Hospice Awareness

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Awareness HOSPICE

September 2011

3888 Pacific Avenue, Stockton, CA 95204-1953 • 24-hour main-line: (209) 957-3888 • www.hospicesj.org 3888 Pacific Avenue Stockton, CA 95204-1953

10th Anniversary Celebrations: Community Support Reaches a New Benchmark for Hospice Care



Permit N 557 Stock ton, CA

Our Mission The Mission of Hospice of San Joaquin, a not-for-profit organization, is to provide comprehensive and compassionate medical care, counseling and support to terminally ill patients and their families, regardless of ability to pay, and to educate and collaborate with health care providers and the public in promoting quality end-of-life care.

A nonprofit agency serving the community since 1980 Hospice of San Joaquin is governed by a community Board of Directors and is recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization. Hospice of San Joaquin is licensed by the State of California as a Hospice Agency and is certified by the Centers for MediCare and MediCal Services to provide the Hospice Medicare / Medi-Cal Benefit. The Joint Commission has accredited Hospice of San Joaquin. For more information or referrals, call (209) 957-3888. Joint Comission Accredited

A look back at the 2011 spring and summer events trigger a lively palette of color, light, music and voices — in a sea of community members par ticipating in events. In each event, indiv idua ls stepped up to collaborate in support Hospice of San Joaquin’s mission of compassionate care. This summer celebrated Hospice of Sa n Joaqu i n’s 30-years of service a nd m a rke d t he 10th Anniversar y of Hospice of San Joaquin’s Butterfly Auxiliary. T h e 1 0 t h A nniversar y of the But ter f ly Auxiliary arrived with two of signature events also reaching their 10th year —Moonlight Sip n’ Stroll and the Champagne and English Tea. “The idea of the Hospice Butterf ly Auxiliar y Moonlight Sip n’ Stroll was the brainstorm of Shirley Luke after the group hosted its first Champagne and English Tea in May of 2002,” explained Barbara Galgiani, first president of the Auxiliary. “The first Moonlight Sip n’ Stroll wa s put toget her w it h approximately 15 members drawing on friends and family to make it a success.” The initial event resulted in 300 people in attendance. In a matter of a few years the Auxiliary’s support grew, reaching 100’s of supporting businesses and over 1,000 at tendees who enjoy a fun evening of premier food, drink, art exhibits and multiple live music performances. “This event is the Auxiliary’s largest f und raiser and would not be possible without the support of all three chapters,” Galgiani says,




Stockton, CA Permit Nº 385

ospice of San Joaquin continues to “raise the bar” with the certification of our first group of Hospice Aides by the National Board for Certification of Hospice a nd Pa l l iat ive Nu r se s (NBCHPN). The content of the examination is directly linked to the identified activities performed by hospice and pa lliat ive nursing assistants. This comprehensive examination challenges the knowledge and expertise of the hospice and palliative nursing assistants. Certification confirms their understanding of pain and symptom management, c u l t u r a l s e n s i t i v i t y, psychological and spiritual concerns of our patients and families, and assures best practices are applied to direct patient care. The N BCHPN C er tification is part of Hospice of San Joaquin’s five year strategic plan of excellence for all our nurses and hospice aides. It guarantees to our communit y our

appreciative o f t h e collaboration of the Stockton, Lodi and Tracy Butterf ly Chapters. “It’s important to know that the event is accomplished by volunteers who believe so strongly in the mission of Hospice of San Joaquin that they are willing to work very hard, to share a lot of time and energy.” As the Auxiliary celebrates 10-years, Hospice of San Joaquin experiences this suppor t in ma ny ways that impact patient care. Auxiliary members have grown to be a face and voice of the agency: “With the partnership of businesses across the County, there are now Teas and Luncheons in three San Joaquin cities

leadership and members we have now delivered over $500,000 to hospice care in the Central Valley,” shared Glenn Richardson, Chair of Truckin’ for Hospice. P r o c e e d s b e ne f it t he nonprofit hospice services in San Joaquin and Stanislaus counties. This volunteer coalition of trucking companies r a l l y t o s up p o r t compassionate care for their friends, families and neighbors. Guasco expressed his appreciation: “Hospice of S a n Joaqu i n i s priv ileged to participate in the annual event and grateful to receive the extraordinary suppor t of this coalition representing i nd i v idu a l r ide r s , transportation businesses and many other associated businesses.” This year over 700 riders and 80 sponsors participated. Suppor t a lso f lows f r om ot her out- do or enthusiasts: Jailhouse

and one of the most sought after summer events in the region, the Moonlight Sip ‘n Stroll,” Guasco noted. “These fundraising events are significant for Hospice of San Joaquin, a nd most va luable a re the partnerships and the opportunity for people to learn about Hospice of San Joaquin’s services.” The California Trucking Association’s Truckin’ for Hospice event also celebrated its 10th Annual Poker Run. Ten years ago t he C TA’s San Joaquin Unit members called for extraordinary people with hearts of gold to turn on their ignitions in support of hospice services. “With the sponsorship of the CTA’s

Scramble, sponsored by the San Joaquin County Cor rec t iona l Of f icers

annually share proceeds of the golf tournament with Hospice of San Joaquin. Also in Tracy, the Clutch

Bu r ne r s ’ C l a s s ic C a r Club continued to support

hospice care with proceeds of the Annual Classic Car Show, the first weekend in May. A s summer sunsets, Hospice of San Joaquin appreciates each volunteer and each donor for generosity supporting thousands of terminally ill individuals and their family members. “Everyone who reaches out to support the mission of Hospice of San Joaquin is an invaluable partner in the agency’s ability to serve.”

