin Elnora Conn Randy Conn Randy Conn Gene Conord Art Conradt Art Conradt Art Conradt
Donor Name Sid and Helen Mireles Stephanie Celli Taylor Centers Maria De Russo Ann M Cerney Angela Cerri Angela Cerri Chris Perez Jackie Fleming Tracy Cervantes Tracy Cervantes Patrick and Barbara Cardona Valentine Chaban Karen Castle Karen Castle-Chacon Maria Chacon Maria Chacon Maria Chacon Maria Chacon Ambassador Charity Fund Mary A. Gaines Janet and Gary Chaffins Pearl M. Martin E. Walter and Nora Wager E. Walter and Nora Wager Haye B. Chan Jamie and Joanne Kho Jamie and Joanne Kho Lori Chan Lori Chan John and Dana Munoz Lucy Munoz Carrie Lane John and Sylvia Connelly Dorothy Snyde Jacqualine O. Chappuis Jacqualine O. Chappuis Suzanne Malta Cindi Forkum Cindi Forkum Ann M. Chargin Peter and Dena Piccardo Edith Charlesworth Steve Stevenson Diane Edwards Diane Edwards James and Patricia Pickering Jean F. Dean Jim and Axzine Woodward Ruth Little Grandchildren of R. Chattin Rose Chattin Donna Peters Lydia Schaffer Patricia Chavez Frank Chavis and Florence Ron and Charlotte Cheek Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hatfield Pat and Tom Wilson Alice Quinones Emily Escalante Sherryle Manley Darlene Hall Jeanne Rich Sylvia Minnick Becky Freeman Chuck and Jonnie Sullivan Loretta Creel Gale R. Choffin Danny Chow Diane Chow Dora Rutledge Dorothy Chow Vickie M. Chow Jennifer and Scott Emigh Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Dick and Janie Williams Carol Marvel Mrs. Diana Farano Mrs. Diana Farano Sonia Chun Edna Church Edna Church Mark and Cindy Ketcherside Beverly Dierking Bill and Audrey Churchill Jean Chute Jean Chute Jan Nichols Judy Vasquez Kathy Van Slyke Sharon Stokes Bob and Joy Augusto Adam, Devin & Debi Banez Anne Braden Anne Sheldon Cloyse and Dolores Holland Cloyse and Dolores Holland Dorothy West Ed Clark Ed Clark Gail Cummings Germaine Clark Susan Tirapelle Virginia Clark Virginia Clark Walt and Marilyn Dunbar John and Margaret Basalto Marilyn Peters Greg and Shelley Burcham Greg and Shelley Burcham Phyllis Clayton Phyllis Clayton Susan Moon 5 H20+ 5 H20+ 5 H20+ Darlene Talbott David LaFargue George and Marilyn Brown George and Marilyn Brown Eleanor R. Gonzales Kathy Tully Jeanne Manley Darlene and Jim Barnett Darlene and Jim Barnett Rod and Brenna McCleary Rod and Brenna McCleary Bill and Nadine Coleman Carol L. Coleman Debbie Maciel Bertha Miquel Lewis and Anita Collier Mark and Cindy Ketcherside Anne Ramspott Jennifer Collins Lodi Funeral Home Robbie L. Collins Judy Columbro Judy Columbro Richard Angulo Ken and Jane Colyer Pearl M. Martin Bob and Jean Combs Mel and Jan Mayer Karen Weiland Karen Weiland Barbara Henry Hale Conklin Sam, Donna & Tori Villagomez Sam, Donna & Tori Villagomez Sam, Donna & Troi Villagomez Lee Reilley Bonnie Conradt Bonnie Conradt Sue Brownfield
Hospice of San Joaquin 2010 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name Catherine Constantine June Cook Elsie Cook Gerald Cook Brenda Cook Opal Cook Clarence Cook Michael L. Cooke Maurice Cooper Jane Cooper Jim & Joel Cooper Robert Cooper Art Cooper Fran Cooper Joan C. Cooper Cheryl Lynne Cooper Linda Cope Linda Cope Linda Cope Mary Copher John Corbett John Corbett Anne H. Corder Arthur Cordero Francisco Cordero Maria Jesus Cordero Gene Cordone Jack Corell Hilda Corker Pat Corlett Evelyn Corley J.C. Corley Evelyn Corley Earl Cornelison Ira Gene Cornelison Donald Gene Cornelison Richard Cornelius Marcia Corpe Marcia Corpe Marcia Corpe Ignacio & Clementia Corrales Helen R. Correa Libby Corren Libby Corren Angeline Corrigan Leona Corrington Leona Corrington Grace Corry Tony Corsaro Tony Corsaro Fred Corsi Louis Corsiglia Pat & Janet Corso Salvador & Lucy Cortes Frank Cortez Luis L. Cortez Manuel and Sadie Cortez Bob Cosgrove Raymundo Coss Raymond Costa Gary R. Costa David Costa Jeramie Joseph Costa Louis A. Costa Anthony J. Costa Rose Costa Felix Costa David Costa Rena Costa Babe Costa Mary P. Costa Tony L. Costa Gary R. Costa Rena & Babe Costa Anthony L. Costa, Jr. Gary R. Costa Joe & Dorothy Costamagna Joe Costamagna Dorothy Costamagna Bert Costamagna Anna-Rosa Costamagna Mrs. Katie Costello Nadine Therese Costello Irene and Tony Costley John and Kathleen Coughlan Jack Coughran Jack Coughran Jack Coughran Pauline Courey Maurice & Rene C. Courtway Maurice & Rene C. Courtway Charles Cowger Della Lee Cowles Lanny Cowsert Carol Cox Shirley Cox Duane Cox Shirley Cox Dwayne Cox Andrew S. Cox Neil and Mary Cox Bertie Cox Diana Cox Robert Coyle Jane Coyle Your Son Zelda & Buzzy Craig Richard Crandall Richard Crandall Richard Crandall Danny Craven (Dad) Danny Craven Harry Crawford Harry Crawford Chris Crecelius Doris Crecelius Bill Crecelius Jeane Creed Esta Cremeans Kimberly Ann Crespi Kimberly Hoffman Crespi Kimberly Ann Crespi Bonita Crespo Helen Cress Helen Cress Helen Cress George Cress Tracey Gonsalves Criner Paula Croce Harry Crockett Harry Crockett Harry Crockett Harry Crockett Sister Gerry Crosby, SHF Charles C. Crosby
Donor Name Chris and Dennis Olin Debra A. Lawson Marcia Cook Marcia Cook Warren and Shirley White William and Dorothy Barnhart William and Dorothy Barnhart Dave and Pam Dias Donald and Joan Cooper Donald and Joan Cooper Edward and Beverly Kermgard Gary and Virginia Poggi Irene Jackson Jeane Reichert Joanne Vaughan-Cobb Roger and Joyce Bennett Diana Beck Gayle L. Walker Ray,Angela, Richard & Ramon Olgin Rose Vossmer Marilyn Corbett Marilyn Corbett Michael and Jennifer Hicks Yolanda Cordero-Niblock Yolanda Cordero-Niblock Yolanda Cordero-Niblock Steven and Christina Cordone Janet Corell Mary Mohrweiss Janice and Larry Cooper Pat McArdle Pat McArdle Philip and Janice Featherston Gloria J. Macey Olga C. Cornelison Olga C. Cornelison Bonnie Cornelius Holly & Victor Rigas, Jr. Judy Crosby Richard Corpe Lex and Joyce Wong-Corrales Koreen Freitas Hillard Corren Stuart Jacobs, M.D. Jeanette Farley & Sally Lance Cathy M. Noyes Vickie Wolff Jim and Marilyn Menasco Frank and Josephine Silva Frank and Josephine Silva Don and Arlene Potter Andrew and Louise Mangili Frank and Josephine Silva Sal and Irene Cortes Cathy Cortez Olivia Cortez Terry and Lisa Pruitt & Sons Bruce and Linda Dodge Mary Lou Coss Betty Costa Betty Costa Carmen J. Costa Carmen J. Costa Carol and Larry Minner Dolores Tranel Dolores Tranel Dolores Tranel Florence Hernandez Loretta and Bill Munger Loretta and Bill Munger Mary Pennini Mary Pennini Mike and Gloria Costa Mike and Gloria Costa Shari Woodall Wanda and Bill Whitaker Catherine Costamagna Booth Michael Costamagna Michael Costamagna Michael Costamagna Michael Costamagna Mr. and Mrs. Louie P. Rubino The Annuciation School First Grade Class John E. Allen Catherine Coughlan Coughran Mechanical Services John and Like Coughran Kirk and Lenese Coughran Jeanette Michaels Elizabeth Courtway Elizabeth Courtway Ron and JoAnn Jacobs Leonard and Wilma Wolfe Bruce and Deborah Bentz Cal and Betty Rodway David and Wendy Heinze David and Wendy Heinze Eloise Libhart Eloise Libhart Frances Caul Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Ms. Hazel H. Lewis Susan Caulfield Richard and Martha Bader Richard and Martha Bader Gloria J. Macey Judith Craig Michael Crandall Vivien Crandall Vivien Crandall Jessey Craven Linda Salazar Rachel Crawford Rachel Crawford Mary Laurel Filice Mary Laurel Filice Mary Laurel Filice Drs. Michael and Barbara Davis Alan and Elodee Behnke Donna and Robert Hoffman John and Jacqueline Gaffney Kathleen and Lauren Crespi Bill and Nadine Coleman Lucille Cooper Lucille Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Herman Spalinger Mr. and Mrs. Herman Spalinger Lee and Michelle Bethea Mr. and Mrs. August Mazzanti Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Judy Takemoto Mrs. Harry Crockett Werner Properties, Inc. Judy Crosby Judy Crosby
Honoree/Memorial Name Alice Crosby Kenneth Crosby Dorothy Cross William H. Crow Hal Crowden Hap Crowl Donna Crum Donna Crum Alan Crum Steven Alan Crum Melodie Don Crump Mary A. Crutchfield Lucille Cruz Frank Cucco Cugino Family James F Culbertson Fred Culpepper Patti Cumming Patti Cumming Patti Cumming Patti Cumming Patti Cumming Patti Cumming Patti Cumming Patti Cumming Patti Cumming Patti Cumming Marlene Cummings Helen Cummings George A. Cummings Bill Cummings William Cummings Alan Cummings Kala Cummings Kay Cundiff Gerald Cundiff Cathy Cundiff Thomas Cunningham Norma Cunningham Tom Cunningham David E. Cureton Gertrude Cureton Donna Curry-Buzzell Andrew Curtis Roy Curtis Bob and Flo Cutter Allen Ray Dal Porto Albert & Mary Dal Porto Caroline D’Albora Gaetano D. D’Albora Delmer Dale Harold Daley Linda Dalonzo Tobina Dalton Mrs. Robert Dalton Patty Dalton Verna Dambrosio Mario Dambrosio Joyce Damilano Retha Holland Dana Kenneth Daniel Joyce Daniel MaDolores Daniel MaDolores Daniel MaDolores Daniel MaDolores Daniel Mr. Al Daniels Allen Lyle Daniels Al Daniels Allen Daniels Wayne and Gayle Daniels 50th Anniversay Bill and Flo Daniels Karen A. Danielson Jonas H. Danielson Ted Dare Don Darling Leroy Darling Adelaide Darling Martha Darling Lois P. Darneal Eul C. Darneal Harold Darnell Adeline Darnell Tony Darone Joan Darrah Eleanor Darrow Dottie Dauth Stan Davenport Stan Davenport Jim Davidson Marge Davies Stephen G. Davies Tom Davini Jean Davis Deanna Davis Nelson Davis Deanna Davis Beth Davis Ginger Davis Pat Davis Mary Lou Davis Deanna Davis Nelson Davis Thelma Davis Dave & Jean Davis Almetrica Davis Deanna Davis Diana Davis Milton B. Davis Deanna Davis Neil Davis Diana Davis Donald Charles Davis Laveta Dawes Woodrow Dawes Laveta Dawes Barbara Dawson Rosie Day August (Ben) Day Rosie Day Ken Day Jerry Dayton Margaret R. De Albar Hazel De Ferrari Pete De Ferrari Betty De Flores Betty De Flores Val De Flores Val De Flores Junior De Hoyos Theresa De Lorenzo Donald De Martini Toni De Mello Lawrence De Ricco Lawrence De Ricco Lawrence De Ricco
Donor Name Judy Crosby Susan Crosby Robert and Ruth Johnson Patricia Crow Jane Crowden Marcia Cook Noel & Patti Stetson Noel & Patti Stetson Pat Crum Pat Crum Bill and Mina Ashlock Mrs. Kathy Crump Chuck Crutchfield Ruth Navarro Delta Lions Club Michele R. Duclo Patricia Culbertson Joan S. Inge Ann C. Schmitz Annette Stephens Frank Boyle, Jr. Kathleen Long Marie Boyle Marie Boyle Marie Boyle Marie Boyle Marie Boyle Susan R. Livesey Alberta Szakalski Gail Cummings Gail Cummings Jerry and Nancy Golz Kelli Gesler-Buck Robert and Dana Lapp Roy and Joyce Damilano Elizabeth A. Gilmore Elizabeth A. Gilmore Elizabeth A. Gilmore David and Katie Hale Frank Cunningham Louella Cunningham Mike and Patricia Cureton Mike and Patricia Cureton Catherine Heighes Bob and Lynne Hargis Pat Pyeatt Jerome Cutter Betty Ann Dal Porto Betty Ann Dal Porto Catherine Turney Catherine Turney Georgia Conner Moss Pickering John and Sue Errecart Dr. William G. Dalton Joyce Marks Richard and Marsha Griffith Cathi Melendez Cathi Melendez Kala Cummings Walter C. Dana Judith Cabral Maxwell Freeman Troy Daniel Troy Daniel Troy Daniel Troy Daniel Chuck and Sandy Hohn Glen and Catherine Baumbach John and Edie Miller Ray and Gay Cuenca Wayne and Gayle Daniels Wayne and Gayle Daniels Debbie Danielson Debbie Danielson Shirley Dare Frances Darling Frances Darling Frances Darling Frances Darling Bruce and Carol Fernandes Bruce and Carol Fernandes James and Shirley Lira James and Shirley Lira Joyce Darone James P. Darrah Kermit Darrow Hank and Mitzi Metzler Clinton and Kathleen Marshall Floyd C. Bentley, Jr. Pam Davidson Dorsey Melton Mary Cahill Cindy Martin Art and Pam Needham Betty Stanhope Carolyn Sakai Danella Smith David and Maryann Lenci Don Seibel Eldon and Barbara Yates Gloria Berlanga Greg Williams Janice and Larry Cooper Jessie Davis Judith Davis Judith Ross Katharine Cagle Kathy Doffin Michelle Hodsdon Nancy L. Mardis Oscar and Betty Francis Sarah Azevedo Vicki Horn Dorothy Edens Norma Dawes Norma Dawes Joseph A Costa Don Seibel Janet Bonner Jerry Day Ruth Day Dolores Dayton Cheryl J. Wisenor Joy and Chip Vignolo Joy and Chip Vignolo Jack and Grace De Flores Jack and Grace De Flores Jack and Grace De Flores Jack and Grace De Flores Jean De Hoyos Mike and Emily Paige Frances De Martini Herb and Jane Vargas Alma De Ricco H. Dean and Beatrice McNeilly H. Dean and Beatrice McNeilly
Sophia Respicio, selected artist of the Stockton Tree of Lights Art Cover Program, carries her appreciation gift after being recognized at the Lighting Ceremony.
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The Family of Lianna Allison: Britney Southern & Deanna Dixon, daughters; Deonne Jackson, sister; Yvonne Allison, mother, lit the 22nd Annual Stockton Tree of Lights at San Joaquin Delta College.
Honoree/Memorial Name Rose and Chris De Russo Lonnie Jay De Witt R. Della De Witt Herb Deacon Jack Deaderick Agnes Deaderick Al Dean June Dean Rose DeBenedetti Rose DeBenedetti Frank DeBenedetti Deceased Family of Sr. Bernadette Deceased Members Deceased Members of Co. #145, Lodi PFSA Deceased Members For Emblem Club #226 Deceased Members of Britto Family Adele DeCicco Nick DeGroot Mr. Albert Deiss Mildred Deiss Dr. Dennis Del Paine Mary Del Prete Victor Del Prete Quirino Del Rosario Fernanda Del Rosario Vince Del Signore Caterina Del Signore Ezio Del Signore Hazel Delaney Elizabeth Delfatti Ruben Delgado Robert Dell Aringa Joseph Della Santa Elsie Dellamandola Elsie Dellamandola Dorothy Dell’Era Ann Delmore Karin Delong Lollie Delph Adolph DelPrete Alex Delu Alex Delu Lionel Delucchi Virginia Delucchi Catherine Delucchi Virginia Delucchi Barbara Deluchi Joseph Deluchi Peggy Deluchi Rich DeMars Mary DeMartini A.J. Denk Kay Dennis Mary Denny Walter Denny Louis Derivi Haithem Derreja Delmer Derrick Donalee Derry Dee DeSelms Lynda DeShields Lynda DeShields Patricia (Cookie) Desilva Joseph and Benita Devencenzi Julia Devincenzi Lawrence Devincenzi Alex Dew Gino Di Puccio Mildred M. Dias Joseph A. Dias Henry Dias Raymond Diaz Tomassa Diaz Richard Martin Dick Richard Lee Dick Mrs. Merle Dick Gust Dicks Emma Dicks Sister Carol Marie Diemunsch Blanchie Dierking Robert Dietderich Rodney Dietderich Gene Dietrich Virginia Dietrich Mildred Dietz Bryan R. Dilley Mike Dillon Mike Dillon Jack Dillon Mike Dillon Jack Dillon Paul, Evelyn & Jack Dillon Mike Dillon Jack Dillon Mike Dillon Vince DiMaggio Gerald Ding William A. Dingle Irene Dingman Dino Dini Marina Dini Paul Dini Angelo Dini Saulle Dini Mary Dinkel Ralph Dinkel Joe Diohep Gina DiPuccio Gina & Gino DiPuccio Labri Dirkse John DiRosa Christine DiRosa Lorraine Watson Ditz Lorraine Watson Ditz Lorraine Ditz George Ditz, Jr. Patricia Dixon Nancy L. Dixon Nancy L. Dixon Nancy L. Dixon Bob Dixon Patricia Dixon Patricia Dixon Margaret Dobler Ruth Dobler Smith W. Dobson, III. Tracy Dockery Delvin Dodd Robert Dodge
Maria De Russo Jessie Davis Jessie Davis Harriet Judson Judy L. Gama Judy L. Gama Nance and Robert Lichter Steve Woodard Ann C. Schmitz Janice DeBenedetti Janice DeBenedetti Daughters of the Cross Joaquin Parlor No. 5 UPPEC Council #145, Lodi Stockton Emblem Club No. 226 Daughters of the Cross Jim DeCicco Kristine Verstl Susan and Shawn Mindt Susan and Shawn Mindt Patricia Macko Adelaide Del Prete Adelaide Del Prete Elizabeth Vasquez Elizabeth Vasquez Licia Beck Licia Beck Licia Beck Lucille Silveira Lucille Silveira Sara Munoz Jolene Dell Aringa Richard and Janet Ghio Diana Swan Ronald and Nancy Simmons Midge Dobbins Krissy Delmore-Davis Phyllis Sypnieski Jim and Linda Nylen Adelaide Del Prete Angie Ferrero Janice and Byron DeBenedettiSmith Judy Gatti Judy Gatti Patricia Albin Patricia Albin Dee O’Donnell Dee O’Donnell Randee L. Walshe Jennie DeMars Joan and Ed Fay Martha Denk Diane Altheide-Allen Alan Foster Alan Foster Rose Derivi Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Joseph A Costa Dorinda and Walt Givens Pat DeSelms DeWayne DeShields Dorothy Edens Don DeSilva Albert and Susan Ghio Geraldine Devincenzi Geraldine Devincenzi The Perman Family Loretta and Bill Munger Dave and Pam Dias Dave and Pam Dias Judith and Alfred Dias Bernice Diaz Kathleen Franco Darlene Dick Darlene Dick Prof & Mrs. Ted Takaya Marjorie Putnam Marjorie Putnam Elizabeth Lynch Beverly Dierking Helen Dietderich Helen Dietderich Scott and Carol Dietrich Scott and Carol Dietrich Mrs. Kathy Crump Irene Trudel Felix and Paulie Torlai Linda Dillon Linda Dillon Lyle Burgess Renaye Dillon Renaye Dillon Renaye Dillon William H. Keller William H. Keller Sharon Myers Mrs. Darlene Hieb Shirley and Karen Rose Jennifer J. Silva Teresa Dini Teresa Dini Teresa Dini Teresa Dini Teresa Dini Don and Judy Briggs Don and Judy Briggs Roberta Uecker Loretta and Bill Munger Mike and Gloria Costa Steve Stevenson Antoinette Berman Antoinette Berman Diane Stauffer Omega Nu Sorority Susan Caulfield Diane Stauffer Arlene Smith Ronald Dixon Ronald Dixon Ronald Dixon Terri Dixon Tola Eley and Christopher Eley Yolanda and Ivan Hamlow Fred and Kathy Scholl Kathy Van Dyke Norma G. Neal Lodi Sunrise Rotary Club Connie Giannini-Turner Bruce and Linda Dodge
Herb and Fran Dodini Don Dodson Don Dodson Marjorie Doe James Dolan Beverly Dombrowski Frances Dominguez Victoria Dominguez Eliseo (Alex) Dominguez John Dona Mary M. Donadio Marie Donadio Joe Donahue Joseph Donahue Jack M. Donaldson Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Donaldson Lucille Donaldson Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Donato Frank Donato Sam Donato Fred and Celesta Dondero Larry Dondero Al Dondero Joey Dondero Camilo Donia, Sr. Norma D. Donis Robert V. Donis Walter Donis Walt Donis Kevin J. Donnelly Katherine Donohoe Carol Stephens Dooley James Dorrigan Mary Dawes Dorris Robert E Doscher, Jr. Marcia Doty Arthur G. Doty Bill Dougherty Anne Dougherty Craig Douglas Gloria Dovichi “RedHatter” Raquel Dow Doug Dowden Amos Dowdy Helen Dowdy Brent Dowhower Kenny Downer June S. Downer Edna Downing Beverly J. Doyle Jack Doyle Richard E. Dragonetti Bill Drake Yvonne Drake Melissa Drake John Drake Bill Drake Shirley Drake Shirley and Donald Drake Donald Drake David Drew David Drew Patty Droivold Patty Droivold Marta Dron Marta Dron Les Drury Bob Du Bose Stanley DuBart Margaret DuBart Katie DuBois Duclo Family Leo Duffy Annette Duffy Janet Dugger Janet Dugger Janet Dugger Susan Dunes LaVerne and Milo Dungan Tom Dunkel Emma J. Dunn Horace G. Dunn Philip Dunn Phil Dunn Phil Dunn Phil Dunn Mark Anthony Duran Dennis Durston Robert Dutcher Nilda Dutra Edward Dutra Manuel & Maria Dutra Raymond Dutra Viola Dutra Arnold Dutra Wayne Dutra Kathy Dyck Ted and Melba Dye Don Dyer Mary Dyer Dr & Mrs L.H. Dyke, Jr Alice Eaddie Alice Eaddie Weedie Eakes Leon H. Eakes Milton Eaton Milton Eaton Pete Ebenhack Don Echelard Danene Edalgo Arnold Edens Lilia Edgell Char Edgington Winnie Edmondson William “Willie” Edwards Beatrice Edwards Beatrice Edwards Mrs. Evalyn Edwards Tom Egan Melissa Egan Kathy Egan Melissa Van Noate Egan Wallace Egeland Merle (Grandpa) Egeland Ethel Egeland Don Eggers Arnold Eggett Evelyn Eggett
Kathy Tully Judy Dodson Koreen Freitas Susan E. Whaley Darci Dolan Tamara and Tony Sanfilippo Doris Perez Kristine Verstl Lillian Dominguez Floyd C. Bentley, Jr. Arnaudo Bros. Inc Joanne L. Donadio Dennis and Dayle Daniels Susan Donahue Jane E. Donaldson Michael and Rene Donaldson Mr. and Mrs. Bob Garibaldi Cathy McAlister Cathy McAlister Cathy McAlister Bernice Lea Beverly Dierking George, Gayle, Kyle & Kendall Kenyon The Stevano Family Mel & Debra Donia Janette Donis Janette Donis Janette Donis Rae Charos Kirk and Lenese Coughran Duane Donohoe Jeanne Symons Mrs. Alberta Dorrigan Norma Dawes Dottie Doscher Carroll Doty Jim and Joan Simpson Anthony Pezzi Lynne Austin Thelma Douglas Ed and Judi Oliveria Bob and Patty Slauson George, Gayle, Kyle & Kendall Kenyon Wyman and Andrea Osborn Wyman and Andrea Osborn Billie Corder Karen Miller Susan R. Livesey Gary and Karen Rose Dan & Carrie Doyle Pat and Harriet Doyle Mary Mohrweiss Cathy Drake & Sarah Bustamante Cathy Drake & Sarah Bustamante Cathy Drake & Sarah Bustamante Cathy Drake & Sarah Bustamente Donna Goyette Moss Pickering Moss Pickering Moss Pickering John E. Metrovich Marlene Drew J.R. Droivold Pearl M. Martin Patty Lira Shelley & Shane Maynard Jessie R. Drury Charity Owen Nance and Robert Lichter Nance and Robert Lichter Edward and Beverly Kermgard Michele R. Duclo Anne H. Duffy Anne H. Duffy Gayle Kenyon Roger and Kay Bianchi Thelma Stewart Don and Carol Kirkendall Sharyn Dungan James Vestri Dorothy and Stan Sandelius Dorothy and Stan Sandelius Judy Takemoto Lee and Sue Dempsey Marjorie Dunn Peter and Jeanne Lenz Maggie Rangel Robert and Kathleen Elliott Russ and Janet Adams Joyce Darone Joyce Darone Mark Brooks Patricia Wyatt Patricia Wyatt Patricia Wyatt Patricia Wyatt Cal and Betty Rodway James Maguire Evelyn Dyer William and Judith Kenney Jack and Mary Stirton John W. Williamson Terry and David Parker Wendy and Gary Frush Wendy and Gary Frush Louis and Janice Thanas Louis and Janice Thanas Helen R Brant Financial Decisions Don Seibel Dorothy Edens Linda Thomas Mike and Janet Hagan Patty Ceppi John and Judy Frerichs Mary McCleary Sandra Mello Wayne and Gayle Daniels Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation John and Elaine Sandman Adrienne Egeland Adrienne Egeland Adrienne Egeland Gloria J. Macey Melanie Eggett Melanie Eggett
Hospice of San Joaquin 2010 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name Kenneth JG Ehlers Albert Eichele Sally Eichele Richard Eichenberger Bertha Eisner Carl and Mildred Eklund Lugean Eleazer Elinor Eley Della Elia Manuel A. Elias Manuel A. Elias Manuel A. Elias Ida Elkins Cindy Elliot Vincent Ellis Roberta Ellsbury Russell Ellsbury Glenn Elrod Jean Elsey Mary J. Elwood Mary J. Elwood Darce Emerson Victor Emery Lester & Elizabeth Emigh John W. Emigh Ted Endicott Judy Eng Harriet Englert Gloria Ennes Gloria Ennes Gloria Ennes John R. Enos, Jr. Dexter Enos Howard Ensele Paul Epperson Gerald & Lucille Epple Pam Epps Clara Epstein George Erdman George Erdman Glenn S. Erickson Rosemary T. Erickson Glenn and Rosemary Erickson Dominic Errecart Dominic Errecart Calvin Ervin Victor Escalante Jesus Escobedo Jesus Escobedo Dolph Esparcia Dolph Esparcia Dolph Esparcia Dolph Esparcia Dolph Esparcia Dolph Esparcia John Espinoza Daniel Esposeto Anna Esposito Mickie Esser Troy Estes Felimon Estioco Mr. & Mrs. Jose Estrada Eleanor Estrada Lucio Estrada Peter Estrada Bernarda E. Estrada Lucio Estrada Angelita Estrada Leo Estrada Caroline Estrada Dinah Estrada-Moreno Orien K. Etcheverry Gary Eutsler Gary Eutsler Alan Eutsler Mr. Gary Eutsler Don Evans William Everett Evans Sibyl Irene Evans Nanny Evans John C. Evans Bubba Evans Betty B. Evans Gordon Evanson Janice Everitt May Eversole May Eversole Joanne Eversole Elaine Evgenikos C. Bernice Evinger Merle L. Evinger Harry & Vera Eybs Peter Fadelli Eleanor Fagundes Nancy Fair Clarence Fair Kathy Fair Quintin Falk Robert Falkner Robert Fallon Beatrice Fallon Linda Fallon Faltersack Family Blevins Family Celle Family The Natali Family Seifert Family Turner Family Joe Fanucchi Rose Fanucchi Roy Fanucchi Primo Farano Lily Farano Charles Farano Maloree Farano Jamil Farhat Margaret Farley Jerry Farley, Jr Rosemary Farley Elaine Farmer Leon Farmer Leon Farmer Farnsworth Family Julia Oma-Farr Elvera Farros Donald Faszer Charles Faszer James Faught Edith Feary Monroe Featherston Lani & Dexter Fedor Lani & Dexter Fedor Johnny Fegett Larry Felchle Bill Felix John Felix Elvis Felix M. Felix Helen Felix Patty Fensterwald Delfin Fernandez David S. Fernandez Julia Ferraiolo Joe V. Ferraiolo Fortunato Ferraiolo Italia “Grandma Tal” Ferrari George “Grandpa” Ferrari Beast and Bella Ferrari Fred and Eleanor Ferrari Donna Ferrera Donna Ferrera John L. Ferrero John L. Ferrero Alejandro C. Ferreyra
Donor Name Nancy Ehlers Lee Eichele Lee Eichele Dorion Eichenberger Kathy Van Dyke Lani Swann Eklund Joan S. Inge Tola Eley and Christopher Eley Florence Hernandez Rosie Elias Rosie Elias Rosie Elias Albert and Susan Ghio David and Denise Rubiaco Helen and Frank Alegre Bonnie Ellsbury Bonnie Ellsbury John and Lyndy Walker Joe Elsey Lee Elwood Scott and Janice Kyles Debbie Vasquez Kathy Doffin Jennifer and Scott Emigh Joy Vaughan Bob and Lynne Hargis Diane Huey Darlene Talbott Russell and Mabel Martin Sharon Myers Suzanne Malta Alice Smith Suzanne Malta Donna Ensele Ms. Janet C. Heiman Barbara Henry Linda Thomas Linda Radin Andrew and Elizabeth Erdman Louise Erdman Kathy Erickson Kathy Erickson Maureen, Kim & Kelley John and Sue Errecart Lee and Sue Dempsey Hazel I. Ervin Emily Escalante Jessica Escobedo Louie the Plumber Sheila Esparcia Sheila Esparcia Sheila Esparcia Sheila Esparcia Sheila Esparcia Sheila Esparcia Maggie Rangel Elmer and Donna Smith Anna Koenig Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kinser Lon and Sharon Estes Vera Estioco-Felix Bruce and Tina Keplinger Dianne M. Taylor Eliza Munzo & Family Emilia and Karen Estrada Emilia and Karen Estrada JoAnn Estrada Rosalie Villa Rosalie Villa Rosalie Villa Rosalie Villa David LaFargue Joan Barker Lori Hicks Lori Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Louie P. Rubino Ella Evans Galen and Darlene Gribaudo Galen and Darlene Gribaudo Joan Fiske Lee Ann Evans Nancy L. Mardis Sandra K. Evans Frances De Martini 5 H20+, Rich & Joanne Waters Donald and Kathleen Riggio Dr. Kathleen A. Hart Dr. Kathleen A. Hart Janet DelCarlo Yvonne Lock Yvonne Lock Donnie Hernandez Peter and Jeanne Lenz Pamela J. Fagundes Joanne Vaughan-Cobb Karen Buchanan Karen Buchanan Dameron Hospital Nursing Council Elisebeth Falkner Rayna Mahlman Rayna Mahlman Rayna Mahlman Phyllis Brooks Al and Bonnie Blevins Lawrence and Pat Seifert Lawrence and Pat Seifert Lawrence and Pat Seifert Lynn and Sharlyn Bedford Pete and Jackie Fanucchi Pete and Jackie Fanucchi Pete and Jackie Fanucchi Mrs. Diana Farano Mrs. Diana Farano Mrs. Diana Farano Mrs. Diana Farano Elmer and Rasheeda Clawson Jeanette Farley & Sally Lance LaTonia Farley Mike and Margie Mordaunt Corine Herrera Mary McCleary Rod and Brenna McCleary Sara Balkwill Ed and Laverne Farr Denise Saffels Annette Faszer Annette Faszer Wanda Faught Pat and Coraleta Rogers Mary Ann Welder Dexter Fedor Grace Fedor Wil, Sue, Wil Jr., & Clay Fegett Mark and Sandra Driscoll Darlene Hall Eleanor Felix Gail and Marvin Wigley Gloria J. Macey Vera Estioco-Felix Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Fensterwald Lucy Palm Martha Guzman Mary Fornaciari Mary Fornaciari Mary Fornaciari Danelle and Jeff Ferrari Danelle and Jeff Ferrari Danelle and Jeff Ferrari Ernestine and Douglas Null Alan Foster Mike, Cathy and Nicole Otte Angie Ferrero Susan Ferrero Sandra Ferreyra
Honoree/Memorial Name Michael Fetherlin Mike Fetherlin Mike Fetherlin Mike Fetherlin Mike Fetherlin Tony Ficovich and Colette Van Vranken Steve Field Steve Field Steve Field Branden Field Mark Field Ed Field Steven T. Field Josephine Flores Figueroa Emma Filice Carmen Filice Paula Filipelli Emma M. Filipelli Joe L. Filipelli Lenora Filler Jane Filler Maxine D. Filson Ethel Finch Todd Finck Violet “Mimi” Finck Daniel “Papa” Finck Lucky and Rowdy Finck Marles Finos Melvin E. Finos Mel Finos Modesto Fiori Honey Fiori Merle Fischer Robert Fischer Mary Fischer Paul Fischer Anna Fischer Meier Bob Fisher Anne Fisk Harold Fisk James E. Fiske (Chubbs) Jim Fiske James E (Chubbs) Fiske James E. Fiske Ruth & Mike Flaherty Basil Fleming, Jr Brian Keith Fleming James Sherman Fleming, Sr Esther Flemister Rosina Flocchini Rosina Flocchini Emanuel Flocchini Emanuel Flocchini Andrea G. Flocchini Andrea G. Flocchini Andrew Flocchini Steven Flocchini Rosina Flocchini Emanuel Flocchini Andrea G. Flocchini Violet Flolo Peggy Flom Ruby Flores Phillip P. Flores Feliciano O. Flores Ramona Flores Juni Flores Charles Focacci Rose Focacci Orin Focacci Harriet Foley Robert J. Foley, Sr. Colleen Ann Foley Anna Fong Anna Costa Fonseca Jeannine Fonseca Rosa Fontes Eurico Fontes Ed Ford Teri Ford John Ford Teri Ford Nicholas M. Ford Jonathan Ford Claude E. Fore Michael Foreman James Formento Lori Formento Lori Formento Lori Formento Bob Formoso Alecia Fornaciari Phil Fornaciari Josephine Fornaciari Tom Fornaciari Bobbi Forsberg Donna Forsch Judith Forst Terry Forsyth Lee Foster Irma Foster Ivey Foster Roy Bob Foster Jeffrey Alan Foster (Son) Cecil W. Foster Roy B. Foster Morton Foster Alberta Mae Foster Alberta Mae Foster Alberta Mae Foster Jonny Foster Iris Fotheringham Dr. Donald & Iris Fotheringham Betty and Jerry Foulger Eleanor Fountain Robert Fountain Renee Fournier Louise Foutch Carl Fowler Marion J. Fowler Donald E. Fox Donald E. Fox John Fox Donald E. Fox Anna Fraga Silva Inez Fraker Walter Fraker Anne Franchecci Manny Franco Jean Franke Catherine Franklin Eleanore Franks Bill Franz Jack Frates Pete Frati Dorothy Frattini Alma Fray Robert J. Frazier Larry R. Frazier Austin C. Frederick Kelly Freed Donald Freed Lillian Freed Don Freed, Jr. Kelly Freed Paris James Freedle (Jim) Bill Freeman Freddy Freeman Kinser Freeman Becky Freeman Rose and Alfred Freggiaro Rose A. Freggiaro Alfred Freggiaro
Donor Name
Honoree/Memorial Name
Donor Name
Honoree/Memorial Name
Jan and Jay Redding Jim Garrett JoAnne Garrett Lydia and Mel Kelley Lydia and Mel Kelley Mrs. Nancy Field Susan Field Leticia Jose Mary Laurel Filice Mary Laurel Filice Joe Filipelli Joe Filipelli Joe Filipelli Arlene Smith Rinehart and Marilyn Heinitz Richard and Ann Filson James and Lois Finch Danelle and Jeff Ferrari Danelle and Jeff Ferrari Danelle and Jeff Ferrari Danelle and Jeff Ferrari Kristy Zane Marles Finos Stephen and Nancy Scott Robert and Vickie Schulz Robert and Vickie Schulz Frieda Fischer Frieda Fischer Rita Jackson Victoria Denney Victoria Denney George and Margaret Smith Chuck and Deanie Bridewell James and Angela Fisk Joan Fiske John L. Kosta Ray and Julie Wetteland Terri and Brian Katz Joyce and Herbert Speckman Kimberlee Roider Mike and Patricia Cureton Mike and Patricia Cureton Elizabeth Ginn Agnes Nieddu Agnes Nieddu Agnes Nieddu Agnes Nieddu Agnes Nieddu Agnes Nieddu Betty and Joseph Fugazi Betty and Joseph Fugazi Teresa Dini Teresa Dini Teresa Dini Kenneth Flolo Jan Arlene Foucher Harold and Nancy Flores-Rouse Herman P. Flores Isabelita Galvez John and Rosa Solis John and Rosa Solis Gerry Focacci Gerry Focacci Gerry Focacci Noeleen J. Tyrrell The Bob Foley Family The Bob Foley Family Mr. Thomas Y. Fong Joseph A Costa Robert and Susan Frediani Arlind and Jean Fontes Arlind and Jean Fontes Connie Giannini-Turner George Martin, Jr. Joyce Marks Lisa Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Randy Rigato Vickie Hale Wetherell Claudette Gaydon Bev and Bob McColl Dolores Formento John J. Formento Mrs. Diana Farano Wanda Pardini Bob Rimington Mary Fornaciari Mary Fornaciari Mary Fornaciari Mary Fornaciari Harry Rieber Sylvia Minnick Wanda and Bill Whitaker Dr. Benjamin Morrison Alan Foster Alan Foster Alan Foster Annalies Foster From Mom Mary Foster Mary Foster Mrs. Joanne Foster Richard Morrison Richard Morrison Richard Morrison Sarah Foster Carol Copeland Tom and Janet Thompson Patti and Mike Schneider Roberta Alvarez Roberta Alvarez Ann Ioppini Carol Martinelli Mr. and Mrs. Rudy V. Bilawski Mr. and Mrs. Rudy V. Bilawski Connie Fox Diana Costa Manteca Junior Womens Club Ron Fox Georgia G. Pierce Darleen Fraker Darleen Fraker Roberta Alexander Kathleen Franco Gary Franke and Rhonda AvillaFranke Marie McNamara Terry and Patricia Bart Felix and Paulie Torlai Jim and Mae Hamm Licia Beck Robert Frattini Nancy Whitaker Betty Finamore Charlotte Frazier Mary Frederick Lois Sbragia Lois Sbragia Lois Sbragia Lois Sbragia Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wick Mrs. Tammy White Daniel and Nancy Bonnet Joyce Freeman Karen Angerstein Marvin and Darla Pardee Mike and Diana Machado William and Grace Machado William and Grace Machado
Donor Name
Deacon Susan Reeve, of St. Brigid’s Episcopal Church offers the Invocation at the Rio Vista Tree of Lights during the evening of December 4, 2010.
