Wright plan cataloge

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We look forward as a team to making our company a leading one in the engineering field, counting on many main factors and basic principles that constitute our future strategy. Using our academic studies and practical experience on-site, while keeping pace and benefiting from global practices, we fulfill our customers’ wishes and requests, within a common collective framework of commitment to standards and criteria that guarantee our work. We believe in economic efficiency and that it›s required in every project (simplicity is beauty). So we apply both speed and achievement accuracy, down to the slightest details, by creating a special essence in every project. Each and every part is associated and connected, to form the full beautiful view, where no part can be separated from another. We achieve this while sustaining our innovation and avoiding repetition. We always try to create a modern spirit in our projects while maintaining the level of encoded classicism required in our community. General Manager Architect Hossam Shaabani



About us Our Identity

An innovative architecture and interior design firm based in Dubai, Wright Plan is fully equipped to create the right plan for your buildings and interiors. Our academic credentials, hands-on experience, talented team, and design perspective conspire to create beautiful, functional, and lasting designs. Wright Plan has designed housing, retail, commercial, and cultural facilities region-wide. Conceptual, efficient, professional: three words that sum up what Wright Plan delivers, three good reasons to consider Wright Plan for your architectural and interior design projects.


Wright Plan was founded in Aleppo in 2004 by Architect Hossam Shaabani. Led by its founder, and ever since its establishment, Wright Plan has been delivering creative design after design, on-time and on-budget. Wright Plan today is a leading provider of architectural and interior design services in Syria, in addition to securing execution in both fields. Apart from Dubai, Wright Plan projects span Aleppo, Damascus, and all Syrian cities, in addition to Jordan, Egypt, and Lebanon. Wright Plan has an organic reputation for excellence, rooted in customer satisfaction and growing through the value its designs create for their end users.


Aside from branches in Aleppo and Damascus, Wright plan has its head office in Dubai. Dubai is a strategic hub for the Arab Gulf region, for engineering in general and architecture in particular. It is a birthplace for new visions and green designs, with great development potential. Based in this inspiring cosmopolitan emirate, Wright Plan aspires to be a regional trendsetter in architecture and interior design. Email: info@wright-plan.com


We in Wright Plan are committed to the mission of making our distinct mark in architectural and interior design, as a leading company in the Middle Eastern market. Our vision is to go global, by creating landmark projects that lend some of our culture’s characteristics to the international market, and by borrowing from foreign cultures, in order to create a state of mutual cooperation. Wright Plan will grow by developing outstanding design concepts and by constantly enriching its team’s professional experience. This will result in landing larger contracts, increasing our market share, and expanding our regional branch network.

Our Philosophy

For us, architecture starts with the concept. We adopt an interdisciplinary approach to architecture and interior design, guided by how people perceive buildings, interiors, and furniture. Our perspective on design aims to enhance human experience, starting from the built environment to the objects in a room. With a fresh eye and with meticulous attention to detail, we approach each project passionately.


For us, design is a language that can both reflect and transform end user experience. We create structures and interiors that reflect the identity of those who inhabit them and the locations that host them. In designing interiors, we balance form and function to create welcoming, beautiful results.




• Solitter company for glass (Middle East) • Al Faisal company - textile (Syria, Egypt) Sustainability With the construction industry's high percentage of energy use, it is vital that architects and • Salsa fashion (Jordan, Lebanon, Syria) designers make reducing carbon footprint a priority in their practices and projects. Wright Plan • Commercial buildings and galleries in Syria, Lebanon, Egypt considers sustainability at every level. We apply our skills to create sustainable solutions that meet • Private homes and villas in UAE, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt our clients' green building requirements.

Our Team

The Wright Plan team brings to the company a collective experience of 50 years. All division managers hold master’s degrees and exhibit superior management experience. All designers hold bachelor’s degrees and diplomas; they are carefully selected and trained, and their performance is developed within the company. Structure Our team can provide answers to your design questions and solutions to your design challenges:

Our Services

If you need a private independent provider of architecture and interior design services, you’ll find a talented team dedicated to actualizing your project at Wright Plan. With a perceptive, intuitive, and versatile team, Wright Plan can tackle almost any style or project requirements. What we specialize in – and have come to be known for – are our neoclassical conceptual designs. Marked with elegant balance and intellect, they leave room for the occupants’ own emotions to inhabit the space. Dubai Head Office: Wright Plan is an expert in fusing mystery with clarity. We blend the best of oriental and Western design theories, in line with client preferences and project specifications, to produce timeless • A general manager for two main divisions (architectural, interior) charming results. With a contemporary modern spirit, we embrace new materials, cutting-edge • Each division consists of a manager and two designers. technologies, and advanced execution methods, suiting the needs of the environment where we • HR manager and executive manager operate, in order to create an organic design.