Hospice Aides Lead Certification: A Commitment to Excellence

Board of Directors Officers: Edward G. Schroeder Board President President & CEO O’Connor Woods Gayle Riley, R.N. Vice President Nurse, Healthcare Administrator Chris McCafferey Treasurer Vice-President Morgan Stanley Diane Park Secretary Executive Director

Mary Graham Children’s Aux.

Members: Jaqueline Bagatta, RN Deputy Director SJ General Hospital Scott Beattie, Esq. Partner/Lawyer Calone Law Group Rev. David Bennett United Methodist Church Evia Briggs Moore, Ed.D. Retired College Admin. Gary Giannini Principal Schwartz Giannini Jack Gilliland, MD Retired Peter G. Gormsen, C.P.A. DeGreogori, Gormsen, Ringer, Inc. Margo Kozina Teacher St. Mary’s High School Steve Larson Grants Officer Port of Stockton Lou Meyer Retired EMS Executive Chris Olin Community Volunteer Kelly Stump, RN, MSN Palliative Care Serv. Coord. Lodi Memorial Leandro Vicuña, J.D.

VP, Sr. Trust & Investment Officer

Community Bank of SJ

Stephen Guasco, MA Executive Director Hospice of San Joaquin

Professional Staff: Robert T. Browne, M.D. Medical Director James Saffier, MD Staff Physician Mobin Ghavami, MD Staff Physician Steve Parsons, CPA Dir. of Finance/Operations Gail E. Wigley, RN Dir. of Clinical Services Jo E. Paganini, MSW Dir. of Social Services Barbara Pombo, MBA Dir. of Development

continued commitment to Growth Encourages patient care by: continuation of personal and professional growth Quality in the practice of hospice Attaining a national and palliative care; standard of requisite knowledge required for certification; thereby Measurement assuring our agency, E s t a b l i s h e s a n d measures the level of the public, and members knowledge required for of the health care certification; and, community of the highest recognizes those provision of hospice and individuals who attain it. palliative care;


Gene Acevedo, MBA Dir. of Comm. Outreach

Effective June 2011, HSJ Hospice Aides (Left to Right) Robbin Panko, Kimberly Martinsdias, Joy Sakata, became CHPNA Certified

Pam Byrne, Ph.D, RN Transitions Prog. Coord.

“ This examinat ion challenged the knowledge of our Hospice Aides in all areas, from philosophy, h i s t o r y, p o l i c y, a n d trends in health care, to the understanding of the holistic approach to patient and family care that hospice signifies,” shared Audrey Wuerl, RN, BSN, CHPN, Education Coordinator, Hospice of San Joaquin.

Audrey Wuerl, RN, BSN, CHPN , Education Coord. Carolyn Gomes Events Coordinator Becky Burnett, RN, BSN, CHPN, Hospice House Mngr Becky Freeman Volunteer Manager Carrie M. Lane, M.Div. Bereavement Manager Patty A. Rieber Human Resource Mngr Leo Ronquillo Information Systems Mngr Jim R. Russow, M.Div/ D Min., Chaplain Tim & Sue Ulmer Volunteer Photographers

September 2011

Message from the Director For t h i r t y ye a r s , Hospice of San Joaquin has steadfastly maintained its commitment, as stated in our Mission Statement, “to provide c ompr e he n s i ve a nd compassionate medical care, counseling and support to terminally ill patients and their families regardless of ability to pay…” Throughout our history, we have been truly blessed with many friends – friends who believe in and work tirelessly to support our mission. In this issue of Hospice Awareness, you will read about many such friends – without whose work and support, Hospice of San Joaquin would not be able to provide the extent of services we so proudly give to our community. Listed are the many supporters of our recent Hospice fundraising events. Among them are the Moonlight Sip and Stroll, the Stockton and Tracy Teas, the Lodi Luncheon and Trucking for Hospice. These annual functions have become the “go-to social events of San Joaquin County.” Behind the scenes, they are the product of untold hours of work. We can not thank our many friends enough. It is because of our various fundraising events and donations that Hospice of San Joaquin was able to proudly provide nearly $1 Million in uncompensated care last year. If you haven’t met them already, you will be introduced to our pet therapy volunteers. Our Certified Pet Therapy Dogs routinely visit our patients and bring comfort and smiles to them and their families. (They also stop by the office after their patient visits to provide a little therapy to our staff.) Hospice of San Joaquin always strives to improve the quality of the care we provide. To that end, our Strategic Plan calls for all clinical staff to be nationally certified Hospice Care Providers within their field. We congratulate our Hospice Aides who recently passed their certification examination. In addition to the two years of Hospice Aide experience required to sit for the examination, each of the Hospice Aides committed to of several months of self and classroom study in preparation. Our staff members are not the only ones who are nationally reviewed to ensure the highest quality of care. Hospice of San Joaquin, as an agency, voluntarily reviews the entire organization as part of the Accreditation process offered through The Joint Commission. I am proud to report that The Joint Commission has fully accredited Hospice of San Joaquin for another three years. Our continued Joint Commission accreditation provides the strongest testament that Hospice of San Joaquin continues to offer the highest possible care for our community. Lastly, Hospice of San Joaquin celebrates the life of a dear friend, Connie Giannini-Turner. Connie was a long time volunteer who’s smiling face and kind words are greatly missed. As I have stated many times in various community talks and articles, “Hospice affirms life.” Connie truly affirmed life. Connie, we are all better individuals for having known you. Thank you for sharing so much with us.