Christopher & Jennifer Fetherlin Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anzaldo Stephanie Fetherlin Stephanie Fetherlin Stephanie Fetherlin Margaret Ficovich
Honoree/Memorial Name Alejandra Fregoso Hazel Frei Ernie Freitas Barbara Freitas Mike Freitas Frank Freitas Fran Freitas Marc Freitas Marc Freitas Marc Freitas Marc Freitas Frankie and Danny Freman La Verne French Judy French Judy French Grandma Hertha French Grandma Hertha French Jay Frerichs Julia Friedle Jay Friedman Grace Friend Grace Friend Grace Friend Dennis Frisbie Duraine Frisk Graham Frost Beatrice A. Frost Mary Fruchey Richard Frush “Red Hatter” Carol Fuchigami Cecelia Fugazi Louis D. Fugazi Dick Fujii Mary Fujii Helen Fukuhara Kevin Fulgham Phillip Fultano Papa Phillip Fultano Papa Phillip Fultano Papa Phillip Fultano Papa Phillip Fultano Viola Fulton Phyllis Fung Albert Fung Preston Funkhouser, Sr. Lillian Furchner Frank Furtado Max Futrell GFWC Woman’s Club of Stockton Jim Gabbard Jim Gabbard Claude Gabriel Robert “Uncle Bobby” Gagnon Bobby Gagnon Bobby Gagnon Genie Gagnon Bobby Gagnon John L. Gail Audrey Gail Bill Gaines Martin Galindo Virginia Galindo Floyd Gall Mrs. Helen Gallagher James Gallagher Alberta “Dee Dee” Gallagher Alberta “Dee Dee” Gallagher Virginia Gallagher Judy Gallaty Harold Gallaway Andrew Gallegos Mrs. Pearl Gallegos Mrs. Pearl Gallegos Mrs. Pearl Gallegos Mrs. Pearl Gallegos Bobby Gallegos Pearl Gallegos Mrs. Pearl Gallegos James A. Galli Marie Galligan Marie Galligan Susie Galvez Francisco C. Galvez Susie Galvez Nick Galvez, Jr. Nick Galvez, Jr. Jeanette Galvin Mrs. Gamaza Frederic Gamboni Refugio Gamino James and Mary Ganzer Xue Yi Gao Irene S. Garavano Irene S. Garavano Guadalupe S. Garcia Joe Garcia Elsie J. Garcia Donald H. Garcia Patricio O. Garcia Cleo M. Garcia Lester Gardiner Shari Gardiner Edward Gardner Lani M. Gardner Mykah Gardner Margaret Garduno Robert Garibaldi Wilma and Ernie Garibaldi Joshua Garner Susannah Kelly-Garrett Emily Garrigan John Vincent Garrison Joe Garsino Joe Garsino
Donor Name Maria Fregoso Darci Dolan Cindy and Jim Freitas Cindy and Jim Freitas Cindy and Jim Freitas David and Maryann Lenci Edward Freitas Judy Dodson Koreen Freitas Ray and Lori Moreno Roberta Unger Florence Hernandez and Frank Charity Owen Floyd and Lace Nordwick Floyd and Lace Nordwick Jim and Pat Easterbrook Judy Easterbrook John and Judy Frerichs Florence Hernandez Russ and Janet Adams Lynn Crumpacker Marie and Stephen Guasco Mark and Paula Friend Amy Roberts Judy Vasquez Glen and Linda Halligan Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olson John and Edna Fruchey Wendy and Gary Frush Bob and Patty Slauson Betty and Joseph Fugazi Betty and Joseph Fugazi David, Stephanie & Miya Cheng David,Stephanie & Miya Cheng Shirley Parks The Hartley Family Bob and Romi Myers Dylan Pendley Fred Eggemeier & Dolores Moscatelli Kathy Fultano Taylor Pendley Jerry and Nancy Golz Judge and Mrs. Frank Kim Judge and Mrs. Frank Kim Leona Funkhouser Lorraine Yancy Carolyn Mora Judi Slayton CA Federated Woman’s Club of Stockton Patricia Gabbard Sharon De Cicco Claudette Gaydon John and Kimberly Melcher Krista Hamby Robert and Lana King Robert and Lana King Vicki Braun John and Yvonne Gail John and Yvonne Gail Mary A. Gaines Ronnie and Kathleen Galindo Ronnie and Kathleen Galindo Ada Gall Don and Sharon Hathaway Mary Gallagher Patrick Gallagher Patrick Gallagher Vickie Hale Wetherell Lisa Garcia Dorothy Gallaway Barbara Avey Barbara Avey Barbara Avey Barbara Avey Barbara Avey Barbara Avey Marianne Prieto Patti Yep Genevieve Galli Andrew Galligan Andrew Galligan Eve Galvez Isabelita Galvez Nick Galvez, Sr Eve Galvez Nick Galvez, Sr Ms. Hazel H. Lewis Ron and Pam Caballero Rae Charos Diane Stewart Anne Braden Tony Gao Joan and Henry Shea Rich and Joanne Waters (5H20+) Denise Garcia Helen and Frank Alegre Karen Bongi Karen Bongi P.J. and Don Hern P.J. and Don Hern Betsy J. Gardiner David and Denise Rubiaco Geraldine Devincenzi Grace Fedor Nancy Rausch Christine Correa Al and Teresa Garibaldi Mr. and Mrs. Bob Garibaldi Nick and Penny Meyers Susan Field Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Ms. Georgianna Garrison Mike and Doris Powers Phyllis Garsino
Dave Ayers, Sr., Pacific Gas & Electric, Hospice of San Joaquin’s Tree of Lights volunteer, works on the Tree setting for the 22nd time. (Dave Ayers has volunteered since the first Hospice of San Joaquin Tree of Lights)
Honoree/Memorial Name Joe Garsino Gary and Jack Judy Garza Judith Ann Garza Ruth Gaston Gene Gaston Nick Gates Cathlynn Gates Margaret Gaugel Margaret Gaugel Harry Gay Harry Gay P.J. Gayles Neil Gedda Neil Gedda Neil Gedda Neil Gedda Betty Gehman Carl Geib Edith Geiger Richard Geigle Richard Geigle Shirley Geil Jean Geimer Jean Geimer David Geist Tara Geiszler Dorothy Tara Geiszler Leonard Geiszler Maxine & John Gemelos Joseph Genecco Joseph Genecco Peter Genova Katy George Dan George Laura George Danny George Jim Gerard Robert C. Gerber Robert C. Gerber Bob Gerber Audrey German Patricia A. Haley Herbert Gevedon Joseph and Angela Ghio Delia Ghio Henry Ghio Delia Ghio Delia Ghio Clint Giacomini Albert Giambruno Richard Giambruno Inez Giambruno Margaret Gianelli Albert Gianelli Margaret A. Gianelli-Saunders Eddie Giannecchini Zelda Giannecchini Carlo Giannecchini Ralph & Zelda Giannecchini Fred Giannecchini Giovanni Giannecchini Eddie Giannecchini Zelda Giannecchini Zelda Giannecchini Ed Giannecchini Ben and Nell Giannecchini Rudy Giannini Rudy Giannini Rudy Giannini Rudy Giannini Rudy Giannini Sirio Giannini Armando Giannini Anita Giannini Anita Giannini Armando Giannini Rudy Giannini Bruno Giannini Arthur Giannini Emilie Walser Giannini Vasco Giannini Anita & Mondo Giannini Rita Giannini Williamson Joan Giboney Mark Gibson Eugene Gibson Fred Gibson Betty Gienger Bertha Gienger Donald M. Gilbeau Rita M. Gilbeau Rita M. Gilbeau Donald M. Gilbeau Rita M. Gilbeau Mary Gilbeau Clarence Gilbeau James Gilbeau Carlton and Susan Gilbert Lauren Gile Earl Gilgert Barbara Gilgert Tarsem Gill James S. Gillen James S. Gillen and Family Bobby and Bob and June Gillespie Cleo Gilliland Mrs. Pui K. Gin Lisa Gini Lisa Gini Grandma Ginny Jo Giometti Joseph J. Giometti Gene Giordano Gene Giordano Betty Giorgi George Giovando George Giovando George Giovando George Giovando George Giovando Albino and Mary Giovando George Giovando George Giovando George Giovando George Giovando George Giovando Albino and Mary Giovando Leno S. Giovannetti Adolph & Ernestine Giavannoni Teeny Giovannoni Sandy & Alan Giovannoni Adolph Giovannoni Ernestine Giovannoni Anthony Giovenetti Kimberley Giovenetti Tom Gipson Louis Girardi Louie Girardi Louie Girardi Alberta Giron Gordon R. Gittere Mary Giuliani Phyllis Given Dan Given Patricia Givens Barabra Gladius John A. Gledhill Lewis Glenday Javier Gloria Armando Gloria Amado Gloria Delmar Glover Nellie Goehring Armando Gogna Johanna Gogna Vern Gogna
Donor Name Sharon Amestoy Kathy and Calvin Lee Jan Nichols Lauren D. Michel Diana Flynn Diana Flynn Barbara Avey Christy Reinold John Gaugel Wendell Youngsma Marie Mills Vivian M. Gay Joan S. Inge Donna Gedda Donna Gedda Donna Gedda Donna Gedda Steve and Delayn Gehman Ken and Gayle Riley D’art Wines Cindy Geigle and Kaitlyn Harris John and Margitta Christolos Mrs. Mary Geil Anita Baker Terry and David Parker Ida Geist Richard and Carla Hiatt Sharon L. Bearg Tom and Lynelle Williams Elaine and John Kluve, Jr. Cheryl Genecco Jennifer Ramirez Jim and Linda Nylen Audrey George Chris and Dennis Olin Greg and Shelley Burcham Peter and Judith Tirapelle Sarah Gerard Georgena and Reno Chiarello Georgena and Reno Chiarello Gregory and Rhonda Olvera Tim and Kathleen Clark Kelli Gesler-Buck Elizabeth Lynch Albert and Susan Ghio Glenda Ghio Glenda Ghio Louise Della Santa Richard and Janet Ghio Megan Dyk Lena Giambruno Lena Giambruno Lena Giambruno Norman and Esther Foster Norman and Esther Foster John Gianelli Chuck and Deanie Bridewell Earl and Janet Burdick Ivan & Yolanda Hamlow & Ernie Giannecchini Ivan & Yolanda Hamlow & Ernie Giannecchini Ivan & Yolanda Hamlow & Ernie Giannecchini Ivan & Yolanda Hamlow & Ernie Giannecchini Ivan & Yolanda Hamlow & Ernie Giannecchini Louise Della Santa Richard and Margaret Mallett Thomas and Barbara Prato Yolanda and Ivan Hamlow Christina Giannini Christopher and Janet Ford Christopher and Janet Ford Christopher and Janet Ford Connie Giannini-Turner Flora Giannini James and Angela Fisk James and Angela Fisk Jennifer and Gary Giannini Jennifer and Gary Giannini Noris Bohannon Noris Bohannon Noris Bohannon Noris Bohannon Robert and Susan Frediani Shirley Schene Noris Bohannon Richard Giboney Dave and Pam Dias Joanne Gibson Marilyn J. Gibson Christine Ballard Russell and Mabel Martin Donald R. Gilbeau Donald R. Gilbeau Jeanette R. Corder Mary Anne Carlson Mary Anne Carlson Susan and Bob North Susan and Bob North Susan and Bob North Susie and Carlton Nick and Penny Meyers Laurence and Joanna Ashlock Laurence and Joanna Ashlock Ranjit Kaur DMP Properties, LLC Mary Gillen Thomas and Linda Castanon-Long Jaquilyn and Jack Gilliland Lilli Soe Collins Electrical Company Inc. Eugene and Dianne Gini Cindy Salentine Isela Ruiz Lawrence Josephine Giometti Lois Giordano Scott, Renee, Andrew and Sarah Grafius Patti and Mike Schneider Clifford Marshall Debra A. Lawson Felix and Paulie Torlai Flora Giannini Gail Marganelli Gail Marganelli Gary and Patricia Merkel Janet Schuh Joy Gittere Louis and Carol Norley Nadine Giovando Nadine Giovando Tillie Giovannetti Cindy and Patrick Piccardo Janice and Larry Cooper Joyce and Herbert Speckman Nick and Penny Meyers Nick and Penny Meyers W. Faye Giovenetti W. Faye Giovenetti Sandy Maslen Flora Giannini Susan Lenz Susan R. Livesey Andres Rallojay Joy Gittere Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bezemer Lino and Linda Giovacchini Lino and Linda Giovacchini Dorinda and Walt Givens John and Yvonne Gail Carol Gledhill Alexa Cameron Maria Fregoso Maria Fregoso Maria Fregoso Tillaine B. Glover Diane Altheide-Allen Diana and Alex Krueger Diana and Alex Krueger Elizabeth Lynch
Hospice of San Joaquin 2010 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name Elva Gogna Joe Gogna Joseph Gogna Judy Gogna Mary Gogna Armando Gogna Lodovico Gogna Selma Gold Margaret Golden Margaret Golden Robin Golding Arlen Goldsmith Blanche and Martin Gollop Marjorie Golz Frank P. Gomes Frank P. Gomes Monett Gomes David Gomez Julian Gomez Gloria Gomez Kim Gong Jeff Gonsalez John Gonsalves Frank Gonsalves, Sr. John Gonsalves John Gonsalves Amelia Gonsalves Elena “Maria” Gonzales Elena “Maria” Gonzales Anthony M. Gonzales Nancy E. Gonzales Mary Gonzales Nancy E. Gonzales Mary & Tony Gonzales George A. Gonzalez Jack Ferneau Gooch Jack Ferneau Gooch Gertrude Good Jack Good Mildred Goodban Carol Goodell JoElla Darlene Goodwin JoElla Darlene Goodwin JoElla Darlene Goodwin Glenda Gooler Kenneth E. Gorley Donna Gorton Mike Gosnell Mr. Al Gotelli Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D. Gotelli Al Gotelli Ruby Goth Ted Goth Ted Gotte Mary Lou Gouveia Richard G. Goyette Richard G. Goyette Richard G. Goyette Herman Grabow John Graef Ralph Graffigna Louise Graffigna Hypatia Grafius Bernard Grafius Warren Graham Lena Graham David Graham Wm. L. Graham - Loving Grandfather Wm. L. Graham - Loving Grandfather Wm. L. Graham - Loving Grandfather Donald L. Gramm Herminia Granato Linda Grand Grandma Sylvia Grandpa Earl Grandpa Bob & Grandpa Charlie Philip Granicy Wayne Grannemann Eunice Grant Robert Grant Robert Grant Barbara Graser Marta A. Grasshorn Adolph Grasshorn Nola Gravish Walter G. Gray Donell Gray Francine Gray Lavenna Gray Donna Lee Gray Lavenna Moppins Gray Millie Gray (Mother) Robert James Gray (Father) John Gray John Gray John Gray John Gray John Gray Lavenna Gray Patricia Gray John Gray John Gray Larry Gebil, Jr. Larry Grebil, Sr. Cloteal Green Julia & Jim Green Vern Green Rita Green Fred Green Vern Green Jacob Green Paul Green Joseph Green Calvin Green Ronald J. Greene Chilton Greenwood Frances Gregorio Warren R. Gregory Mary Greiner Mary Grenz Mary Grenz Dr. G. Grewal Walter Grewatz Angeline Gribaudo Hall La Doska Griffin Ruth Griffin Larry Griffith Tommy Griffith Lisa (Portillo) Griffith Greg Griffith Elgene Griffith Anne Griffith Jowell Griggs Jowell Griggs
Donor Name Ernest Gogna John and Margaret Basalto Joline Gogna Joline Gogna Theresa Randolph Theresa Randolph Theresa Randolph June H. Peek Marjorie Dietrich Yvonne Brown Bertha Golding Jean Goldsmith Jeannette Gollop-Saporito Jerry and Nancy Golz Evelyn T. Gomes Gene and Carolyn Gomes Helen and Frank Alegre Anna Wilson Steven and Christina Cordone Steven and Christina Cordone Ms. Lori Lynn Anderson Alice Smith Helen and Frank Alegre Helen and Frank Alegre Linda Bowker Linda Gonsalves Ms. Darlene Luis Amelia Ashe Amelia Ashe Greg and Phyllis Kiester Keven and Kelly Steiger Leslie Sanchez Michael Gonzales Tony and Bellarine Gonzales Louise Gonzalez Charles and Bonnie Forbes Sara Balkwill Harry and Kay Williams Helen Willis Lanette C. Snow Charles Goodell Judy Goodwin Judy Goodwin Judy Goodwin The Redman Family Evelyn L. Gorley Marcia Cook Lanette C. Snow Chuck and Sandy Hohn June K. Gotelli Tom and Michelle Gotelli Susan (Goth) Schmiedt Susan (Goth) Schmiedt Bob and Lynne Hargis Charles and Bonnie Forbes Carole J. Huber Donna Goyette Mike and Doris Powers Richard and Janet Wanner Veva Graef Marilyn Graffigna Marilyn Graffigna Mrs. Janet C. Grafius Mrs. Janet C. Grafius Bob and Lynne Hargis Carolyn Bennett Patricia Graham Roberta Harris Roberta Harris Roberta Harris Linda Gramm Denise Garcia Caryl Toth Carrie Lane Carrie Lane Michael and Cindy Guindon Steve and Delayn Gehman Financial Decisions Jerome Cutter Rose Grant Rose Grant Chet and Renee O’Brien Margret Rose Margret Rose Cathy and Jeff Gravish Diane Gray Diane Gray Diane Gray Diane Gray Genevieve Galli Kathleen Franco Robert J. Gray Robert J. Gray Thomas and Linda Castanon-Long Thomas and Linda Castanon-Long Thomas and Linda Castanon-Long Thomas and Linda Castanon-Long Thomas and Linda Castanon-Long Vickie Hale Wetherell Vickie Hale Wetherell Vince and Jodi Castanon Vince and Jodi Castanon Bruce and Linda Dodge Bruce and Linda Dodge Dr. & Mrs. Bryant B. Williams Florence Hernandez Jackie Fleming Jackie Fleming Joan Kessler Kay Green Linda Bowker Martha B. Ellwanger Martha B. Ellwanger Susan Green Mary Frederick June Greenwood Ed and Laverne Farr Barbara Gregory Susan Caulfield Archie and Leonora Grenz Darlene Fuso Ralph Hayes & Son, Inc. Vicki Ramirez Galen and Darlene Gribaudo Frank and Patti Griffin Frank and Patti Griffin Betty Daniels Betty Daniels Christina Smoley Christina Smoley Linda Gunn Richard and Marsha Griffith Doris Ludwigsen Gloria Nomura
Honoree/Memorial Name Harold Grimm Bea Grimm Ben F. Grimshaw Sam Grimsley Cheryl Groenewegen Irene D. Gross Irene Gross Ed Grunow Bruce Grunow Doug Grunow Jennie Guadagnolo Raymond Guadagnolo Marilyn Guasco Rev. Fr. Woodrow Gubuan Joe Guerrero Frank Guevara The Gugenheim Family Carole Guidera David Guidi Tom Guido Ellen Guilfoyle Ellen Guilfoyle Jean Guiliani Theresa Gutierrez Guizar Sandy Gulden Sandy Gulden Sandy Gulden James Gulino Carmela Gulino David Gumaer Ray and Gladys Gunderson Cathy Gunderson Ray Gunderson Gladys Gunderson Cathy Gunderson Amadeo (Andy) Gurule Clorinda Gustafson Connie Guth Sarah Guth Anna Guthmiller George Guthrie Alfred Gutierrez, Sr Francisco C. Gutierrez Frank and Lupe Gutierrez Joseph “Joe” Gutierrez Betty Gutierrez Joe Gutierrez Frank A. Gutierrez, Jr Gary Guyon Harry Guzman Ignacio Z. Guzman Harry Guzman Harry Guzman Harry Guzman Harry Guzman Fausto H. Guzman, Sr. Amya Steve Lopez Guzman Harry Guzman Harry Guzman Mary and Gus Guzman Lante “Buggs” Guzman, Jr. Lante Guzman, Sr. Helene Haase Owen C. Hagan Hugh Hagan, Sr. Halden Hagans Bud Hagans Ervin and Myrtle Hageness Ruth Hagicos William Hagicos Harold and Dorothy Hagler Philip Hahn Charles Haight Virginia Boyd Hale Virginia Boyd Hale Jean Haley Paul Haley Christine Louise Haley Ferrel (Ted) Halkyard Jerry Hall Willie L. Hall Jerry Hall Clair Hall Kevin Hall Connor Hall Connor Hall Barry Hall Connor Hall Wayne Halliday Lydia Halliday Martita U. Halseth James Halverson Martin Halvorsen E.I. Halvorson Dora Halvorson Nancy Rossi Hamblin Nancy L. Hamblin Ronald J. Hamby Dola A. Hamer Dola A. Hamer Tom Hamilton Tom Hamilton Carol Hamilton Marge Hamlet Earl and Edith Hamlow Richard Hammon Anna Laura Hammond Greg A. Hammond Art Hampton Jerry Hamrick Barbara Handel Barbara Handel Elsie Haney Veronica Hansen Angeline Rose Hansen Joel R. Hanson Bill Hao Jim Kiyomi Harada Jim Kiyomi Harada Jim Kiyomi Harada James David Harbin, Sr Bill Hardcastle Barbara Harden Glynn Hardy Musetta Hardy Bob Hargis Thelma M. Harkness Stanley Harkness Ludwig Harlander Cindy L. Harley Wilburdean Harley Juanita Harmon Lester Harmon John Harmon John Harmon Hildegarde C. Harmsen
Donor Name
Honoree/Memorial Name
Frankie and Willard Rieger Irene James JoAnne and Richard Tibbedeaux Ron Martens Tom and Pat McMillan Darlene Hines Tracy Lee May Henry and JoAnne Talbot Henry and JoAnne Talbot Henry and JoAnne Talbot Paul and Stephanie Bestolarides Paul and Stephanie Bestolarides Marie and Stephen Guasco Marci Massei Tim and Kathleen Clark Susie Padayhag Marta Whiteside Gale R. Choffin Butch & Meredith McCormack Megan Dyk Dave and Kathleen Melendrez Helen Salisbury Stanley Guiliani Thomas and Linda Castanon-Long Joan and Henry Shea Nikki and Brad Barr Tom and Pat McMillan Connie Farago and Maria Heffernan Connie Farago and Maria Heffernan Elaine Gumaer Carl and Michele Manitta Carl and Michele Manitta Don and Arlene Potter Don and Arlene Potter Don and Arlene Potter Noemi Gurule Richard and Mattie Lou Ratliff Sarah Azevedo Sarah Azevedo Ed Clark Candie Guthrie Al and Jennifer Gutierrez Angelica Gutierrez Cecilia G. Alvarez Dan and Cheryl Gutierrez Loretta Creel Thomas and Linda Castanon-Long Cecilia G. Alvarez Stuart Jacobs, M.D. Christopher & Jennifer Fetherlin Dolores Guzman Kathy Guzman Kathy Guzman Kathy Guzman Ken and Barbara Bohi Martha Guzman Martha Guzman Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anzaldo Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anzaldo Olivia Moti Jerry and Linda Rose Jerry and Linda Rose Anna Koenig Dave and Pam Dias Mike and Janet Hagan Barbara Hagans Barbara Hagans Bill and Audrey Churchill Ronnie and Kathleen Galindo Ronnie and Kathleen Galindo Gretchen H. Nelson Howard and Lori Wanner Donna Haight and Ron Hansen John and Like Coughran West Wind Mobile Home Park, Inc. Dorothy Gallaway Rusty Haley Steven Haley Jane Halkyard 5H20+ Anita Hall Chris and Dennis Olin Galen and Darlene Gribaudo Golden State Lumber, Inc. Karin Van Diemen Mr. & Mrs. Dean and Lennie Lagomarsino Nick and Penny Meyers Nick and Penny Meyers Don and Janet Johnson Don and Janet Johnson The Stevano Family Virginia Wagers Joyce Halvorsen Mr. and Mrs. William Halvorson Mr. and Mrs. William Halvorson Bunny Rossi Carol Hemmer Krista Hamby Robert H. Hamer Robert H. Hamer Chet and Renee O’Brien Shirley Hamilton Sue Brownfield Harry and Kay Williams Yolanda and Ivan Hamlow Leonard and Wilma Wolfe Alden P. Hammond Julie H. Hammond Irene Hampton Brett and Lora Lagorio Richard and Marjorie Handel Robert G. Handel Mike and Margie Haney Karl Hansen Marie and Gene Rizzolo Linda Hanson Elizabeth Hao Michael and Korinne Ponder Michael and Korinne Ponder Sachi Harada Ponder Mike and Patricia Cureton Vonda Hardcastle Jacqueline F. Russell Harry and Kay Williams Harry and Kay Williams Bob and Lynne Hargis Stan and Maurine Harkness Stan and Maurine Harkness Irma Stark Brien Harley Brien Harley Bob and Sherry Harmon Bob and Sherry Harmon Dorothy Harmon Jan and Jay Redding Kevin and Sandra Lewis
Mary Lou Harnden Onecimo Haro Mary Haro Lawrence Haro Gene Harper Luther Harrell Frank S. Harrigan Cliffe Harriman Curtis Harrington Bob Harrington Edna Harris Helen C. Harris Arthur O. Harris Francis Harris Chief Kenneth Harris Diane Harris Louis C. Harris Marie Grant Harris Lois Harrison Al Harrison Bill Harrison Michael Hart Betty Lou Harthoorn Jim Hartley Bob Hartman Hans Hartwig Hans Hartwig Eugene Hartzler Naomi Hartzler Betty Harvey Keith Harvey Patricia Harvey Ed Hasart Ed Hasart Betty A. Hasart Jewell Haskins Ann Hassler Vic Hassler Lee Hasty Charlotte Baldwin Hatch Leonard L. Hatfield Helen Hatt Theresa Hawkins Dick Hawkins Gerald H. Hawley Charles Hawley Gerald H. Hawley Chuck Hawley Jan Haws Tokiyo Hayashino Pilar Hayes Ralph Hayes Dolly Hayes Edna Hayes Dennis Haynie Bea Hays Rosemary Katherine Haze Debra Hazelet Peggy Jean Hazlip Peggy Hazlip Linda Head Linda Ann Reid Head James Healey Loretta Heckman Joni Hedrick Evelyn N. Heefner J. Wilson Heefner Wilson & Evelyn Heefney Victor and Minnie Heer Don R. Hegg Don Robert Hegg Cora Hegwer Mike Heidinger Cathie Heighes Leah Heighes Robert F. Heiman James Heinitz Jeff Heinz Bette R. Heinz Jim Heinz Jim Heinz Laura Heiser Albert S. Heiser Bill Heiser Roberta Heiser Melvin Heiser Lillian Helgeland Joyce Helgeland Irving Helgeland Irwin Helgeland Jody Helmer Vicic Helmholtz Bill Henderson George Henderson Bonnie Henderson Viola I. Henderson Harry and Velma Henderson Carl Henderson George Henderson Blackie Henderson Doris Henderson Don Henderson George E. Henderson Blackie Henderson Doris Henderson Wiley Henderson Glenn M. Henrichs Rita Henry Johnnie “Granny” Henry Donald J. Hensel Gayle Henslee Vernon Hensley J.D. Hensley Iona Hepper Marilyn Herberger Mr. Art Herbert “RedHatter” Terry Herink Al and Emogene Herman William Hermance Ruth Hermance Clarence Hermance Clarence Hermance Nancy Hern - Mother Felipe Hernandez Nicholas Daniel Hernandez Larry Hernandez Larry Hernandez Jack Hernandez Anita Hernandez Ava Hernandez Robert Hernandez Robert Hernandez Robert Hernandez Robert Hernandez Robert Hernandez
Donor Name Doug and Jennifer Harnden Helen Haro Helen Haro Steven & Jean Tarbell Herb and Jane Vargas Sue Brownfield Richard K Le Grande Pamela J. Fagundes Gerry and Ann Carr Rebecca Brownfield Amy Roberts Betty Campora Betty Campora Bruce and Deborah Bentz California Concentrate Co. David Harris Emily Harris Jaynie Wisdom Helen Harrison Pat and Mike Fluetsch Yolanda and Ivan Hamlow Betty L. Cardoza Erma A. Bissell The Hartley Family Sandra McPherson Dot Kutlik Kara Brodie Thomas and Neva Kennelly Thomas and Neva Kennelly Arline G. Drais Tom and Michelle Gotelli Vernon Claeys Cindy and Patrick Piccardo Janice and Larry Cooper Janice and Larry Cooper Helen Bennett Chris and Dennis Olin Chris and Dennis Olin Frank and Janet Guilelmino John and Elaine Sandman Lila Hatfield Marcia Cook Elizabeth Lopez Jennifer and Jim Hawkins Julie H. Hammond Mrs. Arline Hawley Randy and Rosemary Hawley Rita Jackson Mrs. Alma Maier Alpine Apartments Barbara E. Bess Ralph Hayes & Son, Inc. Ralph Hayes & Son, Inc. Ralph Hayes & Son, Inc. Kathryn Haynie Cathy McAlister Lindsay Harrington Gloria Brosnikoff Jerry Ann Randall Mrs. Mary Geil Bernetta McCreath Robert and Jean Phillips Christe May Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Nishka Yudnich Mr. and Mrs. Randy Rigato Mr. and Mrs. Randy Rigato Wilson and Patricia Heefner Suzanne Heer Connie Fox Diana Costa Fernando Ruiz, Jr. Esther Sowers Catherine Heighes Catherine Heighes Ms. Janet C. Heiman Rinehart and Marilyn Heinitz Diane Pelletier Diane Pelletier Jennifer and Gary Giannini Shirley Schene Andrew and Elizabeth Erdman Jeff and Linda Heiser Karol Evelyn Heiser Vernon and Yvonne Lucchetti Vernon and Yvonne Lucchetti Lois Sbragia Lois Sbragia Lois Sbragia Lois Sbragia Stephen and Julie Hellmer Frank and Patti Griffin Carol Henderson David L. Ayers, Sr. Eleanor Stafford Gail Henderson Gretchen H. Nelson Juliana Homan Pat, Kendra, PJ Cardiasmenos Pat, Kendra, PJ Cardiasmenos Pat, Kendra, PJ Cardiasmenos Pat, Kendra, PJ Cardiasmenos Wanda Henderson Wanda Henderson Wanda Henderson The Gordon T. and Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Richard and Sylvia Turner Diane Stauffer Jerry and Linda Rose Phyllis D. Hensel Carolyn Bennett Joseph and Russtine Shephard Joseph and Russtine Shephard Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wick 5 H20+ Prof & Mrs. Ted Takaya Bob and Patty Slauson Gloria Nomura Doris Moore Doris Moore Doris Moore Yolanda and Ivan Hamlow Shirley Alvas Angela Khan Angela Khan Clifford Marshall Donnie Hernandez Florence Hernandez Greg and Phyllis Kiester Pat Reeder Peggy Hernandez Peggy Hernandez Peggy Hernandez Peggy Hernandez Peggy Hernandez
During the lighting ceremony of the Lockeford Tree of Lights, the Visiting Royalties perform a dance number.
