For Real Mystery Guest
Food & Beverage Peter Klosse
Your career The career of a 25 year hotel owner
This Magazine is developed and produced by students of the International Hotel Management, Leeuwarden
Theme South Africa
10 Hospitality meets Technology:
Spring 2011
Hospitality & more:
KLM Surprise
Discover Singita Experience of a Lifetime Focus on the patient
The other way around Ubuntu
> 10
> 16
CONTENT > coverphoto: Francis Beukeveld visited South-Africa to support the Dutch national soccer team.
9 | Hospitality meets Technology KLM Surprise
South Africa
Hospitality Highlighted All about the Money → 4 All about People → 5
10 | Discover The World
11 | Discover Experience of a lifetime Focus on the patient
All about Creativity → 6
All about the Market → 7
16 | Hospitality & More The other way around Ubuntu
19 | The Top 10 Most populair attractions
13 | For Real Mystery Guest
in South Africa
21 | Your career The career of a 25 year
15 | Food & Beverage Peter Klosse
hotel owner
22 | Column
One of the most upcoming countries in hospitality and tourism is South Africa. Besides the fact that the country generated lots of publicity by hosting the last world cup, it is also known for its delicious wines, beautiful nature and of course the wildlife experiences. In South Africa there are hundreds of cultures, which you can find in different regions. When traveling through South Africa a guest can experience the hospitality of these cultures in the most beautiful and luxurious resorts, that are mostly situated in game reserves. The African people offer the guest experience of a lifetime. Driving trough the game reserves looking for wild animals and hoping to see all the 'members' of the big 5 is something every tourist dreams of. The two diverse worlds of nature and luxury come together and this creates a new experience, that makes everybody curious. Lisa Saathof Student Minor Wild Life South Africa
PREFACE Almost everybody connects South Africa with the FIFA World Cup of 2010. But South Africa is a lot more than the country of the last World Cup. South Africa developed over the last years. Nowadays it could be a destination for everyone. People could go to South Africa for holiday, for work or for studying. This edition of Hospitality Delighted is all about South Africa. We would like to give you an insight to this beautiful country. There are not only different articles about South Africa, but there are also personal experiences from people that have seen the changes in South Africa after the FIFA World Cup 2010. In fact, South Africa is a beautiful country unfortunately not many people know that. With this edition we hope to inspire you. Welcome to the world of South Africa! Christiaan Brouwer, Arthur Strengers, Paula Visscher and Tessa Zoetman Chief Editors Hospitality Delighted
HOSPITALITY highlighted
all about the money Around the world with food.
Spend a night in the universe
Discover the new Dutch cuisine. The Dutch entrepreneurs are making the old stew cool again. French fries are becoming nonfat and pancakes are getting a different flavor like the sushi pancake. Even the Brussels-sprout, kale, carrot and the apple are becoming ‘nouveau’ gain. Using local products is already popular in New York, London and Berlin. Even though the product can be prepared fast, the meal is still healthy and sustainable. Introducing old Dutch food products is not only good for the environment but buying local food products can actually save 15% of your budget. “Think global, eat local.”
“The sky is the limit”, but not for long anymore. Galactic suite wants to become the first company offering an actual space trip! The first paying guest should be in space in 2012. The architects of The Galactic Suite Space Resort are saying that it will cost 3 million euro including a three-night stay at the hotel and an extensive eight-week training on a tropical island.
> www.horecava.nl/nl/nl/Pages/wereldeninnoveer.aspx
> www.galacticsuite.com/index2.html
Cheap Fruit
Global Recovery
Always wanted a quick meal at the station, that wasn’t fastfood? Within a few months it will be possible at the Central Station of Rotterdam. For only € 0,30 you will be able to buy a FRUIT!
The hotel industry continued to recover in January this year with a strong growth in both global hotel revenue and bookings. Driven by demand and supported by rate growth, business travel revenue increased by more than 40% in comparison with last year, while leisure revenue jumped nearly 15% over the same period in 2010. The hotel industry rebound is a direct result of a healing economy. As corporative profits return and competition is ramping up, companies are sending their sales executives back on the road.
Together with the local community and Nutrition-centre an entrepreneur is trying to establish this new idea, calling it FastFruit. The new concept is much faster than buying fruit at the supermarket, because there are no queues for the cashier. The idea of the concept is to make fruit more accesible. Normally the snacks are cheaper than fruit, because it is sold in little bags and cut into pieces. With FastFruit, the idea is to sell it as a whole. Besides selling fresh fruit, FastFruit will also add a service by selling fresh juices made from fruits of your choice. > www.horecaentree.nl/innovatie/3764-FastFruit%3A_ goedkoop_fruit_uit_de_muur.html
4 : Hospitality delighted
During their stay, the guests will see the sun rise 15 times a day and travel around the world every 80 minutes. The guest will also wear Velcro suits so they can crawl around their pod rooms by sticking themselves to the walls. According to former aerospace engineer Xavier Claramunt, space travel will become common in the future.
> ehotelier.com/hospitality-news/item.hp?id=20442_0_11_0_C
all about people Fat, Fatter, South Africa
South Africa is on its way to overtake America as the world's fattest nation. Roughly half of South Africans over the age of 15 are overweight or obese, and medical researchers warn that the government may soon have to step in to manage the epidemic. In South Africa, one in three are overweight or obese, while for women, it is more than one in two. Does this surprise you? Health, schmealth... South Africans consumers are not ignorant about what constitutes a healthy diet, they just don't chose to go there. Man and woman alike feel more secure dating a big/fat person because they are considered ‘clean’. Hence the slang name for AIDS in Africa is ‘Slim’. In addition, taste, taste, taste - followed by affordability and convenience are still preferred above health. Specialists call it behavioural economics and it poses some sticky challenges for the food industry and health regulators.
There is an old Japanese song that goes, ‘I want to eat Fugu, but I don’t want to die’.
> www.mrc.ac.za/chronic/cdlchapter7.pdf
Fugu is a most peculiar delicacy in Japan. Fugu means pufferfish or blowfish, which refers to several types of fish including the most prized and also most poisonous, the tiger blowfish. What makes fugu interesting is that it contains a powerful neurotoxin called tetrodotoxin, which can cause paralysis, and if enough poison is ingested it may cause death. The tiger blowfish(tora fugu) contains enough poison to kill 30 humans. The preparation of tora fugu thus has to be carefully regulated to make sure that very little of this poison remains. Only specially licensed chefs who undergo rigorous training for two years, and pass different tests are allowed to prepare the dish.