Joint Commission Recertifies

Hospice of San Joaquin

with Gold Seal of Approval


n May 6, 2011 Hospice of San Joaquin received the Gold Seal of Approval from The Joint Commission following the 2011 survey for compliance — The Joint Commission’s national standards for health care quality and safety in home care. The Joint Commission is an independent not-forprofit organization, which accredits and cer tif ies more than 19,000 health care organizations and programs in the United States. Their accreditation and cer tif ication is recognized nationwide as a symbol of quality that reflects as an organization’s

Hospice Awareness is a bi-monthly newsletter published by Hospice of San Joaquin located at: 3888 Pacific Avenue, Stockton, CA 95204 (209) 957-3888 • www.hospicesj.org Gene Acevedo, Director of Community Outreach: Editor Barbara Pombo, Director of Development: Co-Editor HSJ Professional Staff: Article Contributions Bilingual Weekly, LLC, Design & Layout Ra, Artist, Cover Illustration Art Tim & Sue Ulmer, Ulmer Photography all photos Arturo Vera, Vera Photography, Header Photo “Horizon at the Delta” Comments, questions, sponsorship opportunities or if you wish to be removed from our mailing list, please contact our office at (209) 957-3888. Visit our website for more information about Hospice of San Joaquin, www.hospicesj.org

Director Stephen Guasco. “Through the accreditation process Hospice of San Joaquin continues to make a significant investment in quality on a day-today basis from the top down,” explained Guasco, “J o i n t C o m m i s s i o n ’s accreditation provides our team a frame work to take our organization to the next level and helps create a culture of excellence.” The team understands t h at , “ac h ie v i ng t he accreditation is a major step toward maintaining excellence and continually improving the care we

provide.” For over 30 ye a r s , patients and their families have had the benefit of an interdisciplinar y team to provide quality care when curative treatments are exhausted. Hospice of San Joaquin specializes in ensuring t hat a c omprehen sive plan of care: professional, medical, social, spiritual and emotional, is provided to patients, family and caregivers.

Caring for the future:

Physician Residency Programs learn from Hospice of San Joaquin’s Best Practices

Dr. James Saffier, Internal Medicine Phys ic ian at San Jo a q u i n G e n e r a l Hospital and liaison of the Re s ide nc y Programs at Hospice of San Joaquin.


ospice of San Joaquin is proud to partner with San Joaquin G e n e r a l H o s p i t a l ’s Inter na l Med icine Residency Program in providing quality endof-life training to their physicians. For over ten years, physicians have experienced best practices in providing care to patients and fa m i l ie s faci ng l i fe -

limiting illnesses. Residents attend twice week ly rotations which help t hem u nder st a nd the concepts of hospice or comfort care; as an option available for the care of pat ients w it h ter mina l illnesses. Residents work closely with hospice staff to more effectively manage end-of-life care. They come to view death as a natural process, and to move away

from a death-denial culture to one of “integrating death into the fabric of life.” Our community benefits from this training by graduating physicians sensitive to the needs and concer ns a f fec t ing t he citizens of this count y. The physicians benefit by understanding that when cure is no longer an option, hospice care is the “next level of care” for t heir

patients. Often I hear comments f rom t he se re sident s expressing the value they find in this rotation. Some have decided to choose Hospice/Palliative care as their field of choice as a result of their exposure here. A nd, when we encounter them later in our hospitals or clinics it is gratifying to know we had a part in their education and new “lifeview.” In the fall of 2007, we expanded the program to include the Family Me d i c i n e R e s i d e n c y Program. Cur rent ly, we have both programs rotat ing t hrough our A g e n c y, o b s e r v i n g our physicians during t he Interd isciplina r y Te a m me e t i ng s , a nd accompanying our RN case managers on visits to patient homes, nursing homes, or at the Hospice House. We thank San Joaquin General Hospital for their tr ust in us, and look forward to a future where all our physicians have a sold basis in quality endof-life care.