Honoree/Memorial Name
Donor Name
Honoree/Memorial Name
Donor Name
Barbara Gregory, wife of the late Warren R. Gregory, shared a few words on behalf of her family: Laura Lea, daughter; Alexander Lea, Kristanna Lea and Gregory Lea grandchildren, during the Rio Vista Tree of Lights at the Rio Vista City Hall. (Barbara Gregory, RN, has served Hospice of San Joaquin for over 21 years)
Guadalupe Hernandez Beatrice Hernandez Felipe Herrera Deciderio Herrera Felipe Herrera Guadalupe Herrera Felipe Herrera, Jr. Benjamin V. Herrera Bill Hershman Betty Casler Rebecca A. Hersom Edith Hervey Stephanie Hessler Stephanie Hessler Stephanie Hessler Stephanie Hessler Melinda Hester Eddie Hettervik Mary Hettervik Whitney Heuvel Clive E. Hewett Papa & Mom Hiatt Glen H. Hicks Thelma Hieb Leroy Hieb Orval “Bud” Hieb Shelia Hiers Bill Hiers Thelo Higginson Alice Hightower William Robert Hightower William Alfred Hightower Bob Hightower Reuben & Marlys Hildenbrand Kenneth F. Hill Steven Hill Alma Hill Ingrid H. Hill Charlotte Hill John A. Hill Albert Hill Mama - Jeanne Hill Dave Hill Linda Hill Gloria Hilliard Lester Hillman Lester Hillman Mrs. Dominique Hillmer Samuel J. Hilow Barry L. Himes, Sr. Helen Hinds Helen Hinds Harold Hinds Harold Hinds Dave Hines Dave Hines Regina Hinkel Tony Hinojosa Emil Hinojosa Tony Hinojosa Tyler Hinton Virgina Hintz George Hintz Rose Hipfner Lori Hirata Lori Hirata Gail Hirsch Mark Hirtzel Susan Hitt David C. Hladky John Hladky Jerry Hladky John & Marion Hobin Ethel Hobson Ann Hodgkins Tom & Mary Hodgkins Terri & Stub Hoellwarth Jake and Jean Hoffman Jason A. Hoffman Jason A. Hoffman Aaron Hoffman Barbara L. Hoffman Belmont Hoffman Charles Hoffman Leona Hoffman Kimberly A. Hoffman-Crespi Bill Hofsommer Mary Hogan William Holappa Kay Holbrook John K. Holcomb Don W. Holcomb Lee Holcomb Dan L. Holcomb The Holdaway Children My husband Warner Holden My husband Warner Holden Laura Holden Laura Holden Janet Holden Hank Holderegger Angel Holguin Angel Holguin Richard Holguin Ethel Holland Jim Holland Sam Holland Lisa Hollander Warren Holly Neal Holmes Esther Holmes Charles H. Holt Kay Holt Helma Holthaus Melba Lippen Holtz Nancy Honda Roy Honda Lee Honer Dick Honeychurch Richard Honeychurch Richard Honeychurch Richard Honeychurch Shee Ng Hong Ng She Hong Matthew J. Hooten Mary Lou Hopper Walt Hopper Besse Horita Carl, Ed and Gina Horn Gina Marie Horn Clinton Horning Vera Horst Vera Horst Brian Horst T. Horst Brian Horst Ted Horst Brian Horst T. Horst Jakob Horst, Jr. Naomi Horton Naomi Horton Naomi Horton Robert Hose Noreen Hosie Ava Kachmarek Hosilyk Delbert Hoskins
Shirley Hernandez Tony Hernandez Corine Herrera Eufemia Herrera Lupe Garcia Lupe Garcia Lupe Garcia Rosemarie Kennedy Pamela Wood Pamela Wood Walter Hersom Frances Voyer Margaret Coppa Margaret Coppa Margaret Coppa Margaret Coppa Rinehart and Marilyn Heinitz Karen and Gerald West Karen and Gerald West Chuck and Jonnie Sullivan Sylvia and Thomas Evans Kathy and Calvin Lee Lori Hicks April Rifenburg Mark and Louise Woehl Mrs. Darlene Hieb Mark Wallace Victoria Denney Brenda Higginson Beverly Hightower Beverly Hightower Beverly Hightower Rosemary D. Beckwith Dex and Sharon Vollbrecht Byron Barclay Carolyn Bennett Carolyn Bennett John W. Williamson Lisa Gallegos Lisa Gallegos Lisa Gallegos Lynne Miller Lynne Miller Manteca Junior Womens Club Inez Kiriu John and Kristie Karle Shirley Starling Don and Sharon Hathaway Aracelli Hilow Diane Pritchard Bob and Kathleen Winslow Bob and Kathleen Winslow Bob and Kathleen Winslow Bob and Kathleen Winslow Cathie Hines Jerry Day John Hinkel Jose and Marie Marroquin Jose and Marie Marroquin Virginia Hinojosa Gina Hinton Milton and Ann Ziemann Milton and Ann Ziemann Myron Rall Joan S. Inge Larry & Andrea Violett Manteca Junior Womens Club Bruce and Linda Dodge Alan Hitt Moyna Hladky Moyna Hladky Moyna Hladky Frederica Hobin Beverly Hightower George, Gayle, Kyle & Kendall Kenyon George, Gayle, Kyle & Kendall Kenyon Toni and George Jaquith David and Linda Long Joe, Joanie & Jeremy Hoffman Joe, Joanie & Jeremy Hoffman Judith Davis Patti Swansick Patti Swansick Ray and Betty Boccoli Ray and Betty Boccoli Gretchen H. Nelson Nancy Hennefer Herb and Jane Vargas James and Dorothy Willett Jackie Fleming James and Ardith Holcomb James and Ardith Holcomb James and Ardith Holcomb James and Ardith Holcomb Keith and Sarah Dias-Sprague Janet Holden Janet Holden Janet Holden Janet Holden Susan Caulfield Esther Wethern Angelica Holguin Steve Stevenson Steve Stevenson Cloyse and Dolores Holland Cloyse and Dolores Holland Lee and Beverly Meidinger Carol Henderson 5H20+ Bernice Holmes James Holmes, M.D. Helen E. Holt Rich and Joanne Waters Gerhard Holthaus Becky Freeman Carolyn Sakai Helen Honda Mary Campbell Henry and Evelyn Pereira Rita Jackson Theresa Honeychurch Tony and Carmen Silva Alice Hong Shew Hong Sandra K. Evans Terri and Dave Sorgent Terri and Dave Sorgent Jill Takahashi Kay Horn Vicki Horn Ellen Johansen Clifford Marshall Florence Hernandez Forrest and Janis Richardson Forrest and Janis Richardson Nadine Horst Nadine Horst Susan Hinds Susan Hinds Margaret Horst Mr. Itch Horton Mr. Itch Horton Mrs. Darlene Hieb Janice Hose William C. Hosie Maggie Priebe Frances Darling
Hospice of San Joaquin 2010 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name
Donor Name
Eldon Hoskins Kent Hosmer Katherine Houtsma George David Houtsma Wesley Howard Freda Howard Robert Howard Fred Howell Cecil Howell Gerry Howen Walter E. Howen Nev Howse Robert “Bob” Howze Viola Evans Hoyler Christine Hoyt Louise Hubbard Louise Hubbard Louise Hubbard Louise “LuLu” Marie Hubbard Louise Hubbard Wilbur Hubbel Sharon Hubble Peggy Huber Anne Huber Marilyn Hudelson Janice Huff Evelyn Huffington Lucille Huffman Harley Huft Rev. William Hughes Alice Hughes Melba Hughes Lee Hughley John Huisman Ace Hulbert Michael Hull Patrick Hull Joe Hull Joyce Hull Paul Hulsman Esther L. Hulsman David Humphreys Nancy Hundley Marsha Hunt Eddie Hunt Marsha Hunt Eddie Hunt William Hunter Larry Orr Hunter Vernon W. Hurst Don Huse Charles & Marie Hushaw Jack W. Huston Sandy Hutchens Sandy Hutchens Sandy Hutchens Joshua Hyde Andy & Barbara Hyduke Ralph Imfeld Frank M. Inamasu Charles Inderbitzen Jennie Inderbitzin
Nancy J. Hoskins the Waters (5H20+) Gerald and Virginia Houtsma Gerald and Virginia Houtsma Violetta Howard Virginia Scheffel Virginia Scheffel George and Sharon Bensch Nancy Howell Pam and Larry Howen Pam and Larry Howen Cathy McAlister Frances Voyer Patricia Paulin Ruby Shrope Diane and Donovan Vigil Diane and Donovan Vigil Diane and Donovan Vigil John and Judy Frerichs Oscar and Betty Francis Roger Yates, M.F.C. Christie Kelley Helen Bennett Susan E. Whaley Susan E. Whaley Mr. and Mrs. William Hudelson Kathleen Villarreal John Huffington Dr. & Mrs. Bryant B. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shands Bertha Miquel Bonnie and Art Ming Nelda Beasley Lee and Michelle Bethea Tara Huisman Rod and Brenna McCleary Patricia Graham Patricia Graham Patricia Graham Patricia Graham Paula Cazale Paula Cazale Gail and Marvin Wigley Michele Burdan Arden and Lila Hunt Arden and Lila Hunt Carole Scott Carole Scott Amy Roberts Anne Allen Janette Donis Carolyn Bennett Jim and Glenda Hushaw Edith Mardis Cheryl and Jim La Roe Elizabeth Winchester Geraldine M Schook Nick and Penny Meyers Charity Owen Todd and Debra Cameron Ryoko L. Inamasu Donna Bennett Jenny and Lorenzo CastagnaCandelario Lee and Michelle Bethea Sharon Briggs Andrew Inouye Martha Denk Martha Denk Maria Flumiani Maria Flumiani Mrs. Christina Irvin Barbara Sarkany-Gore Mary Ann Irvine Mary Ann Irvine Mary Ann Irvine Mary Ann Irvine John and Kristie Karle John and Kristie Karle Shirley Starling Shirley Starling Lynette Isaacson Diane and Donovan Vigil Florence Hernandez Bob and Patty Slauson Phyllis J. Almendarez Gary and Janice Ishimaru Gary and Janice Ishimaru Gary and Janice Ishimaru Gary and Janice Ishimaru Jean Isozaki Tom and Pat McMillan Pat, Kendra, PJ Cardiasmenos Joe Filipelli Brenda Higginson Brenda Higginson Al and Jennifer Gutierrez Al and Jennifer Gutierrez Irene Jackson Irene Jackson Richard and Sharon Maragliano Rita Jackson Theresa Honeychurch Frank and Janet Guilelmino Barbara Gregory Barbara Gregory Barbara Gregory Dorinda and Walt Givens Eleanor Jacobs Jeanette Michaels Jeanette Michaels Steve Woodard Irene James Irene James Stan and Maurine Harkness Teresa Martinez Jean Janelli Michelle D. Morgan Howard Jang Doug Jann Doug Jann Mia Seitelman Elizabeth Vasquez Toni and George Jaquith Michael Jara Michael Jara Michael Jara Donna Araquistain Karen Vieira-Javete Susan R. Livesey Carol Nakashima Louise Erdman Starlett Jelley Starlett Jelley Dana Bockstahler Deborah J. Horlak, R.D.H. Jinx Staniec Judy Goodwin Lee and Beverly Meidinger Mr. Jonne Jennings Ivan & Yolanda Hamlow & Ernie Giannecchini Sylvia and Francis Perrin Rita A. Jessee Rita A. Jessee Patricia Macko Dennis Jimenez Dennis Jimenez Lucille Olivas Lydia Schaffer Lydia Schaffer Lydia Schaffer Tom and Frances Laughlin Margaret Dwyer Joanne Gibson Larry and Susan Johannaber Larry and Susan Johannaber Barry and Irene Gill Ellen Johansen Madeline Valdez
Christian Inghog Miles J. Ingraham Dan Inouye George & Elva Inouye George & Elva Inouye Frances Iorio Henry Iorio Reverend Karl Irwin Lee Irvine Gladys M. Irvine Lee Irvine Lee Irvine Lee Irvine Helen Irwin Frederick Irwin, Sr. Fred Irwin Helen Irwin Earl and Eleanor Isaacson Larry Isbell Alma and Hurb Isetti “RedHatter” Irene Ishida Irene Ishida Kazuyo Ishimaru Kazuyo Ishimaru Kazuyo Ishimaru Kazuyo Ishimaru Isamu Sam Isozaki Nancy Ivary Irene Ivers Italia Ivie Joy Jacinto Sabino Jacinto Eddy Jackson Steve “Dad” Jackson Eddy Jackson Steve Jackson Ann Jackson Derris Jackson Derris Jackson Vernal Jacob, Sr. Joey Jacobs Sadie Jacobs Joey Jacobs Donald Jacobs Fred Jacobs Eddie Jacobs Mary Jacobs Jackie Jagger David Scott James Clyde James Clyde James Michael Jameson John Janelli Janet Karen L. Jang Violet Jann Earl Jann Violet Jann Melissa Jaochico George & Pearl Jaquith Mary Jara Barbara Jara Tracy Jara Virginia Jarvis Steve Javete Steve Javette Auntie Jean and Uncle Hank Vernon Jeffries Lucy Jelley Donald Jelley Michael Jenkins Dolores Johnson Jenkins John and Ruby Jenkins Jack Ruel Jenkins Harold Jenner Kathy Jennings Chickie Jenson Bernice Jeremku Donald D. Jessee Donald D. Jessee Pamela Jett Tom Jimenez Louise Jimenez Louie Jimenez Anthony J. Jimenez Anthony J. Jimenez Anthony J. Jimenez Edward W. Jimerson Rita Dwyer Joannides Robert Jobe Raymond Johannaber Hilda Johannaber Earl (Joe) Johansen Earl (Joe) Johansen Eve Johnsen
Honoree/Memorial Name Eve Johnsen Gail Johnson Eileen Johnson Verne T. Johnson Barbara Galbreath Johnson Raymond Johnson Dolly Johnson David Johnson Thelma Johnson Lisa R. Johnson Dorothy H. Johnson Lisa Johnson Gloria Corpe-Johnson Richard Johnson Richard Johnson Richard Johnson Jay Johnson Ione Johnstone Glen Jolivette Phil Jolly Phillip Jolly Thomas Jones Bill Jones Verl O. Jones Verl O. Jones Don Jones Faye Jones Bob Jones Helen Amrine Jones Jeannie Bellomo Jones Thomas Jones Dee Jones Verl Jones Lucille Jones Clarence L. Jones Dorothy Jones Carol Jones Mike Jones Tommy Jones Dick Jones Cindy Jones Wesley “Buddy” Jones Lee Jones Jane C. Jones Don Jones Betty I. Jones Ken Jones Liz Jones Betty I. Jones Michelle Jones-Guillermo Verna Jordan Jack Jordan Jack Jordan Priscilla Joven Sandra L. Joyce Sandra L. Joyce Rachel Juarez Rachel Juarez Rosie Juarez Rachel Juarez Merced Juarez, Jr Paul Judson Paul Judson Verna Julien Vergil Jundt Margaret Jungeberg Margaret Jungeberg Lorraine Junius Diane Juran Raymond D. Just Carol & Abe Justyn Carol Justyn Josie Kachmarek Mike Kagoshima Mike Kagoshima Myrtle & Art Kahlow Henry Kaiser Mrs. Mary Kamibayashi Larry Kammerer Larry Kammerer Edwin Kammerer Jeff Goss & Kelly Kamp Wedding Betty Kampe Clancy Kamps Hiroshi Kanegawa Marie M. Kaneko Marie M. Kaneko Bill Kanemoto Fred Kapheim Edna Kapheim Richard Kapheim Bill Kapheim Thomas Karabelnik Basa Lea karabelnik Mr. Wolly Katnich Elisabeth Katuszonek Elisabeth Katuszonek Bozant Katzakian Bozant Katzakian Kevin Merrill Kauffman Robert Kautz Robert & Ginger Kautz Shizuye Kawada Lee Keddie Warren Keddie George Keddie Lovilla Keddie Lee Keddie Warren Keddie Cherie Keeler Jeanne Keener Henry J. Keener Doris Kehrein Marie Keith George B. Keith John Kellar John Kellar Elmer Keller Judy Keller Elmer Keller Helen Kelley Bob Kelley Chuck Kelley Harvey C. Kelley Russell Kelley Janell Kelley Dick Kelley Susannah Kelley Susannah Kelley Mary Kelley Barbara A. Kelley Florence Kellor Dick & Kitty Kelly Kitty Kelly Richard T. “Dick” Kelly Charles Kelly Father Mike Kelly Mary Kelly Ellsworth Kelly Aaron Kelly, Jr Glen “Special K” Kendall Mabel Kenitzer Gilbert Kenitzer Grace T. Kenmatsu Donald Kennard Lloyd Kennard Katherine Kennard Carolyn Kennard Fern Kennell Mary Kennelly Uncle Kenneth Pat Kenney Anne M. Kenney John Kachmarek Kennison Kenny Charlotte Kenyon Mr. & Mrs. Glen Keplinger Edward Kermgard
Donor Name Sally Marquez Carole J. Huber David and Laura Johnson David and Laura Johnson Deborah J. Horlak, R.D.H. Diane Sharp Diane Sharp Diane Zimmer Elmer and Donna Smth Irene James Jeff and Kathy White Jennifer Polhemus Richard Corpe Sandra Johnson Sandra Johnson Sandra Johnson Victoria Denney Kathleen Sanders Pat and Harriet Doyle Lee and Beverly Meidinger Mr. & Mrs. Elmer O. Anderson Barbara J. Jones Betty Jones Bonnie Jones Bonnie Jones Carol Shurden David and Laura Johnson David and Laura Johnson Fred L. Jones Gail Lopez Gretchen H. Nelson Jamie L. Jones Jo Anne Garcia-Jones Judith Ross Kelly Jones Kelly Jones Laurel Sarmento Maria De Russo Marjorie Dietrich Mary Natteford Mr. and Mrs. William B. Gomes Mrs. Jacqueline Mason Norma M. Brown Pam Davidson Sam, Donna & Tori Villagomez Shirley Caster Stuart and Robin Combie The Anderson Family Virginia Marie Schacht Jo Anne Garcia-Jones Bob and Jean Combs Connie Giannini-Turner Janice A. Jordan Denise Garcia Alvin Joyce Mireya Sanchez George & Christine Soto George & Christine Soto Joseph Cortez Vera Torres Shirley Hamilton Harriet Judson Marilyn J. Brown Doug and Jennifer Harnden John Huffington Sylvia J.B. Clark Sylvia J.B. Clark Cindy Martin Curtis Juran Marilyn Just Allan and Anne Wells Michael and Jean Wagner Maggie Priebe Gail & Brad Jones Miki Kagoshima Terri and Dave Sorgent Doug and Randi Preston Mr. & Mrs. Ken Yep Karen Angerstein Sandy Ruiz Sandy Ruiz Kathy Van Dyke Elizabeth Zimmerman Thomas and Linda Castanon-Long Mary Kanegawa Carolyn Sakai David and Stephanie Cheng Ms. Toshiko Kanemoto Mrs. Janet C. Grafius Mrs. Janet C. Grafius Mrs. Janet C. Grafius Mrs. Janet C. Grafius Maurio and Marsha Segarini Maurio and Marsha Segarini Chuck and Sandy Hohn John and Barbara Galgiani John and Barbara Galgiani Lorraine Katzakian Ron and Edna Mae Knecht Kevin and Lindsey Kauffman Ashley and Brian Miller David and Jill Rich Nancy Shimasaki Kandice Duns Kandice Duns Noble and Evelyn Keddie Noble and Evelyn Keddie Sandy Lewis Sandy Lewis Ron and Jeanne Lubin Graydon and Jackie Bannert Joan Morrison Jerry and Janet Long James and Sherry Shields Lavina Keith Joan L. Kellar Karen Miller Linda Dillon William H. Keller William H. Keller Christie Kelley Christie Kelley Chuck and Yolanda Kelley Grace Kelley Irene Kelley Irene Kelley Irene Kelley Jim Garrett JoAnne Garrett Marlene Drew Pam Rocha Katherine Harden David and Linda Long Debra A. Lawson Debra A. Lawson Fred Eggemeier & Dolores Moscatelli Jill Choate Leslie K. Oliver Leslie K. Oliver Joe and Pat Lemos Steve Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Buttke, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Buttke, Sr. Lillian Wada Ambassador Charity Fund Christine and Larry Kennard Christine and Larry Kennard Christine and Larry Kennard Susan and Wayne Esley Thomas and Neva Kennelly Carol Nakashima Isela Ruiz Lawrence William and Judith Kenney Maggie Priebe Ida Mae Lobb George, Gayle, Kyle & Kendall Kenyon Bruce and Tina Keplinger Edward and Beverly Kermgard
Mark Lesa, Chief Executive Director of Doctors Hospital of Manteca welcomes the community to the Manteca Tree of Lights.