Aleppo branch:

• A general manager for three main divisions (architectural, interior, and execution). Wright Plan caters to real estate developers and to corporate, commercial, and individual clients • Each division has a manager and three designers. seeking to explore new concepts of design. Our clients seek us for our creative and unique Damascus branch: design concepts, implemented with simplicity, professionalism, and precision. Wright Plan clients • A general manager for two main divisions (architectural, interior) include the following, for which we have designed various types of facilities... • Each division consists of a manager and two designers. • Fisher& Paykel - home appliances (Syria) • Bosch - home appliances (Aleppo, Damascus, Homs, Lattakia) Skills • Siemens - home appliances (Aleppo, Damascus, Homs, Lattakia) Wright Plan team members excel in people skills and in managing time effectively. They are • Ideal Life - home appliances (Lebanon, Egypt, Syria) great team workers: passionate about listening, problem-solving, and identifying and developing • Hammada - sanitary and accessories (Egypt, Lebanon, Syria) opportunities. Whether for business or living, you can count on the Wright Plan team for the right • Luxury company (all Syrian cities & Lebanon) plan for all your exterior and interior design needs. • BMW (Aleppo branch)

Our Clients

Email: info@wright-plan.com




The designer’s style combines comfort with coziness. Lighting distribution with three-dimensional masses and color harmony create a beautiful scene. Add to that the romantic touch embodied in dim lighting which helps you relax after a long tiring day. The combination between gold and black in the bedroom reflects class and excellence‌


The proper distribution of lighting, wall design, color, and wallpaper creates a beautiful painting complete with curtains in classy colors. The master bathroom follows the design lines and dÊcor of the master bedroom. The master bedroom reveals a beautiful idea: separating the closet with a partition that holds the TV to form a special division of master space‌


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13 The designer used contrast between blacks and whites, with concentration between design lines, to form the three-dimensional view. Silver details and trendy accessories in crystal create a signature of the house design, setting it in a league of its own...

15 Using whites with wood gives the impression of a space bigger than the actual one, with placement of masses, incorporating visible and hidden lighting, to achieve the special ambiance.


The process of removing partitions between reception halls helps free the spaces and enlarge the rooms in viewers’ eyes. Specific design and color choice in the children’s bedroom evokes a childish lovely atmosphere through light colors and effective lighting.


18 Some might love classic while others prefer modern design. To make the right choice the designer used both styles in this house design, leaving viewers the freedom to compare and choose between those two lines in design. And the design comes out as successful special scene that you enjoy watching.


You can tell a lot about a person when you visit their place. So the designer tried to create a welcoming space, comfortable and free, ready to host guests any time of the day. The house style ranges from classic to modern, with the proper use of both colors and lights, minding the slightest little detail. An amazing mixture of classic and modern almost equally contribute to form the full image of the dĂŠcor. The fireplace gives a royal impression to the reception halls.




The living space opens straight to the reception halls. Even rich dark wood panels have a certain transparency... Notice the pairing of plain lines in the dĂŠcor with classic fancy furniture, and the harmony between the floor and ceiling design. The contrast between wall color and the dark wood with golden accessories adds a touch of drama to the bedroom and gives it a luxurious feel...


The designer minds the slightest details as shown in pictures represented to carry out the project with high efficiency and accuracy to create the full attractive image. Domination of red color and marble inspires a royal atmosphere. The harmony between curtains, furniture and wall design is the key to successful interior design...




The artificial granite is consistent with oak wood, combining classical colors with modern lines in a beautiful harmonious design. The designer certainly knew which colors to choose, staying away from hot colors, because beige offsets some of the stronger warm or cool colors, and gives a peaceful impression, when it is used in a working space.


The design presented a real challenge in interior design: to stay away from the familiar view, in the audience’s mind, of a typical store. The whole store was designed in a cylindrical way including every part as shelves and door handles. Even though it’s a new idea which is hard to implement, the execution was completed within forty days.



Proper usage of the store’s huge space is proof of the great design. The use of curves and straight lines in the walls and ceiling helped form the full picture of the store, with both harmony and balance.