THANK YOU: California Trucking Association


Stephen Guasco, MA Executive Director Hospice of San Joaquin

commitment to meeting the highest of performance standards. The Gold Seal of Approval follows an assessment based on the most rigorous standards in the industry. Ultimately, the evaluation assures that the the agency’s commitment to providing its patients the highest level of quality care. “Hospice of San Joaquin voluntarily undertakes the necessary surveys by The Joint Commission to ensure we reach our agency’s goal — to be the premier hospice agency in San Joaquin County,” explained E xecutive

AC Trucking, Inc. Acme Truck Parts & Equipment Inc Air Tech Alcoa Wheel Arvin Meritor Ball Corporation Bank of Agriculture & Commerce Bella Tours Beverage Express BJJ Company, LLC Bob Harkrader & Sons Trucking Inc. Bonander Buick-GMC Boyd Special Commodities Bunge Burns Truck & Trailer Srvs California Truck Centers Central Valley Electric Cherokee Freight Lines Corn Products CTA Allied Unit CTA San Joaquin Unit CTP Transport, Inc. Cummins West Delta Truck Center Diesel Master DOT Foods, Inc. Dyno Master Ed and Carole Rocha Ed Cullom Fontaine Fifth Wheel Food 4 Less — Rancho San Miguel Markets Food Express Freightliner

Gilton Solid Waste Golden State Freight Green Valley Transportation Gunn Investagative Srvs Hull Medical Assoc. Idealease Of Stockton Idealease, Inc. In Memory of Benny and Hazel Bushmann In Memory of Carol Herman In Memory of Lorraine Hoppner International Used Truck Center - Oakland Interstate Truck Center Joe and Trica Kent Joe Gonzales Trucking JSGTrucking Company McCoy Tire Service Center, Inc. Modesto Aviation Inc. Modesto Bee Mountain Valley Express Navistar, Inc. Old Corner Saloon Pacific Coast Truck & Warehouse Pacific Southwest Container Prima Bella Produce Quality Body & Fender Ralph Hayes & Son, Inc. Redfearn Trucking, Inc. Reeve Trucking Riverside Transport Roadranger

Rocha Transportation Rocha’s Valley Enterprises Ross Roberts Truck & Trailer Repair San Joaquin Steel Co. Inc. Secound Harvest Food Bank Secoundhand Rose Silva Trucking Sims Metals Snowline Hospice of El Dorado County

Speedy Pete’s Cycle Shop Sprint Sward Trucking Inc Teresi Trucking Inc. Tiger Lines, LLC Tom, Claire & Betty Ulmer Photography UMPUA Bank USI Insurance Western Valley Insurance Williams Tank Lines

Truckin’ for Hospice 2011 Committee GLENN RICHARDSON, Delta Truck Center GENE ACEVEDO, Hospice of San Joaquin STEVE BLANCHARD, Delta Truck Center ELAINE BUZZETTA, Advanced Specialty Products LYNIS CHAFFEY, Community Hospice SAM CROSS, Rocha Transportation GARY ERVIN, Community Hospice ROGER FERRELL, Interstate Truck Center CLAUDIA FLORES, Community Hospice CAROLYN GOMES, Hospice of San Joaquin TERRY HEMINGER, Interstate Truck Center NANCY HOUGHTON, Green Valley Transporatation BARBARA POMBO, Hospice of San Joaquin ROBERT TENNIES, WTC RON VANCE, Valley Pacific Petroleum MARK WELLS, Interstate Truck Center SAUNDRA WEST, Sward Trucking DAVID MORGANSEN, Interstate Truck Center BILL HERMAN, Delta Truck Center

▪ Hospice of San Joaquin

Expands its Bereavement Department


ospice of San Joaquin is excited to announce t he ex pansion of its Bereavement Department. Additional bereavement staff allows for an increase in grief support programs of fere d at Ho spic e of San Joaquin, under the direction of Carrie Lane, Bere avement Ser v ic e s Manager. “ The Bereavement Staff expansion offers our department an opportunity to develop more programs and specialized groups to better serve those who are grieving,” explained Carrie. Joining the bereavement team is Sandy Melden, a former Hospice of San Joaquin volunteer, who re c ent ly ac c epte d t he position of Bereavement Assistant. “I am excited to be a part of Hospice of San Joaquin’s team and I am looking forward to helping our community in any way I can,” said Sandy in her first days at work. L or i A nn Galtere, known for her dedication as Bereavement Assistant, will now support families under a newly developed Bere avement Ser v ic e s Specialist position. G a lte r e i s k now n for having a special passion for a ssist i ng ch i ld ren

Hospice of San Joaquin Bereavement Department team (from Left to Right)

Lori Ann Galtere, Bereavement Services Specialist Sandy Melden, Bereavement Assistant Carrie M. Lane, Bereavement Manager in grief. She has been instrumental in ensuring that participants of “Kids Korner” have a safe and fun place to express their grief. “Lori Ann’s five year experience in bereavement will benefit the agency as her expertise will help the development of new programs,” highlighted Lane as she acknowledged Galtere’s skills, “Lori brings a caring heart to those she serves.” The t hree member bereavement team offers a new benchmark in grief support. “We are committed to doing everything we can to meet the needs of those individuals and families

who are grieving,” Carrie L a ne ref lec ted on t he agency’s commitment to the community. Hospice of San Joaquin serves over 1,700 grieving adults, teens, and children on a n a n nua l ba si s. There is no charge for the Hospice of San Joaquin’s Bereavement Progra m which is suppor ted by the contributions of the community. Registration is required for each program. For more infor mat ion about Bereavement Programs, please visit us on line at www.hospicesj. org/griefsupport or call Bereavement Services at (209) 957-3888.