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Donor Name
Patrick Williams, Pastor of New Life Fellowship offers the Invocation at the Tracy Tree of Lights
Honoree/Memorial Name Paul Kermgard Dian and Bob Kern Dian and Bob Kern Dian and Bob Kern Ernest Kernodle Gladyce C. Kerr Frank Keser Harvey Kessel Ernest Kessler Ricky A. Kester Wilma Kester Rose Kesterson Huston Ketcherside Carol Kezar David Khoury Leah Kidwell Lea Kidwell Julia Kiefer James Kiefer Brianna Kiefer Maurissa Kiefer Myles Kiefer Sandy, Kent & Brianna Kiefer Jim & Carole Kiefer Edwin and Mary Kiemele Robert T. Kilgore Ann Kilgore Mrs. J. Kilpatrick Kelsey T. Kimball Margaret Kimokeo Michael Kimokeo Billie Kinder Carol Kindschuh Fabre Ellis King Mary Anna King Dorothy King Dorothy King Bob King William L. Kingery William L. Kingery Noudeng Kingkhilysack Mary E. Kiszlowski Kirsten Kite Mason Kite Anne Kizer Michael Klarer Michael Klarer Dick Klein Dick Klein Dick Klein Carole Kleinfeder-Mullin Alba Klemin Alba Klemin Dick Klemm Stan Klevan Stan Klevan Lauri Klobas Roy Thomas Klock Roy Klock Teresa Klosowski Nancy Klotz Nancy Klotz Nancy Klotz Nancy Klotz Betty & John Kluve The Rev. Raymond Knapp Louise K. Knapp Kay Knief Fritz Knief Marilyn Knight Marilyn Knight Dennis Knight Juanita Knight Gary Knightingale Gregory T. Knoles Marc L. Knoles LaValle Knoll LaValle Knoll Roger Knox Marjorie Knox Eva Koboyami Francis Koenig Francis J. Koenig Gilbert L. Koepplin Alena Koepplin Laura Rosenquist Laura Rosenquist Laura Koepplin-Rosenquist Mary Kohake Grace Kohake Dorothy Koide Virgil B. Komarek Michael Kompauer Mrs. Teruko Komure Mitsue Komure Mrs. Teruko Komure Mrs. Teruko Komure Mrs. Teruko Komure Mrs. Teruko Komure Mrs. Teruko Komure Donna Konklin Russell Konklin Wanda Kooser Gene Kooser Marilyn Kooy Thomas W. Kopping, Sr Evangeline Kopping Jackie Korbholz Heather Korschot Pam Korth Lloyd Korth Jack D. Kortzeborn Barbara E. Kost Nicholas P. Kost Barbara G. Kosta (BGK) Barbara G. Kosta Eugenia Kouchis Mary Kozina Lea Kraemer Katherine Kramm Richard Kranz Dick Kranz Emma Kranzler John Kranzler Morrlyn Kranzler J. Robert Kraus J. Robert Kraus J. Robert Kraus J. Robert Kraus J. Robert Kraus J. Robert Kraus J. Robert Kraus J. Robert Kraus Ernest and Martha Krein Ernest and Martha Krein Mavin “Clay” Krein Betty “Boots” Krein Frederick V. Kreth Kristie Palmer Krogstad Bergliot Krogstad Michael Kroutch Cathy Krueger Agnes Krug Elmer Krug Arden Krug Greg Krutsinger May Krutsinger Eva Kuboyama Chue Kue Erika Kuga Frank Kuga Tony Kulisch Jack Kulm Michelle Kundert
Donor Name Edward and Beverly Kermgard George, Gayle, Kyle & Kendall Kenyon William and Lavina Logsdon Winnie Ferguson Bob and Sherry Harmon Geraldean K. Minor Louise Keser-Biederman Ruth Kessel Joan Kessler Ron and Charlotte Cheek Ron and Charlotte Cheek Jamie L. Jones Wanda Ketcherside Ethel L. Corbari Stephen and Julie Hellmer Catherine Costamagna Booth Michael Costamagna Jean Howard Jean Howard Jim and Carole Kiefer Jim and Carole Kiefer Jim and Carole Kiefer Joyce and Herbert Speckman Joyce and Herbert Speckman James Maguire Jessie Davis Noreen Smith Werner Properties, Inc. Ray and Julie Wetteland Marci Massei Marci Massei Marilyn Warnock Katherine Harden Dana Bockstahler Destiny Courtroul Mr. & Mrs. David King Mr. & Mrs. David King Wayne and Phyllis King Mr. & Mrs. Perry Smith Mr. & Mrs. Perry Smith Seng Kingkhilysack Betty McMartin Lilly and Al Kite Lilly and Al Kite Diane Altheide-Allen Lynn and Charles Rhodes Susan Crosby Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Stuart Jacobs, M.D. Werner Properties, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Perry Smith Isela Ruiz Lawrence Mayrine Vaccarezza Carole Delmanowski Jan Klevan and Randy Ruby Mary Klevan Marit Mortensen Bird Henry and Evelyn Pereira Theresa Honeychurch Helen Harrison John and Nancy Abel John and Nancy Abel John and Nancy Abel John and Nancy Abel Elaine and John Kluve, Jr. Candace Satterlee Candace Satterlee Felix and Paulie Torlai Felix and Paulie Torlai Bernetta McCreath Judy Vasquez Mary L. Marnoch-Granadoz Pat and Kathleen Fitzpatrick Gail & Brad Jones Ann Worth Ann Worth Hillard Knoll Hillard Knoll Neil and Liz Lark Neil and Liz Lark Arlene and Charles Stocker Rita Jackson Anna Koenig Darlene Koepplin Nancy and Bill Schmer Cheryl and Jim La Roe Cheryl and Jim La Roe Colleen and Jerry Evans Peter and Lynne Lynch Peter and Lynne Lynch Tom and Mayko Horita Jack and Jean Wiltz Peter and Helga Marshall Debbie Sakakihara Frank and Betsy Shinoda John & Jennifer Fukano Julie Ohta Mrs. Patti Komure Mah Mrs. Patti Yep Mrs. Tomiye Ohta Doug and Randi Preston Doug and Randi Preston Felix and Paulie Torlai Felix and Paulie Torlai Clarence G. Kooy Judith Kopping Judith Kopping David and Stephanie Cheng Katherine Harden Kip and Linda Korth Kip and Linda Korth Tola Eley and Christopher Eley Phillip and Marilyn Schrock Phillip and Marilyn Schrock Ray and Julie Wetteland Terri and Brian Katz Darrell and Paula Scott Mr. and Mrs. Mirko Kozina Ellie Staton Mark and Maria Bianchini Helen R Brant Virginia Kranz Kathy Van Dyke Kathy Van Dyke Kathy Van Dyke Nila Kraus Nila Kraus Nila Kraus Nila Kraus Nila Kraus Nila Kraus Nila Kraus Nila Kraus Lee and Beverly Meidinger Lee and Beverly Meidinger Vickie La Berge Vickie La Berge Esther F. Kreth Carol Nakashima Judith and Alfred Dias Judith and Alfred Dias Victor and Dolores Kroutch Karin Van Diemen Darlene A. Krug Darlene A. Krug Darlene A. Krug Chuck and Deanie Bridewell Chuck and Deanie Bridewell Lani Kuboyama Susie Padayhag Rebecca Kuga Rebecca Kuga Marti Kulisch Sandy Maslen Josie Brand
Honoree/Memorial Name Renee Kundert Lela Kuntz Lela Kuntz Lela Kuntz Lela Kuntz Lela Kuntz Lela Castles-Kuntz (Aunt) John Kutlik Gayle Kyker Lorene Kyles Jack La Berge Gene La Fargue Patricia La Fargue Pat & Gene La Fargue Alice La Pertche Jack La Prath Jack La Prath Larry Laack Larry Laack Orson Laam Sr. Alice Laam Orson Laam, Jr. Orson Laam, Jr. Antonio L. Lacasse Angela Lacatena Bessie Laccoarce Henry Lachenmeier Curtis R. Lacy Tom J. LaFaver Charles LaFever, Jr. Annie Lagomarsino Frances M. Lagorio Frances M. Lagorio Edward Lagorio, Sr. Edward A. Lagorio, Jr. Michael Lagorio Frances M. Lagorio Concepcion Lagura Buzz Lally Neal Lam Linda Lambert C. P. Lambert Jackie Lancaster Sister Mary Lancaster, F.C. Sister Mary Lancaster, F.C. Cindy Lance Donna Landa Forrest Landeen Forrest Landeen Claudia Landeen Claudia Landeen Forrest Landeen Claudia Landeen Barbara Landeros D.W. Landingham John E. Landis Robert C. Landmann Adeline Lane Our Grammy Fred W. Lane Irene Lane Chuck Lang Your Dad Your husband Your Dad Your Dad Carolyn Lang Charlie & Gertie Langenberg Carolyn Rae Lanning Gene & Jane Lanthier Lisa LaPenta Tom and Arzilla Large Vernon Lark Lenore Lark Tina Lark Bill Larkin Margaret LaRossa William Larsen Claudia Larsen Clay, Joan and Laura Larson Cynthia Larson Stephen Latham Bert LaTurner Charlyn E. Lauchland Charlene Lauchland Cliff Lauchland Charlyn E. Lauchland Charlyn E. Lauchland Hunter Lauer Hunter Lauer Mr. & Mrs. Hartwell Laurence Donald Laursen Laverne Isela Lawrence Doris B. Layson J. Don Layson Charles Layton John M. Lea Jack & Verna Lea Arline Leach Donald Leach Don & Arline Leach Mary Leal Bob Leary Bob Leary Bill & Vera Leary Bill & Vera Leary Robert Leary Paul Leary Robert Leary Lois Lebow Lourdes Lebrilla Joanne LeClair Barbara Ledbetter Preston Ledbetter Preston Ledbetter Larry Ledsinger Larry Ledsinger Larry Ledsinger Kim Squires Lee “RedHatter” Debbie Lee Alicia A. Lee Josephine Lee Clinton Lee Teddy Lee Jim Yick Lee Josephine Lee Kim Squires Lee Robert E. Leer Robert E. Leer Robert E. Leer Robert E. Leer Robert E. Leer Robert E. Leer Robert E. Leer Robert E. Leer Domingo Legaspi Lucille Lein John Leitch Juanita Leitch Gertrude Leitch David Chris Lemos, Sr Mary Lemos Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Lenci Wilke Leners Marie Leners Robert L. Leners Rudi & Sally Lenser Florence Lenz Howard Lenz Howard Lenz
Donor Name The Redman Family Kathy and Max Haro & Children & Grandchildren Kathy and Max Haro & Children & Grandchildren Kathy and Max Haro & Children & Grandchildren Kathy and Max Haro & Children & Grandchildren Kathy and Max Haro & Children & Grandchildren Keith’s Trophy Supply Andi Kutlik Steve Stevenson Scott and Janice Kyles Frances Voyer Craig and Barbara La Fargue Craig and Barbara La Fargue David LaFargue Florence Hernandez Dolly E. Sonne Patricia La Prath Mary J. Laack Pat Sorini Bev Phelps Bev Phelps Bev Phelps Helen Laam Marcelle Lacasse Mary Sheehan Jane and Dale Harman Jerry and Sharon Lachenmeier Ted and Beverly Lacy Margaret La Faver Jeanette Williams Yolanda and Ivan Hamlow Andrew and Louise Mangili James A. Lagorio Jeanette Lagorio Jeanette Lagorio Jeanette Lagorio Pete and Marilyn Winston Myda Bulawit Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Patrick Sabo Mae Bottger Mae Bottger Lois Sbragia Betty S. Brazil Carol Louise Silva Alexa Cameron Marlene R. Mohr Jean Landeen Jean Landeen Jean Landeen Jean Landeen Linda Gromm Linda Gromm Trudy Ceja Linda Newhall Mary Landis Diana Landmann Carrie Lane Jim and Elaine Stearns Jim and Elaine Stearns Bob Rimington Fred & Melinda Fred & Melinda Fred & Melinda Fred & Melinda Wanda Ketcherside Katherine Armstrong Elizabeth Lynch Renee Fink Helen and Frank Alegre Sandy Maslen Neil and Liz Lark Neil and Liz Lark Neil and Liz Lark Bob and Claudia Perkins Marilyn Togninali Marjorie S. Larsen Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kinser Alice M. Brodman Jane Knox Carol and William Latham Bob & Kathy Jenkins Dick and Janie Williams Frances Prudhel Janice and Larry Cooper Ron and Edna Mae Knecht Wendell and Fern Davis Vera Lauer Vera Lauer Mr. & Mrs. Hart Laurence Elsie Laursen Mary Campbell Alba Klemin Jane Crowden Jane Crowden Donald and LaVerne Stevens Bernice Lea Mr. & Mrs. Phil Lenser Jack and Tina Leach Jack and Tina Leach Jim Leach Donna Bennett Bob Rimington Donna Shane Florence Hernandez Florence Hernandez Ken and Jane Colyer Patricia Leary Patricia Leary Robert Calcagno Sharon Miller Jose and Martha Santiago Keith and Persis Ledbetter Mary Ledbetter Mary Ledbetter Shirley Ledsinger Shirley Ledsinger Shirley Ledsinger Arden and Lila Hunt Bob and Patty Slauson Diane Gray Don and Charmaine Lazzareschi Dorothy K. Wong Dorothy K. Wong Judiana Montgomery Richard and Fran Rudisill Shirley Caster Mary H. Leer Mary H. Leer Mary H. Leer Mary H. Leer Mary H. Leer Mary H. Leer Mary H. Leer Mary H. Leer Elizabeth Vazquez Roberta Navone Linda Dillon Linda Dillon Linda Dillon Joe and Pat Lemos Mr. and Mrs. William Hudelson Bruce and Tina Keplinger Joyce M. Cates Joyce M. Cates Joyce M. Cates Mr. & Mrs. Phil Lenser Alice Lenz Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Marilyn Warnock
Hospice of San Joaquin 2010 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name Ethel Leonard Donald Leonard Ethel Leonard Ethel Leonard Julia Leonardini The Leoni Family Francisco Lepe Francisco Lepe Francisco Lepe Francisco Lepe Francisco Lepe Francisco Lepe Francisco Lepe Francisco Lepe Francisco Lepe Francisco Lepe Francisco Lepe Merle R. Lerch John Lesch Wilbur (Will) Lester Floyd Leveroni Floyd Leveroni Floyd Leveroni Mrs. Alberta Lewallen Bob Lewelling Mike Lewis Gary Lewis (Grandpa) Bud, Ron and Josephine Lewis Mike Lewis Curtis K. Lewis Dovie Lewis Gary Lewis James “Tom” Lewis Gary Lewis Natalie G. Lewis Tony Lewis, Jr. Tony & Guima Lewis Norman Ley John Liberatore Jack Libhart Pauline Liddle Rose and John Liel Rose and John Liel Robert Liende Gaye Ligon Gaye Ligon Dolores Ligon Bruce Lilly Lilly - Our Pet John Lima, Jr. William C. Limbaugh Rueben Limon Reuben Limon, Jr. Margaret Limon Aimee Lina Elsie Lincoln Harvey Lincoln Harvey “Mike” Lincoln Davy Lind Davy Lind Lester H. Lind Jim Lind Linda Lindberg Cynthia D. Linde Mats Lindegren Irma & LaFay Lindeman Loreen Lindholm Esther Matteson Lind Janet W. Lindsay Matthew S. Link Matthew Link Dorothy L. Linka Gerald Linn Natalie Lipa Michael M. Lira Michael M. Lira Clyde R. Lisk Violet Lisko Wayne List Dolores Little Pierce Little Joe and Gene Little Gerald Litton Marcia Litton Raymond F. and Andrew Litvinchuk Raymond F. and Andrew Litvinchuk Frank Livingston Barbara Lizarraga Sharon LLewellyn Sharon LLewellyn William D. Lloyd Joe Lobb Mary Lobenberg Clint Lock, Sr. MaryAnn Lockard MaryAnn Lockard MaryAnn Lockard MaryAnn Lockard Orval Lockhart Lisa Marie Loduca Melissa Loeb Pamela Irvine Loeb Byron and Janice Loek Sally Lofthus Bud Logan H.M. Logan Debra Logan Betty Logan Betty Logan Morgan Logan Morgan Logan James M. and Marie B. Lomasney Marie B. Lomasney Frank Lombardo Randy Long Mary Long Mary Long Henry Long Mary Long Randy Long Lyla Looman Louis Lopes Israel Lopez Esther Lopez Lee and Tillie Lopez MarLisa J. Lopez MarLisa J. Lopez Israel Lopez Israel Lopez Israel Lopez Yvette Marie Lopez Ella R. Lopez Joseph T. Lopez Irene Lopez Jack Lopez Mrs. Eileen Lopez Yvette Marie Lopez Yvette Marie Lopez Yvette Marie Lopez Larry Lopez Arlene T. Lott William C. Lott Bryce Louden Kevin Loudon Bryce Loudon William M. Lounsbury James Love Loved Ones Earl R. Loveday Nancy Lovick John Lovins May Low Loren Low Karin Lowrie Ray Lowry Edith Lowry Betty Lozano Gary Lozano Mike Lubin Alice Lucas John H. Lucas Elsie Lucas John M. Lucas Josephine Lucas Ryan T. Lucas Ray Lucas Raymond Lucas John Lucchesi Aurelia Lucchesi Patty Lucchetti Luigi Lucchetti Della Lucchetti Honorata Lucero Jerry Luck Claud Ludwig Elaine Ludwig Julia D. Luevano Catharina Luhdorff Nancy Luhdorfff Frank Luis Frank Luis Barbara Luis Claudia Luis Frank Luis Ray and Larry Lujan Lyall A. Luke Betty Luke Lyall A. Luke Lyall A. Luke Uncle Louie Lumbrazo Thomas Lund Helen Lund Virginia Bowley Lundberg Dorothy Lundblad Shirley Lundgren Nancy Lundin Calvin Luther Michael A. Luxford
Donor Name Kathy Kollars Kathy Kollars Kent R. Smith Susan Watson Marilyn Togninali Jannean Cabral Sandra Lepe Sandra Lepe Sandra Lepe Sandra Lepe Sandra Lepe Sandra Lepe Sandra Lepe Sandra Lepe Sandra Lepe Sandra Lepe Sandra Lepe Helen Willis Ms. Eleanor Lesch Neva Lester Rudy and Toni Mussi Rudy and Toni Mussi Rudy and Toni Mussi Bonner W. Mendez Mike and Emily Paige Catherine Lewis Daniel Lewis Debra Re Hisako Nakamura Janet Lewis Junita Green Kandice Duns Leslie Walton Sandy Lewis Stella M Ross Tony and Helen Camara Tony and Helen Camara John and Elaine Mendiola The Stevano Family Eloise Libhart Linda Hanson Lena Vasconcellos Lena Vasconcellos Marjorie Werner Frank Wendell Frank Wendell Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holm Robbin Panko Paul and Lisa Mouldenhauer Joseph and Helen Balcao John Limbaugh Rena Limon-Lucas Rena Limon-Lucas Rena Limon-Lucas Chris and Dennis Olin Colleen and Jerry Evans Colleen and Jerry Evans Melissa Earl David and Donna Lind Leonard and Arlene Lind Leonard and Arlene Lind Leonard and Arlene Lind Phyllis Clayton Dean and Carmen Coleman Patrick and Ingela Piggott Toni and George Jaquith Ray and Arela Jean Ring Leonard and Arlene Lind Dale Lindsay Margaret Dwyer Mrs. Erin Link John F. Marble Martha Dias-Linn Mary Sheehan Jessica Lira Patty Lira Joan Lisk Denise DiBello Rosie Elias Don Little Harry Welte Jeanne Manley Gary and Virginia Poggi Gary and Virginia Poggi Eleonore Litvinchuk Eleonore Litvinchuk Geoff and Lori Ann Galtere David and Lisa Dentoni Judy and Terry Klimko Ted and Yoneko Sakakuchi John and Bertie Lee John and Dana Munoz Dennis and Angela Lobenberg Yvonne Lock Jim & Gena Brentt Marles Finos Nadine Horst Steve Lockard Marilyn Duarte Vincent and Betty Loduca Barbara Sarkany-Gore Barbara Sarkany-Gore Joan Atkisson Len and Pat Harrington May Logan May Logan Rita Jackson Shelby and John White Shelby and John White Shelby and John White Shelby and John White Carol Thomas Carol Thomas Flora Giannini Carla Long David and Linda Long Janice and Larry Cooper Jerry and Janet Long Joann Long Michael Walker Manteca Junior Womens Club Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Rauwolf Elizabeth Lopez Elizabeth Lopez Leonard and Arlene Lind Maggie Rangel Maggie Rangel Marilyn Peters Marilyn Peters Mark and Denise Rasmussen Mary Helen Fernandez Mr. Joseph Lopez Mr. Joseph Lopez Mrs. Jacqueline Mason Patricia Kenney Patricia Kenney Robert and Mary Ellen Lopez Robert and Mary Ellen Lopez Robert and Mary Ellen Lopez Roberta Uecker Patrica Patterson Patrica Patterson Helen and Frank Alegre Jeff and Julie Loudon Jeff and Julie Loudon Geraldine Lounsbury Nora Love Audrey L. Bohannon Reba Veenstra Jessica Lira Benilda Pemberton Dorothy K. Wong Mr. Thomas Y. Fong Robert and Margot Jensen Noble and Evelyn Keddie Noble and Evelyn Keddie Cloyse and Dolores Holland Richard and Janet Wanner Shirlee Lubin Dona L. Bohnet Mary Frederick Mary Frederick Mary Frederick Mrs. Debbie Evans Ray and Julie Wetteland Sandra Rey and Mike Bagnell Theresa Castaneda Ann Ramsey Patty and Eddie Lucchesi The Hjelmstad’s Vernon and Yvonne Lucchetti Vernon and Yvonne Lucchetti Myda Bulawit Linda Luck Clint and Claudia McCarty Peter and Judith Tirapelle Cynthia D. Diaz Donald Luhdorff Donald Luhdorff Debbie Gonsalves and Kim Jordan Mary McCleary Mary McCleary Mary McCleary Ms. Darlene Luis Dolly E. Sonne Chuck and Diana Olvera Gregory and Rhonda Olvera Jeff and Linda Heiser Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wick Paula and Larry Re Patrice Cotten Patrice Cotten Roger and Kathleen Bowley Bonner W. Mendez Betty and Jim Russow Ray and Gay Cuenca Connie Giannini-Turner Phyllis Luxford
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Harlen West, Fourth Grade student selected artist for the Rio Vista Cover Art Program and student of D.H. White Elementary School, Rio Vista, gets a handshake of appreciation from Hospice of San Joaquin’s Executive Director Stephen Guasco Honoree/Memorial Name “RedHatter” Shirley Lynch Marilyn Lynch Susan Sobaszkiewicz-Lynch Jim Lynn Bernice Lynn Nina Lynn William Lyon Bill Lyon Trudy Lyons Joe Lysoger Joe Lysoger Jeanne Lytle Mauricia A. Macadangdang Manuel G. Macadangdang, Sr. Billie Macchia Darold and Marion MacDannald Neil MacDannald John A. Macedo John A. Macedo Stewart Macey Christopher Machado Uncle Bill and Auntie Grace Christopher Machado Christopher Machado Franziska Mackenroth Rudolf Mackenroth Bill Madden Theodore R. Madden Aileen Maderos Inez Madrid June Madsen Mildred Madsen Bernie & Roseanne Madzier Margret Maes Bruce Maffei Frank Maffei Lorraine Maffei Jessie B. Magallanez Josephine Magdich Josephine Magdich Vernon Magee Renate Magni Leta & Judy Magud Leta & Judy Magud Phillip B. Maguire Karen Maguire James B & Margerite Maguire, Jr. Marguerite (Peggy) Magyar William Mah Mary Mah William Mah Joseph Mahan Joseph Mahan Oliver Mahin Terry Mahlman Jim Mahoney Elizabeth Maisonneuve Ella Makin Michael Anthony Maldonado Michael Anthony Maldonado Michael Anthony Maldonado Danny Maldonado Orin Mallett Carolyn Mallett Margaret Mallett Carolyn Mallett George Malloy George Malloy Carla Malone Elynore Maloney Clarence Malsam Clarence Malsam Clarence Malsam Clarence Malsam John Mancebo Ernie Mancuso Bernice Mancuso James F. Mandella James Mandic Albert Mandolini Costante Manetti Enrico Mangili Flora Mangili Enrico Mangili Michael A. Mangili Michael A. Mangili Arthur Mankin Douglas Mankin Earlene Mankin Ed Manley Edmond F. Manley Jr. Bill Manley, Sr. Jerry Mann Pearle Mann Elda E. Manna Margaret Manning Ted Manteufel Marianne Manuel Ronna Manzanares Linda Maragliano Linda Maragliano Violet & Joe Maranise William Marble Mary Marble Ron Marchetti Ann Marciel Steve Marciel Berna Mardis Woody Mardis Beatrice C. Maregno Guido Marengo, Sr. Diana Margand Diana Margand Diana Margand Diana Margand Diana Margand Diana Margand Diana Margand Diana Margand John Marganelli Esther Marganelli Esther Marganelli Rafaello Mariani Paul L. Mariani Raffaello Mariani Antoinette Mariani Ugo Mariani Rafaello Mariani Robbie Mariano Virginia Marin Madge Marino Mary Gutierrez Mariscal Mary Gutierrez Mariscal Guey Mark, M.D. Paula Marks Paula Marks Paula Marks Marvin Marks, Esq. Mary Marlowe Mary E. Marnoch Thomas E. Marnoch Joe Marquand Rocky Marquez Mary Marquez Louie Marquez Ronnie Marquez Ron Marquez Mary Marquez Louie Marquez Grace S. Marre Grace S. Marre Archie Marsh
Donor Name Bob and Patty Slauson Mr. and Mrs. Hefti Brunold, Jr. Richard Lynch Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Ms. Lori Lynn Anderson Ms. Lori Lynn Anderson June Spence Lynn Lyon Mark and Linda Lyons Thomas and Linda Castanon-Long Thomas and Linda Castanon-Long Catherine Lytle Mila A. Macadangdang Mila A. Macadangdang Janet Bonner Chris MacDannald and Alex Chris MacDannald and Alex Mary Macedo Mary Macedo Gloria J. Macey Art and Pam Needham Karen Miller Mike and Diana Machado William and Grace Machado Klaus Mackenroth Klaus Mackenroth Clinton and Kathleen Marshall Rayna Mahlman John and Laura Iacopi Rose Vossmer Helen and Frank Alegre Janice A. Jordan Mrs. Paula Hewitt Vincent Maes Annie Cuizon William and Karen Solari William and Karen Solari Adele Rodriguez Kelli Page The Annuciation School First Grade Class Gina Kindschi Bloom Klaus Mackenroth Jeanne Hash Jeanne Hash James Maguire James Maguire James Maguire Linda and Jeff Magyar Carolyn Sakai Dorothy K. Wong Mrs. Patti Komure Mah Bruce Mahan Marlene Mahan Joyce Mahin Rayna Mahlman Leslie Sanchez Susan E. Thomas, R.N., B.S.N. Annette Faszer Anthony and Sarah Maldonado Anthony and Sarah Maldonado Anthony and Sarah Maldonado Barbara Avey Carolyn Mallett Richard and Margaret Mallett Susan Caulfield Susan Caulfield Roberta Unger Yvonne Brown Christa Malone Barbara Avey Delores Malsam Ida Mae Lobb Lodi Pattern & Mfg. Co. Rhonda Sasaki Mary Serpa Mike and Leona Murray Pete and Charlene Reece Jean Mandella Joy Gittere Ron and Janette Mencarini Josephine Manetti Andrew and Louise Mangili Carole J. Huber Pete and Marilyn Winston Rick and Katherine Mangili Susan R. Livesey William and Sheri Casenave William and Sheri Casenave William and Sheri Casenave Alice Quinones Sherryle Manley Jeanne Manley Nancy Mann Nancy Mann Joanne L. Donadio Joan Brown Pat Crum Marie Boyle Bob Manzanares Larry and Tena Togninali Marilyn Togninali John and Shirley Shaw John F. Marble John F. Marble Janet Marchetti Frances Rita Frances Rita Nancy L. Mardis Nancy L. Mardis Guido and Patricia Marengo Guido and Patricia Marengo Arden and Lila Hunt Craig and Judi Sanders Janice A. Jordan Lon and Sharon Estes Myrna Walker Rae Charos Roger Yates, M.F.C. Susan E. Thomas, R.N., B.S.N. Gail Marganelli Gail Marganelli Louis and Carol Norley Clara and Luciano Biasetti Lois Rogan Massima Mariani Susan M. Farr Teresa Dini Veronica Torlai Dennis and Dayle Daniels Eve Galvez Mary Fornaciari Thomas and Linda Castanon-Long Thomas and Linda Castanon-Long Alfred and Erika Dahlke Dora Rangel Florence Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Craig Marks Joyce Marks Eufemia Herrera Mary L. Marnoch-Granadoz Mary L. Marnoch-Granadoz David and Maryann Lenci Linda Verdun-Brown Madeline Valdez Madeline Valdez Madeline Valdez Sally Marquez Sally Marquez Sally Marquez Bill and Nadine Coleman William L. Marre Joanne Marsh Souchek
Sierra Rodda, Third Grade student selected artist for the Tracy Tree of Lights Cover Art Program and student of Wanda Hirsch Elementary School in Tracy, shares a moment with her family during the evening of Friday, December 3, 2010. Honoree/Memorial Name Helen Marsh Lara Hernandez Lara Marshall Lara Marshall Lawina M. Marshall Lara Marshall Andrew Marshall Jerry Martens William & Nola Martin William & Nola Martin Tina Martin Jami Martin Jami Martin Joan Martin Robert Martin George B. Martin George Benjamin Martin Terry Martin Terry Ramirez Martin Evalyn Martin Beatrice Martin Helen Martin Ken Martin Debbie Martin Glenn Martin Patsy Martin Walter Martin Rose Marie Martin Linnie Martin Robert Wade and Marian Martin Elton F. Martin Adriana Martinez Florence Martinez Paul Martinez Ruth Martinez Richard Martinez Adam Martinez Richard Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martinez Joni Martinez Salvador Martinez Joseph B. Martinez, III Linda Martins Agda Martinson Jo Ann B. Marx Mom, Daddy & Mary Christopher Masdonati Tommy Maslen Elaine Mason Gertrude Mason Bruce L. Mason Henrietta Mason Peter Mason Randy Mason Fern Massa Al Massa Gary Massei Massio Family Tony Massod George Massoni Rod Mastel Nancy Reynolds Masterson Melvia Masterson Reetha Mathews Donna Mathiowetz Suzanne Matsumoto Les Matsune Les Matsune Tosh Matsuoka Frank & Yukie Matsuura Donald Mattes Carol Matthews Elmer Matthews Michael Mattioli Michael Mattioli Angie Mattioli Anthony Mattioli, Sr. Vickie Mattison Randall O. Mattock Irene Mattock Allan Mattock Gary Matuska Norman Mauch L. & H. Mauser John and Gert Mauser John and Gert Mauser Joel & June Mauser Joel & June Mauser Fred May Helen Mayer Jacob Mayer Lester Mayer Jewell Mayer Edwin Mayer Agnes Marie Mayer Emilie Mayfield Charles Mayfield & Family John Mayo John Mayse Pedro and Eloisa Mazuka
Joanne Marsh Souchek Carmen J. Costa Clifford Marshall Donnie Hernandez Ella Buffington Florence Hernandez Richard and Ann Filson Ron Martens Chris and Doug Martin Chris and Doug Martin Cindy Martin Dolores Munro Dolores Munro George Martin, Jr. George Martin, Jr. George Martin, Jr. Georgia Owens Geraldine A. Ramirez Guido and Gloria Mazza Marlene R. Mohr Modine B. Blalock Pearl M. Martin Pearl M. Martin Pearl M. Martin Pearl M. Martin Ronda Stacher Ronda Stacher Rosemarie and Nat Bacchetti Sandra Martin Tola Eley and Christopher Eley William and Ruby Vukovich Anna Wilson Dorothy Ann Martinez Eleanore Martinez Emily Escalante Emily Escalante Lupe Mazuka Lydia and Mel Kelley Patricia Chavez Sherry Camalleri Teresa Martinez Dorothy Ann Martinez Carolyn Mora Frank and Claudia Prather Mary McCleary Barbara Vallandingham Darlene Koepplin Sandy Maslen Mrs. Jacqueline Mason Mrs. Jacqueline Mason Trudy Mason Trudy Mason Trudy Mason Wanda Henderson Arlind and Jean Fontes Arlind and Jean Fontes Marci Massei Michele R. Duclo Jeanette Michaels Licia Beck Debbie Scott Mary Jane Reynolds Rex and Joyce Defenbaugh Dale and Patty Summers Sarah Azevedo Ron and Bonney Schnabel Dr. Lance M. Matsune Linda Vieira Lillian Matsuoka John and Peggy Takahashi Lisa Garcia Manteca Junior Womens Club Wanda Faught Helen and Frank Alegre Tony and Karla Mattioli Tony and Karla Mattioli Tony and Karla Mattioli Donna Bennett Michael and Rosemary Mattock, Sr. Michael and Rosemary Mattock, Sr. Michael and Rosemary Mattock, Sr. Judy Dodson John and Lyndy Walker May Logan Richard and Lani McDonald Richard and Lani McDonald Richard and Lani McDonald Richard and Lani McDonald Tracy Lee May Helen and Frank Alegre Helen and Frank Alegre Karen Mayer Lon and Valerie Mayer Lon and Valerie Mayer Mr. Craig V. Mayer James Paul Mayfield James Paul Mayfield Russ and Janet Adams Guido and Gloria Mazza Lupe Mazuka
Eloisa Mazuka Dean Mazzera Brittany McAlister Mico McAtee Mico McAtee John McBrian Barbara McBrian William McCain Bill McCain Billie McCain Ona McCann Pat A. McCann Erin McCarthy Margaret McCarthy John McCarthy Erin Kathleen McCarthy Erin Kathleen McCarthy Margaret McCarty Cyril McCarty Kathleen McCarty Kathleen McCarty Kathleen McCarty Kathleen McCarty Eileen McCauley Renee McClain Alta McClary Ed McClary William T. McClean Mary McCleary Homer McCleary Ruby McCleary Ruby McCleary Homer McCleary, Jr. Bill McCleary Beverly McClellan Lillian McClure John E. McColl Jeremy McConlogue Leona McConnell Mia McCord Don McCormack George W. McCormick Sarah McCormick Paul McCormick Frank McCoy Clint McCoy Lula McCreary Jim McCreath Jim McCreath Jim McCreath David L. McCulloch Robert & Judy McCullough Robert & Judy McCullough Edward McCurdy Bob McCurdy Lawrence McCurdy John M. McDaniel Bonnie Jean McDaniel Kimberly Joan McDaniel Elmer and Elizabeth McDonald John & Pearl McDonald John & Pearl McDonald Michael McDonough John McDougal Doris L. McDougal John A. McDougal Tom & Elsie McEnerney Kendra McEnerney Tom & Elsie McEnerney Tom & Elsie McEnerney Jason McEntire Dan McFarland Gerold S. McGary Darrin McGee Don McGillvray Leah McGinley Alberta McGinnis William McGinnis Elizabeth Jean McGowan Bill McGregor III Roger McGuire Bob McGuire Michael E. McIntyre Pete J. McIsaac Gwen McKay Judy McKelvey Laura “Dolly” McKenzie Margie McKibben Betty and Jim McKim Alice McKinney Joshua McLain Frederik H. McLaughlin Babs McLaughlin Esther McLevich Timothy McLinden Katherine Mary McLoughlin Edward M. McLoughlin Mr. Joe McMahon Donald M. McMartin
Lupe Mazuka Gary and Judy Mazzera Cathy McAlister Ira McAtee Ira McAtee Mrs. Helen Underhill Mrs. Helen Underhill Jackie Fleming Shirley Schene Tracy Cervantes Graydon and Jackie Bannert Linda Thomas Gina and Jerry Webb Rod and Brenna McCleary Rod and Brenna McCleary Stephen Costa Stephen Costa Clint and Claudia McCarty Clint and Claudia McCarty Clint and Claudia McCarty Don and Judy Briggs Joy Corkins Joy Corkins Susan and Christopher Oase Catherine Heighes Carol McClary Carol McClary Sally J. Williams Elaine Gumaer Mary McCleary Mary McCleary Rod and Brenna McCleary Rod and Brenna McCleary Mary McCleary Lee and Michelle Bethea Carrie Lane Bev and Bob McColl Donna Bennett Edwin E. Carver Dameron Hospital Nursing Council Beverly Hightower Helen McCormick Helen McCormick Syd and Mary Lois Thompson Linda McCoy Rich and Joanne Waters (5H20+) Sandy Lewis Bernetta McCreath Fran Duren Judy Vasquez Virginia McCulloch Caryl Toth Caryl Toth Helen and Frank Alegre Helen and Frank Alegre Susan McCurdy Angel and Nathan Galloway Ron and Bonney Schnabel Ron and Bonney Schnabel Glen and Betty McDonald Richard and Lani McDonald Richard and Lani McDonald Karen King Mary S. Sievers Mary S. Sievers Mary S. Sievers Linda McEnerney Linda McEnerney Mary Jane Horning Mary Jane Horning Carolyn Sakai Michael Halloran Donalee McGary Jennifer and Jason Mocanu Jeanette Michaels Mary Thompson Jill Seibert Jill Seibert Wayne and Shelli Smith William and Priscilla McGregor Esther Sowers Janet Schuh Mrs. Janie McIntyre Judith McIsaac Roberta Alexander Phyllis J. Almendarez Nancy J. Hoskins Tom and Pat McMillan Pat Van Oss Christina Abacherli James and Lauri McLain Connie Giannini-Turner Lilllian Bava Sandra Mello Benilda Pemberton Connie Giannini-Turner Connie Giannini-Turner Joe and Grace Head Betty McMartin
Hospice of San Joaquin 2010 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name Stephanie McMillen Walter McMillen Thelma McMillen Steven McMorran Teri Lee McMurtrie Yvonne and Jack McNabb Kay Arnold McNally Allen McNeil Chris McPherson Jimmy McPherson Mary Lou McQueen Michele Efie McQuillan Duane P. Meacham, Sr. Mary C. Meacham Maria Medina Genevieve J. Medina Jess C. Medina Jess C. Medina Genevieve J. Medina Jess C. Medina Genevieve June Medina Harry Meeks, Sr. Donald Mehaffey Beatrice Mehlhaff Tyler Pattingale Mehlhaff Florence Mehlhaff Ronald Mehlhaff Isabel E. Mehlhaff Florence Mehlhaff Bill and Hilda Meidinger Todd Meidinger Ella Meidinger Todd Meidinger Marilyn Meier Frieda Meier Pete Meier Christine Meier Angelina Meisch Zenaida Mejia Neil Mekeel Vincent Mekjavich Grandma Ruth Melcher Edmundo Melendez David Meling David Meling Theresa Mellelo Jule R. Mellen Ryan Mello Natalie Mello Sara Meloling Bette Melton Marie Mendaro Dave and Ann Mende Mrs. Margaret Mendez Edward Mendonca Edward Mendonca Mary S. Mercer Andres Meren Barbara B. Merjil Barbara B. Merjil Mr. & Mrs. Ceaser Merlo Mr. & Mrs. Ceaser Merlo Frank & Rose Merrick Don Messerschmidt Sr. Patricia R. Metrovich Thelma Metrovich Patricia R. Metrovich Agnes Mettler Aleatha Mettler John Metzcus Marjorie L. Meyer H. Leland Meyer, Jr. Hertha Meyer Lloyd Meyer Ralph Meyer Werner Meyer Grete Meyer Nick and Penny Meyers Linda Meyers Joe Meyers Mike Miatovich Michael G. Miatovich Christine Miccio Mel Michael Kevin T. Michaeloff George F. Michaeloff Tony Michaels Bernice Michaels Duke Micheletti Jerry Micheletti Michael Micheletti Otello M. Micheletti Michael Micheletti Michelle Carlo Michelotti Carlo Michelotti Carlo Michelotti Carlo Michelotti Richard Michels Dorothy Michelson Mickey Cheryl Middlekauff Cheri Middlekauff Ronnie Mierdiericks Ronald Migliore Marion Migliore Armand Mignacco Armand Mignacco Armand Mignacco Dieter W. Mikan Nina Mikan Gustav Mikan Phyllis and Warren Milldrum Catherine Miller Brian Miller Corinne Miller Floyd W. Miller Margaret T. Miller Floyd W. Miller Heidi Miller Steve Miller Patsy Miller Cathy Miller Madge Miller Al Miller Sam Miller Kerri Miller Victor & Marian Miller Andy Miller Jim Miller Floyd W. Miller Fred Mills Fred Mills Phyllis K. Mills Marjorie Mills Fred Mills Jeff Mills Fred Mills Wilbur Millsaps George K. MIlton Kenneth (Kim) Milton Ollie Mindt Dorothy Mindt Janet Miner James Miniaci Isabel Miniaci Ruby Minner Richard S. Minnick Elmo Minor Douglas E. Minor Francisco Miquel Mary L. Miranda Richard L. Miranda Violet Mireles Paul Mireles, Jr. Violet Mireles Paul Mireles, Jr. Tony Mirko Elizabeth Mirko Jill Mirkovich Dorothy A. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Donald (Dorothy) Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Donald (Dorothy) Mitchell Katherine Mitchell Edward Mitchell Helen Mitchell Kirby, Snickers and Casey Mocanu Norman D. Moe
Donor Name Christe May Jeanne and Larry McMillen Jeanne and Larry McMillen Amy Roberts Laura B. Trumbly Mr. and Mrs. Bob Garibaldi Christine Whitaker Susan R. Livesey David and Maryann Lenci Sandra McPherson Rosie Hausauer Roger Sweet Colleen Meacham Colleen Meacham Anna M. Lopez Jess Medina Jess Medina Jess R. Aires Jess R. Aires John and Genevieve Aires John and Genevieve Aires Betty Meeks Anne Braden Bonnie Cornelius Duane Mehlhaff Duane Mehlhaff Janice Mehlhaff Janice Mehlhaff Stacey & Ashley Pattingale Jeff and Suzy Beach Lee and Beverly Meidinger Russell and Mabel Martin The Hartley Family Nancy and Bill Schmer Richard and Marsha Griffith Richard and Marsha Griffith Velma Peterson Ms. Georgianna Garrison Enedina Mejia-Cordova Mrs. Barbara Mekeel Doreen Mekjavich John and Kimberly Melcher Doreen Melendez Evelyn G. Sarcander Faith Meling Warren and Shirley White Jerry and Patty Roek Pat Crum Sandra Mello Catherine Heighes Dorsey Melton Lena Giambruno Jeff and Julie Thompson Bonner W. Mendez Rita Jackson Sharon Mendonca Robert C. Mercer Marlene Tuell Gussie Owen Pat Merjil Walt and Barbara Wolterstorff Walt and Barbara Wolterstorff Jim and Glenda Hushaw Florence Bingham John E. Metrovich Marlene Drew Marlene Drew Jerry and Ronda Mettler Mr. and Mrs. David Wells Jennifer and Scott Emigh Barbara Sarkany-Gore Catherine Meyer Cindy Tohlen Cindy Tohlen Doris Meyer Judy Werre Judy Werre Cindy and Patrick Piccardo Kathy Scheideman Nick and Penny Meyers Dorothy West Eleanor Miatovich Juliana Homan Delta Lions Club Shirley Michaeloff Shirley Michaeloff Jeanette Michaels Jeanette Michaels Addie Micheletti Addie Micheletti Addie Micheletti Dorothy Micheletti Dorothy Micheletti George and Carol Benkie Carol Gledhill Evelyn and Robert Browne Stephen and Bonnie Fentress Vivian M. Gay Katherine Harden Corine Herrera Jerry Day Joyce Aschenbrener Lena Vasconcellos Mary McCleary Carol J. Migliore Carol J. Migliore Bruce Mahan Laura Mignacco Marlene Mahan Helen and Frank Alegre Linda Gonsalves Linda Gonsalves Mary Ann Libbey Chuck and Yolanda Kelley Debra A. Lawson Dolly E. Sonne Dorothy Ulman Ellis Miller Frances Eastep John Limbaugh Lynne Miller Lynne Miller Melissa Earl Michael and Mary Lou Monnich Michael and Mary Lou Monnich Mrs. Bertha Speegle Mrs. Janet C. Grafius Ron and Carol Miller Shirley Dare Trudy Ceja Velda Miller Heather Mills Helen Mills John Mills Larry and Georgia Mills Marie Mills Mary Ann Libbey Vivian M. Gay William and Jeannie Millsaps Marjorie Milton Marjorie Milton Sandy Lewis Sandy Lewis Lon and Valerie Mayer Lance and Patty Rieber Lance and Patty Rieber Carol and Larry Minner Sylvia Minnick Geraldean K. Minor Geraldean K. Minor Bertha Miquel Richard & Matthew Miranda Richard & Matthew Miranda Linda Mireles Linda Mireles Pete and Jackie Fanucchi Pete and Jackie Fanucchi Pam and Larry Howen Pam and Larry Howen Marianna Sperling George and Linda Davis Linda Lutz Linda Lutz Nancy Mann Nancy Mann Nona Mitchell Cathy McAlister Stella Moe
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Mark Rasmussen — Pacific Gas and Electric employee and volunteer for 22 years— sets-up the Stockton Tree of Lights duriing the weekend of November 19 through 23, 2010 Honoree/Memorial Name Lucile Moerman Kirk Moerman, Jr. Emily Mohr Richard “Pinky” Mohr Pinky Mohr Don Mohrweiss Arild T. Molgaard Henry Molles Mom & Dad Robert Moncrief Mary Lou Monroe Forrest Monroe Tom (Fuzzy) Montegani Irma Montes Stella Montez Thomas Montez Jerry Montoya Bishop Donald W. Montrose Bill Moody Larry Moon James Moon Larry Moon Larry Moon Haskell L. Moore Alan Moore Nicholas Moore Nicholas Moore Earl & Elsie Moore Coralie Moore Coralie Moore Kenneth Moppin Connie Mora Joseph Mora Sarah Aceves Morales Salvador Morales, Sr Raymond Morales Greg Morales Greg Morales Rosario Morales Luis Morales Balbina Morales Richard Morales Thomas Morales Greg Morales Flor Luis Morales-Nales Manuel & Jenny Moran Silvio S. Morando Gene Moranville Robert Mordaunt Gene A. Moreau Virginia Moreira Paul Morell Tony and Rita Morelli Brandi Nicole Moreno Chad Michael Moreno Frances Moreno Erlinda Moreno Stephanie Moreno Dolores Moreno Joe Moreno Reuben, Gloria & David Moreno
Fernando Moreno Stephanie Herrera-Moreno Bob Moreno Carlos Moreno, Sr. Claude Moresco Esther Moresco Ray Moresco Evelyn Moresco Bernie Morgenstern Mabel Morgenstern Londina Mori Nick Mori Markita Morris Geneva Hayes Morris Howard Morris Charles A. Morrison Sheri Morrow Joe Morseno Carolyn J. Mortensen Carolyn J. Mortensen June Morton Bob Morton Mommy Liz Ramirez Moscoso Ruth Moseley Theodora R. Moser Tomas Mosqueda Tomas Mosqueda Cathy Davis’ mother Karen Case’s mother Shirley Moti Lota Mount Lota Mount Rudolfo Moya Vodie Muccular Jesus Mucino John Muelrath Jo Mulkins Jo Mulkins Jo Mulkins Marie Mullally James T. Muller Baby Mullins Mason Mullins Ed Mullins Dovie Mullins Michael J. Mulrooney Ila Munger Ila Munger Ila Munger Ila Munger Ila Munger Ila Munger Ila Munger Ila Munger Ila Munger Ila Munger John Munoz Manny Munoz
Anthony L. Moerman Anthony L. Moerman Carol Martinelli Elizabeth Betts Marlene R. Mohr Mary Mohrweiss Gail Molgaard Georgia G. Pierce Roberta Harris Irene Moncrief Gary and Virginia Poggi Paula Monroe Rod and Brenna McCleary Elizabeth Lopez Mrs. Shawn Chavez Stella Visgilio Alan and Sandra Nevares Bishop Stephen Blaire Mike and Emily Paige Claudia Vallerga Jud Smith Phyllis Clayton Susan Moon Frances O. Moore Lory Moore Mr. & Mrs. Randall Stringer Mr. & Mrs. Randall Stringer Robert and Bonnie Moore Rosemarie and Ralph Moore Rosemarie and Ralph Moore Pauline Moppin Carolyn Mora Rod Mora David and Ortencia Perez David and Ortencia Perez David and Ortencia Perez Isabel Saunderson Isabel Saunderson Rose Morales Teresa Martinez Teresa Martinez Teresa Martinez Teresa Martinez Uncle Patrick and Aunt Judy Albaugh Jorge Luis Morales and Martha Morales Earl and Carmen Sato Bob and Claudia Perkins Robbie L. Collins Mike and Margie Mordaunt Jane Moreau Tony and Delores Moreira Stan and Marty Hopper Florence Hernandez Carlos Moreno Carlos Moreno Carlos Moreno Connie Raymond Donna Shane Emily Escalante Emily Escalante Loving Children: Reuben & Lori Moreno, Yolanda & Ed Burrows, Roberto & Danielle Moreno and Danny Moreno Ray and Lori Moreno Rosemarie Kennedy Thomas and Linda Castanon-Long Carlos Moreno Claudene Blasl Claudene Blasl Susan R. Livesey Thelma Stewart Dave and Pam Dias Dave and Pam Dias Lana Hess Lana Hess Felix and Paulie Torlai Linda and Jeff Magyar Mr. and Mrs. Roger Barker Opal E. Morrison Ron and Janet Morrow Donna Peters Bob and Dorothy Henning Marit Mortensen Bird Karen Yescas Karen Yescas Lucita Anderson-Smith April Rifenburg Barbara A. Patchen Angela Mosqueda Angela Mosqueda Jeanne Hash Jeanne Hash Olivia Moti Marilyn Peters Marilyn Peters Maureen Moya Joan S. Inge Josefa Sauceda Sara Balkwill Felix and Paulie Torlai Winfield G. Mulkins Winfield G. Mulkins W. Gregory Mullally Ray and Julie Wetteland Jean and Richard Mullins Jean and Richard Mullins Kay Green Kay Green Martin and Katie Ronayne Mona Harwood Mona Harwood Mona Harwood Mona Harwood Mona Harwood Mona Harwood Mona Harwood Mona Harwood Mona Harwood Mona Harwood Barbara Bidondo Ida Mae Lobb
Rod Suess, Pastor of Vinewood Community Church offers the Invocation of the Lodi Tree of Lights on the evening of Thursday, December 2, 2010.