> www.nytimes.com/1981/11/29/travel/one-man-s-fugu-isanother-s-poison.html
Languages Many……more….most! He has 20 high-end restaurants spread over four continents. With these restaurants he holds an astonishing record of 26 Michelin stars. He has been on the shortlist of renowned chefs for a quarter century and was the first and only chef to be titled ‘Chef of the Century’ by Gault Millau guide in 1990. Of course we are talking about Joël Robuchon, a legend in the culinary world. In a time when nouvelle cuisine was introduced in the 1980s, Chef Robuchon amazed the global culinary scene with his almost bourgeois French haute cuisine, with which he reached absolute perfection and focused on using only the best cooking equipment to flesh out the original flavors of the freshest, highest quality products. > www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/food_and_
Did you know that there are 2,700 spoken languages around the world and 7,000 dialects? In Indonesia alone there are already 365 different languages, whereas in Africa, there are more than 1,000 different spoken languages. Basque is considered to be the most difficult language in the world, which is spoken in the northern-western Spain and in the southern-western France. The world’s youngest language is Afrikaans, which is spoken in South Africa. The language is developed by the Dutch and is closely related to the Dutch language. Which explains the name Kaap-Hollands. The oldest languages, Tamiz and Sanskrit, originated in Africa but are now spoken in India. A daughter language of Sanskrit Aka-Bo or Bo, is now considered to be an extinct language as the last person who remembered any Bo died last year at the age of about 85. Bo was an ancient language in India's Andaman Islands. It is said that the origin of this language is dated approximately 70,000 years ago.
drink/article6320622.ece > news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8498534.stm
HOSPITALITY highlighted
all about creativity An Igloo of glass
If South Africa is too far… For the guest who would love to get the African feeling, but do not want to go to South Africa, the Bavaria Safari hotel is the right solution. This special hotel is located in Germany. South Africa is a beautiful country but not everybody could go there for different reasons like money or time.
Hotel Kakslauttanen is located in a small village the Finnish part of Lapland. The hotel consists of 40 different types of cabins including glass igloos. Guests have the opportunity to admire the northern lights and millions of stars of the crystal clear sky with an comfortable room temperature in these igloos. From December till April the hotel has 20 glass igloos to offer. Dependend on the weather, the guests can have dinner at the snow restaurant, which is located near the igloos.
The Bavaria Safari 3 star theme hotel in Dachau could give the guest the African feeling as well. The bright color schemes and the warm furnishings offer the guest a sense of African flair. In the whole hotel the guest could find objects or animals related to South Africa. In the lobby are stuffed animals like for example lions or monkeys.
The igloos are built from a special thermal glass, which helps to keep the temperature inside the igloo as normal. It also prevents the glass from getting white frosted. Every igloo is equipped with all needed comfort including a luxury bed and toilet.
> www.bavaria-safari-hotel.de
For all the other accommodation types of the hotel: > www.kakslauttanen.fi
Being fast at the Airport It is holiday, and you are on the airport with your suitcase. It is a long way to the gate and you are tired of walking. Just buy the Micro Suitcase Scooter from Samsonite and long walks are not an issue anymore. The Samsonite suitcase converts from a carry-on bag into a kickboard scooter with fold-out integrated running board and handlebars. Now you will cruise past your fellow flyers to your gate and will not feel exhausted. At the plane, the scooter is easily transformed back into a suitcase, which fits into every hand luggage compartment, and you won’t have to worry about being able to store it! The Micro Suitcase Scooter will cost around € 300,00. > www.travelvalley.nl/gadgets/985
6 : Hospitality delighted
This hotel offers the South Africa feeling in Germany.
Hot Coffee, cold hands.. Everybody will recognize not being able to hold a cup of coffee because the cup is too hot. And when your cup is cooled of, your coffee is already as cold as well. The Polish knit-expert Beata Faron had the solution for this problem. She developed a holder for your cup. She developed the ‘ Brr’ concept. With this heater, the coffee keeps warm and you can hold your cup without problems. The concept of ‘ Brr’ is a set of heaters especially developed for cold, winter days. The heaters are made of wool and there are two silicone bands inside the heater to prevent the heater from sliding down the cup. Brr is the ideal solution for a hot cup of coffee without burning your hands! > www.behance.net/gallery/Brr/642855
all about the market Multicultural Food trends. According to the trend watchers from New York, the food trends of 2011 will be meatballs, Korean cuisine and sandwiches. In America there is already the Meatball Shop. And it is very popular! The customers can get five different types of meatballs and choose from 4 flavors of hot sauces. Disneyland has already opened a Meatball bar. Pointing at the new formula of Kogi, it will not take long or the Korean cuisine will become popular. This new franchise formula and is a big success in Los Angeles. Kogi is travelling around with its so called Food-truck. Via twitter, Kogi is letting their followers know where the truck is. The sandwiches are going international as well. Nowadays the people can get a Mexican and a Vietnamese variety of sandwiches. Those sandwiches are available at the so-called Bahn mi-shops and are already well known in America.
Fair-trade wines from South-Africa are the best Together with the Max Havelaar foundation, wine portal “By the Grape” organized a wine election special for FairTrade Wines at the “Tropisch Museum” in Amsterdam. Fifty six fair-trade wines were tasted, valued and ranked. South-African Cabernet Sauvignon from Koopmanskloof was chosen the best Fair-trade wine out of 30 red wines that were tasted at the election. Yvonne Klaasen, a wine trader, described this wine as spicy with character, but still suitable for different occasions. The winner in the white category, is the Chardonnay from Fair-trade Original. This wine is known as quite fruity and just like last year the Balance Shiraz came through as the winner in the rosé category.