A Tribute to Our Friend Connie Giannini-Turner Caregiver, Volunteer, Compassionate Supporter of the Grieving


hen you first me t C o n n i e , s h e ac k now le d ge d you by looking you straight in the eyes —with a nod and a smile— welcoming and ready to listen. Carrie Lane, Bereavement Program Manager shared, “C onnie was t he most passionate person I have worked with. She and I often discussed how this was a true calling for her – a way to turn the pain of losing her first husband to cancer into something meaningful and positive.” C on n ie’s qu ie t a nd direct welcome was just the beginning of extending her support, particularly to t he g r iev ing of t he community as a volunteer w i t h Ho s p i c e o f S a n Joaquin’s Bereavement Services. Most recently she facilitated the “Adult Suppor t Group for Spouses.” The first group, who gathered in 2010, continues to meet monthly on their own. Josie Minor, Hospice Social Worker, reflected on her experience working with Connie: “She really facilitated the group —I was there for support— spouses could relate to her, and they opened up supporting one another.” The Adult Support Groups for spouses will continue to be offered. C ol le e n A n n McL oug h lin wa s bor n in L iver more in 1945 . Connie had a lifetime of

Connie Giannini-Turner 01/17/1945 to 08/10,/2011 For over 6-years Connie Giannini-Turner volunteered at Hospice of San Joaquin as a Family Team Member, special events, and helped developed the Loss of a Spouse Grief Program. care giving which started with caring for her father a nd you nger br ot her; a nd , u lt i mately b ei ng a caregiver for her first husband, Rudy Giannini, who passed away in 2002. He r e x p e r ie nc e s w e l l equipped her as a Family Team Member volunteer and Bereavement Group facilitator. In her initial volu nte er dut ie s a s a Family Team Member, she visited with hospice patients at their residence. She was always ready to do whatever was needed – often she supported them by sitting at the bedside. “ Volu nte e r i ng for s i x years, Connie mentored new Family Team Member volunteers and a lways shared her ex per ience by participating in the volunteer panel for new trainees,” reflected Becky

Did you Know

F r e e m a n , Vo l u n t e e r Manager. With the Bereavement programs, Connie had a special ability to relate to sur v iv ing spouse(s). C onnie a lso enjoyed helping children at the annual Camp Caterpillar by assisting with breakfast and by supporting their families. After a brief illness, Connie passed away peacefully at the Hospice Hou s e on A u g u s t 10, 2011. Connie’s boundless capacit y for caring for others continues to be c e le br ate d b y a l l s he touched. C on n ie i s s u r v i ve d by her husband Ron and daughters who will honor her memory by continuing to support children and their families at the 2011 Camp Caterpillar.

Over 55 percent of hospice patients are diagnosed with conditions other than cancer or AIDS. Hospice supports patients with any terminal diagnoses.

September 2011

Thank You

Butterfly Auxiliary Champagne & English Tea, Spring Tea and Spring Bouquet Luncheon Sponsors Ace Hardware All Star Nails Spa Alpine Nursery American Hearing Aids American Steel Car Club In Mem. of Ron Heath Angelina’s Angelo’s Mexican Restaurant Ann Aubry, Avon Arrants, Earl Original Oil Paintings by Patricia Frye Arrants AVE On The Mile Avenue Grill BAC Bank Bacchetti, Gloria Bacchetti, Nat & Rosemarie Barnes, Kathy Barnes, Ricky Baskin-Robbins Becker, Rita Beckman, Kyle Berghold Winery Berriman, Janet Blackwater Roasting Co. Block Buster Bokides, Nick Bolger, Diane Bossert, Dean Boudin’s S.F. Brannon Tire Brekke, Bonnie Brookside Golf & Country Club Brookside Nails Browtique & Body Lounge Bud’s Seafood Grille Buffalo Wild Wings Burke, LaNise Burke, Ruth Burton’s Shoes Cynthia Estrella Campbell’s in the Village Castle Oaks Golf Chef James Williams Catering Children’s Museum Chili’s Restaurant Chipotle Mexican Grill Chukchansi Gold Resort & Casino Ciao Bella Restaurant Comfort Keepers Corn Products Int’l Corto Olive Oil Costa, Elaine Costa, Liz Curlee, Cathy Dante’s Pizza David’s New York Style Pizza Delicato Winery Delucchi, Madelyn Delucchi, Pat & Greg Dennis Morita CPA, Kevin Morita CPA DeVinci’s Delicatessen & Catering Devons Jewelers Dillard’s Dinner My Way Domo Japanese Restaurant Dr. Debra Sundahl, D.C. Dr. Gordon Luke, D.D.S. Dr. Joe Burlin, M.D. Dr. John K. Hall, DDS and Mrs. Susan M. Hall Dr. Steve Ensminger,DDS Dr. Stuart Jacobs, M.D. Draper’s & Damon’s Drummond & Associates - Darrell Drummond Dulce, Vita Eaton Optometric Group Edible Arrangements of Downtown Stkn & Lodi El Rancho Inn Evans Cabinet ShopJerry & Colleen Evans Fashion Safari Fellin, Julia Flameless Candles from