Manuel “Manny” Munoz Manuel “Manny” Munoz Sox Sullivan Munoz Jim and Betty Munson Anna Muraskevics John Muraskevics, Sr. John Muraskevics, Jr. Eusebio Murillo, Jr. Eusebio Murillo, Jr. Mary Ellen Murillo Eusebio Murillo, Jr. Donald Murphy Wardeh Musallam Abib Musallam Wardeh Musallam Robert H. Musfelt Robert H. Musfelt Claude “Shorty” Musick Mae Evelyn Musick Rodolfo Mussi Rodolfo Mussi Rodolfo Mussi John A. Muzio My Parents My Parents Cecil Myers Mary Myers Nancy Myers Nancy Myers Richard (Dick) Myers Alan Nack Norman & Lillian Nadotti Ted Nakamura Tetsuo Nakamura Ted Nakamura Jane H. Nakaue Carl Nash Marion Nash Marion Nash Marion Nash Betty Natali John Nathe Gerald Natsuhara Roman Nava Ralph Navarro Bart Navarro Fred and Rose Nave Esther Nave Emil J. Navone Richard Neadeau Bill Neal Clyde Needham Barbara J. Nehme George Neil Clara Neil George Neil Clara Neil Ken Nellis Ken Nellis Emma Nelms Robert Nelson Donald A. Nelson Cordner and Mary Nelson Robert Nelson Rosanne M. Nelson Donald A. Nelson Roseanne Nelson May Nelson Nona Hoffman Nemie Nona Nemie Diane B. Neri Diane B. Neri Donald S. Neroda Samuel S. Neroda Irene C. Neroda Barbara Jean Nesbitt Victor (Buck) Nesbitt Marsha Neu Jessica Newlin Jessica Newlin The Newport Children Tim Newsom Nancy Newton Sheryl Newton Gene Ng Be Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Mike Nichols Clifford G. “Nick” Nichols Ruth Nichols Milton Nickel Romeo G. Nicolas Romeo G. Nicolas Bonifacio Nieddu Bonifacio Nieddu Bonifacio Nieddu Bonifacio Nieddu Bonifacio Nieddu Janet Niemeyer Alice Nieto Hilde Niford Hilde Niford Hito Nishi’s 90th Birthday Fusaye Nishima Bill Niswonger Bill Niswonger Wayne Nitschke W. E. “Shorty” Nitschke Warren S. Nitta Barbara Nitta Barbara Nitta Kathy Nixon Henry S. Noel Les & Marsha Nohl Lucy Noia Walter Noia James Nolan Dorothy M. Nomellini Joe Nomellini Dr. Darius Noori Dolly Nord Floyd Norling, Sr. Pauline K. North Priscilla Norton Ruth Novacek Frances Novetzke Frances Novetzke Patty Novenger William Noyes Cortney Nunes Americo J. Nunes Cecille Nuttman Vernon Oase Vernon Oase George L. Obert John Obertello Mary O’Brien Marie A. O’Brien Marie A. O’Brien Joseph O’Brien Voteau O’Brien James O’Brien - Brother James C. O’Brien Marie A. O’Brien Joyce E. O’Connor Joyce E. O’Connor Vernon C. O’Connor Robert O’Dell Donna Patricia O’Dell Eloise M. O’Donnell Bill O’Donnell Dora Offemaria William E. Offermann
John and Dana Munoz Lucy Munoz Momma and Poppa Jose and Martha Santiago Alfredo and Ruth Leon Alfredo and Ruth Leon Alfredo and Ruth Leon George & Christine Soto George & Christine Soto Gloria Nomura Vera Torres Mrs. Helen E. Murphy Georgette Nahhas Georgette Nahhas Rena Meier Doris E. Musfelt Doris E. Musfelt Pat and Kathleen Fitzpatrick Pat and Kathleen Fitzpatrick Rudy and Toni Mussi Rudy and Toni Mussi Rudy and Toni Mussi William and Lavina Logsdon Susan Keehr Susan Keehr Bernice Holmes Lynne and Roger Ver Mulm Martin J. Herzog Martin J. Herzog Sharon Myers Robert and Dana Lapp Louise Della Santa Catherine Lewis Chris MacDannald and Alex Hisako Nakamura John S. Nakaue Doug and Randi Preston Sharon Fortner Sharon Fortner Ted and Myrna Cooper Delta Lions Club Mary Natteford Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Natsuhara Martha Magana Annette Saldivar Ruth Navarro Lyndle Bell Patricia Richards Roberta Navone Loving daughter & husband, Lori C. & Reuben Moreno Norma G. Neal Art and Pam Needham Sam Nehme Brian and Cathy Aubrey Brian and Cathy Aubrey Helen and Frank Alegre Helen and Frank Alegre Susan R. Livesey Susan R. Livesey Anna M. Lopez Barbara J. Jones Belynda Zobb George, Gayle, Kyle & Kendall Kenyon Gretchen H. Nelson John Nelson Lynn Nelson Marlene R. Mohr Violet Rossi Art and Pam Needham Judith Davis Jaret Blinn Peter and Nicole Rosado Dennis and Shari Neroda Dennis and Shari Neroda Dennis and Shari Neroda John and Sandra Nesbitt John and Sandra Nesbitt Harry R. Trovinger Dennis and Janet Keithley Mr. and Mrs. Neal Newlin Keith and Sarah Dias-Sprague Shelby and John White Jim and Carole Kiefer Ted and Beverly Lacy Jeanie Quan Mai Nguyen Cathy McAlister Jan Nichols Jan Nichols Gerald and Beverly Ascencio Josephine Nicolas Margaret Mary and Patrick Johnston Agnes Nieddu Agnes Nieddu Agnes Nieddu Jim and Sabrina Rohleder Luciana Flocchini Christine and Larry Kennard Chris Perez Fran Duren Manteca Junior Womens Club Anne Sheldon Alyce Nishima Mildred J. Niswonger Mildred J. Niswonger Mrs. Debbie Evans Thomasine Nitschke Hiroko Nitta Hiroko Nitta Hiroko Nitta Thomas and Linda Castanon-Long Charlotte Berglund Marilyn Warnock Phillip Noia Phillip Noia Valerie Nolan Phyllis Garsino Phyllis Garsino Anonymous Danelle and Jeff Ferrari Katherine and Floyd Norling, Jr. Susan and Bob North Melanie Eggett Warren and Georgia Potts Gloria Nomura Jim and Andrea Novetzke Richard and Janet Wanner Sandra Mello Christine and Larry Kennard Joe and Valarie Nunes Kristine Verstl John E. Allen Susan and Christopher Oase Louise Obert Mr. and Mrs. William B. Gomes Bob and Kathy Wallace Chet and Renee O’Brien Karen L. Turner Marie and Stephen Guasco Marie and Stephen Guasco Mr. and Mrs. Bob Silvano Shirley Hamilton Shirley Hamilton Doug Jann Mia Seitelman Mrs. Viola O’Connor Lisa Gallegos Mr. Joseph O’Dell Clarence O’Donnell Dee O’Donnell Carolyn Bennett Mae Offermann
John Ohlson Robert G. Ohm Herman G. Ohm Evelyn Ohm Roy Ohta Roy Ohta Roy Ohta Roy Ohta Roy Ohta Roy Ohta Roy Ohta Peter Ojeda Armando Arriola Ojeda Francis Okamato Frances Okamoto Corny Olaso George Olcomendy Esteban Olgin Letha Olgivie Matt Olin Annie Olin Dorothy Olin Dot Olin Aunt Dot Dot Olin Caroline Oliva John Oliveira Mary Oliveira Darriel Oliver John Oliver Robert A. Olivero Bob Olivero Carin Olivet Mary Helen Olmsted Jo Ann Olmsted Jo Ann Olmsted Jo Ann Olmsted Eugene Olsen Edith L. Olsen Margaret Olsen Norman Olsen Bill Olsen Delores C. Olson Warren Olson Eleanor Olson Warren Olson Skip Olson Warren Olson Langley Olson Katherine Olvera Lily Olvera Carmen Olvera Joseph Olvera Grandpa Omachi Mary Oneto John Oneto, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Francisco DeLeon Ong Frank Oprandy Helen Oprandy Patrick Ordovensky Melissa O’Reilly Kaz Orimo Reno Orlandi Nino Orlando Inez Oropeza Jake Ortega Jake Ortega Louis S. Ortiz Louis S. Ortiz Ret. Chief Leonard Ortiz Ret. Chief Leonard Ortiz Blanche Osborn Blanche Osborn Charles Osborn Jr Donald L. Osborn Floyd Osborn Doris Osborn Duane C. Ostgaard Duane C. Ostgaard Duane C. Ostgaard Duane C. Ostgaard Duane C. Ostgaard Duane C. Ostgaard Duane C. Ostgaard Mary Gutierrez Mariscal and Martin Alva & Bob O’Sullivan Emanuel Oswald Anita Oswald Emanuel Oswald Anita Oswald Josephine Ottaviano Donna Otto Donna Otto Donna Otto Bill Owen Florence Owen Jeanette Owen Reg & Betty Owen William Owens Lila Owens Arthur Paul Owens Pamela Oxford C. Charles Pacheco Eliana Paculba Leon Padayhag Kevin Padilla Michael Padilla Indalecia R. Padilla Kathryn Nagel Horst Padilla William Padilla Ruben Padilla, Jr. Maria C. Padron Matt Pagano Virginia Pagano Shirley Page Leah Palmquist Maryann Wallace Pangburn Maryann Wallace Pangburn Maryann Pangburn Harrie Pankey Robbin Panko Robert Panzer Alice Panzer George Pappas Jennie Paradiso Steven Paradiso Tony and Angie Paradiso Steven Paradiso Mary Parchment Ercel Parchment Mary Parchment Darla Ryan-Pardee George Pardini Vera Pardini Shelley Pardini Dick Park Susan Park Jeff Parker Buryle Parkin Tammy Irene Parkinson Ethel Parks Dean Parshey Chris Parsons Ted and Erodita Pasion Ted and Erodita Pasion Paul Pasquet Frances Pass Richard Pass Shirley Passama Joseph Pastorello Ernest Pastorino
Susan Wathan Barbara J. Ohm Dolores Ohm Dolores Ohm Christie Delucchi Debbie Sakakihara John & Jennifer Fukano Julie Ohta Julie Ohta Mrs. Tomiye Ohta Patti Mah Doris Perez Jorge L. Morales Barbara Avey Patti and Kent Yep Leonard and Arlene Lind Tony and Carol Torlai Ray, Angela, Richard & Ramon Olgin Rose Morales Chris and Dennis Olin Chris and Dennis Olin Chris and Dennis Olin Diane Constantine Mary Celentano Robert and Margot Jensen Eve Galvez John and Irene Leandro John and Irene Leandro Jana and Fred Sanderson Marion Oliver Carol Olivero Florence Bingham Toni and George Jaquith Carole Delmanowski The Engelunds The Engelunds The Engelunds Jeanne Blinn Lynne Galletta Sandy Clark & Jeri Parrish Sandy Clark & Jeri Parrish Warren and Shirley White Annette M. Hansen Diana Swan Galen Olson Galen Olson Galen Olson Ronald and Nancy Simmons Ronald and Nancy Simmons Chuck and Diana Olvera Gregory and Rhonda Olvera Gregory and Rhonda Olvera Kathleen Siebler Carol Nakashima The Oneto-Galbreath Family The Oneto-Galbreath Family Lucita Anderson-Smith Pat Tirone Pat Tirone Farley and Charles Staniec Marci Massei Rose Mildred Orimo Marie and Gene Rizzolo Stephanie Celli Carol J. Migliore James and Patricia Brice Judy Ortega Kathryn Rauwolf Kathryn Rauwolf Woodbridge Firefighters Association Woodbridge Firefighters Association Mike and Leona Murray Richard and Sharon Maragliano Richard and Sharon Maragliano Rita Osborn Wyman and Andrea Osborn Wyman and Andrea Osborn Ellen Ostgaard Ellen Ostgaard James and Lois Finch Kara Halligan Ken and Doris Chase Kolleen Ostgaard Stephen and Bonnie Fentress Thomas and Linda Castanon-Long Betty Oswald Betty Oswald Donna Oswald Donna Oswald Henry Ottaviano Jacqueline F. Russell Jacqueline F. Russell Jacqueline F. Russell Charity Owen Gussie Owen Mary Thompson Patty Ceppi Georgia Owens Pat Caccamo Steve and Kathy Owens John and Marla Kendrick Gary Franke and Rhonda AvillaFranke Renee Paculba Susie Padayhag Emily Johnson Emily Johnson Luz Maria Padilla Sharon Shockey Sharon Shockey David and Elizabeth Rodriguez Mary McCleary Cathy McAlister Florence Hernandez Carolyn Bennett Janice and Larry Cooper Bernetta McCreath Bob and Kathy Wallace Michael Pangburn Marci Massei Marvin and Darla Pardee Joy and Mike Panzer Joy and Mike Panzer Christine Whitaker Debra A. Carr Henry and Evelyn Pereira Theresa Honeychurch Theresa Honeychurch Antoinette Berman Brad Parchment Brad Parchment Connie Giannini-Turner Fred and Georgia Risso Fred and Georgia Risso Wanda Pardini Diane Park The Oneto-Galbreath Family Paulette Parker Catriona Linn Corry Weidman-Sibell Shirley Parks Noreen Smith Karen Longoria and Karen Ulmer Grace and Melchor Tolentino Grace and Melchor Tolentino Paulette Parker Pat Reeder Pat Reeder Jeanne and Larry McMillen Tony and Dawn Troncale Robert Calcagno
Hospice of San Joaquin 2010 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name
Donor Name
Honoree/Memorial Name
Donor Name
The Lockeford / Clements Tree of Lights, shines during the night of Wednesday, December 3, 2010. All the Hospice of San Joaquin trees remained lit for the entire holiday season. Proceeds from this events help Hospice of San Joaquin provide care for terminally ill patients and their families. Additionally, it allows the agency to support the community with bereavement programs for those grieving the loss of a loved one. Honoree/Memorial Name Daniel W. Patchen Caroline S. Patino Charles Patmon Antolin Patricio Laura Patrick Jamal J. Patterson Jane Patterson Leon M. Patterson Mildred Patterson Tyler James Mehlhaff Pattingale Ralph E. Patton, Sr. Stan Pauff Aunt Millie Uncle Paul Joanne Paul Sharon Paul Dini Paolo Laura Paulson Thomas Paulson Geneva Paulson Drew Paylor Bob Payne Opal Paynter Cliff E. Pearson Ruth Pease Pete & Lenore Peccole Alfred Pedroli Frank Pedroncelli Angela Pedroncelli Frank Pedroncelli, Jr Barbara Pedrozo Margret Peer Bernice Peirano Dante Peirano Roger Peling Norma Pellandini Nadine (Billie) Pellegri Dante Pellegri Paolo Pellegrino Michael Pellizze Helen Pelton Virginia L. Pemberton Braden Penberthy Mr. & Mrs. Norman (Esther) Penberthy, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Norman (Esther) Penberthy, Sr. Braden Penberthy Rollie M. Pennington Larry Pennini Larry Pennini David Peoples Steven Peoples Steve Peoples Armand Perasso Juanita Percival Henry Pereira Jr. Hank Pereira Irene Perez Robert M. Perez Martin Perez E.R. Perez John Perez Monica Vargas Perez Bob Perez Don Perkins Karl Perks
Donor Name Barbara A. Patchen Stella Hernandez Evelyn and Robert Browne Myda Bulawit Linda Newhall Janessa Menefee Karen and Gerald West Sherry Carney Sherry Carney Stacey Pattingale Robert and Janis Sheen Mike, Cathy and Nicole Otte 5 H20+ 5 H20+ Delta Lions Club Len and Pat Harrington Luciana Flocchini James A. Paulson Lisa Buhk Lisa Buhk Marcia Cook Yolanda and Ivan Hamlow Prof & Mrs. Ted Takaya Mary Mohrweiss Patricia Van Oss Yolanda and Ivan Hamlow Donna Araquistain Geraldine Pedroncelli Geraldine Pedroncelli Geraldine Pedroncelli Mary Szymanski Violet Rossi Frank and Erlene Raspo Frank and Erlene Raspo Don Peling and Idamary Smith Marvin and Darla Pardee William and Jeanne Urbani William and Jeanne Urbani Farley and Charles Staniec Connie Farago and Maria Heffernan Elizabeth Lopez Benilda Pemberton Linda Lutz Linda Lutz Linda Lutz Rip, Rob and Randy Waters Jacqueline Pennington Kelli Page Mary Pennini Arthur and Ruth Peoples Arthur and Ruth Peoples Peter and Judith Tirapelle Paul and Jan Umdenstock Iwao Wakai Theresa Honeychurch Tony and Carmen Silva Chris Perez David and Ortencia Perez David and Ortencia Perez Doris Perez James Maguire Mark Perez Thomas and Linda Castanon-Long Susan R. Livesey Carol Shurden
Honoree/Memorial Name Angela Perks Ida Perry Joe Perry John Perry Dennis Perry Larry (Laurence) Perry Dennis Perry Dennis Lee Perry Dennis Lee Perry J. Ogden Perry John Perry Peter Persic Robert Person Karene Person Anthony Pessino Betty Peterman Rick Peters Fred A. Peters, Jr. Lucille Peters Lucille Peters Lucille Peters Lucille Peters Lucille Peters Lucille Peters Lucille Peters Lucille Peters Lucille Peters Lucille Peters Elsie Peters William Edward Peters Lucille Peters Fred A. Peters, Jr. Derek Petersen Jack Petersen Tom Petersen Derek Petersen Rosemary Peterson Carla Peterson David and Vivian Peterson Marilyn K. Peterson Hazel Peterson Cheri Peterson “Pete” Peterson Ester Petschuch Heidi Petschuch Paul Petschuch Bob Petty Mildred Pezzi Tony Pezzi Lee A. Pezzola Olinda Pfeif Leo Pfeifer Aldon Pfeifer Dorothy Pfeiffer Edwin Pfeiffer Jeff Pfeifle Jeff Pfeifle Jerry Pfeifle Jerry Pfeifle Gertrude Pfeifle Jene Pharris Mark Phelps Mark Phelps Melvin Phillips John Phillips Gene Phillips My loving husband and best friend, David Austin Piacentini
Donor Name Carol Shurden Barbara Scott Barbara Scott Mary Pennini Mike and Doris Powers Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shands Richard Tassano Sharla Perry Stacy Masterson Tom and Barbara Walker Tony and Helen Camara Dan and Kathy Caminata Stephen and Julie Hellmer Stephen and Julie Hellmer Georgia Podesto John and Marla Kendrick Beverly and Bob Peters Bruce and Linda Dodge Ida Ortiz Ida Ortiz Ida Ortiz Ida Ortiz Ida Ortiz Ida Ortiz Ida Ortiz Ida Ortiz Ida Ortiz Ida Ortiz Linda Dahl Linda Dahl Rose Peters Rosemarie and Nat Bacchetti Jim and Marilyn Menasco Mary Hamilton Mary Hamilton Randall J. Waters Arland Peterson Elmer and Donna Smith Elmer and Donna Smith Jeanne Symons Jennifer Ramirez Louise Keser-Biederman Marlene R. Mohr Peter and Helga Marshall Peter and Helga Marshall Peter and Helga Marshall Myron and Linda Rulofson Anthony Pezzi Anthony Pezzi Sally J. Williams Frieda Fischer Angela Cerri Patty Pfeifer Alan and Elodee Behnke Alan and Elodee Behnke Betty Pfeifle Betty Pfeifle Betty Pfeifle Betty Pfeifle Sandy Lewis Rex & Sue Edmiston Rich and Joanne Waters (5H20+) Rob and Sara Waters Eleonore Phillips Nick and Penny Meyers Renee and Reed Robbins Sue Phillips Jim and Carole Kiefer
Honoree/Memorial Name Adam Piacentini Avery Piacentini Joseph Piazza Celia Piazza Catherine Piccardo George & Carmen Piccardo Catherine Piccardo Wardell Piccardo Patricia Piccardo Fred Picchi Fred Picchi Enrico Picchi Julia Picchi Roseadele Picchi Fred Picchi Antonio & Josephine Piccoli Edward F. Pico Mary Pidde Kent Pierce Almeda Pierce Ruth Pierovich Lynne Pilcher Lynne Pilcher Frank Pimental Eleanor Pimental Fred Pinasco Debbie Pinasco Fred Pinasco Fred Pinasco Debbie Pinasco Debbie Pinasco Joey Pinasco Joey Pinasco Joseph Pinasco Joseph Pinasco Joeie Pinasco Geraldine Pinder Cecil Pinkerton James Pinkham Everett Pinkham James Pinkham Everett Pinkham Elizabeth Pirkle Fran Piscitelli Nat Piscitelli Anna Piszek Christina Pitta Edward Pitta Leanne Pizzi Angelena and Charlie Pizzo Frank and Viola Pizzo Paul A. Placencia, Jr. Paul Placencia, Sr & Jr. John and Elizabeth Plamenatz Tad Platt Willie and Anna Plhomer John Plotz Dorothy Plotz Jim Plumb Jan Podany Tom and Jan Podany Adeline Podesta Tony Podesto Gertrude Poetker (Nana) Joseph M. Poggi Caterina Poggi Joseph M. Poggi Caterina Poggi Jim Pollard Rose Polloni Olivo Polloni Eugene Pombo Mabel and Alfred Pombo Damon R. Pombo Mabel Pombo Alfred P. Pombo Damon O. Pombo David Pombo Mabel Pombo Ernest J. Pombo Joe and Isabel Pombo & Family Angelina Ponte Manuel Ponte Bernice Pores Maureen Ann Porras LeRoy Porte Kathleen Porte Helen Porter James R. Porter Richard J. Porter Neil Porterfield Gilbert Portillo Trace Posey Sally Potts Warren and Georgia Potts Christina Potts Marrisa Pough Andrea Powell Isaac Powell Micah Powell Jordan Powell Thomas Powell Rusty Powell David Powers William Powers Helen I. Powers Walter Prato Enrichetta Prato Mr. Walter Prato Sr. Randy Pratt Kate Precissi Lou Precissi Jerry Preeo Trinity Preeo Alice Preeo Elmer Preeo Jake Presto Ruth Preston Bruce Preston Evelyn Preston Darren Preszler Catherine Previtali Joe Previtali Joe Previtali Oscar Price, Jr. Tennessee Price Vernon E. Price Gregory Price Frances Priebe Karl Priebe Karl Priebe Vickie Prieto Anthony S. Prima Ron Prioste Shelly Proctor Elma Proper Bud Proulx Bud Proulx Bud Proulx Bud Proulx Sharon Provost Edwin Prudhel Donald Prueitt Norman F. Pruitt Jerri Prusa Marilyn Pryor David Purcell Ronald Purcell Trudy Purse Bob Purse Connie Quaill
Donor Name Jim and Carole Kiefer Jim and Carole Kiefer Diane Falcone Diane Falcone Cindy and Patrick Piccardo Cindy and Patrick Piccardo Lynette Norman Lynette Norman Peter and Dena Piccardo Jennifer and Gary Giannini Josie Picchi Josie Picchi Josie Picchi Josie Picchi Pete and Marilyn Winston Yolanda and Ivan Hamlow Sharon L Pico Richard and Marilyn Salvetti Georgia G. Pierce Georgia G. Pierce Jeff and Julie Thompson Etty Vandestar Rusty Tafoya Lorraine Yancy Lorraine Yancy Donna Goyette Karen Miller Lena Pinasco Lena Pinasco Lena Pinasco Lena Pinasco Lena Pinasco Lena Pinasco Lena Pinasco Lena Pinasco Tony and Delores Moreira David and Donna Lind Shirley Pinkerton Frances G. Pinkham Frances G. Pinkham William and Jeannie Millsaps William and Jeannie Millsaps Ann Carmona Darlene and Jim Barnett Darlene and Jim Barnett Marjorie Werner Geraldine Pitta Geraldine Pitta Ron and JoAnn Jacobs Florence Hernandez Florence Hernandez JoAnn Estrada Robert & Elisa Munoz & Family Keith and Sarah Dias-Sprague Sarah Gerard Vera Turner John and Tiffany Lupul John and Tiffany Lupul Frank and Carol Whittaker Manteca Junior Womens Club Renee Fink Al and Marie Dal Porto Georgia Podesto Vickie Hale Wetherell David M. Poggi David M. Poggi Gary and Virginia Poggi Gary and Virginia Poggi Arilee Pollard Josie Picchi Josie Picchi Barbara Pombo Barbara Pombo DMP Properties, LLC DMP Properties, LLC Louie the Plumber Louie the Plumber Louie the Plumber Louie the Plumber Louie the Plumber Mary Gillen Mary Vasconcellos Mary Vasconcellos Ron and Jeanne Lubin Tony Porras Kathleen Rodriguez Kathleen Rodriguez Sherrie Silva Sherrie Silva Sherrie Silva Maryann Porterfield Christina Smoley Geoff and Lori Ann Galtere Jeanette Farley Warren and Georgia Potts Warren and Georgia Potts Joe and Pat Lemos Daughters of the Cross Les and Phyllis Ferguson Les and Phyllis Ferguson Les and Phyllis Ferguson Nita Powell Peter and Nicole Rosado Joyce and Jimmie Powers Joyce and Jimmie Powers Joyce and Jimmie Powers Ed and Judi Oliveria Thomas and Barbara Prato Walt and Kim Prato Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holm Les and Phyllis Ferguson Les and Phyllis Ferguson Adam, Devin & Debi Banez Adam, Devin & Debi Banez Robert and Eunice Preeo Robert and Eunice Preeo Mark Wallace Doug and Randi Preston Doug and Randi Preston Gerald and Virginia Houtsma Larry & Andrea Violett Dave and Pam Dias Dave and Pam Dias Frances Addison Beatrix Price Beatrix Price John and Marlene Dyer Mrs. Ramona Price Maggie Priebe Maggie Priebe Wil, Sue, Wil Jr., & Clay Fegett Marianne Prieto Richard and Emily Prima Jennifer and Scott Emigh Nancy Lewis Dona L. Bohnet A. Marie Williams A. Marie Williams Ellie Brumm Marjorie Proulx Lisa Garcia Marlene K. Prudhel Dorinda and Walt Givens Frances De Martini Jeanette Farley Steven Pryor Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grimm Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grimm Connie Lockwood Connie Lockwood Bob Rimington
The Family of John Cambra: Karen Cambra, wife; Aimee Cambra & Kim Berghorst, daughters; Breanna Cambra, Olivia Berghorst, & Gavin Berghorst, grandchildren lighting the Manteca Tree of Lights at Manteca Doctor’s Hospital on Wednesday, December 1, 2010..
