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healthcare system
Boomers trust Canadian
More Than Millennials
According to the 2023 Proof Strategies CanTrust Index, 63 per cent of boomers trust the Canadian healthcare system compared to just 45 per cent of millennials. When it comes to overall trust, Canada’s healthcare system is trusted by 58 per cent of Canadians – a number that is unchanged from 2022. Medical doctors (73 per cent) and scientists (69 per cent) remain the two most trusted groups of people for reliable information, with friends and family in a close third at 68 per cent.
Other insights include:
• After the alarming death tolls in long-term care homes that marked the early phase of the pandemic, 30 per cent of Canadians trust long term care facilities to operate competently and effectively.
• Only half of Gen Z (50 per cent) trust Canada’s public health agencies compared to 69 per cent of boomers.
• Boomers trust pharmaceutical companies more (44 per cent) than Gen Z do (40 per cent.)
• Just over half of Gen Z trust the Canadian healthcare system (56 per cent) compared to 64 per cent of boomers.
• The Canadian Red Cross is the organization Canadians most trust, at 62 per cent.
• Nine per cent of Canadians have “a lot of trust” in federal and provincial leaders to reach collective agreements, with 47 per cent having “some trust.”
• Overall trust among Canadians is up five percentage points from a year ago, at 39 per cent. n H