> Source: Misset Horeca In the new category “best new arrival” Argentinean Solobra Malbec Reserva won the first price. > www.hospitality-management.nl/nieuws/beste-fairtradewijnen-komen-uit-zuid-afrika/
Nightlife, LED life A new great innovation is there. The led lights can be implemented in a bar or in a lounge to give the nightlight an extra dimension. Trough a special detection mechanism, the bar reacts on movements or objects at the bar. Because of this new technique, the bar is able to make a connection between two people. LEDproducts is presenting the new Nightlife lounge. > www.horecava.nl/nl/nl/Pages/ wereldennachtleven.aspx
Best innovation of 2011 The Greenwall from “Bureau voor Akoestische Zaken” earned the Horecava Innovation Award 2011. This award is for the best innovation in the hospitality. The sustainable design wall made out of Norwegian reindeer moss improves the acoustic in the rooms. The wall is made from recycled wood and reindeer moss. When the moss dries out, just a little bit of water will do make it functional again. > www.horecava.nl/nl/nl/Press/persberichtenhorecava2011/ Pages/acoustischpaneelvanrendiermoswinthia.aspx
The Finishing Touch. Business meeting? meeting u! Organising a business meeting? Let Conferences and Events Office meeting u organise your conference , event and meeting from A to Z. We also provide a wide range of practical services, including location scouting, sending invites, booking speakers, location decoration, catering and developing your conference website.
meeting u is a Stenden university teaching company. Prospective professionals in International Hospitality Management and Office Management get their practical experience while working under the supervision of coaches in the event sector. Stenden meeting u • Rengerslaan 8 8917 DD Leeuwarden • +31 (0)58 - 2441521 • meeting-u@stenden.com • www.stendenmeetingu.nl
KLM Surprise: This is CRM Is travelling already too exciting for you? Everybody recognizes the waiting for the take-off and the time is creeping, passengers fighting boredom while waiting. Could the use of social media make the passengers feel special and turn their boredom into happiness? KLM believes it could.
After the volcanic eruption in Island it became clear that KLM uses social media. Nowadays this use has even been ‘upgraded’ by the release of KLM’s new campaign developed by Boondoggle. This new development includes locationbased social network site Foursquare. Use of this site plays an important role in customer relation management and it’s used to track people’s profiles in order to surprise travellers with unique gifts based on these profiles. When a person checks in using Foursquare the KLM tracks this person’s social media profile. By quick and intensive search within these profiles the KLM surprise team gather as much information as possible, then try to choose the most suitable products to put together a fitting gift for the customer. This gift is handed to the customer when boarding.
passenger was going to miss one of his soccer team’s most important matches of the year due to his trip to New York. KLM surprised him with a Lonely Planet guide to New York with all the best soccer bars in the city. Another traveler was surprised with a package to remind him of home during a long stay abroad. With this campaign KLM is keeping tabs on conversations generate through social media, and plans to evaluate its effect after November. It has already been said that this way of service may be used again in the future. KLM surprise team don’t use Social Media Channels like Foursquare only for checkin and information gathering, they also use it to engage customer by providing
them wit that extra service. This way of work results in trust building and creating of loyalty between the company and its customers.
> a little surprise from KLM. KLM is going the extra mile with its social media efforts, using creativity to create exciting, crowd pleasing projects. The KLM surprise campaign is definitely a unique way to get your customers positively aware of your brand. Maybe one day you will be a special guest of KLM and will get a little surprise from KLM.
Customers who don’t use Foursquare can contact the @klmsurprise directly to notify KLM of their booking, but this might not result in the most suitable present. Using Foursquare increases the odds of getting the ‘best’ gift. The team has been surprising travellers with champagne, notebooks, watches and traditional Dutch foods. One
Discover Singita Singita, meaning ‘the Miracle’, is a multi-award winning private game reserve, located in the greater Kruger area and is globally recognized for the highest quality game-viewing on offer. The lodge attracts more international awards than wild honey attracts bees. From Best game reserve and world’s #1 Destination by Condé Nast Traveller, to Tatler’s Best Hotel of the year, to FGASA Gold Lodges Status... the list of awards is endless, and for a reason. Amazing decor and excellent service together with some of the best game viewing in South Africa make Singita perhaps the most exquisite game lodge in the world. Situated both in the Sabi Sand Game Reserve and in a private concession within Kruger National Park, Singita offers five unique accommodation choices, each with a lodge and an attached guest suite. What distinguishes Singita from other safari lodges is not just the incredible décor, but the attention to detail which is thoroughly maintained in the game experience itself. Singita is composed of five unique accommodations, each an exceptional lodge including a customary area and 10 to 12 suites. Each offers a similar unforgettable experience and the same high standards of food and service. The only difference is the 10 : Hospitality delighted
decor, and mood Ebony offers the most conventional Out of Africa-like experience. Massive four-poster beds, double-sided fireplaces and huge teak decks with private plunge pool, really echo ancient Africa and a wild experience. Boulders, on the other hand, furnished with white leather and linen, offers a more starkly modern accommodation with a comparable bush experience. Sweni and Lebombo are for those seeking a more private setting with less active game experiences, whereas Castleton is idyllic for small gatherings like wedding parties or other events. The staff-members encounter a strict training to be able to serve the guest beyond their expectations. Day and night, Rangers walk around the
> Go on a safari and return for cocktails property to ensure that stray lions do not get too close. During safaris the top-notch Rangers are familiar with the habits of the local wildlife and show real enthusiasm tracking animals. Guest can go on safaris with a private Land Rover or even by foot, together with an armed Ranger protecting them. Go on a safari and return for cocktails on the veranda, drinking a glass of chilled African vintage cabernet enjoying the most amazing sunsets at a green horizon, that’s how guests experience Singita!
Going to the south of Africa is already a great experience. But to really discover the country, going on a safari would be amazing. Going on a safari will not only show the most amazing spots of South Africa, there is also the chance to meet the famous big five. There are several safaris that will show the most amazing places of South Africa. Here a small description of a safari to get the ultimate South Africa feeling. The meaning of a trip or safari is to discover the culture of that particular country. “Koningaap” is a travel agency, which puts that at first place. Going on a safari is an opportunity to visit the amazing places of which most people are not even aware.