Honoree/Memorial Name Lee Queen Bernardo Quesada Frances Quesada Jose S. Quiaoit Jr. Eleanor Quinn Benny Quinones Pat Quint Janie Racho Thomas Radin Paul Rafalski Paul Rafalski Paul Rafalski Larry J. Rafert Bob Raffel Sadie Raffel Derald Raggio Ngan Rahim Esther Raiche Avinash Raina Avinash Raina Som Nath Raina Sylvia M. Rall Sylvia M. Rall Rita Rallojay Leslie Ramacher Bernice Ramacher Ruby Ramacher Henry Ramacher Mary R. Ramirez Edward N. Ramirez Manuel Ramirez Edward N. Ramirez George Michael Ramirez Edward N. Ramirez Manuel Ramirez Alberta G. Ramirez Joseph Ramsey Joseph Ramsey Treburn B. Ramsey (My Grandpa) Mary E. Ramsey (My Grandma) Donald Randall Mary Randall Mary Randall Wanda Randolph Wanda Todresic Randolph John D. Randolph, Jr. Dayton B. Raney Dorothy Raney Doyle and Dorothy Jo Raney Linda Rapaport Mack Rasberry Anne Rasmussen Cathy Rasmussen Anne Rasmussen Catherine A. Rasmussen Lenore Raspo Frank Raspo, Sr. Frank and Erlene Raspo Ken Ratcliff Ratelle Family Henry Ratto Joe and Angie Ratto Joe and Angie Ratto Minnie Ratto Minnie Ratto My Mom, Minnie M. Ratto Marie Ratto Lloyd Ratto Minnie Ratto Minnie Ratto Bob Ratto Pauline Ratto Lloyd Ratto Angie Ratto Joe Ratto Kerwyn Rauser Naveah Ray Howard Raymond Howard Raymond Baby Dino Re Phillip & Marie Re Linda Rea John H. Rea, Sr Lee Roy Redden Oddilee Reddin Doris Reddman Claudia Redman Russell Reece Marian M. Reed Linda Ann Reed Linda A. Reed Charles Reeder Patricia Reese Richard E. Reeves Anthony Refuerzo Anthony Refuerzo Eddie Regalia Madelyn G. Rehn C. Roger Reichert Dottie Reichert and Sylvia Reichert Terri Reichmuth Clifford and Lillian Reid James Reid Thomas Reilley Vickie Reilly Errol L. Reilly Polly Reilly “RedHatter” Christy Reinhold Bill Reinold Thelma Reinold Lloyd Reiswig Herbert Reiswig Debbie Schlotzhauer Relf Lucy Reller Irene Remboldt Archie Remboldt Dave Renfro Marie Rennie Jack Rennie Lynn Renwick Lynn Renwick Robert Renwick Mike Renzi Elma Repka William J. Repka Jerome Rerich Jerome Rerich Natalie Retamoza A.C. Reuscher Bertha Reuscher Blasita G. Rey Patricia Rey Patricia Rey Elisa Reyes Daniel Reyes Elisa Reyes Edgar Reyes Aurelio Reyes Virgilio Reyes, M.D. Josephina Reyes Miriam Rose Reyland Jess Reyna Valerie Reynolds Jim Reynolds Chloia Reynolds Verna and Bill Reynolds Mary Viola Reynolds Edward Reynolds Ella Reynolds Dale Rhea Carolyn Ricardi Dorean L. Rice James Rice, Jr. Richard Richards Richard Richards Patricia Richards James L. Richards Burt Richards Sid Richards Bob Richardson June Richardson Bob Richardson Mildred Richichi Albert L. Richina Rose Richina Stephen Richina Phil Rickets Bob Riddell Nona O. Rieber Casey Rieber Casey Rieber Bess Riegel Dora Bell Rieger Rufino Riego, Jr. Lillly Riego Rufino Riego, Sr. Beatrice Ries Michael Ries Stanley Ries Larry Ries Lawrence Ries Victor Rigas, Sr. Rudy Rigato, Jr. Rudy Rigato, Sr. Jerry Riggs Sandra Righter Gayle Riley Geneva Ringness Lucy Rios Lucy Rios Joe C. Rishwain, Sr. Jeannie Rishwain George Rishwain Ben Rishwain Margaret Rishwain Joe C. Rishwain, Sr. Mary Rishwain
Donor Name Jane Queen Emma Quesada Emma Quesada Leatrice Sanchez Margie Palermo Alice Quinones Felix and Paulie Torlai Maxine Wanner Linda Radin Beverly Schlesser Grace Bueno James and Joan Limbaugh Peter J. Rafert Cindy and Jim Freitas Cindy and Jim Freitas Judith Cabral Peter and Nicole Rosado Dave and Pam Dias Randall J. Waters Surrender and Girja Raina Surrender and Girja Raina Myron Rall Stephen and Bonnie Fentress Andres Rallojay Anne Ramacher Anne Ramacher Anne Ramacher Anne Ramacher Carol J. Migliore Cindy and Patrick Piccardo Diane Ramirez & Family Geraldine A. Ramirez Gloria Nomura Guido and Gloria Mazza Michael and Rosemary Mattock, Sr. Michael and Rosemary Mattock, Sr. Ann Ramsey Noris Bohannon Jill M Chagnon Jill M Chagnon Kelly Randall Tess Aberle Tess Aberle Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation John and Elaine Sandman Theresa Randolph Diana R. Curson Diana R. Curson Wayne and Gayle Daniels Gary and Vickey Rapaport Lina Rasberry Marie Rasmussen Marie Rasmussen Mark and Denise Rasmussen Mark and Denise Rasmussen Frank and Erlene Raspo Frank and Erlene Raspo Susan L. Ellis Sandy Ratcliff Michele R. Duclo Cathy Drake & Sarah Bustamante Donnie Hernandez Florence Hernandez Gina Del Carlo Gina Del Carlo Janet Ratto Giffen Kathleen Villarreal Kathleen Villarreal Marge Peterson Mark and Denise Rasmussen Mr. & Mrs. Larry Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Larry Elliott Steve and Linda Rapaport Wayne and Joanne Hernandez Wayne and Joanne Hernandez David and Mary Comer Dameron Hospital Nursing Council Connie Raymond Michael and Evette Latino Debra Re Debra Re Alice Smith Francene Tabak Gerald and Beverly Ascencio Modine B. Blalock Harry R. Trovinger The Redman Family Pete and Charlene Reece James and Patricia Pickering Joe and Grace Head Mary McCleary Pat Reeder Wanza Blackwell Marlene A. Reeves Diane and Donovan Vigil Diane and Donovan Vigil Doris Moore Jim and Cindy Rehn Jeane Reichert Thomas and Linda Castanon-Long Mary McCleary Louise Keser-Biederman Sarah Klein Lee Reilley Joan Cefalu Sean Reilly Sean Reilly Bob and Patty Slauson Christy Reinold Christy Reinold Archie and Leonora Grenz Henry and Sharon Sanchez John and Margaret Basalto Nancy and Bill Schmer Jim and Sara Larson Jim and Sara Larson Sandy Ratcliff Judith M. Gaal Judith M. Gaal Diane and Donovan Vigil Jim and Marilyn Menasco Linda Torlai Christine & Tony Steinmetz & Emily Renzi Starlett Jelley Starlett Jelley Mrs. Josephine Rerich Mrs. Josephine Rerich Lucy Retamoza Velma Peterson Velma Peterson Eleanor R. Gonzales Eleanor R. Gonzales Sandra Rey and Mike Bagnell Connie Raymond Mercy Reyes Michael and Evette Latino Nicholas and Lillian Aninag Nicholas and Lillian Aninag Nicholas and Lillian Aninag Nicholas and Lillian Aninag Mrs. Harry Crockett Cindy and Patrick Piccardo Belle Reynolds Belle Reynolds Bonnie Cornelius Leona Funkhouser Lloyd Reynolds Mary Jane Reynolds Mel & Debra Donia Marcelyn Rhea B.J. Stewart Linda Newhall Rod and Brenna McCleary Florence Richards Florence Richards Frank and Patti Griffin Frank and Patti Griffin Ms. Sharon Jackson Patricia Richards Clinton and Kathleen Marshall Forrest and Janis Richardson Jim and Joan Simpson Florence Hernandez Marjorie Moorman Marjorie Moorman Marjorie Moorman Melissa Lincoln Holly Little Harry Rieber Lance and Patty Rieber Thomas and Linda Castanon-Long Gary and Linda Spaugh Frankie and Willard Rieger Diana Sisneroz Teresa L. Contreras Teresa L. Contreras Katherine Harden Katherine Harden Katherine Harden Ken and Jane Colyer Peter J. Rafert Holly & Victor Rigas, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Randy Rigato Mr. and Mrs. Randy Rigato Lois Sbragia Danielle Rogers Ken and Gayle Riley Earl Ringness Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wick Tracy Lee May Dave and Pam Dias Dave and Pam Dias Jeanette Michaels Jeanette Michaels Jeanette Michaels Jeanette Michaels Jeanette Michaels
Hospice of San Joaquin 2010 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name
Donor Name
Honoree/Memorial Name
Donor Name
Dr. Teresa Brown, San Joaquin Delta College Board of Trustees President welcomes and appreciates the Stockton community to the 2010 Tree of Lights
Honoree/Memorial Name Laura Rishwain Tom Rishwain Mike Rishwain Edmond Rishwain Mark Rishwain Mary J. Rishwain Gregory Rishwain Ed Rishwain Rose Rishwain Ben Rishwain Mary Rishwain Edmond Rishwain Mary J. Rishwain Gregory Rishwain Ed Rishwain Joseph Rishwain, Sr. Edward Risner Aurelia Risso Fred Risso, Sr. Joseph Risso, Jr Irene Risso Joseph Risso, Sr Robert Rita Sandra Ritter Elizabeth H. Ritter Armida N. Rivera Lynn Rivera Mela Rivera - Mother Manuela Rivera Manuela Rivera Armida N. Rivera Philip Rivera, Jr. Philip J. Rivera, Sr. Maria Rizzi Mario Rizzi Richard T. Robello Albert Roberts Samuel Roberts Clare Roberts William Roberts Jane G. Roberts David Roberts David Roberts Pearl Roberts Jacki S. Roberts Genevieve Roberts Weymouth Roberts Ernest Robertson Hannah Robertson Janet Robinson Janet Robinson Nancy F. Robinson Naomi Luevano Robles Naomi and Moses Robles Bill and Nellie Rocha Sylvia Rocha Sylvia Rocha John W. Roche Rocky Rockwell LouAnn Rodacker Dallas Rodacker Frank H. Rodgers Rose V. Rodgers Yvonne Rodrigues Nieves Rodriguez Pauline B. Rodriguez John O. Rodriguez Fredric J Rodriguez Nancy Rodriguez Joseph E. Rodriguez Agnes Rodriguez Jose Rodriguez Robert M. Rodriguez Lenela Ong Basilio Rodriguez Romaldo Rodriguez Olga & Andres Rodriguez Milagros Rodriguez Paulette Rodriguez Paulette Rodriguez Oscar Rodway Irene Rodway Sue Roek Evenyl Roemmich Bill Rogan Gerry Rogero Danny Rogers Barbara J. Rogers Trista Rose Angel Rohleder Trista Rose Angel Rohleder Billy Rohner Betsy Marie Rohner Alois Rohsler Ruby Roider Jose Dolores Rojo John and June Roland Earlene Roland Mary Jane Rolleri John and Bennie Rolleri Mary Jane Rolleri Albina Rolleri Mary Jane Rolleri Albina Rolleri Albina Rolleri Charline Rollman Vincent Rollman Dennis Romero Mae T. Romero Stephanie Romero Frank Rometti Michael Rometti Vivian Rometti Lois Romjue Ronald F. Roncarati Socorro Rosales Rosalind H. Rosas JoAnn Rosato George Rose Spc. Robert Rose George Rose Wayne Rose Erika Rose Heinrich Rose George Rose George Rose George S. Rose, Jr
Donor Name Jeanette Michaels Jeanette Michaels Jeanette Michaels Jeanette Michaels Jeanette Michaels Jeanette Michaels Jeanette Michaels Jim and Linda Nylen Joe and Connie Rishwain Joe and Connie Rishwain Joe and Connie Rishwain Marie Rishwain Peter Rishwain Peter Rishwain Susan R. Livesey Joe and Connie Rishwain Katherine Risner Fred and Georgia Risso Fred and Georgia Risso Jeanette Lagorio Jeanette Lagorio Jeanette Lagorio Frances Rita Charlotte Richardson Vanadeane C. Brooks Armida N. Carranza Brandi Hollingsworth Christine Fernandez Cindy Mills Rosalind Fernandez Veronica Macias Armida N. Carranza Armida N. Carranza Flora Rosek Flora Rosek Frank Robello Amy Roberts Debra Wilson Debra Wilson Doug and Randi Preston Flora Giannini H. Dean and Beatrice McNeilly H. Dean and Beatrice McNeilly Harry and Kay Williams Lanette C. Snow Marilyn R. Bewley Marilyn R. Bewley Randy and Carol Willson Randy and Carol Willson Genevieve Conine Gloria Souza Leslie Robinson Bill and Lavina Logsdon Cynthia D. Diaz Pam Rocha Roy and Larry Vierra Sandra Mello Phyllis Roche Vicki Horn Lynne Cary Lynne Cary Mr. and Mrs. William Halvorson Mr. and Mrs. William Halvorson John and Irene Leandro Adele Rodriguez Adele Rodriguez Dianne M. Taylor Dianne M. Taylor Donald and JoAnn Romero Donald and JoAnn Romero Florence Hernandez Kathleen Rodriguez Lucille Rodriguez Lucita Anderson-Smith Marie Marroquin Marina Tarala Rose Mildred Orimo Stanley and Barbara Rodriguez Stanley and Barbara Rodriguez Cal and Betty Rodway Cal and Betty Rodway Jerry and Patty Roek Nishka Yudnich Lois Rogan Jerre and Susan Murphy Chuck and Jonnie Sullivan Patty Lira Agnes Nieddu Jim and Sabrina Rohleder James and Alberta Thompson James and Alberta Thompson Camille M. Rohsler Kimberlee Roider Belia Garcia Butch & Meredith McCormack Frances Addison Dave and Pam Dias Flora Giannini Jean Hagan John Rolleri Keith and Sarah Dias-Sprague Lori Hoyt Pat and Toni McDaniel Kathleen Goble Kathleen Goble Betty Jones Donald and JoAnn Romero Michele Burdan Melissa Holsclaw Melissa Holsclaw Melissa Holsclaw Barbara Hagans Fred Eggemeier & Dolores Moscatelli Barbara Wakeham Helen Haro Susan Caulfield Barbara Henry Bruce and Deborah Bentz Carolyn Mora Jerry and Linda Rose Margret Rose Margret Rose Mary McCleary Trudy Ceja Jessica Rose
Honoree/Memorial Name George Rose, Jr. Helen Rosebaugh John Roseberry John Roseberry John Roseberry Lillian Roseberry (Peach) Mae A. Rosebrock Mae A. Rosebrock Kenneth Rosek Catherine Rosek Bernard Rosek Vernetta Rosen Theodore Rosen Shirley Ann Rosencrans A.F. Rosencutter Liz Rosenquist Karl D. Ross Mrs. Edward Ross Edward Ross Bruse Ross Herb Ross Juanita Ross Charley Ross Fred Ross Jim Rossi Lewis James Rossi Rose Rossi and John Elaine Rosso Elaine Rosso Elaine Rosso Elaine Rosso Elaine Rosso Lola Rotert Josie Rotert Lola Rotert Julie Rotert Gloria and Ray Rott Robert Roughton Jim Rouse Albert Rowe Albert Rowe William L. Rowe, Sr. Loree Rowe Jacqueline Rowe Dinah Rowe Nancy Roy David Rubianes Mr. and Mrs. Louie Rubino, Sr. Raymond Rubio John Ruffoni, Jr. George Rugani Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ruggirello Frank Ruggirello Frank Ruggirello Frank Ruggirello Frank Ruggirello Frank Ruggirello Patrick Ruggles Larry Ruggles Phil Ruhl Dr & Mrs Frank D. Ruhstaller Paula Ruiz Maria Ruiz Patricia A. Ruiz Antonia Ruiz Josie Ruiz Patricia A. Ruiz Pat Ruiz Fernando Ruiz, Sr. David H. Rule Mavis Rumph Bill Rundberg Kevin Russell Annette Russell Carol Russell-Thomas Lillian Russow Howard E Russow Joe Rutan Scott Rutherford Margaret Ryan Joyce L. Ryan Joyce Ryan Kathlee Ann Ryan Earl J. Ryan Ruth (Sunny) Saarloos “Sunny” Saarloos Jeanne Rohn Saavedra Jeanne Saavedra (Mom) Clarence Saberniack Valerie Saberniack Clarence Saberniak Valerie Jean Saberniak-Phillips Frank Sablotny Beverly K Sabo Bev Sabo Joseph Sabo Tony Sadek Gordon L. Saffels Yoshie Sagara Isamu Sagara Yoshiye Sagara Yoshie Sagara Lillie Sage Lillie Florence L. Sage Eleanor Sager Kelly Forsberg Said Dr. Deborah Saiki Manuel Saiz Thomas Sakai Tom Sakai Samuel D. Salas Mildred Salas Jose Salas Anna Grace Salazar Stanley Saldua Stanley & Alice Saldua
Donor Name Joanne Wood Larry and Dee Dee Brehm Carol Roseberry Mark and Denise Rasmussen Mrs. Nancy Field Toni Rule Shelby and John White Shelby and John White Flora Rosek Flora Rosek Flora Rosek Jovon Cadieux Jovon Cadieux Jenny Veniegas Beverly Rosencutter Belle Reynolds Jeri T. Ross John and Elaine Mendiola John and Elaine Mendiola Mary G. Ross Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Warnock Richard Van Slyke Richard Van Slyke Stella M Ross Bunny Rossi Carol Hemmer Florence Hernandez Aileen Maderos Marilyn Warnock Peter and Jeanne Lenz Susan Lenz Susan M. Farr Frances Voyer Janice and Larry Cooper Kathleen Knight William and Lavina Logsdon Stephen and Nancy Scott Mary Natteford Darba Schlepp Steven & Jean Tarbell Steven & Jean Tarbell William L. Rowe, Jr. William L. Rowe, Jr. William L. Rowe, Jr. William L. Rowe, Jr. Marilyn Corbett Mike and Doris Powers Mr. and Mrs. Louie P. Rubino Armando and Priscilla Garcia Nettie R. Ruffoni Lorraine Rugani Cathy McAlister Cathy McAlister Dolly E. Sonne Jennifer and Jason Mocanu Jennifer and Jason Mocanu Jennifer and Jason Mocanu Jim and Dianne Ruggles Jim and Dianne Ruggles Susan R. Livesey Donald Ruhstaller Apryl Holdener Diane Stewart Fernando Ruiz, Jr. Fernando Ruiz, Jr. Jana Sanderson Julie Santos Lisa Haines Fernando Ruiz, Jr. Toni Rule Lois Sbragia Harold Rundberg Mr. & Mrs. Al Warnock Patricia Richards Steven & Jean Tarbell Betty and Jim Russow Betty and Jim Russow Betty Rutan Jennifer and Scott Emigh Alex and Pat Laymon Louie the Plumber Marvin and Darla Pardee Ms. Sharon Jackson Ms. Sharon Jackson Chuck Saarloos Ms. Darlene Luis Jack and Tina Leach Steffany Rohn Soares and Jim Soares Joe and Grace Head Joe and Grace Head Ms. Darlene Luis Robert and Jean Phillips Gary and Linda Spaugh John Sabo Nick and Penny Meyers Patrick Sabo Judi Slayton Denise Saffels Frank and Betsy Shinoda Frank and Betsy Shinoda John & Jennifer Fukano Julie Ohta Linda M. Smith Opal Starkey Louis Sager Harry Rieber Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Saiki Mary Klevan Dan and Kathy Caminata Mrs. Patti Komure Mah Lodi Funeral Home Lodi Funeral Home Renee Paculba Marilyn Warnock Leslie Sanchez Tony and Bellarine Gonzales
The Family of Velma Bostic: Elaine Fisse, daughter; Tiffany Gomes, granddaughter; Jared Gomes, Alyse Fisse & Leah Fisse, greatgrand children lighting the Lodi Tree of Lights at Lodi’s City Hall.
Honoree/Memorial Name Don Salisbury Donald Salisbury Don Salisbury Gladys & Ross Salmon Carl & Elvera Salo Lucienne Saltet Roger Saltet Charles Salvetti Frank Salvetti Brianne Marie Salvi Samantha Donna Samples George Samples Donna Samples Julio Samson, Jr. Walt Sanborn Walt Sanborn Walt Sanborn Walter Sanborn, Sr. Walter Sanborn, Sr. Porfiria Sanchez Joanne E. Sanchez Jess Sanchez Mike Sanchez Salvador S. Sanchez Crispen Sanchez Mardonio Cholula Sanchez Manuel Sanchez, Jr. Manuel Sanchez, Sr. Bill Sandeen Lola Sandeen Bill Sandeen Bill (Papa) Sandeen Julie Sanders Jonathan Sanders Ronald Sanders Mark Sandman Marie Sanfilippo & Family Carl Sanfilippo Lora Sanford Lora Sanford Lora Sanford Albert Sanguinetti Michael Sanguinetti Mr & Mrs Jim Sanguinetti Bud Heckman Genny Sanguinetti Dr. Ralph Sanguinetti Lena Sanguinetti Bruce Sanguinetti Mully Sanguinetti F. John Sanguinetti Louise Sanguinetti John Santa Maria Margaret Santella Aurora Santiago Abel Santiago Aurora Santiago Aurora Santiago Aurora Santiago Abel Santiago Aurora Santiago Abel Santiago Gary Santos Manuel N. Santos Nickolas Saporito Rose and Charles Saporito Sue Sarale Bernice Sarina Kyle Sarina Homer Sasenbery Edna Sasselli Joseph Sasselli Olava Saterlie Casper Saterlie Jack Sato Paul & Kyo Sato Gabriele A Sato Paul Sato Richard Satterlee Mary Claire Satterly Art Savage Mary Savio Ben Saxon Harry Sbragia Antoinette Scales Helen Scanavino John Scanavino Gary A. Scannavino Al Scannavino Gary A. Scannavino Gary A. Scannavino Verlyn Scantlebury Robert Scarborough Jean Scarbrough Timothy Scardino Doris Schaal Ferdinand Schacht John Schack La Vonne Schaefer La Vonne Schaefer Ben Schaffer Erma Schaffer Joseph Schaffer Dora Schaffer Jimmy Schamber Annie Schatz Arch L. Scheffel George Scheideman Mama Lena Schendel Jim Schene Jaime Schene Anna Schenker Ruby Schenker Ralph Scheurer Edith Scheurer Opal Schiaffini Jim Schlader Thomas Schlepp Mr. Wm Schlothan Mrs. Dolores Schlothan Robert A. Schmalz Florence Schmick Derek Schmidt Julie Schmidt Eleanor Schmidt Eleanor Schmidt Eleanor Schmidt Eleanor Schmidt Henry Schmidt Suz and Oren Schmidt Trudy Schmidt Karl Schmidt Josephine Schmidt Bernice Schmiedt Gary Schmier Raymond A. Schmitz Timothy Schneider Timothy Schneider Margie Schneider Mavis Schnyder Bertha V. Schock Bertha V. Schock Emil Schock Arvie Schockey Joan Schoenfeld Jim and Kay Schopf Roger L. Schopp Martha Schopp Henry Schreck Henry Schreck Gregory Schreppel Vuong P. Schreyer Emily Schriek Leo Schroeder Rev. & Mrs Edward Schroeder Ervin Schrum Ervin Schrum Kathy Schulter Will Schultz Nilda Schulz Mabel Schurtz Dave Scott Diana Scott Robert David Scott, Jr. Fred O. Scott Maxine Scott Maxine Scott Maryon Scruggs Betty A. Searcy Elsie Seatralis Ann Seegers Richard V. Seekatz Shelly Parsons Segale Shelly L. Parsons-Segale Luis Segovia Virginia Seibel Virginia Seibel Virginia Seibel Virginia Seibel Virginia Seibel Virginia Seibel Virginia Seibel Virginia Seibel Virginia Seibel Stella Seibert John Seiferling John Seiffhart Fred Selga Norma Lee Selin Norma Lee Selin Norma Lee Selin Dan Sellars Rhea Sellers Patricia “Pat” Selna Patricia “Pat” Selna Arnold Semm Annette Senderov
Donor Name Dave and Kathleen Melendrez Helen Salisbury Marilyn Rabusin Charlotte Shaefer Charles and Bonnie Forbes Paulette Parker Paulette Parker Eugene and Dianne Gini Janet Salvetti Marie Taylor Jean and Richard Mullins Jeane Reichert Shari Woodall Shari Woodall Mrs. Darlene Samson Frances Voyer John E. Metrovich John E. Metrovich The Family of Walter E. Sanborn, Sr The Family of Walter E. Sanborn, Sr Henry and Sharon Sanchez Joanne Sanchez Jose and Marie Marroquin Jose and Marie Marroquin Leatrice Sanchez Leatrice Sanchez Sylvia Cholula Marie Sanchez Marie Sanchez Andy Sandeen Andy Sandeen Marge Sandeen Tanen, Jodi, Tonya & Justin Steiger Alice Umbalin Gary and Judy Mazzera Nance and Robert Lichter Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Carmen J. Costa Tamara and Tony Sanfilippo Dennis Sanford Donnie Sanford Donnie Sanford Carolyn Sanguinetti Carolyn Sanguinetti Felix and Paulie Torlai Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Herb and Carol Sanguinetti Linda Lou Sanguinetti Linda Lou Sanguinetti Linda Lou Sanguinetti Tony and Joan Lombardi Yolanda and Ivan Hamlow Elmer and Angela Molini Denise Saffels Angela Martinez & Family Diane Stewart John and Judy Frerichs Kathy Van Slyke Kathy Van Slyke Kelly and Rosie Schmidt Marisela Santiago Rick and Angela Martinez Elizabeth Whaite Marina Alvarez Jeannette Gollop-Saporito Jeannette Gollop-Saporito Donnie Sanford William Sarina William Sarina Ken and Gayle Riley Jo M. Williams Jo M. Williams Sherry Beasley Sherry Beasley David, Stephanie & Miya Cheng Earl and Carmen Sato P.J, Ariana & Juli Sato P.J, Ariana & Juli Sato Candace Satterlee George and Sharon Bensch Carrie Wheeler Engh Mr. and Mrs. Randy Rigato Chuck and Dianna Crutchfield Lois Sbragia Annette M. Hansen Jean and John Bryant Jean and John Bryant Cherokee Freight Lines Cherokee Freight Lines Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wick Richard and Carla Hiatt Steve and Linda Rapaport Velma Scarborough Alice S. Martin Kathleen Rodriguez Esther Wethern Virginia Marie Schacht Karla Woodard George Schaefer Robert and Elsie Earl Geri Schaffer Irene James William and Patricia Schaffer William and Patricia Schaffer Patricia J Schamber Rodney and Raetta Schatz Virginia Scheffel Kathy Scheideman Larry & Andrea Violett Jennifer and Gary Giannini Jennifer and Gary Giannini Carl Schenker Carl Schenker Peter and Lynne Lynch Peter and Lynne Lynch Susan Schiaffini Marles Finos Darba Schlepp Joseph and Deborah Burlin Joseph and Deborah Burlin Patricia Albin Linda Verdun-Brown Dorine Schmidt Dorine Schmidt Jane Shields Jane Shields Jane Shields Jane Shields Karen Cambra Keith and Sarah Dias-Sprague Mr. & Mrs. Alan Muir Tony and Karla Mattioli Tony and Karla Mattioli Susan (Goth) Schmiedt Michael Walker Ann C. Schmitz Patti and Mike Schneider Patti and Mike Schneider Wanda Pardini Adrienne Egeland Tillie Pacesas Tillie Pacesas Verna Schock Sharon Shockey Paul and Ruth Flowers Kim Bacchetti Idella M. Reed Ronda Stacher Connie Giannini-Turner Noris Bohannon George and Gladys Schreppel Eugene G. Schreyer Connie Giannini-Turner June H. Peek Patricia and Ed Schroeder Georgia Schrum Georgia Schrum Christina Abacherli Carla Airola Henry and Sharon Sanchez Richard and Marjorie Handel Arden and Lila Hunt Becky Freeman Bunny Slater James and Dorothy Raley Leone S. Heskett Mrs. Darlene Hieb 5H20+ Claudette Gaydon Bob and Dorothy Henning Warren and Shirley White F. Neil and Virginia Bauer Ed and Eileen Parsons Ray and Julie Wetteland Veronica Segovia Carol Roseberry Don Seibel Don Seibel Don Seibel Esther Wethern Esther Wethern Esther Wethern Esther Wethern Mark and Denise Rasmussen Lynne Cary Keith and Persis Ledbetter Hope T. Seiffhart Doris Perez Fred Selin Kirsti Graham Kirsti Graham Dolly Sellars Catherine Heighes Betty S. Brazil Carol Louise Silva Felix and Paulie Torlai 5H20+, Rich & Joanne Waters
Honoree/Memorial Name Louis Serafin Dolly B. Serpa Eric J. Serpa Judy Serra Arthur Serrano Jr. Ricardo Servando Tony Sessa Kathryn Sessa Tony Sessa Kathryn and Tony Sessa Kathryn and Tony Sessa Rosemarie Setterlund Rosemarie Setterlund Eljean Severson Robert Severson Clifford Severson Eljean Severson El Jean Severson Bernice Sevey Diana S. Seward Diana S. Seward Deborah Sexton Margaret Joan Shaefer Charles “Chuck” Shaefer Rosemary Shane Anthony Shane Brian Shanley Kelly Shanley Brian Shanley Stan Shannon Betty Sharp Marie Sharpe Whitney F. Sharpe Bill & Marion Shaw Gary Shealor Ed Sheehan Minnie Sheehan Ralph O. Sheely Donna Sue Sheen Ethel B. Shelton Su L. Sheng and in honor of Jun Wang and Family Su Sheng Gen. Whitfield P. Shepard Larry Shephard Donna Shephard Hattie Shepherd Beatrice Sheppard George Sheppard Ben Sheppard Hiralal Sheth Dolly Sheth Pauline Shewmaker Pauline Shewmaker Pauline Shewmaker Rita S. Shields Lance D. Shields, Sr. Margaret Shields Thomas Shields Larry Shields William Shields Robert Shields Kyser Shimasaki Kyser Shimasaki Doris and Bob Shinoda Bob Shireman Don Shivley Don Shivley Larry & Penny Shoppel Rose Short Mary Lou Shropshire Mary Lou Shropshire Lorena Shulz Steve Sibayan, Sr. John W. Siemers Allen Sievers Homer Siewert Christy Sihota Ruth Sikes Kenneth Sikes Helen Silicz Carol Louise Silva Theresa Silva Isabelle Silva Isabelle “Belle” Silva Johnnie J. Silva Mary C. Silva Rosemarie “Rosie” Silva Theresa “Tree” Silva Joe W. Silva Isabelle & Theresa Silva Isabelle & Theresa Silva Isabelle & Theresa Silva Pauline Silva Carol Silva David Silva Dolores Silva Fernanda Silva Ellen Silva Mario Silva Isabelle Silva Carol Louise Silva Thomas B. Silva Joe W. Silva David Silva David Silva Denise Silva Rachel Silveira Joseph M. Silveira Gloria Silveira Nora Silver June Silveria Frank Silveria Bruno Simi Beverly Simmons Vern & Vera Simmons Nicholas Simon Tony Simonaro Joseph Simonaro Shirley Simonaro Nettie Simonaro Maks Simoncic Amalija Simoncic Ernie Simoni Ernest Simoni Bernard H. Simons Jeannette G. Simons Greg Simpson William Simpson My brother, David Simpson Floyd Simpson My brother, Tony Simpson Donald E. Simpson LeRoy Sims Acel H. Sims Phil R. Sims, Jr. Darlene Singer Dara Singh Joanne and George Sinnock Michael Siote, Jr. Elmer Sitkin David Sitkin Mary Sizuela The Skiles Bonnie Skogstad Bonnie Skogstad Marie Slaby Steven Slauson Mary Slayton Joseph Slayton Lawrence Smalheiser Dr. Leroy J. Smallie Earlene Smith Greg Smith Michael W. Smith Alvin H. Smith Carlene Smith John A. Smith Winnie Smith Jerry Smith Brigitte Smith Jo and Jack Smith Maxwell A. Smith Adeline Smith Teri Ann Smith Peggy Smith Virginia Smith Jack Smith Hubert & Dorothy Smith Janice Smith Jody Smith Robert J. Smith George Smith Bobby J. Smith LaVerne Smith Dick Smith Ray Smith Mary Smith Frances L. Smith Edward M. Smith Dallas Smith Marie H. Smith Dean N. Smith Jim “Snuffy” Smith Jody Smith Pat Smith Dorothy C. Smith Jody Smith Willard Smith Peter Smith Clint Smith Loretta Smith Madeline Smith James E. Smith Papa Jim Smith Jim Smith
