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March 2023 Issue
EDITORIAL: February 9
Display – Feb. 24 | Material – Feb. 28
Monthly Focus: Facilities Management and Design/Health Technology/Greening Healthcare/Infection Control: Innovative and efficient healthcare design, the greening of healthcare and facilities management. An update on the impact of technology , including robotics and artificial intelligence on healthcare delivery. Advancements in infection control in hospital settings.
+ INFECTION CONTROL SUPPLEMENT have sore fingertips all day, every day. Not to mention, you tend to only check your blood sugar before and/or after meals, so you are only seeing you blood sugar levels a few times a day.
Managing blood sugars for a person with Type 1 diabetes is a little like steering a big ship – you need to make changes in direction before they need to happen otherwise you crash into lots of things. Glucometers are like steering the ship with your eyes closed; CGM opens your eyes.
Knowing your blood sugar level and where it is going is very important, because while insulin is a wonder drug that keeps me alive, it is also incredibly dangerous.
Every time you take insulin, you put yourself at risk of low blood sugar, also known as hypoglycemia, which is a common cause of emergency room visits for people with Type 1 diabetes. If untreated, it can kill.
CGM use has been shown to be very effective at reducing time with low blood sugar. The flip side of low blood sugar is high blood sugar, which long-term is associated with poor outcomes such a heart attacks and kidney disease. The use of CGM helps with this as well, increasing the time that people with Type 1 diabetes have their blood sugars in a safe range.
Unfortunately, CGM costs between $3000 to $6000 dollars a year. Most provincial and territorial health and drug plans do not cover the expense. The few that do, often have age restrictions. For instance, Manitoba has coverage for CGM, but only to those under age 25.
April 2023 Issue
ADVERTISING: Display – March 24 | Material – March 28
Monthly Focus: Healthcare Transformation/eHealth and EHR/ Mobile Health: Programs and initiatives that are transforming care and contributing to an effective, accountable and sustainable system including virtual care. Innovations in electronic/digital healthcare, including mHealth and the Electronic Health Record (EHR).
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Advisory Board
Barb Mildon, RN, PHD, CHE
VP Professional Practice & Research & CNE, Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences
Helen Reilly, Publicist Health-Care Communications
Bobbi Greenberg, Health care communications Sarah Quadri Magnotta, Health care communications
Dr. Cory Ross, B.A., MS.C., DC, CSM (OXON), MBA, CHE Vice President, Academic George Brown College, Toronto, ON
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