This safari trip will start on Mount Kenya. Which is an amazing mountain with snow covered peaks, jungles and bamboo forests. There is an opportunity to walk around the areas and enjoy the sight of tropical birds and monkeys. The trip will continue in the north of Kenya where the Samburu people show you their way of life and hunting gear. In this area, spending the night at the beautiful reserve also called Samburu is not unpleasant at all. The world famous Samburu Park has as many visitors as the Serengeti Park. The Baringo Lake is also Kenya. This lake is a home base to crocodiles and hippo’s. During the night, in the lodge the grunting grazing hippo’s can be heard. The bird lovers can admire the beautiful birds which can be found at the edge of the lake. The Nakuru Lake needs to be visited to see flamingos, baboons and black and white rhino’s. The population of flamingo’s here is quite impressive and remains big in number due to abundance of algae. The lake itself is protected by the Institution of National Park, and is a great asset to this already beautiful country. After visiting Kenya, the journey will continue to Tanzania. The biggest lake of Africa is located between Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. This is called the Victoria Lake. Within this lake, we can find around 2500 different freshwater fish, this is a lot compared to Europe’s 200. Victoria Lake is the source of The Nile. Via a boat trip, this amazing lake can be discovered. Another amazing thing to visit is the unique Ngorongoro Crater. This is the biggest collapsed
volcanic cone of the world and with its 600 meters of depth it offers amazing views. The bottom of this crater where many animals like lions, black rhinos, elephants can be encountered is accessible by jeep.
The safari trip will end on the tropical island of Zanzibar. This island with its dazzling white beaches and everlasting winds makes it the best place for kite surfing. During the trip you will meet a lot of locals and this will make a safari trip the south Africa one of the most wonderful experiences of a lifetime. This is might be a good reason why travel agencies should arouse the awareness of the world of Africa. > www.koningaap.nl/afrika/kenia/ kenia-tanzania-en-zanzibar-groepsreis23-dagen
The focus is no longer on the organization, but rather on the patient! The world of mental health care is changing! And hospitality plays an important role. My name is Geerianne Vos, I am 24 years old and since September 2010 a graduate of International Hotel School. During my internship at the International Hotel School in Leeuwarden I conducted a research to hospitality within the entrance, reception and waiting rooms of several locations of GGZ Friesland. This internship made me realize hospitality is becoming more important in the mental health care industry and offers great opportunities for Hotel School students. Hospitality is an item, which people do not directly associate with the mental healthcare industry. But it is becoming more and more important, since healthcare is commercialized. In the past people almost always visited the organization nearest to their home. Now, because of the market forces, they can choose a healthcare centre themselves. Therefore organizations need to compete with each other in order to survive. One way to do so is to increase the hospitality level.
a taboo around mental health care, despite the fact that one out of four people can get a psychological disorder (www.1opde4.nl)! What is GGZ Friesland? GGZ is an abbreviation for mental health care. GGZ Friesland is a big organization and very diverse. People with different kind of psychological problems can call on GGZ. The problems range from a light depression to severe schizophrenia. Anybody can ask for help, from children to elderly and they can also visit the organization at various locations within the province of Friesland. Before When I entered the organization I noticed that no attention had been given to the matter hospitality for some time. This was proven by the fact that the buildings were outdated. They had the interior from the seventies.
Is a health center any different from a hotel? I think not. Maybe patients need even more attention, because it is not
After After my research I formulated the following recommendations, which can be divided in three groups: welcome, uniformity and facilities. Welcome: introduce a hostess and offer the receptionists training in hospitality to increase the guest focus. Uniformity
always easy for them to seek help for mental issues. Unfortunately there is still
between all locations: implement manuals, corporate clothing, name
12 : Hospitality delighted
badges, meetings between the receptions and one way of making waiting more pleasant. Facilities: coffee/ tea/water facility, tabloids, news papers, leaflets and information screens which provide information about the organization. Final recommendations are make a division in front and back-office, answering mail and telephone. The reason to this is stimulate the guest focus, daily contact between receptions and secretariats concerning the expected visitors, implement mystery guests visits and last but not least organize internal contests to collect hospitality ideas and therefore involve employees of GGZ Friesland. There is still a lot to improve in the hospitality level of mental health care organizations. This article is just a small review of the whole research, for more information contact geerianne.vos@ggzfriesland.nl.
The Mystery Guest in the South African Hospitality Industry The service level in South Africa is much higher than in The Netherlands. Nienke Nauta knows all about it. She was mystery guest for different hotels. She quit her job at Martinair Holland in 2003 and moved to Johannesburg with her husband.
Why have you chosen to go to South Africa? Due to my husband’s job, we had the opportunity to move to South Africa. In 2003 I arranged an unpaid leave with Martinair and together with my husband I moved to Johannesburg. You were mystery guest in different hotels, how did you come by this job? A friend of mine was working as an assessor for a mystery guest company and they needed more volunteers. For this kind of job I was not paid but I had the pleasure to visit all nice locations in the
hospitality industry in South Africa: 5 star hotels, game lodges, golf courses, casino's etc. As expats, we were the ideal candidates. More traveled, higher income and foreigners. Hotel/ lodge staff would not be suspicious when we were visiting their hotel. The main client was the Sun International group. Sun International has top range hotels in Sun City, Cape Town, Victoria Falls, Durban and lots of other destinations. Game lodges and luxury trains were also on their list.
How did you experience your visits to the hotels? Were there many differences between them? The amount of work was serious and they wanted to know everything, from names of staff to how many juices were offered for breakfast, if the silver was polished and even if the toilets were clean. I must say, this was quite a challenge with all the African names. We had questionnaires of more then 100 pages and after completing the questionnaire, I had to write a summary. The hotel standards were high of the hotel I visited. One of the lodges I visited was Earth lodge in Sabi Sabi Game Reserve. This lodge was all about personal approach, attention and service. From the minute you arrive till you leave staff is busy to entertain their guests, paying attention to small details from surprising sundowners, open-air diners and luxurious rooms. And to be honest, when the game is not that spectacular, guests start to complain. The Sun International hotels were much bigger, but more often easier to assess as you were more a number. And it was more often in these hotels that the final report had quite some concerning points. What positive and negative aspects did you experience in South Africa? Living in South Africa was one great experience, however we had to be careful all the time because of the crime. We were fortunate to live on a 24 hour secured estate with armed security. As there are so many different cultures in one country and a high unemployment
privileged. Schooling is still an issue. University is only possible for the rich and for those privileged that find a scholarship. However I would never wanted to have missed the opportunity to stay in this beautiful country. Top of our stay was of course the FIFA World Cup 2010. For weeks there was that special vibe in the country. It was South Africa on her best and I was proud to live in this country. When did you decide to move to another place? After 7 years in Johannesburg, it was time to move again. This time we moved to Singapore together with our 2 kids and number 3 on its way. Singapore is nice, but that special African vibe, you will never find anywhere else. Would you recommend hospitality students to go to South Africa for their studies? I definitely recommend South Africa, but please keep the habit of the country in mind. Try to adjust as much as you can. South Africa is completely different from the Netherlands. Be careful with all safety issues. Do not think it won't happen to me,! Hospitality wise, you can learn a lot in this country, the Service level is high. Visiting the Netherlands over the past years has always “surprised" me, especially the lack of service offered in the Netherlands in comparison to South Africa.