Donor Name & Family Dennis and Carol Smith Bob and Linda Kiffin Caryl Toth Shirley Dare Annette Saldivar Shannon and Jeff Servando Gary Waters Management Consulting Gary Waters Management Consulting Kelly Jones Kelly Jones Neal Sessa Ken and Barbara Bohi Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anzaldo Christine and Larry Kennard Christine and Larry Kennard Christine and Larry Kennard Jeff and Suzy Beach Katherine Armstrong Mary Mohrweiss Velma Scarborough William Coppes Margaret Brainerd Angela Shaefer Charlotte Shaefer Bob Rimington Marie C. Shane Bob Rimington Katherine and Floyd Norling, Jr. Rose Marie Shanley Mrs. Betty J. Shannon Pat DeSelms William and Patricia Schaffer William and Patricia Schaffer John and Shirley Shaw Christine and Larry Kennard Mary Sheehan Mary Sheehan Barbara Golden Berny Sheen Lamar and Lu Parrish Lixin Huang and Anthony Wang Your Friends and Colleagues at Goleman Library & Learning Resources Judge and Mrs. Frank Kim Joan Shephard Tony and Donna Tschirky Russ and Mitzi Shepherd Marcia Cook Marcia Cook Ralph and Marjory Burlington Helen and Frank Alegre Helen and Frank Alegre Bob and Joy Augusto Dale and Donna Gearing Robert and Dana Lapp Lanette C. Snow Lanette C. Snow Shirley Pinkerton Shirley Pinkerton Shirley Pinkerton Shirley Pinkerton Shirley Pinkerton Nancy Shimasaki Russ and Mitzi Shepherd Peter Shinoda Marilyn Warnock Noel & Patti Stetson Noel & Patti Stetson Jim and Carole Kiefer Denise Garcia Ernest Shropshire Marjorie Dietrich Dale and Donna Gearing Mrs. Victoria Sibayan Betty Siemers Felix and Paulie Torlai Joyce Siewert Gary and Karen Rose Sylvia Bocchiaro Sylvia Bocchiaro The Stevano Family Betty S. Brazil Bruce and Linda Dodge Bruce and Linda Dodge Carol Louise Silva Carol Louise Silva Carol Louise Silva Carol Louise Silva Carol Louise Silva Celestine Silva Frank and Josephine Silva Frank and Josephine Silva Frank and Josephine Silva Frank and Josephine Silva Frank and Josephine Silva Henry and Evelyn Pereira Joyce Darone Mark and Maria Bianchini Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wick Pete and Charlene Reece Rosemarie and Nat Bacchetti Rosemarie and Nat Bacchetti Sherrie Silva Shirley Hernandez Theresa Honeychurch Tony and Carmen Silva Tony and Carmen Silva Annette and Mario Silveira Annette and Mario Silveira Leslie Walton Karen Castle Clinton and Kathleen Marshall Lucille Silveira June Simi Clifford Simmons Russ and Mitzi Shepherd Lewis and Anita Collier Karen Longoria and Karen Ulmer Karen Longoria and Karen Ulmer Karen Longoria and Karen Ulmer Karen Longoria and Karen Ulmer Max Simoncic Max Simoncic Jud Smith Pauline Simoni Jeff and Linda Heiser Jeff and Linda Heiser Frances Voyer Jacqueline F. Russell Lanny Simpson Lanny Simpson Lanny Simpson Sadie Simpson Julia Sims Julia Sims Lynn C. Raimondi Dan and Mary Bava Ranjit Kaur Yvonne Brown Elizabeth Ginn Patricia Sitkin Patricia Sitkin Judith and Alfred Dias Walt and Kim Prato Belle Reynolds Judy Bennett Mr. John H. Kautz Bob and Patty Slauson Judi Slayton Judi Slayton Marci Massei Robert Smallie Adeline Smith Arlene Smith Arlene Smith Barbara J. Smith Bette Swanson Betty Smith & Rochelle Blunt Bonnie Cornelius Carrie Wheeler Engh Chris and Dennis Olin Cindy Salentine Dameron Hospital Nursing Council Dennis and Carol Smith Dennis and Carol Smith Dianne and Laurence Smith Dolores Ohm Don and Sharon Hathaway Donna Smith Donna Smith Gail and Marvin Wigley Gail Smith George and Margaret Smith Helen Vignolo Jan Nichols Jan Nichols Janet and Gary Chaffins Jerre and Susan Murphy Jerre and Susan Murphy Jerre and Susan Murphy Joan Smith John and Deanna Wixon John and Deanna Wixon John and Suzanne Wirth Jud Smith Judy Vasquez Julie Smith Kathy Van Dyke Linda M. Smith Linda Thorpe Lorraine Rugani Mr. & Mrs. Perry Smith Patty Ceppi Randall J. Waters Rich and Joanne Waters (5H20+) Rob and Sara Waters
Hospice of San Joaquin 2010 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name
Donor Name
Honoree/Memorial Name
Donor Name
Bob Johnson, Mayor of the City of Lodi welcomes and appreciates the Lodi community to the 2010 Tree Lighting ceremony. Honoree/Memorial Name Ginny Smith Ann Smith Joann Smith Carol Smith Mark N. Smith Lion Bobby Smith Carol Smith Leslie A. Smith Leslie Smith Larry B. Smith, Jr Fred P. Smith, Sr. Larry B. Smith, Sr. Clara Smreker Eugene Smreker Ernestine Smutny Ernestine & Robert Smutny Arthur Snell H. E. “Stoney” Snell Walter R. Snell Mr. & Mrs. Preston Snelling Laura Lynn Rose Snider Orval Snider Gloria Snider Gary Snider Glen Snider Bud Snipes Dorothy Snipes Sky R. Snow Mary Snyder Paul Snyder Paul Snyder Paul Snyder Judy Snyder Judith Snyder William D. Snyder Morris Soares Morris Soares Morris Soares Morris Soares Susan Sobaszkiewicz Merle Soderfelt Peter G. Soe, Sr. Peter G. Soe, Sr. Peter G. Soe, Sr. Peter G. Soe, Sr. Peter G. Soe, Sr. Richard Solari George A. Solari Mary Solari Mario Solari Ernestina Solis Carmen Solis Helen “Lena” Solis Raymond Solvey Ruby Solvey Dolly Solyntjes Primitivo M. Somera Covy A. Sonesourinhasack Louisa Songcayauin Juan A. Songcayauon Lee Sonne Lee Sonne Lee Sonne Bunny Sorensen Jorgen G. Sorensen Mr. Victor Sorensen Joe Sorgent Irene Soria Laurence Sorini Dr. Richard Souchek Frances Sousa Bill Sousa Al Souza Alvin Souza Betty Souza Orville Sowers Bud Sowers Tom and Louise Spadafore Mike Spadafore Tom and Louise Spadafore Olympia Spanos Harry (Aristodemus) Spanos Robert Spaugh Pat and Vern Spaugh Joe Speck Jimi Speck Herb & Joyce Speckman John I. Speegle Johnny Speegle Lillie Speegle Elisabeth (Becky) Spencer George Sperry John Spiegle Lester Spohn Teresa A. Spradling Teresa Spradling Don Sprague Ellen and Keith Sprague Maurice D. Spray Elaine Sprifke Todd Springborn Mrs. Spruiell Elizabeth M. Stabler Michael Stabler Paul W. Stack Teddy Stadtner Orlando Stagno Orlando Stagno Orlando Stagno Orlando Stagno Orlando Stagno Dorothy Staley Carl Stamm Harry Stangeland Sam Stangeland Richard Staniec Rich Staniec John F. Stark Opal M. Stark Carl E. Stark Carl Starkey Marie Starkey Carl Starkey Marie Starkey LeRoy Starling Eva Staser James Staton Jean Staton Ronald Staton Helen Nash Staton Helen Nash Staton Helen Nash Staton Bud Stefan Butch Stefani Wanda Stein Wanda Stein Lou Steinberg Elmer Steingraber Jim Stephens Jim Stephens Mary Stephenson Janet Sternfels Floyd E. Stetler Larry Stevens John Michael Stevens Oscar Stevens R. G. Stevens R. G. Stevens Patricia Mangili Stewart Mel Stewart “Willie” Larry Stewart John Stewart Patty Stewart Patty Stewart Verna Stewart Patricia Mangili Stewart Don and Irene Stewart Betty Stewart Donald Stewart Wesley W. Steyer Wes Steyer Wes Steyer Stan Stinnett Mavis J. Stirm Mavis J. Stirm Dr. & Mrs. R.A. Stirton Brian Stocker Bruce Stocker Glenn and Martha Stockton Stockton Singles (Deceased
Donor Name Sandy Ratcliff Sandy Ruiz Scott and Janice Kyles Simalee Smith Simalee Smith Stockton Pacifica Lions Club Trudy Ceja Adeline Smith Bette Swanson Simalee Smith Don and Sharon Hathaway Simalee Smith Mary McCleary Mary McCleary Deborah Westler Marina Tarala Frank and Claudia Prather John and Edna Fruchey Louis and Carol Norley Marcella Whitney Ed and Nancy Snider Ed and Nancy Snider Ed and Nancy Snider Ed and Nancy Snider Kala Cummings Jim and Sara Larson Jim and Sara Larson Lanette C. Snow Bill Snyder Dolly E. Sonne Dr. Edward & Nancy Schneider Irene B. Snyder Mark and Sandra Driscoll Tom Henry Bill Snyder Edna Soares and Family Edna Soares and Family Edna Soares and Family Edna Soares and Family Norma J. Miller Carolyn Bennett Lilli Soe Melodie Soe Peter Soe, Jr. Stefanie Benson Valerie Soe Helen and Frank Alegre Marilyn Solari Thelma Stewart Yolanda and Ivan Hamlow Inez Kiriu John and Rosa Solis Steve Stevenson Alan and Elodee Behnke Alan and Elodee Behnke Bill and Nadine Coleman Diane Garcia Ahrens Dameron Hospital Nursing Council Mary Lou Songcayauon Mary Lou Songcayauon Cathy McAlister Dolly E. Sonne Patricia La Prath Bobbie Wallinger Karen Sorensen Ken and Jane Colyer Terri and Dave Sorgent Don and Judy Tucker Pat Sorini Joanne Marsh Souchek Jeanette Lagorio Jeanette Lagorio David and Kathie Villa Joan Souza Tony and Carmen Silva Esther Sowers Esther Sowers Henry and Evelyn Pereira Theresa Honeychurch Theresa Honeychurch Paul and Stephanie Bestolarides Paul and Stephanie Bestolarides Gary and Linda Spaugh Gary and Linda Spaugh Gloria J. Macey Joyce Freeman Jim and Carole Kiefer Mrs. Bertha Speegle Mrs. Bertha Speegle Mrs. Bertha Speegle Gerrard Spencer Carolyn Bennett Yolanda and Ivan Hamlow Mrs. Amy Yocum Ashley and Brian Miller Jeanne Rich Keith and Sarah Dias-Sprague Keith and Sarah Dias-Sprague Taffy Spray Linda L. Martin Mary Natteford Connie Giannini-Turner Elizabeth Winchester Elizabeth Winchester Lyle Burgess Rae Charos Kathy Stagno Kathy Stagno Kathy Stagno Kathy Stagno Kathy Stagno Janet Calhoun Cheryle Apple Kirk Stangeland Kirk Stangeland Farley and Charles Staniec Jinx Staniec Irma Stark Ron and Charlotte Cheek Ron and Charlotte Cheek Linda M. Smith Linda M. Smith Opal Starkey Opal Starkey Shirley Starling Cindy Salentine Ellie Staton Ellie Staton Ellie Staton Sharon Fortner Sharon Fortner Ted and Myrna Cooper Marilyn Warnock Linda Stefani Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Howard Virginia Scheffel Warren and Georgia Potts Sharie Ralston Annette Stephens Chuck and Jonnie Sullivan Florence Hernandez Sarah Armstrong and Roger Barnes Gloria Stetler Chuck and Dianna Crutchfield Debbie Boudreaux Debbie Boudreaux Diane Stevens The Stevens Family Andrew and Louise Mangili Butch & Meredith McCormack CVSC California Valley Frances Rita James A. Lagorio Jennifer and Gary Giannini Marianna Sperling Pete and Marilyn Winston Robert and Gae Stewart Susan E. Whaley Thelma Stewart Carolyn Bennett H. Dean and Beatrice McNeilly H. Dean and Beatrice McNeilly Holly Stinnett Norman Stirm Roxanna Hilliard Jack and Mary Stirton Allen Kuboyama Arlene and Charles Stocker Jeff and Suzy Beach Stockton Singles, Inc
Honoree/Memorial Name Members) Stockton Singles (Deceased Members) Stockton Singles (Deceased Members) Stockton Singles (Deceased Members) Stockton Singles (Deceased Members) Stockton Singles (Deceased Members) Stockton Singles (Deceased Members) Stockton Singles (Deceased Members) Stockton Singles (Deceased Members) Stockton Singles (Deceased Members) Stockton Singles (Deceased Members) Stockton Singles (Deceased Members) Stockton Singles (Deceased Members) Stockton Singles (Deceased Members) Stockton Singles (Deceased Members) Stockton Singles (Deceased Members) Stockton Singles (Deceased Members) Stockton Singles (Deceased Members) Stockton Singles (Deceased Members) Stockton Singles (Deceased Members) Mary Stoermer Jessica Herzog Stoker Bill & Ramona Stokes Loretta Stoltenberg Harry Stone Martha Stonich Martha Stonich Nicholas Benjamin Storm Christopher Stotts Francine Stout Ambie Stover Leland Stover George Stradling Virgil Strain William Jackson Strain Margie Stratton Linda C. Stribley Elsie M. Stritzel Connie Stritzel Scott Strobel Claudia Strobel Scott Strobel Scott Strobel Bonnie Strohmaier Morton Stroing Raymond Stroing Seward C. Stroud Peter Stuck Pamela Stull Jeanne Sturla Jeanne Sturla Alfred Sturla Ella Suazo Sumiko Sugi Helena R. Sullivan Kevin G. Sullivan Janet M. Sullivan Emma M. Sullivan Cornelius M. Sullivan Mary Summers Jeff and Lori Suri and Family Donald Sutherland Donald Sutherland Georgia Sutton Warren Sutton Warren Sutton Warren Sutton Virginia Sutton Floyd, Melva, Grant Swagerty Juanita Swanger Samantha L. Swann Sam Swann Craig Swann Eugene Swann Audrianna Swann Ken Swanson Eric Swanson Barbara Swanson Tom Swayze Allen Sweeney Mark Sweeney Janice Sweeso Rosemary Sweet Curtis Swenson Ron Swenson Natalie Swieringa Gerald Swinney Sam W. Swofford Gene Sylvia Robert K. Symons Doris Szymanski Robbie Taberna Della and Joe Tacchino Dorothy Taddei Jack Tadlock J.J. Tafoya J.J. Tafoya Virginia Takahashi Mrs. Takemoto Mary Ellen Tally Yoshiko Tanaka William J. Tancik Mary Tangry Mary Tangry Thomas Tangry Toni Tankersley Kathy Tankersley Izzy Tapia Pete Tapucol Edgar Tarkington, Jr. George (Bud) Tarter Luisa Tassano Nick Tassano Louie Tassano Jody Taylor Orvel William Taylor Harry J. Taylor, Jr. Harry J. Taylor, Sr. Mabel Taylor Harry J. Taylor Doug Taylor Dr. Mark Taylor Elsie Taylor Harry M. Taylor Charles Teague Sr. Walter Tecklenburg Mary Nunes & Albertina Teixeira Mary Teixeira John Teixeira June E. Tella June E. Tella Della Tennant Sharon Terhune Francis Teribile Frank Teribile Frank Teribile Jose Terra Evelyn F. Terra Evelyn F. Terra Evelyn F. Terra Susie Terra Barbara Jean Terra Larry Terra Linda Lou Terra Jose S. Terra Evelyn F. Terra David M. Fuentes Jerry Tessaro Melvin Tetz Helen Thanas
Donor Name Stockton Singles, Inc Stockton Singles, Inc Stockton Singles, Inc Stockton Singles, Inc Stockton Singles, Inc Stockton Singles, Inc Stockton Singles, Inc Stockton Singles, Inc Stockton Singles, Inc Stockton Singles, Inc Stockton Singles, Inc Stockton Singles, Inc Stockton Singles, Inc Stockton Singles, Inc Stockton Singles, Inc Stockton Singles, Inc Stockton Singles, Inc Stockton Singles, Inc Stockton Singles, Inc Susan Drawve Mike and Leona Murray Sharon Stokes Roy Stoltenberg Frances Voyer Kristine Verstl Lois Cluff Patricia Capuccini Michael and Carol Stotts Mrs. Janet C. Grafius Betty and Bob Stover Betty and Bob Stover Mary Thompson Homer and Sally Maloy Homer and Sally Maloy Susie Valterza Donna Haight and Ron Hansen Edward W Stritzel Edward W Stritzel Jan and Jay Redding Marjorie Dunn Marjorie Dunn Mike and Emily Paige Bob Strohmaier Gloria Stroing Gloria Stroing Stevan and Laurianne Stroud Richard and Marsha Griffith Tim and Kathleen Clark Peggy Traverso Richard and Janet Wanner Richard and Janet Wanner Jerry and Nancy Golz Harold and Aiko Aoyama Katey Talbot and Mike Sullivan Katey Talbot and Mike Sullivan Katey Talbot and Mike Sullivan Mr. Cornelius M. Sullivan, Jr. Mr. Cornelius M. Sullivan, Jr. Bradford F. Summers Eileen and Andy Thomas Kara Brodie Kara Brodie Gayle Kenyon Laura and Chuck Keyes LeRoy and Mary Cardoza Sharon Sutton Susan McCann Donna Shreve Modine B. Blalock Karen and Gerald West Karen and Gerald West Lani Swann Eklund Lani Swann Eklund Lani Swann Eklund Bette Swanson Jan and Lynne Swanson Jan and Lynne Swanson Eleanor Felix Jude Drapeau Jude Drapeau Jim and Jane Lucas Roger Sweet Ms. Carol Swenson Susan R. Livesey Hueford and Susan Hendricks Donna Swinney Diane Swofford Vicki Carroll Jeanne Symons Mary Szymanski Linda Taberna Marie and Gene Rizzolo Virginia A. Hawes Carolyn Bennett Etty Vandestar Rusty Tafoya Jill Takahashi Susan Lenz Carol and Larry Minner Richard Tanaka Vernice Tancik Dorothy West Eleanor Miatovich Eleanor Miatovich Mrs. Amy Yocum Mrs. Amy Yocum Bill and Nadine Coleman Gertrudes N. Tapucol Selena Tarkington Bob and Donna Borgett Janice DeBenedetti Janice DeBenedetti Janice DeBenedetti Catherine Heighes Chuck and Diana Olvera Marion Thibodeau Marion Thibodeau Marion Thibodeau Mr. & Mrs. Alan Taylor Mrs. Roberta R. Taylor Mrs. Roberta R. Taylor Vernon and Anne Jones Vernon and Anne Jones Lynn Nelson Gwendolyn Tecklenburg Barbara Pombo Gene and Carolyn Gomes Gene and Carolyn Gomes Ivan Tella Joanne and Frank Alford Nancy L. Potts Kathy Tully Barbara Bumgarner Floyd and Lace Nordwick Floyd and Lace Nordwick Bruce and Linda Dodge Bruce and Linda Dodge Frank and Josephine Silva Frank and Josephine Silva Melvin Terra Melvin Terra Melvin Terra Melvin Terra Rosemarie and Nat Bacchetti Rosemarie and Nat Bacchetti Melvin Terra Rita Tessaro Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Louis and Janice Thanas
Honoree/Memorial Name Helen Thanas Stacy, Chris, Taylor, Keegan & Lauren Flaherty Andrew Thiel Betty Ann Tholborn Mildred Tobin Tholke Roy W. Tholke Betty Thomas Robert V. Thomas Ellie Thomas Brian Thomas William “Bill” Thomas Mabel Thomas Ellie Thomas Mary Thomas Bill and Frieda Thomas Mildred Thomas Bink Thomas Christie Rond Thomas Robert V. Thomas Noreen Thompson Carl Thompson Sr. Christine Thompson Marilyn Thompson Billy Ray Thompson Lee Thompson Phyllis Thompson Eugene W. Thompson Bill and Bette Thompson James A. Thompson Dorothy Thompson Robert T. Thompson Preston Thompson Preston Thompson Clifton M. Thompson Lavor Thompson Richard Thomsen Robert Thomson Steven Thorn Jerry Thorn Clarence Thornton Douglas Thornton Chuck Thornton Stephen R. Thumlert Irene Tielsch Frank Tiernan Lloyd J. Tindle Steve A. Tindle Lloyd D. Tindle Joseph Tinsley Rita Tinsley Kathleen Tippett Kathleen Tippett Lenora “Lee” Tirado Anna Tirone Anthony Tirone John Tison John Tison Beverly Toccoli Herbert C. Todd, Sr. Herbert C. Todd, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Todd Aldo Togninali Barbara Tognoli Stella, Babe & Ron Tognoli Ron Tognoli Ron Tognoli Shirley Tohlen Harold E. Tolliver Peter Tolman Hope Tomba Hope Tomba Leo J. Tomlinson Wayne Tomlinson Raymond Tomlinson Gerry Toms Paul F. Toms Gerry Toms Paul F. Toms Leonard Torlai Felice Torlai Giovanna Torlai Florina Torlai Leonard Torlai Leonard Torlai Ernest Torre Patricia Torre Baby Michael Torres Baby Girl Torres Philip Torres Joe Torres Rosie Torres Kayla W. Torres Rodolfo Torres, Sr. Tony Torris Col Benjamin Totanes Louis G. Toth, Jr. Lou Toth May V. Tottem Amanda Totten Will Tower Will Tower Willard Leslie Tower- “Will” Will Tower Will Tower Emanuel Trachiotis Athanasia Trachiotis Emanuel and Athanasia Trachiotis Anthony H. Tranel, Jr. Anthony H. Tranel, Jr. Betty Traverso Emil Traverso P & L Traverso John & Lena Traverso Yolanda Travis Patrick L. Travnicek Pat Travnicek Jean Trede Gary Tremble Marie Trent Carmela G. Trezza Anthony Trezza Jr Shelli Triantos Claretta & Ernie Trigueiro Richard Trimble Alma Call and Luella Trindade Kenneth E. Tripp Jean Trisarri Hazel Troche Anthony P. Troncale Josephine Troncale Frederick Trost Violet Trotter Robert Trotter Victoria Trotter Laverne Trovinger Emma Trovinger Frank A. Trucco Vernon W. Trumbly Ann C. Truppa Lou Tsunekawa Charles Tualla, Jr. David R. Tuchtenhagen Lester Tuck Elsie Tuck Moody “Papa” Tucker Dwight Tucker Dwight Tucker Jaysen Jeffrey Tucker Paul Tully Lonny R. Tungate Gregg Turley Gladys Turnbeaugh Wayne Turner Mel Turner Jessie Turner Mr. & Mrs. J.D. Turner & Family Chet Turney Bob & Viola Tuttle Van Tuttle Tyler Twitty
Donor Name Louis and Janice Thanas Joyce and Herbert Speckman Mike and Diana Machado Lauren D. Michel Geraldine Pedroncelli Geraldine Pedroncelli Angel and Nathan Galloway Apryl Holdener Apryl Holdener Apryl Holdener Debra A. Lawson Debra A. Lawson Dina Mays Ida Mae Lobb Nadine Giovando Pat DeSelms Pat DeSelms Robert Zanoni Sandra L. Thomas Francine Thompson Francine Thompson Gina Callegari Jeff and Julie Thompson John and Tiffany Lupul Kathy Stiner Kathy Stiner Lucille Thompson Maria De Russo Mary Thompson Mr. & Mrs. David Thompson Mr. & Mrs. David Thompson Mrs. Joanne Thompson Peter Thompson Phyllis M. Thompson Ron and Bonney Schnabel Kathy Tully Elaine Gumaer Virginia Thorn Virginia Thorn Jackie Fleming Jana Thornton Tracy Cervantes Diana Landmann Paula Browning Marjorie Tiernan Marion A. Tindle Marion A. Tindle Marion A. Tindle Dan and Mary Bava Dan and Mary Bava Frank and Carol Whittaker Thomas and Barbara Tippett Jeanette Farley Pat Tirone Pat Tirone Lloyd and Betty Mettler Mallorie and Jonathan Tison Helen and Frank Alegre Joanne L Todd Joanne L Todd Michael and Rene Donaldson Marilyn Togninali Chuck and Yolanda Kelley Dawn Tognoli Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Pharmacy Care Concepts Cindy Tohlen Alice Tolliver Brenda Higginson Donald and Cathy Tirapelle Orlando and Josephine Tirapelle Donna Tomlinson Donna Tomlinson John and Lyndy Walker James E. Toms Mr. and Mrs. Randy Rigato Stan and Maurine Harkness Wilson and Patricia Heefner Felix and Paulie Torlai Tony and Carol Torlai Tony and Carol Torlai Tony and Carol Torlai Tony and Carol Torlai Veronica Torlai Delores Torre Delores Torre Bev and Bob McColl Dameron Hospital Nursing Council Donald and JoAnn Romero Kenny Juarez Kenny Juarez Pam Rocha Marilou Almadrigo Kathleen Franco Virginia D. Totanes Caryl Toth David Unger Bob and Patty Slauson Les and Phyllis Ferguson Darlene Wheeler Germaine Clark Laura and Bill Tower & Carol Blackwell Michael Pappas Robert and Glenda Duyst Bob and Dorothy Henning Bob and Dorothy Henning Dean and Phyllis Trachiotis Craig and Nancy Comartin Dolores Tranel Frances Addison Frances Addison May Logan Mr. & Mrs. John & Janet Hamilton Tim Travis Karen Anderson Michael Walker Susie and Carlton Linda Tremble Pat and Kathleen Fitzpatrick William Trezza William Trezza Phyllis J. Almendarez West Wind Mobile Home Park, Inc. Teresa and Jim Botsford Alfred Trindade Betty Tripp Rosa Olagaray Edward Troche Tony and Dawn Troncale Tony and Dawn Troncale Roy and Carolynne Luallin Donald and Cathy Tirapelle Marcelyn Rhea Marcelyn Rhea Harry R. Trovinger Harry R. Trovinger Nickie Trucco Laura B. Trumbly Nishka Yudnich Alice Tsunekawa Jennifer J. Silva Jacqueline Tuchtenhagen Dilys and Clinton Alexson Dilys and Clinton Alexson 5 H20+ 5 H20+ 5 H20+ Don and Judy Tucker Kathy Tully Dan and Anna Tungate Richard and Lani McDonald Olive Quilter James and Linda Turner Janice B. Turner Phyllis Clayton Vera Turner Catherine Turney Donna Smith Donna Smith Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Twitty
Honoree/Memorial Name Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Twitty Alvis and Mary Twitty Nancy Tyrrell Gia Tyrrell Dodson Bob Uecker Bobby Uecker Edith Ulm Alvina & Erwin Ulrich Marie - Loving wife and mother Leo and Velma Umdenstock Velma Umdenstock John Underhill Leroy and Vivian Underwood John A. Unger Shirley L. Unger Albert J. Unger Bob Unger Robert Unger John Unger Fe R. Untalan Fe R. Untalan Yvonne Urdea Mayrine Vaccarezza Paul Vaccarezza Eleanor Smythe Vaccarezza Paul Vaccarezza Bianca E. Valdez Helen Ventigan Valencia Helen Ventigan Valencia Rudy Valente Maxine J. Valentine Annie Kathan Valenzuela Annie Kathan Valenzuela Annie Kathan Valenzuela Edmond Valla Rita Valla Vincent Vallarino, Jr. Laura Vallarino David Valle Henry Vallejo Juan Vallejo, Jr. Elvira Vallejo Anne Vallem Louie Vallem Bob Vallerga Kathryn and Bill Valoniti Mr. & Mrs. F. Valterza Ron Valterza Helen Valtierra & Son Helen Valtierra & Son Helen C. Valtierra Annie Valverde Irene Van Derbeck William L. Van Derbeck, Sr. Ernie Van Dyke Ernest Van Dyke Reid Van Noate Reid Van Noate Loretta Van Order-Buttler Velma J. Van Sant Bruce Van Slyke Bruce Van Slyke Lori Van Steenberge Vickie Van Steenberge Lori Van Steenberge Emma Vandenbroeder Tom Vander Wal Luke Vang Daniel Vanni Mary & Armando Vanni Osvaldo Vannucci Kelly Vannucci Gary J. Vargas Pilar Vargas Jess Vasallo Jr Ernie Vasconcellos Ernie Vasconcellos Louis Vasconcellos Mel Vasconcellos Pauline Vasquez Carlos Vasquez Mamerta Vasquez Romeo Vasquez Bob Vasquez Joe Vasquez Robert C Vasquez Martin Vasquez Anthony Vasquez Robert C Vasquez Martin Vasquez Carlos Vasquez, Jr. Charles Vass Cye Vaughan Elizabeth Vaughn Leo H. Vaughn, Sr. George W. Vaughn, Sr. Thomas E. Veenstra Barbara A. Veerkamp Kim Veerkamp Faul Baby Abigail Velazquez Annette Vella Racheal Ventimiglia Mr. & Mrs. Goris Verburg Doris Verdun Marcella Verseput Marthann Vestal Albert Vetter Eleanor J. Vetter John & Jennie Vidulich Don Vieira John M. Vieira Richard Vieira, Jr. Lois Vielbaum Marie Viera Mary Vigil Amerigo Babe Viglienzone Herk Viglienzone Carmela Viglienzone Peter Viglienzone Sylvia Vigneau Brent Vigneau Ida Vignolo Elkins Dave Vignolo Loretta Vignolo Martin Vignolo Ida D. Vignolo Judy T. Vigor Frank & Lupe Villa Anselmo Villa Richard G. Villanueva The Vincelets Enzo Viola A’Keno B. Viorge-Koide Jack Visger George Visgilio, Sr. Vicki Vitale John Z. Vlavianos Eleanor Vogel Eleanor Vogel Don Vogler Sandy Voils Katherine Voils Wendy Voit Carol Ann Vold Earl and Theda Vollbrecht Leo Voller Carrie Von Tauffkirchen Art Von Wronski Barbara Voss Eugene J. Vossmer Rick Vote Marlene Votta Josephine Voyer Betty J. Wade Kenneth Wade Nora Wager Gerald Wagers Maurine Wagers James C. Wagers Barney Wagers
Donor Name Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Twitty Vaughnita Twitty Tim and Kathleen Clark Robert and Gloria Brasiel Roberta Uecker Roberta Uecker Barbara Smith Elaine Ulrich Roberta Harris Paul and Jan Umdenstock Paul and Jan Umdenstock Mrs. Helen Underhill Linda Severin David Unger David Unger David Unger Koreen Freitas Roberta Unger Terry Unger Grace and Melchor Tolentino Grace and Melchor Tolentino Velma Scarborough Alba Klemin Alba Klemin Karen L. McKee Mayrine Vaccarezza Dameron Hospital Nursing Council Filomena C. Ventigan Filomena C. Ventigan Tony and Delores Moreira Idella M. Reed Donald and Barbara Kathan Donald and Barbara Kathan Donald and Barbara Kathan Jeannette and Duane Wright Jeannette and Duane Wright Wayne and Valerie VallarinoBrunmeier Wayne and Valerie VallarinoBrunmeier Antonia Valle Marilyn Corbett Yvonne Vallejo Yvonne Vallejo Mary Ann Irvine Mary Ann Irvine Susan Moon Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Twitty Cathy McAlister Susie Valterza Brad and Gail Jones Gail & Brad Jones Joseph D. Valtierra Paul Valverde Carol Louise Silva Carol Louise Silva Jud Smith Kathy Van Dyke Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Judy Jarcik Ashley Pattingale Greg and Shelley Burcham Kathy Van Slyke Richard Van Slyke Frank and Carol Whittaker Lodi Pattern & Mfg. Co. Lodi Pattern & Mfg. Co. Deborah Westler Leslie Sanchez Dameron Hospital Nursing Council Dolores Vanni Joyce and Herbert Speckman Dave and Pam Dias Jean Hagan Herb and Jane Vargas Shirley Hernandez Nicholas and Lillian Aninag Joyce Aschenbrener Lena Vasconcellos Lena Vasconcellos Mary Vasconcellos Dorothy Ann Martinez Elizabeth Vasquez Elizabeth Vasquez Elizabeth Vasquez Fran Duren Jenny Vasquez Judy Vasquez Julia Vazquez Kristin Buhk Mel & Debra Donia Sandra Ferreyra Elizabeth Vasquez Mary Thompson Joy Vaughan Elizabeth Ginn Cynthia Wood Cynthia Wood Reba Veenstra Pam Loughman Susan Jenks Mireya Sanchez Marie and Gene Rizzolo Linda Lou Sanguinetti Mr. & Mrs. Hart Laurence Gloria Nomura James J. Verseput Louis Sager Gary and Patricia Merkel Lucille Olivas Thomas M. Vidulich Anna Vieira Natalie Vieira Karen Vieira-Javete Janice DeBenedetti Craig and Judi Sanders Joe and Pat Lemos Susan M. Farr Susan M. Farr Susan M. Farr Susan M. Farr Lina Rasberry Lina Rasberry Glenda Ghio Ivan & Yolanda Hamlow & Ernie Giannecchini Jeanette Lagorio Jeanette Lagorio Yolanda and Ivan Hamlow Ken Vigor David and Kathie Villa Rosalie Villa Annie Cuizon Walt and Kim Prato Adriana and Edward Arnaudo Dameron Hospital Nursing Council Sharon and Fred Newman Stella Visgilio David and Mary Comer Farryle Vlavianos & Family Richard and Margaret Mallett Susan Caulfield Foyann L. Vogler Lonnie Chadd Lonnie Chadd Marles Finos Lani Kuboyama Dex and Sharon Vollbrecht Dorothy Voller Bob and Claudia Perkins Terry and David Parker Steve Woodard Rose Vossmer Dale and Eloise Schmid Eleanor and Jim Ennis Jo Anne Garcia-Jones Tamara and Tony Sanfilippo Tamara and Tony Sanfilippo Leslie A. Woods Gerry Focacci Gerry Focacci Virginia Wagers Virginia Wagers
Diocese of Stockton Bishop, Stephen Blaire, offers the Invocation for the Stockton Tree of Lights at Sn Joaquin Delta College during the evening of Tuesday, November 23, 2010.