Scentsy Forest Lake Golf Club French Camp R.V. Park Gaines, Alex & Brooke Gerlack, Jack & Mandy Gillen, Mary Gini, Dianne Girsh, Merv & Marilyn Gomes, Gene Goodheart & Associates Gribaudo, Galen Hackworth, Maxine Hanlon, Cookie Hanten, Gene Happiest Nail Stanley Ho & Mary Phan Harmony Wynelands Harrah’s Lake Tahoe Harvey, Megan Hayashi, David Heckman-Bokides, Kerry Hollandutch Nursery Jackie Lew Jackson Rancheria Jacobs, Kim Just For Friends Catering Kelley Ranches & John Kelley Kenneth Michael Salon Kerry’s Sweet Decadence Kessler, Brad Kevin Schimke Jewlers Korbhalz, Jackie Lakewood Nails-Hong T. Do Larry’s Auto Lenser, Phil and Debra Lenz, Susan Life Teen Church of the Presentation Lisa Stokes at DC & Associates Lobb, Ida Mae Lodi Ave Liquors Lodi Flower Shop Lodi Iron Works Kevin Van Steenberge Lodi Memorial Hospital, Mr. Mark Wallace, HR Dir. & Past President of HSJ’s Exec Board Lodi Wine & Visitor Cntr Lowe’s Home Improvement Lynn Rich Photography Lynn Ferguson-Rich Macy’s-West Valley Mall in the City of Tracy Main Street Nursery Marina Market Market America Mary Kay Mary Lake-Thompson Ltd. McBride, Cliff & Glenda Merle Norman Mertz Company Michael David Vineyard Micke Grove Zoo Mimi’s Café Mirror Image Hair Salon Nakasone, Riri Natural Healing Center Karen Peterson Olive Garden Italian Restaurant Outback Steakhouse Pacific Intercollegiate Baseball Department Ed Sprague Panda Girlz Brenda Sisoon Panera Bread Park Woods Cleaners Parkwood’s Yogurt Shop Partlow, Eileen PDC — The Boutique Lisa Starkey Peerless Coffee and Tea Peltier Station Pharmacy Care Concepts Plovnick, Daisy Portraits by Tammy Raley’s Save Mart Store — Tracy Randy Daimant Rapid Ready Tax & Bookkeeping Service RAW Sushi Bistro Reeve Associates

Real Estate Renew Hair & Body Lounge Rice, Pat Romano’s Macaroni Grill Rosa Montes (Cabi Consultant) Rubio’s Stonecreek Village Safeway, Lincoln Center Safeway Lodi Store Sakura Japanese Groceries & Gifts Sam Bassett & Pepe Pool San Francisco Giants, Shana Daum SJ Delta College, Tillie Lewis San Joaquin Veterinary Clinic Sanderlings at Seascape Sassy Pants Children’s Boutique See’s Candies Siamese Street Restaurant Silva, Ann Silva, Kathy Smart, Joy & Sylvia Wood, Colleen Young In Memory of Donna Merritt Sonia Charles South Stkn Lions Club Starbucks Stockton Civic Theater Stockton Golf & Country Club Stockton Joe’s Stockton Movie Tickets Stkn Ports Baseball Club Stockton Symphony Stockton Thunder Stockton Yacht Charter Stokes, Sandy Stokes Farms Tom and Sandy Stokes Studio Samba Styles Unlimited Hair Salon Symons, Jeanne Tangles Salon Target (Trinity Parkway) The Cellar Art Studio, Susan Hanning The Cheesecake Factory The Dermal Clinic The Penthouse Salon, Susie Narvarte The Reserve at Spanos Park The Wellness Connection Tokay Stitch ‘n’ Quilt Guild Tolliver, Alice Toot Sweets Tots & Teapots Tracy Instant Printing Trader Joe’s Tyson Woodruff Ulmer Photograpny.com Valley Pacific Petroleum Valley Wholesale Drugs Van Ruiten Family Winery VanSteenberge, Kevin Vera Carrillo, Maricela Village Barber Shop Vinewood Community Church Vlaovich, Carol Watson, Daine Weigums Nursery West, Lou Ann West High School Floral Design Program Wetteland, Ray & Julie “In Memory of James (Chubbs)Fiske Willey, Gerry & Lani Windmill Ridge Winery Woodbridge by Robert Mondavi Woodbridge Crossing Lodi Steven Ding Woodbridge Golf & Country Club

September 2011

Hospice of San Joaquin’s annual camp for g r ie v i ng ch i ld ren, “C a mp C ater pi l la r ” i s officially welcoming four new ‘counselors’ – Paddy, Corrie, Winston, and Roxie! These 4 legged helpers are certified Pet Therapy Dogs who volunteer on a regular basis for Hospice of San Joaquin. Paddy, a beautiful Golden Retriever, and his owner Lyn, most of ten v isit pat ients in the Hospice House but are looking forward to a change of pace at Camp Caterpillar. Winston and Roxie are frequent friends at Kid’s Korner, Hospice of San Joaquin’s children’s g r ief suppor t g roup. Both bring their unique ‘doggie personalities’ to the bereavement program. Winston, known for his u n i q u e ‘ h a i r - d o’ a n d abilities to ‘say his prayers’ brings a smile to everyone who sees him and Roxie is the perfect little lap dog. Corr ie, a Welch Corgi, is new to children’s bereavement and looks forward to meeting her campers! Hav ing pet therapy d o g s i nv ol v e d i n ou r children’s bereavement programs, including Camp Cater pillar, is a newly added feature to the now 8 year old camp for grieving children. “We continue the best way to reach children in grief and help them in the healing process,” shares Carrie Lane, Bereavement Services Manager. “Pet Therapy dogs provide a comfor ting and lov ing presence to our campers.