rate, it makes life hard for the less
Growth and experience
THE STORY OF MAAIKE AMELS... After three years of living and studying in Leeuwarden, it was time to put my experiences into practice by starting my internship. For me this meant flying halfway across the world and starting my internship in the Protea Hotel President in Cape Town, South Africa. This internship gives me the opportunity to get broad experience and knowledge of the hotel industry. Next to that living and working in a country far away from home makes me an independent and international oriented person. The three years in Stenden taught me all about Hospitality Management, but being a member of student association Io Vivat Nostrorum Sanitas gave me a quick start on how to actually put theory into practice. As a member of Io Vivat I was active within different committees in different functions. This showed me how to organize small and big events, build up a network, work efficient, be a team player, be openminded, think out of the box, be critical and of course be pro-active.
Io Vivat Nostrorum Sanitas
FACTSHEET Maaike Amels, member since 2007, internship Protea Hotel President, Cape Town
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Just to Take Away. Why don’t you enjoy your Great Cup of Coffee when You Shop, Walk or Talk.
Peter Klosse Peter Klosse is the owner of the ‘Hotel Gastronomique’ in Hoog Soeren, close to Apeldoorn. He also started the academic for gastronomy. Nowadays he offers courses for sommeliers and a variety of wine and spice courses to people who are interested to learn about the topic. But where and when did this all begin? Peter Klosse tells his story.
Peter Klosse was born in 1956 into a very gastronomical family. Peter’s parents are founders of the restaurant ‘ De Echoput’ in Hoog Soeren. His father is also one of the founders of the ‘Alliance Gastronomique’. In 1967 the Echoput already had one Michelinster. Peter studied business administration, but after his study he decided to follow his father’ s foodsteps. He had done different internships in highclass companies, for example with Robert Kranenborg in Brussel. In 1985 Peter took over his parent’s business. The restaurant develops itself more and more. The focus is one the pure nature from the Kroondomeinen in the area. The Echoput has always been famous because of the
> His goal was to clarify the dynamic of the wine and spice combination.
beautiful, unique style wild- and mushroom dishes. Next to the famous dishes, there is also a main focus on the wine and spice combinations. Peter imports a lot of wines by himself; the wines are also sold in his own shop. In 2004 Peter made a strategic decision and decided to build a hotel in order to expand his business. The restaurant closed its doors and the building was demolished. After a few years of rebuilding, the Echoput opened its doors again in 2007, this time as ‘ Hotel Gastronomique’. Nowadays it is
a 5 star hotel with 42 rooms and suites. Besides the famous restaurant there is also a bistro and wine bar called ‘ Flavours’. Peter is not only entrepreneur, since 1991 he has been actively involved in education. He is the founder of the Academy of Gastronomy, and is offering many courses, especially wine and spice courses. Before he started these courses, he did a lot of research within the gastronomy. His goal was to clarify the dynamic of the wine and spice combination. Because of his view on the taste, many people will ask Peter as a consultant. From the first of March 2010 he became lecturer of gastronomy at the Stenden University. Peter is developing the minor Gastronomy, which will start in September 2011. In the future there will also come a Master education in gastronomy. This makes the Stenden University the first University in the world that will introduce gastronomy in this way.
... HOSPITALITY AND MORE The other way around I am a student of the Stenden South Africa and I am studying International Hotel Management. I have done my “Grand Tour” in Leeuwarden where I also completed the last semester of my second year. This last semester consisted of the Performing Daily Operations Module and the Dutch International Business Communications Module in Leeuwarden.
During my course in Leeuwarden fellow students soon realised I was from a “different World”, they constantly asked me why I came over. I had many reasons, such as gaining new skills in the operations and management of the F&B department as well as learning a new language and getting to know another along with personal interests and goals but appart from that I must say that feeling of being the first second year of the South African Stenden to come over to Leeuwarden I felt great to lift the South African flag high to show the main campus of Stenden that we are here and we mean business. It was only after returning back to South Africa that I realised why I decided to go to Holland. It was the basic human need of archieving new goals and to explore the unknown. This was my way of sicovering new sides of myself, trying to embrace the “old” while the “new” sitting on your doorstep? After returning home I became aware of the fact that the two cultures can’t be judged the same in any sense of the word, as language shapes the reality that one perceives in its own perception, and thus every culture has their specific and
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unique way of thinking and behavioural characteristics. In all honesty I would not think it is fair to say that either country is better than the other, as both South Africa and the Netherlands cannot truly be compared as each in my opinion has its advantages and disadvantages. However being a proud South African, I think South Africa will always be my favourite country. Unfortunately South Africa still has the negative stigma; high crime, high poverty, poor living conditions and many other grimaces of life. Please take into account that South Africa is still a young democracy and it goes without saying that we still have a long way to go, but you cannot deny the fact that we have come a long way and will continue to progress. I would say that my most positive experience in South Africa is to be part of the new generation of youth formed under the new democracy. It makes me proud to be a part of my country’s history, as it is being made. In 2010 South Africa was blessed with the honour of hosting the FIFA World Cup, in my opinion the World Cup did our country a great deal of good. During the build up we were able to critically analyze our potential as everyone drew together to make it a success. I believe that we changed peoples mind about us
and showed them the true colours of the uniqueness and qualities that we have to offer people from all over the world. After the wake of the World Cup, South Africa has been left with many virtues such as an increased sense of safety due to the higher police presence, absolutely breath-taking stadiums, state of the art train lines and improved internet connections amongst many other things. Of course, being such a large country it is difficult to notice major developments throughout the whole country and some people may think that the World Cup did not affect them positively at all. However the world is your oyster and everyone makes their own fortune. Personally I would recommend any student to come to South Africa. It will be the journey of a life time. You will make bonds with people who you will never forget. We will welcome you into our vibrant and open minded culture formed of different ethnic backgrounds. South Africa is where you will discover new things about yourself and others. Not to forget the beauty of the land and its people. Any person to come here will leave a different person. It would be a shame to miss the opportunity to be part of such a unique part of history in the making. Kai Vosloo Student of Stenden South Africa