Hospice of San Joaquin 2010 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name Baby Jo Waggoner Phillip T. Wagner Theresa M. Wagner Judy Wagner-Bush Linda Wahl Rick Wahl Hal Wahler Norman Wainwright Bruce Wakeham William Wakeham Terry Wakeland Eddie Wakimoto Carol Walcott (Mom) Carol Walcott (Mom) Robert H. Walcutt Ione B. Waldorf Jerry L. Walker Kenneth Walker Otis Walker Marcella Walker Dr. Jerry Walker Dorothy Wall Sally A. Wall Velois G. Wallace Peter J. Wallace, Sr. Lawrence Wallace Ron Waller Lois Wentzel Waller Lois Wentzel Waller Harry R. Wallinger Harry R. Wallinger Harry R. Wallinger Monttie Wallis Steven Walston Don Walter Buddy J. Walter Mina J. Walter Maude Walters Allen Walters Jeffrey Walters Elsie Walters Mike Walters Raymond Walters Agnes Walther Lester and Margaret Wampler Katherine Wanner Katherine Wanner Clifford Ward Jack Dempsey Ward Wanda Ward Marcie Wardlaw Barbara Ward-Schneider Nina Ware Raymond E. Ware Barbara Waring Robert & Theresa Warner Sitter Warnock Sallie Warnock Erma and Murray Warren Scott Wass Jack B. Wathan Anton Watkin Renate Watkins Parke Watkins L.D. Watkins Vickie Watry Teresa Watson Major Stephen B. Watson Virgil Watts Mrs. Veda Watts Wilbur Wautier Wilma Web Mike Weber James and Al Weber James and Al Weber Jude M. Webster Edna and Herman Wedegaertner Wedegaertner Pets Mamie Wedel Mike Weed Michelle Weed Michelle Weedin Michelle Weedin Michelle Weedin Shirlee Weger Dr. Calvin J. Wegner Cal Wegner Brent Weiland Marylea Weinstein Marylea Weinstein Eugene C. Weinstein Gregory Weinstein Roy Weitzel Arline Welch Larry Welch Cathy Wellman Dorothy and Gordon Wells Dorothy Wendell Dorothy Wendell Anne Wenger Anne Wenger Anne Wenger Anne Wenger Phyllis H. Wentworth Buck Wenzel George and Virginia Werner Donald Werner Robert Werner Homer Werner Myrtle J. Werre Ermanno J. Wessells Ermanno J. Wessells Ermanno J. Wessells Bill West Ella West Madysyn West Riley West Jackie West Francine West Lucille K. Westhafer Gene Weston Robert Westrup Lester Westrup Dorothy Westrup Joann Westrup Evie Graffigna Wetmore Karl F. Wetteland Peggy Wetteland Peggy Wetteland Elijah D. Whatley Albert Wheat Jerry Wheaton Bob Wheeler Bob Wheeler Robert Wheeler Marian and Raymond Wheeler Kashin Wheeler Mary Wheiles Rosa Wheiles Guy E. Wheiles Clyde and Lucia Whelan Mr. Roy Whipple C G Whitaker & A.E. Lancaster Robert and Eva White Pam White Jim White Lee Anna White Leslie Dawes White Ann White Larry White Darol White The Whiteside Family Robby Whittmire Carl Whitmire Carl Whitmire Richard Whitmire Bob Whitmire A. and J. Whitmore Richard W. Whitney Catherine Whitney Edwin Whitney Jerry B. Whitney John J. Whittock, Jr. Leonard Wiebe Annette Wiebe Annette Wiebe Leonard Wiebe Collins Wight Kathleen Wigley Laura Wilborn Laura Wilborn Irene Wilbur Philip Wilbur Coleen Wilcox Ernest Wild Uncle Wilfred Clifton E. Wilhite Clifton E. Wilhite Clifton E. Wilhite Clifton E. Wilhite Robert C. Willard Robert C. Willard Willard Carolyn Willett Norm Williams Norm Williams George Williams Samantha Williams W. H. Williams Marjorie Williams Howard Williams Eugene Williams Elizabeth Williams Deborah Williams Emma and Al Williams Steven Williams Pat Williams
Donor Name Pat and Harriet Doyle Phillip M. Wagner Phillip M. Wagner Susan Wathan Fran and Ron Goehring Nick and Penny Meyers Terrie Hinkle Joan Wainwright Barbara Wakeham Barbara Wakeham Sandy Ratcliff John and Margitta Christolos Anna Digiovanni Anna Digiovanni Suzan W. Wedegaertner Joseph and Russtine Shephard Chris and Dennis Olin Christine and Larry Kennard Gail and Marvin Wigley Greg and Shelley Burcham Myrna Walker Roger and Joyce Bennett Stuart Jacobs, M.D. Albert Wallace Mark Wallace Mark Wallace Barbara Avey Gordon and Dodie Bettencourt Marjorie Dietrich Bobbie Wallinger David and Charleen Hicks Pat and Coraleta Rogers Lynn and Donna Wallis Mel & Debra Donia Janet Schuh Pam Byrne Pam Byrne Carolyn Bennett Carolyn Bennett Carolyn Bennett Christine and Larry Kennard Frances Addison Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bennett Annette Faszer Jeff and Kathy White Howard and Lori Wanner Richard and Janet Wanner Lynne Austin Ralph and Carol Cundiff Sandra McPherson David and Linda Long Lynne Austin Mary Ann Ware Mary Ann Ware Clint Waring Betty Ann Dal Porto John and Sylvia Connelly Joseph and Sallie Shoneff Doris Warren Lease Jerry Day Susan Wathan Jennifer and Jim Hawkins Jennifer and Jim Hawkins Philip and Anne Berolzheimer Sue Watkins Ron and Charlotte Cheek Christe May Frank and Dorothy Rothman Jim & Gena Brentt Michael and Rene Donaldson Mrs. Sadie Wautier Maxine Wanner Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Vaughnita Twitty Vaughnita Twitty Dameron Hospital Nursing Council Suzan W. Wedegaertner Suzan W. Wedegaertner Pat Pyeatt Bill and Nadine Coleman Christopher Weed Joanne L. Donadio Judy and Thomas Robertson Merv and Marilyn Girsh Sharon Mendonca Barbara Wegner Butch & Meredith McCormack Chris and Dennis Olin Barbara J. Sbragia Linda and Ray Lucas & Jeffrey Weinstein Linda and Ray Lucas & Jeffrey Weinstein Linda and Ray Lucas & Jeffrey Weinstein Dan and Kathy Caminata Mrs. Arline Hawley Peggy Barde Shirley Michaeloff Linda Thomas Frank Wendell Frank Wendell Chris Wenger John and Lynne Rauch Mr. & Mrs. Steve Shaben Mr. & Mrs. Steve Shaben Jeffrey and Sarah Wentworth Carol Blumberg Marilyn Warnock Marjorie Werner Marjorie Werner Werner Properties, Inc. Debra Lamont Dona Wessells Dona Wessells Dona Wessells Dorothy West Karen and Gerald West Karen and Gerald West Karen and Gerald West Leslie A. Woods Manteca Junior Womens Club John L. Westhafer Marit Mortensen Bird Mary Thompson Mary Thompson Mary Thompson Mary Thompson Marilyn Graffigna Ray and Julie Wetteland Ray and Julie Wetteland Terri and Brian Katz Dameron Hospital Nursing Council Miggie Wheat Shirley Wheaton Carrie Wheeler Engh Helen and Frank Alegre Russ and Janet Adams Tola Eley and Christopher Eley Tola Eley and Christopher Eley Barbara Ludwig Clint and Claudia McCarty Clint and Claudia McCarty Ed and Becky Beck Joseph and Deborah Burlin Wanda and Bill Whitaker Dean and Phyllis Trachiotis Lee and Beverly Meidinger Linda Bowker Manuel and Donna Revillar Norma Dawes Robbin Panko Robbin Panko Tony and Dawn Troncale Marta Whiteside Alex Laffranchi Bobbie Wallinger Dorothy Whitmire Dorothy Whitmire Stephen and Nancy Scott Peggy Barde Ann Whitney Catherine Lytle Georgie and David Reed Marcella Whitney John and Linda Whittock Rosanna Wiebe Rosanna Wiebe Rosanna Wiebe Rosanna Wiebe Lei Ching Wight Gail and Marvin Wigley Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hamby Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hamby Mark and Sherri Wilbur Mark and Sherri Wilbur Bruce and Deborah Bentz Christy Reinold Carol Nakashima Aileen Williams Aileen Williams Aileen Williams Aileen Williams Barbara Willard Dana and Katharine Willard Herb and Jane Vargas James and Dorothy Willett A. Marie Williams A. Marie Williams Betty Williams Betty Williams Bonner W. Mendez Bonner W. Mendez Dennis and Laurie Faselli Felix and Paulie Torlai Gary and Virginia Poggi Harry and Kay Williams Jennifer and Scott Emigh Jo M. Williams John E. Allen
Honoree/Memorial Name Lisa Seifert Williams Teresa Williams Norm Williams Howard Williams Howard Williams Howard Williams Howard Williams Howard Williams Howard Williams Edward L. Williams Dwight Williams Anne Williams Loyl Williams Marvin Williamson Lenore Williamson Ray Willis Ray Willis Gary Willis Ray Willis Gary Willis Stan Wilmott Lorraine Wilmott Greg Wilson Mary Lou Wilson John H. Wilson Aoa Wilson Diana Wilton Wilburt Wiltz Ella Wing Mel Wingett Carl Winkle Buzz Winkler Dolly Winter Martha Wisdom Cliff Wisdom John Witten Esther Woehl John K. Wofford Richard D. Wold E. Vic Wolf Glenn Wolfe Glenn Wolfe Glenn Wolfe Glenn Wolfe Glenn Wolfe Glenn Wolfe Glenn Wolfe Glenn Wolfe Glenn Wolfe Glenn Wolfe Ed & Marge Wolfe Jeremy Wolford Rodger Wolters Anita Wolters Rev. & Mrs. Wolterstorff Don Womble Edward Wong Kee S. Wong Mr. and Mrs. William Wong Susanna Pope-Wong Nancy Wong Bill & Mildred Wong Susanna P. Wong Cheow Ong Wong Tom Wong Wrenn Wood Bobby Wood Wrenn Wood Robert (Bob) Wood Cynthia Wood William Woodall Clem Woodard Jim & Adele Wooden Theressa Woods Dolores Woodworth Robert & Jean Woolsey Buck Wootten Earldeen Wootten Edward J. Worth Edward Wrbicky Jay & Victor J. Wrbicky Gordon Wright Linda Wright Doris A. Wright Doris A. Wright Doris A. Wright Doris A. Wright Doris A. Wright Doris A. Wright Dave Wright Linda Wright Geoffrey Wright Dave Wright Cliff Wunsch Aline Wychulis Mitch Wyman Lucille Xenos Kimie Yabumoto Tada Yabumoto Kimie Yabumoto Tada Yabumoto Nao Yabumoto Irene M. Yager Virginia Yager Virginia Yager Irene M. Yager Peter Yagi Jodie Yamaguchi Miss Jodie Yamaguchi Jodie Yamaguchi Jodie Yamaguchi Jodie Yamaguchi Jodie Yamaguchi Miss Jodie Yamaguchi Jodie Yamaguchi Jodie Yamaguchi Jodie Yamaguchi George Yamauchi Yoshi Yamauchi Richard Yamauchi George Yamauchi Yoshi Yamauchi Richard Yamauchi James E. Yancy Jim Yancy John James Yancy Jim Yanko David Yarbrough Ralph Yardley Gladys Yates David L. Yeakel David E. Yeakel Rodney Yee Albert Yee Al Yee Rev. Eric Yeoman Liza C. Yep Liza C. Yep Liza C. Yep Verla M. Yerby Robert Yerby Ada Yerby Verla M. Yerby Carl Yerby Bobby Yescas Edith Yettner Robert Yettner Joseph Yorg Joseph Yorg Joe Yorg Marta Yorg-Dron Marta Yorg-Dron Agnes Yoshimura Agnes Yoshimura Clarence “Hank” Yost Thann You Ethan Jayden You-Chin Jane H. Young Earline Young Norbert Young Darl Young Bill Young Jack Young Mary Nelson and Paula Young Mary Nelson and Paula Young Jane Hicks Young Clarence Young Bill Young Ruth Young Martha F. Young Mike Yrigoyen Korby Yudnich Charles E. Zabel Alexis Zaepffel Jane M. Zaepffel Antonio P. Zamora Kristy Zane Leo Zanini Leo Zanini Sally Zanini Sally Zanini Pia Zanoni Guido and Mae Zanotti Guido and Mae Zanotti Tom Zanto Paul Zappe Patricia Zaramskas Stanley J. Zaramskas, Sr Lil Zettel Ben Ziegler William Zieker Bertha and Emil Ziemann Bertha and Emil Ziemann Norman and Mary Jane Ziemer Ermalinda Zolezzi Dorothy Zunino Bill Zurborg
Donor Name Lawrence and Pat Seifert Manuel and Donna Revillar Marjorie Proulx Mrs. Alma Williams Mrs. Alma Williams Mrs. Alma Williams Mrs. Alma Williams Mrs. Alma Williams Mrs. Alma Williams Sally J. Williams Sharon Odle Todd and Claire Greenwood Tom and Lynelle Williams Dorothy Gallaway Louis and Carol Norley Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Kanold Mr. & Mrs. Joel Harris Mr. & Mrs. Joel Harris Mrs. Jean Willis Mrs. Jean Willis Kristi Biddle Kristi Biddle Elizabeth Wilson Joanne Gibson Kathryn F. Wilson Richard Lynch Jeff and Julie Loudon Jack and Jean Wiltz Judge and Mrs. Frank Kim Linda Wingett Alvena Votaw Jolene Dell Aringa Mary McCleary Jan and Lynne Swanson Jan and Lynne Swanson Bea Turner Mark and Louise Woehl Mrs. Paula Dickinson-Wofford Marion M. Wold Margaret La Faver Glenda Herrera Glenda Herrera Glenda Herrera Glenda Herrera Glenda Herrera Glenda Herrera Glenda Herrera Glenda Herrera Glenda Herrera Glenda Herrera Keith and Sarah Dias-Sprague Steve and Joanne Wolford Helen and Frank Alegre Helen and Frank Alegre Walt and Barbara Wolterstorff Kolleen Ostgaard Dorothy K. Wong Dorothy K. Wong Dr. Richard F. Wong Dr. Richard F. Wong Lani Kuboyama Lex and Joyce Wong-Corrales Lex and Joyce Wong-Corrales Mary Wong Lee Michael Walker Jessica Rose Jessica Rose Joanne Wood Joanne Wood Patricia Vaughn Shari Woodall Steve Woodard Chris and Doug Martin Harry and Kay Williams Joanne Barrett Jacqualine O. Chappuis Phil and Elaine Yager Phil and Elaine Yager Ann Worth Edna Wrbicky Edna Wrbicky Danielle Rogers Dennis and Dayle Daniels Henry J Wright Henry J Wright Henry J Wright Henry J Wright Henry J Wright Janice and Larry Cooper Jeff and Julie Thompson Peter and Judith Tirapelle Susan Keehr Tess Wright Ann L. Wunsch Dave and Pam Dias Craig and Judi Sanders Bobbe Xenos Judi S. Yabumoto Judi S. Yabumoto Mark and Linda Lyons Mark and Linda Lyons Mark and Linda Lyons Lee Yager Lee Yager Phil and Elaine Yager Phil and Elaine Yager John and Peggy Takahashi Andi Kutlik and Dory Gonzalez David, Stephanie & Miya Cheng Jeffrey Yamaguchi Judith M. Gaal Mike, Cathy and Nicole Otte Miss Connie Snell’s School Mr. & Mrs. Ken Yep Richard and Margaret Mallett Susan E. Thomas, R.N., B.S.N. Susan McCann Judy and Terry Klimko Judy and Terry Klimko Judy and Terry Klimko Ted and Yoneko Sakakuchi Ted and Yoneko Sakakuchi Ted and Yoneko Sakakuchi Lorraine Yancy Patricia Capuccini Patricia Capuccini Patricia Kenney Doug and Randi Preston Guido and Patricia Marengo Bruce and Sheryl Yates G. Clare Yeakel G. Clare Yeakel Betty Jones Doug Jann Mia Seitelman Leslie Sanchez John Yep John Yep John Yep Charlotte Berglund Charlotte Berglund Charlotte Berglund Dorothy Gallaway Dorothy Gallaway Karen Yescas Lucille Silveira Lucille Silveira Laura Yorg Linda Silva Shelley & Shane Maynard Laura Yorg Linda Silva Alpine Apartments Phillip and Iva Yoshimura Lee and Beverly Meidinger Lisa You Lisa You Barbara Avey Betty and Bob Stover Betty and Bob Stover Carole Delmanowski Carole Delmanowski Constance Young Dane Nelson Dane Nelson George and Marilyn Brown Janice and Larry Cooper John E. Allen Sandy Ruiz Tolbert Young, Jr. Lon and Valerie Mayer Nishka Yudnich Jeane Reichert Elizabeth Winchester Phyllis Berger and Robert Bansmer Ted and Myrna Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Dave Schmierer Lillian McDonell Lillian McDonell Lillian McDonell Lillian McDonell Robert Zanoni Lena Vasconcellos Lena Vasconcellos Chris and Dennis Olin Erika Zappe Stan and Jane Zaramskas Stan and Jane Zaramskas Stella Bussey Lee and Beverly Meidinger Geraldine Zieker Milton and Ann Ziemann Milton and Ann Ziemann Colleen Ziemer Joseph and Johanna Randazzo Linda Thorpe Chuck and Deanie Bridewell
Honoree/Memorial Name
Donor Name
Honoree/Memorial Name
Donor Name
Individuals who contributed and supported the 2010 Tree of Lights without submitting beneficiary
Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Bernardino Aguilera Mrs. Rose Allee Perry and Aileen Andrews Karen Angerstein Cheryle Apple Azevedo Investment Corp. Nancy Ballot Gayle Barrett William and Dorothy Biddick Howard Bisek John and Jean Boger Bob and Donna Borgett Stephen and Beverly Borra Herbert H. Bowman Richard Brann Kara Brodie Jacqueline Brophy Norma and Bruce Burlington Dianne Butler Terri and Dave Cabral Arlene Cain Michael and Janice Carlile Ann Carmona Edgar W. Case John and Andrea Catanzaro Connie Catolico Edward H. Caul, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. E. Lewis Cobb Dr. and Mrs. Corey Colla Michael Costamagna Buddy Cox Joe and Helen Crane Nina and Ashok Daftary Anita Dasso Wilma de Heus Muriel DeSelm Dr. and Mrs. Prasad Dighe Rodney Dolk Tony Domench Mel and Debra Donia Patrick and Christina Doran Elsie Down Michele R. Duclo Ria Duivenvoorde Mr. and Mrs. Irvin D. Dunmire Denise Dyer Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Alfred F. Eigenberger Kathleen El-Maaroufi Ed and Laverne Farr Susan Ferrero Stephanie Fetherlin John E. Flanigan III Paula M. Frago Peter Gannon, M.D. Wendy Gannon Albert and Susan Ghio Albert and Debbie Giannecchini
Connie Giannini-Turner Elizabeth Ginn Ms. Lorraine Goff Golden State Lumber, Inc. Beverly Gomes Yvonne Goodman William and Jeannette Gorham Frank and Marilyn Greco Frank and Marilyn Greco Kathy Guidi Jon and Pat Gustorf Mr. & Mrs. William Harrigan Jo Ann Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Doug & Marsha Haydel Florence Hernandez Beverly Hess Anne Hines Dr. Amparo Romero Hirahara Jeff Hirschfield Jay and Linda Hoff Cloyse and Dolores Holland Theresa Honeychurch Larry Ice Wayne Ireland Stephen Itaya Rosemarie Johnston Joanne Joseph Harriet Judson Alex Kalafatis Rosemarie Kennedy Jim and Carole Kiefer Mary W. Kinnear Alice Kroeck Lillian Kuniyuki David Lagomarsino Mae Y. Lee Dr. and Mrs. Chen F. Liem Mr. Robert H. Linka Helen Long Marjorie Lowe Louis D. Lusiani Deloyd Lutz Madeleine Lynch Frank and Arlene Machado William and Grace Machado Robert Massei Carol Maurer William E. Mazzocco Barry and Barbara McCandless Lloyd McLean Sally Miller Marjorie Milton James and Carol Mitchell Clarice and Charles Moody Jim and Diane Morgali Genavee Murarik Laurel N. Murphy Carol Nakashima Steven and Elaine Nelson Mrs. Kazumi Nishioka PG&E Campaign Community James and Marcia Parker Eugene and Marija Pearson
Nan Phipps Charles and Cindy Piazza Eddie Piazza Mildred Pilgrim Don and Becky Plath Annie Podesto John and Kathleen Podesta John R. Primasing Pat Pyeatt Melvin and Wanda Ramstead Guy and Susan Rochette Cal and Betty Rodway John and Martha Rogers Mr. Peter Roy John and Jeanne Saffier Linda Salazar Lydia Schaffer Peter Schmitz Rolland Seegers Gerald D. and Bonnie J. Seibel Stephen and Deborah Serfozo Bob and Sharon Sharrock Larry Simpfenderfer David and Rachel Smith Robert and Dorothy Soares Soroptimist International of Manteca Thelma Stewart Stockton Rubber Co., Inc. Bette Swanson TelecomPioneers, Golden Bear Chapter #29 Patricia M. Thomas Denzle C. Thompson Judy and Robert Thompson Frank and Susan Tindell Wayne Tomason Mr. George Tometti Calvin Unterseher Barbara Updegraft Karin Van Diemen Arlene Venarde Frances Voyer Calvin and Cory Wadlow Neil and Janice Wagner Antoinette Walker Hubert and Dorothy Walker Byford Watts Harvey Webb Wentland Snider Investments William and Elaine Werner Frankie West Fred and Alcyon Weybret Kathryn A. White Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wiley Cherald Williams Betty Wilson Harold and Gwen Witsaman Nadeen A. Womble Dr. Yu-Po Anthony Wu Tomiko M. Yabumoto Eldon and Barbara Yates Roy and Beverly Yoneshige
The Family of Helen Valencia: Manny Valencia, husband; Ryan Valencia, son; Filomena Veneigen, mother; and Eva Reyes, sister, join the Tracy Tree of Lights and Ryan turn the switch that lit the Tree located at the Tracy Outlets on Friday, December 3, 2010.
At Hospice of San Joaquin: REMEMBERING Memorials
Hospice of San Joaquin provides you an opportunity to honor the memory of a family member, friend, colleague or business associate. You may acknowledge the one who is remembered with a memorial or tribute gift. Memorials provide you an opportunity to honor you loved one(s) while providing support for hospice and bereavement services to others in the community. At your request, Hospice of San Joaquin will acknowledge your memorial gift with a card to the family of the deceased. Tribute donations honor the living at the time of an anniversary, birthday or other special occasion. A card from Hospice of
San Joaquin to the person being honored will be sent acknowledging your thoughtful gift. Making your memorial or tribute You may submit your request online or you may download the form and mail it back. Please ensure that all writing is legible and include appropriate addresses (your’s & that of family to receive acknowledgement of your remembrance if you wish.) Online: Process your gift online by completing the electronic form or Download form, fill-in and mail or fax (209) 922-0294 the form. Print form: Call for memorial envelopes (209) 957-3888. Phone-in: (209) 957-3888. A staff member will take the credit card donation information and send an acknowledgement to the family if you wish. Receipts for your tax-deductible donations will be mailed to you.
Hospice of San Joaquin appreciates the following people for their generous assistance. Aguilar, German Anderson, Robert Arbios, Dolores Armstron, Marcella Ayers, Gary Ayers, Gary, Jr. Ayers, Dave, Sr Ayers, Ron Ayers, Susie Bacchetti, Gloria Bahrenfuss, Capt Scott Barnhart, Cookie Barone, Larry Bartlam, Rad Basalto, Marge Beeson, Robert Beeson, Chris Bender, Dave Berger, Phyllis Bhardwaj, Om Blaire, Stephen, Bishop Borra, Steve Boudreux, Debbie Britt, Mike Brock, Robert Brock, Raymond Brown, Theresa Buchanan, Barbara Burgos, Michelle Burlin, Debbie Callahan, Dennis Carrillo, Frank Carrillo, Gabriel Carrillo, Daniel Carruesco, Robin Casenave, Josh Chappell, Cindy Chappuis, Jackie Christensen, Jon Clark, Ruth Cobarrubias, Greg Cody, Rich
Cota, Susan Crookham, Ron Dahlstrom, Amy Deeds, Aggie Dillon, Linda Duck, Matt Fernandez, Glenn Fisher, Lynette Fisher, Lynette Fisher, Lynette Fort, Mark Foster, Alan Fowler, Tim Fox, Karla Friends, Germane Fye, Ray Galgiani, Barbara Gallego, Carol George, Dylan Georg, Erin Gomes, Gene Goni, Debi Gonzales, Helen Gowan, Deloris Guasco, Steve Hamilton, Janet Hansen, Mia Harden, Kathy Hawes, Virginia Hawes, David Haynes, Cynthia Hlavacek, Alex Hummel, Jeanette Humphries, Emily Jeffrey, Bill Johnson, Mayor Bob Johnson, Alan Johnson, Zachary Johnson, Alan Juran, Curt Kendrick, Marla Kennedy, Rick
Kramer, Susan Kratz, Georgie Laird, Naima Lamothe, MaryEllen Lang, Mike Larson, Stephen Larson, Dave Lavezzo, Chad Lisa, Mark Lobb, Ida Mae Lofy, Julie Lofy,Cameron Macedo, David Martens, Rev. Ron Martin, Joseph McCaffrey, Chris McCay, Linda McCoy, Ken McCreath, Burnetta McKay, Linda McKenzie, Kathy McMurtrey, Eric Merill, Ian Miller, Amy Monroe, Paula Nebel, Paula Neill, Nathan Newson, Teresa Nola, Christine Orsi, Lucy Pacheco, Jimmy Panko, Robbin Parolari, Harvey Reverend Patene, Richard Peinado, Mary Pelletier, Diane Pennini, Mary Pestana, Andy Pezzaglia, Phil Pinegar, Jason Pratt, Amy Pruitt, Charleszetta
Ramirez, Sunnye Rasmussen, Mark Reeve, Susan Deacon Remlinger, Yvette Renner, Tom Romero, JoAnn Rose, Scott Ross, Sharon Ruffin, Ken, Jr Ruffin, Michelle Ruiz, Leticia Schroeder, Edward Scott, Barbara Severson, Bob Shell, Tom Showers, Mark Smith, Jud Smith, Mike Stewart-Green, Valerie Suess, Rod Pastor Sullivan-Munoz, Dana Talcott, Anne Tran, Tien Thi Trey, Teresa Turner, Connie Ulmer, Tim Vasquez, Mario, Sgt. Vergara, Jim Vestri, Jim Wallace, Lisa Wegner, Barbara Wetteland, Julie Wetteland, Ray Wiegant, Kathie Wilerson, Felix Willey, Mickey Williams, Patrick, Pastor Winchester, Danny Wong-Corrales, Joyce Yager, Elaine York, Brian
Butterfly Auxiliary meetings are open to anyone interested in membership.
Borra Vineyards Central Valley Stockton Chapter / Harley Owner’s Group # 1510 Childrens Museum of Stockton Chipotle Mexican Grill City of Lodi City of Lodi Hutchins Street Square City of Rio Vista Fire Department City of Stockton - Police Department City of Tracy Fire Department Clements Community Church & Friends Clements Lockeford Chamber of Commerce Clements Lockeford Lions Club Clutch Burners Classic Car Club DART Containers Delta Singers - San Joaquin Delta College Diede Construction, Inc Diocese of Stockton Doctors Hospital of Manteca East Union High School Choir Farmers & Merchants Bank Haynes Equipment House of Coffees HSJ Butterfly Auxiliary Lodi Chapter HSJ Butterfly Auxiliary Stockton Chapter HSJ Butterfly Auxiliary Tracy Chapter
Ironstone Vineyards Joe’s of Italy Lee’s Feed Lodi City Mid-Managers Association Lodi High School Meistersingers Mokelumne Rural Fire District National Danish Perforamce Team New Life Fellowship PG&E Rio Vista Chamber of Commerce Rio Vista Lions Club Rio Vista Marching Rams Band Robinsons Feed San Joaquin Delta College See’s Candies Soroptimist International of Rio Vista St. Anthony’s Catholic Church St. Brigid’s Episcopal Starbucks Stockton Firefighters Local #456 The Clements Buckaroos The Cook Family The Mokelumne Mounties Tracy High School Madrigals Tracy Outlets Ulmer Photography Vinewood Community Church Wells Fargo Bank West Coast Arborists Windborn Church Community & Friends
Special Thanks to the following companies
Stockton Chapter Meetings are held the first Thursday of every month (February November,) 6:00 pm at the Hospice of San Joaquin Office. Lodi Chapter meetings are held the second Thursday of every month (February - November,) 6:00 pm at Vinewood Community Church in Lodi. Tracy Chapter, meets on the first Monday of the month. New members are most welcome!! For information, call Gloria Bacchetti (209) 835-9569 Fundraising events benefit Hospice House, the only residential hospice home in San Joaquin County. For membership information, visit our website at www.hospicesj.org or call 209-922-0380