A grief support group for children in grades K – 6, is a special place for kids to come and experience healing following the death of a loved one. Activities such as art, games, and storytelling help children process their grief in a safe environment. Hospice of San Joaquin will be starting its Fall Kids Korner in October. The group will meet for 4 sessions on the following Saturdays: October 8th, October 22nd, November 5th, and November 19th from 9:00 to 11:00 AM. There is no cost for Kids Korner, however, space is limited. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Contact Bereavement Services for information. (209) 957-3888.

Butterfly Auxiliary Poinsettia Sale

October to November 30 During the month of October order your poinsettias in time for delivery during the Holidays, Cost: $10-$30 Proceeds benefit Hospice House For more information call (209) 922-0380


Thank You

Butterfly Auxiliary Members, Family, Friends and Sponsors Goldie a golden retriever certified Pet Therapy Dog visits with 2010 Camp Caterpillar children. A child who may have a hard time sharing feelings of grief, will often do so in the presence and safety a pet therapy dog. Other children simply need a reason to smile and these dogs always make them do just that!” T h i s y e a r, C a mp Caterpillar w ill be held on Saturday, September 24, 2011. Children gather at t he Ho spic e of Sa n Joaquin Campus at 8:00 AM and then go by bus to Micke Grove Park in Lodi for the remainder of the day. Camp activities are age-appropriate and are designed to encourage children to express their feelings of gr ief in a structured environment, surrounded by their peers.

Children, who are paired with an adult ‘buddy’, will experience music, games, art and crafts, journaling and storytelling. Lunch and snacks are provided and a registered nurse is on-site all day. Adult volunteers and staff are trained and screened. Children learn skills that they can carry home and share with their families and draw upon when future losses occur. Camp Caterpillar is open to children in grades K – 8 who have experienced the loss of a loved one in the last 2 years. Camp is FREE however, pre-registration is required and space is often limited. Please call Bereavement Services for more information at (209) 957-3888.

Upcoming 2011 Events Kids Korner

br e l e

t h g i l n o Mo l l o r t S & p i S 10 years C



Helping teens to cope with grief and loss November 19, 2011 2:30 to 5:00 PM at Hospice of San Joaquin’s Administration Building. This workshop is for high school aged teens who have lost a loved one. Free — but preregistration is required; space is limited. Contact Hospice of San Joaquin at (209) 957-3888.

Coping with the Holidays

Saturday, Nov 12th 2:00 to 5:00 PM; and, Tuesday, November 15th 6:00 to 9:00 PM A workshop designed to help adults facing the Holidays for the first time without their loved one. Must pre-register at (209) 957-3888

Coping with the Holidays for Families Saturday December 3rd 9:00 to 12 noon Designed for families experiencing the holiday without a loved one Must pre-register at (209) 957-3888

Volunteer Training

September 26 – October 20

Mondays and Thursdays 1:00 – 4:00 PM Learn how to give back to the community through volunteering at Hospice of San Joaquin. Contact Becky Freeman, Volunteer Coordinator (209) 957-3888

Tree of Lights Stockton — Tree of Lights Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2011 6:00 PM San Joaquin Delta College 5151 Pacific Avenue, Stkn Lockeford — Tree of Lights Wednesday, Nov 30, 2011 6:00 PM Preceding the Cowboy Craft Faire 19000 N. HWY 88, Lockeford Lodi — Tree of Lights Thursday, December 1, 2011— 5:30 PM City of Lodi at City Hall 221 W. Pine Street, Lodi Tracy — Tree of Lights Friday, December 2, 2011 6:00 PM Tracy Outlets 1005 E. Pescadero Ave., Tracy Galt — Tree of Lights Saturday, Dec. 3, 2011 6:00 PM Galt City Hall 380 Civic Dr, Galt Rio Vista—Tree of Lights Saturday, Dec. 3, 2011 5:30 PM Rio Vista at City Hall One Main Street, Rio Vista Manteca — Tree of Lights Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2011 6:00 PM Manteca Doctor’s Hospital 1260 E. North Street, Manteca