Ubuntu; Life of a Dutch a ic fr A th u o S in ff a st f o r e b m e m In November 2007 I travelled with my wife to South Africa to take on the position of Academic Dean. My wife and I have always felt the need to explore the world, not as tourists, but by working and living within a culture. After Asia and the Middle East it was time for Africa now. More than three years later we are still here, with two children born in South Africa and no desire to relocate in the near future. The experience thus far can be summed up in one word: Ubuntu. Ubuntu is an African philosophy that dictates: “I am what I am because of who we all are.” It refers to the interconnectedness of people and assumes that you can only be human through valuable interactions with your environment. As I am writing this article, it is Saturday the 12th of February 2011 and I am sitting outside on the deck of our house with a small fire going, listening to the sounds of the ocean, crickets, and the occasional car driving through Port Alfred. This in itself would be a reason for many to sign up for a post like this, but there is much more... When you hear of South Africa on the news, you hear of crime, poverty, and a divided people that struggle to overcome the effects of apartheid. Though the statistics don’t lie, day to day life here tells a completely different story. South Africans are happy, open, and hospitable people. Whether you drive, walk, or stop somewhere, people will greet you and engage in a chat. I remember one of the first times I
stopped at Kentucky Fried Chicken on the way home from work on a Friday (my wife was over 8 months pregnant so I needed to do some cooking) waiting for my turn to order and being caught off guard completely by the service employee looking me straight in the eye (I was focusing on the board on what to order) and breaking my individualistic focus of getting food quickly with a very sincere ‘How are you?’. This culture of sincere interest in other people has rubbed off on the Stenden campus as well. Guests are frequently surprised by being greeted by students and staff as they move over the campus. Student numbers exist, but solely for the purpose of unbiased testing and correct administration. I have experienced here that a culture of personal commitment can create amazing outcomes in terms of student satisfaction and passing rates. An interesting incident that has occurred to me more than once is starting an early morning (we start at 8:00) PBL session to discover that a student is absent. Another student says, ‘please excuse me for a minute’ and runs out to come back with the other student who was oversleeping and lifted from his bed
by his fellow student not to miss the PBL session. That for me is teamwork. I take pride in being able to address each graduate of Stenden South Africa personally upon graduation as within our school culture I am expected to know each student. I believe that this is one of the main drivers to a successful university: mutual commitment for excellence in a setting where we see and respect each other as people. There is nothing soft about this; we like to be hard on performance and behaviour, but always respectful to the individual and his or her circumstances. To sum up, I have not regretted our decision to come here once over the last three years and I wish that more Stenden staff could test their cultural paradigm in a setting such as this. For our students there is Grand Tour which I recommend wholeheartedly. There is not one student that I have seen over the last three years that was not positively affected by life and study in South Africa... By Wouter Hensens – Academic Dean & General Manager of Stenden South Africa
... HOSPITALITY AND MORE Interview with Paul Gardiner In November 2009 Stenden University Hotel entered the famous Mantis Collection. The Mantis Collecton consists of exclusive boutique hotels, game reserves, eco lodges, luxury yachts and extraordinary rail journeys located all over the world. Each property is individually selected, located mostly on a unique location and recognizes the importance of beauty, culture and individuality. The Mantis Collection has won many awards including: ‘The World Travel Awards’ for leading conservation company, ‘Leading Safari and Game Reserve’ and ‘The Harpers and Queen 100 Best Places to Visit Award’. The logo of Mantis is a mantis, a ‘praying-like’ insect and the slogan is ‘Conserving a vanishing way of life’. The current chairman Adrian Gardiner founded Mantis back in 1992 with Shamwari, a game reserve in South Africa. His son Paul Gardiner is currently the International Marketing Director of Mantis. Arthur Strengers and Tessa Zoetman, editors of Hospitality Delighted had the opportunity to sit down and talk with Paul Gardiner about the business, his passion and his life.
reserves but is also responsible for management and marketing or only marketing within a certain hotel. The group is divided into five different divisions called the Mantis Big Five, including Marketing, Management, Education, Development and Conservation. HD: How does Mantis distinguish itself? Paul: We try to create an unforgettable experience for our guests in all parts of the world, focusing on details. This ranges from a stay in the ice hotel in Norway, to Safari’s in South Africa, to adventures on Antarctica. The Antarctica adventure is not for free, prices go up to € 56.000 per person…. Sounds like a lot but our guests will ‘and can’ pay any price for their experience. Have you seen the movie ‘the Bucket List’? Well if not, you should! We aim to create ‘bucket list’-experiences. HD: What lies in the future for Mantis? Mantis strives to increase the properties from 40 today to a total of 100. We do not increase rapidly, though we carefully select the properties we would like to be involved. Nowadays it is not very interesting to own the property itself. Therefore, we focus on selling our management and marketing as a service to these hotels and reserves.
HD: What is a Mantis? Paul: Mantis is named after a small insect, which looks a little like a grasshopper and lives in Africa. The word embodies attention to detail. The Bushmen, the indigenous people of South Africa, would worship the praying mantis. The mantis was a kind of God, they called it ‘the voice of the infinite in the small’. When you take care of the small things, the big things will take care of themselves and nature will stay in balance. This vision is also carried out in the Mantis Collection today.
HD: What are the biggest challenges for Mantis? Paul: Because most of our properties are in South Africa different aspects are a challenge and should be taken into consideration. Most of these factors we are not able to control, such as the oil price, which is of big importance for the tourist industry. The value of the Rand (currency of SA) is another important factor we cannot control, which became stronger after the last world cup. This increases the price of traveling to South Africa. The over population in Africa is also one of our main challenges. Africans
The group not only owns hotels and
like to use land for agriculture, which
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endangers the wild life. Mantis Education tries to educate local civilians to respect the land and teach them about their land. But also ‘to keep it Sustainable, You got to keep it commercial’. By this we mean that we have to show Africa to as many people to be able to sustain this beautiful continent. HD: How is it to work with your father? Paul: My father is a great mentor to me. But when I started to work for Mantis I started at the game reserve driving around in Land Rovers, showing the guests the wild animals. All communications between my father and me went through my manager. He kept it really professional. His work is his life. He only talks business, also in his spare time and I only just got used to it. I have a great relationship with my father. HD: What drives you as a person? Paul: The opportunity to develop this brand and to increase brand awareness of Mantis is now my main concern. I love my job, I get to travel to beautiful places and am able to sell the properties to happy customers. What is also amazing is that I am able to provide these people an amazing experience going back into nature, which is all about healing. HD: You sound like an extremely busy man, do you have any spare time? Paul: Not much but I use most of my spare time to prepare for the next marathon in London. This means I run a couple of kilometers every day. The London Marathon will actually be some kind of practice too. I am planning to run 7 marathons in 7 days on 7 different continents starting on Antarctica, than Africa, South America, North America, Europe, Asia and Oceania next year. I will do this together with two friends but we are still searching for sponsors. We have set up a team of professionals to make this happen. In addition we want to raise money for one each continent endangered species.