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Using white color and simple lines in the hallway gives the feel of a wider space. The designer took great care in color selection, and the results came out both elegant and harmonious, through weaving the black color with chrome material and hidden lighting. This project is a great example of the proper use of each and every space, playing a great role in presenting the products in the showroom. Large glazed facades provide a peek into the showroom from the outside, which helps attract customers. The designer simplified the dĂŠcor to a great extent to give the product a space to show itself, while the dĂŠcor acts as a simple background to the products.


A beautiful combination of modern lines and materials with classic furniture and wall details forms this showroom... The materials vary from wood to granite, and from dark to light paints, without causing any clutter. To the contrary, the design evokes the sense of fine taste and proper use. Elegance is the landmark of this project, in each and every detail, and the reason is the magnificence hidden behind the simple lines in the dĂŠcor.




40 The entrance design extends an attractive invitation to enter. At the same time the door›s location gives the customer a feeling all you have to do is walk through it to step into a world of comfort, relaxation and joyful times‌.


The wooden partitions on the walls give the impression of privacy for each customer, with a great touch of cascading fabrics‌ The green space in the middle provides a feeling of comfort and unity with nature.



This royal design with a royal perspective evokes a feeling that you are about to enter a mansion, while using modern lines in planes and facades and keeping the symmetry to maintain the classic style.

First floor

Ground floor



Even though this building is a multiple-floor building, the design is well-studied to maintain a villa appearance with a special choice of concrete on balconies and metal handrails... A modern unique design and landmark in Arab architecture‌

Repeated floor

Ground floor



48 The architect emphasizes the entrance, by using a different material (wood in this case) with interstitial disparity. A modern design with modern materials to form a new vision, with preserving our traditional touch in residential buildings...


The architect used Pharaonic style in this building, mixed beautifully with modern lines and materials. The choice to design a three-dimensional mass base shows the architect›s special style in design.

Repeated floor

Ground floor



This building was transformed from a residential building into a commercial one. This façade was studied to suit the new needs, such as the floor balconies being used to form this travertine frame... And the first two floors were joined together with the same color and material to emphasize the entrance. A great combination of colors and modern building materials‌

The designer mined the details and masses of this showroom to look like a castle, using the right proportions and great simplicity . Notice the perfect distribution of lights and highlights in the column bases. The simple classic style is a great representation of Syrian architecture with local materials.


Floor plan + 1

Ground floor

Floor plan + 2

Floor plan - 1


The showroom is extremely simple with the perfect combination of cool colors since it’s meant to be for sanitary products. The designer used simple plain lines in the décor, to benefit from every space in showing products, never forgetting to create some sort of privacy between them using these dark partitions. The designer didn’t commit to a certain style in décor, because the showroom is designed for projecting different kinds of products and tastes...


58 Floor plan + 2

Floor plan - 4

Floor plan - 3

Floor plan - 2

Floor plan - 1

This compound is a symbol of modern architecture in Aleppo, beginning with the whole volume to the slightest detail and materials. The designer used the black color in addition to the travertine material to make the building a work of art. This kind of project shows the architectural capabilities of the designer since it is trapped with a certain shape of land.



Floor plan - 2

Floor plan - 1

Ground floor

64 In this building, the designer had to use the rectangular shape, and the solid mass, according to the ground occupancy... Yet still, he was able to create a brilliant volume, using these cornices and gaps with the hidden lights... Then he emphasized the entrance with this degration back on more than one floor level, with the golden massive columns to complete the beautiful image...



A classic base of two floors to the modern mass upside, simple details made the difference between the main volumes. The cylindrical shape in the corner, which is void, is the attraction point in the project. The architect distributed the lighting devices with great knowledge of shades and reflections...


This project study for Tawar Mall in Qatar, the designer used contemporary , and organic concepts, with warm sandy colors in the primary idea. He turned the central hall alive , by using water , trees and skylight . He chose modern materials to serve the main idea , Alucobond , marble , Glass, changing colors Barrisol‌. Etc. He also used media display in kiosk , and media screens to create a dynamic space in the halls



Arch. Hossam Shaabani Master of architectural engineering General Manager

Arch. Maher Shaabani Bachelor of Architectural engineering Head of Execution Section

Arch. Diana Miznazi Mahmoud Nasser Diploma of Architectural engineering Bachelor of Interior Design Head of Architectural Design section Head of Interior Design Section

UAE-Dubai Burj khalifa, business bay Churchill tower No 1009 P.O. Box 299465 tel +971 4 4504441 fax +971 4 4504442 cell +971 50 3557270

Email: info@wright-plan.com


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