Advanced H2O, LLC Air Design Alice Tolliver * Angelina’s Spaghetti House Anita Poore * Annette Stephens * Arturo Vera Photography Atria Bayside Landing Auburn Valley Country Club B.J.’s Restaurant and Brewery Babette Thompson Banchero’s Mobile Brick Oven Bank of Stockton Barbara Galgiani * Barsetti Vineyards BBQ by David & Denny BBQ, John Fuller/ marinade, Breadfruit Tree Belindora Vinegars Bella Tours Limo Benson Ferry Vineyards Berghold Vineyards & Winery Big Valley Ford Bill Pallesen Billy Urbani Blackmun Equipment Blackwater Roasting Co. Bob Kocher, In This Life Custom Getaways Boboli International, Inc. BogleWinery Bokisch Vineyards Bon Appetit, University of the Pacific Borra Winery Boudin SF, Stonecreek Village Stockton Brew Angels Brookside Classics Heron Lakes, Homeowners Brookside Country Club Brookside Dental Care Bruno Pepper Company Bud’s Seafood Grille Café by the Spa Califas Café & Bistro/ Black Tie Catering California Waste Recovery Systems Cameron Buck/Pan American Cameron Metal Arts CAPAX Companies Casa Flores Brookside Casa Flores Marina Centrale Kitchen & Bar Centro Mart, Inc., Mel Young Ceramics by Linda Osborne & Glenda Burns Changing Faces Theater Company Chase Chevrolet Ciao Bella Italian Cuisine Cindy Erdman * Comcast Spotlight Courtyard Hotel by Marriott Coy N. Elvis D.B.I. Beverage, Inc. d’Art Wines Daughters of the British Empire Dave Wong’s Restaurant David’s New York Style Pizza DeMolay, Stkn Chapter

DeVega Brothers Italian Cuisine DeVinci’s Deli & Catering DeYoung Funeral Chapels Diamond Ice Dinner My Way of Stockton Dr. & Mrs. Donald Ritzman Dr. & Mrs. Jack Gilliland Dr. & Mrs. John K. Hall Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Natsuhara Dr. George Rishwain Duraflame Eagle Rock Spirits and Wine Edible Arrangements, Trinity Parkway Egan Family Foundation Ethylene Wood-Shannon Fields Family Wines Financial Decisions Frito Lay Frosted Flour Cakery & Supplies Genova Bakery Gnarly Head Cellars Grands Amis Winery Greenhorn Creek Golf Resort Group Therapy Harmony Wynelands Harney Lane Winery Haute Couture Society Heidi Moorefield Heritage Oak Winery Iacopi Lenz & Company Insurance Agency, Inc. Jan’s Sweet Treasures Jeff Kester, Embroidery Works Jeremy Wine Company John D. Kellen, D.D.S. & Amy L. Scriven, D.D.S. Jonathan K. Loo, O.D Judith Buethe Communications Julie Wetteland * Kerry’s Sweet Decadence KieKie Morell * In memory of Virginia Hale Klinker Brick Winery Lange Twins Winery Leo Club; John McCandless High School Les Trois Papillions Linda Dillon * Lockeford Meat & Sausage Lockey Kjelson * Lodi Community Art Center Lodi Physical Therapy Lodi Wine Cellars Lodi Wines / Lodi Olive Oil Macchia Marianne’s Pantry Marie Callender’s Restaurants & Bakery Marina Market Place Mark Knize M&C Association Managements McCay Cellars McConnell Estate Winery McKinley’s Frame Shop & Wendy Gage Watercolors Metate Hill Vineyard Mezzo Miguel’s Mexican Restaurant Mom’s Chili Boys Nena’s Mexican Restaurant Oak Ridge Winery Olive Garden Onus Wines Overboard Wine Co.

* Hospice of San Joaquin Butterfly Members

”Champortini” Palmeri Wines Pampered Chef Panera Bread Park Woods Cleaners Parkwood’s Yogurt Shoppe Payless IGA Markets PDC the Boutique Peltier Station Periano Estate Vineyards Pietro’s of Lodi R&J Cellars Randall O. Mallett, D.D.S. Revolucion 1910 Rex Goliath Rio Las Palmas Retirement Community Riri Nakasone Rita Becker Robert Foppiano on the Accordian Robinson’s Feed Store Romano’s Macaroni Grill Ron & Dea Berberian Rubio’s Fresh Mexican Grill Saddle Creek Country Club Safeway Store #2707 Sally Shubin, Sally’s Chili * Sharon VanSteenberge Grupe Real Estate Shi Ra Soni Simple Sweets Bakery Simply NAKED Turner Road Vintners Sonia M. Charles St. Amant Winery Starbuck’s (Bob Maciel) StillSane? with Nick Elwood Band Stockton Fire Department Stockton Golf & Country Club Stockton Joe’s Restaurant Stokes Farms Styles Unlimited Salon & Spa Stkn Police Dept. – VIPS Swiss American Sausage Co. The Dancing Fox The Red Zone The Wine Group Thelma Stewart Tickle Pink Inn Tidewater Art Center & Gallery Tipsy Girl Wine Design Touch of Mesquite Trader Joe’s Tuleburg Quilt Guild Ulmer Photography, Tim & Sue Ulmer United Rentals, Inc. Joe Doran, Jr. Valley Wholesale Drug Vicarmont Winery & Vineyard Vino Con Brio Vintage Limo VIP Pizza Virgil Rucker Entertainment Vision Etching , Susan Komatsu WalMart Watts Winery Weibel Family Vineyards and Winery Wells Fargo West Wind Mobile Home Park Wilson Wood Art WMB Architects, Inc. Woodbridge by Robert Mondavi Woodbridge Country Club Yasoo Yani Yumi Oji Zucca Mountain Winery

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