1. Cape Town The beautiful beaches of Cape Town make the city famous all over the world. The table Mountain, which is 1,086 meters high, is one of the most popular highlights in Cape Town. The Table Mountain offers a beautiful view of the city centre as well as the surrounding mountains and this is why this mountain is a favorite picnic place for the locals.
2. Garden Route The Garden Route is 300 km long. This tour goes from Mossel Bay to Paul Sauer Brigde. The Garden Route shows the real nature of South Africa. At the sea side people may spot some penguins, dolphins and the Southern Right whales.
3. Robben Island Robben Island is a former prison island, about 10 kilometers from Cape Town. Nelson Mandela was the most famous prisoner on this island. Since he and many other political prisoners spent many years on Robben Island, this island has become one of the main attractions in South Africa.
4. Sterkfontein Caves The Sterkfontein Caves are located northwest of Johannesburg. These caves offer wonderful stalagmites and stalactites formations. Not to forget the 2.6 milion year old bones of a hominid man. This discovery solved the missing link between ape and man. 5. The Wine Islands The Cape Wine Islands is the largest wine producing region in South Africa. Different famous wine areas are found here, such as the Stellenbosch Simonsig. Another well known wine area is the Robertson wine valley. The wine growing tradition in South Africa goes back to the 17th century. Nowadays the country produces 1 billion liters of wine annually. 6. Kruger National Park The Kruger National Park is one of the largest game reserves on the continent. Besides the elephants, buffalos and the rhinos, there are 468 types of birds, 114 types of reptiles and 130 species of mammals.
7. Sun City Sun City is the Las Vegas of South Africa, it is a popular casino resort. Sun City is located 150 kilometers northwest from Johannesburg. Luxurious hotels, sport facilities as golf courses and artificial waterfalls are the things that people can expect in Sun City.
8. Phinda Game Reserve This Game Reserve holds seven different ecosystems, for example palm savannah and mountain bush, covered by 140 square kilometers. This reserve is located on the east coast of South Africa, 300 kilometers away from Durban. The Phinda Game Reserve is one of the most fascinating protected areas in the country.
9. Drakensberg The most famous mountain of South Africa’s highest mountain range is “Drakensberg” , called “Ukhahlamba” by the locals. In winter the mountain peaks are covered in snow, while in spring the mountain is surrounded by beautiful colourful flowers. Another highlight to be found in the national is the 6 km long Amphitheatre.
10. The Apartheid Museum The apartheid museum is located in Johannesburg and open its doors since 2001. It isthe most visited museum in South Africa. To remember the visitors of the country’s past, and show the progress it has made since.
> www.krugerpark.co.za/ > www.gozuidafrika.com/cities/steden_info.php?region=Drakensberg > www.tourism-review.com/top-attractions-in-south-africa-not-only-for-the-football-fans-news2239
Adres: Stenden university hotel Rengerslaan 8, 8917 DD Leeuwarden
Openingstijden: Ontbijt Maandag t/m vrijdag:
07.00 – 09.30
Zaterdag en zondag:
08.00 – 11.00
Lunch Maandag t/m zaterdag:
12.00 – 14.00
Diner Maandag t/m zaterdag:
18.00 – 21.00
Reserveren: Voor meer informatie of het maken van een reservering bel (058) 244 1188 of mail naar hotel@stendenhotel.com. Zie ook www.stendenhotel.com.
The Art of Hospitality
De Nieuwe Nederlandse Keuken van SVH Meesterkok Albert Kooy vormt de basis van Restaurant.NL. Deze duurzame, dier- en milieuvriendelijke, gezonde en eigentijdse keuken is geïnspireerd op de culinaire cultuur van ons land en combineert deze met internationale ingrediënten en kooktechnieken. Hierdoor ontstaan verrassende nieuwe Nederlandse gerechten. Geniet van een culinaire ervaring in Restaurant.NL waar studenten leidinggevend zijn.
The career of a 25 year hotel owner Lex Moerke, nowadays the owner of Hotel “De Waag & Brasserie “ De Eerste Rang” started as an International Hotel Management student at Stenden university.
My name is Lex Moerke, I am 25 years old and I am an Alumni of the Stenden University. I graduated in 2008, after a really nice student life. Hospitality is an industry, which is challenging each day. I have been working in this business ever since I was 14. I started off as a dishwasher, and later made my way through as a waiter, a cook, and a manager of a 3* hotel in the Dutch city of Sneek. During my studies I had a passion for Food & Beverage. I had 6 jobs in several restaurants and hotels. I also was night-auditor at hotel “Wyswert”, which is now called “Stenden university hotel”. Cocktails and spirits were my big interests and I also provided guest lectures at the hotel as a student. I decided my internship had to be something special, so I wrote a letter to “De Engelgroep” in Rotterdam. This was a restaurant group which owned seven well-known restaurants and was managed by Herman den Blijker en his companion Mr. David Crouwel.
But after less then a year I got bored. Always sitting behind a desk, only solving problems of other people, which was not my future perspective. I wanted to get back in the work field of hospitality again, but without a boss. So starting my own company was a logical decision. After a 6 month search I spotted an old 2 star hotel in the Frisian village Makkum. The hotel was really outdated and out of business. I thought: A real challenge. So I bought it to make it a succes.
> Make your dreams come true and take some risk in life.
As a trainee I faced a lot of challenges, from managing on operational level to managerial level and especially financial controlling. After the internship I learnt a lot about the financial importance of a company. I decided to stay in “De
I spent 2 year renovating the hotel. The fourteen rooms and the building itself were fully renovated. The restaurant and kitchen and public spaces were newly built and all this was accomplished without closing the hotel for a single day. Now the business is thriving. I started in 2008 in the middle of the crisis, so it was a challenge to create a wellknown name and to get the business
Engelgroep” as troubleshooter and financial controller.
running. Now in 2011 we are doing well and are a profitable business.
The restaurant focuses on fresh and seasonal products, and since September 2010 we developed a special interest for fair-trade and biological food. The hotel is updated to three stars, the restaurant is well known in the Makkum region and we won the ZOOVER award 2010, which is an award based on guest experience. Hospitality is the keyword for my organization. Without hospitality we cannot operate in a service industry. That is why I am working a program, which focuses on the teaching of hospitality and the importance of guest experience. Since last year I’m cooperating a lot with Stenden and for the future I would like to do this more and more: Make people aware of and enthusiastic about our industry and most important making people aware of what hospitality is. This is my career in a nutshell. My suggestion to you is: Make your dreams come true and take some risk in life. Kind regards, Lex Moerke Hotel “De Waag” & Brasserie “De Eerste Rang” Markt 13 8754 CM Makkum > www.hoteldewaagmakkum.nl
Hello are you Dutch – Nee ek is Afrikaans I just finished my second evening shift as a supervisor at the Lobby Bar in the Four Points by Sheraton Shenzhen hotel when a guest asked me for a beer, in what sounded, at that moment, as a typically Dutch accent. So I asked him, in Dutch, where he was from. He answered in Afrikaans that he was from Johannesburg and that he was staying at the hotel for a week to do business. Great I finally met someone who could actually speak Afrikaans. So we made an agreement that night; he would only speak Afrikaans and I would reply in Dutch. What I remembered the most was: Ek gaan ’n bier drink. It was the simplicity of the grammer he used which reminded me of the old Dutch. This pronunciation made me smile and I asked him what kind of beer he would like, and I served him his Heineken.
best in the world, and that he misses it a lot. He said that I should come to South-Africa and enjoy one of these big Braais, so I promised myself to visit his home country at least once.
My Chinese colleagues asked me what kind of language he spoke, because it sounded different than the Dutch I usually spoke.
I hope that after reading this magazine you will be more aware of South-Africa and maybe even plan a trip of your own.
One evening he came in exhausted. After his beer and hamburger he told me that the Braai (SA BBQ) were the
Niels van Felius, Chief Editor
colofon Chief Editor: Niels van Felius Editorial team: Paula Visscher, Tessa Zoetman , Christiaan Brouwer, Arthur Strengers Cooperators: Marco ten Hoor, Wouter Hensens, Peter Klosse, Lex Moerke, Paul Gardiner, Nienke Nauta, Geerianne Vos, Kai Vosloo, Francis Beukeveld
Printing office: Grafisch Bedrijf Hellinga b.v., Leeuwarden Advertisements: Stenden university hotel, Stenden meeting-u, Stenden student lounge, Holland America Line, Io Vivat, Stenden IHM, Restaurant.NL Founders: Daniël Spijker, Mark Struik
Design & Layout: Visser & de Graef b.v., Leeuwarden
Project supervisors: Marco ten Hoor
22 : Hospitality delighted
In cooperation with: Stenden university, Leeuwarden International Hotel Management Copies: 2.000 Email: info@hospitalitydelighted.nl www.hospitalitydelighted.nl
1454 3x flyers pdf_SUH 03-05-11 11:54 Page 1
Stenden university hotel Dit viersterrenhotel wordt in samenwerking met de Internationale Hotelmanagementschool gerund door jonge, enthousiaste studenten onder begeleiding van praktijk instructeurs. Zij willen graag bijleren en uw verblijf onvergetelijk maken.
van Leeuwarden en biedt verschillende soorten kamers. Dit varieert van deluxe kamers tot kamers met een Afrikaans of Oosters thema. De kamers zijn gezellig en comfortabel ingericht en beschikken over alle moderne faciliteiten. In Restaurant.NL wordt een verscheidenheid aan smakelijke gerechten geserveerd. Het hoge serviceniveau is tevens terug te vinden in de vergaderaccommodatie die het hotel te bieden heeft. De prachtige omgeving van Friesland, de omliggende steden en het gemak waarmee u bij de Wadden kunt komen, bieden de gasten een verscheidenheid aan culturele en actieve dagtochtjes. Kom en ontdek zelf de charme van deze rustige regio in het noorden.
The Art of Hospitality
Dit luxe hotel ligt 10 minuten van het centrum
Navigating your Career Our Company At Holland America Line our elite team consistently delivers an award-winning standard of service and performance as the industry’s leading premium cruise line. Our fleet of 15 ships offers nearly 500 cruises to more than 320 ports in 314 ports in 97 countries on two- to 117-day itineraries. We sail to all seven continents on popular Caribbean, Alaska, Europe and Canada/ New England cruises and exotic destinations on our Antarctica, South and Central America, Australia/New Zealand, Asia/Pacific and Grand World Voyages. With 137 years of experience, Holland America Line has carried more than 10 million guests from Europe to the New World and to vacation destinations around the globe. Your Career Holland America Line is committed to creating a culture where our people live, work and thrive, because we know our people are our strength. To support our people we have developed a Career Roadmap Program which outlines the
process by which any member of our team can create a successful career in Holland America Line. This program includes a path that allows HBO school interns to become a part of this exciting program! Our Marine Hotel internships are designed to provide experience with different departments and managerial positions including: • Assistant Dining Room Manager (Culinary Department) • International Concierge (Guest Relations) • Junior Housekeeper ( Housekeeping) • Crew Officer ( Purser) Your Talents Professional qualifications: diploma and/ or equivalent work experience • Excellent communication skills • Organizational expertise • Fluent written and spoken English and an excellent command of German and/ or Spanish and/or Dutch language skills • Capable of dealing with different cultures • Commitment to Holland America Line Mission & Values
Our Commitment At Holland America Line our people are our strength. We provide robust development programs beginning with orientation training before you even step aboard. Onboard we strive to supply the tools to build a successful and satisfying career. Our goal is to foster an environment of growth and accomplishment. Our Mission Through excellence we create once-in-alifetime experiences, every time Contact Us: For further information and to discuss the advantages of joining our team, please contact Josephine van Gent, Coordinator Student Programs (jvangent@hollandamerica.com) In addition we invite you to visit us online at www.welcome2HAL.com to learn more about the opportunities and advantages of a career at sea with Holland America Line